Method Summary |
public void | addException(String name) Add exception to those needing handling. |
public int | addLocal(String name, Type type) Add local variable to method. |
public ClassItem | addMethod() Add constructed method to class. |
public void | addMethodExceptions(ClassItem method) Add exceptions thrown by called method to those needing handling. |
public void | appendAASTORE() Append an AASTORE to the instruction list. |
public void | appendACONST_NULL() Append an ACONST_NULL to the instruction list. |
public void | appendALOAD(String type) Append appropriate array load to the instruction list. |
public void | appendARRAYLENGTH() Append an ARRAYLENGTH to the instruction list. |
public void | appendASTORE(String type) Append the appropriate array store to the instruction list. |
public void | appendCall(ClassItem item) Create invoke instruction for static, member, or interface method and
append to method. |
public void | appendCallInit(String name, String signature) Create invoke initializer instruction from signature and append to
method. |
public void | appendCallInterface(String method, String signature) Create invoke interface method instruction from signature and append to
method. |
public void | appendCallStatic(String method, String signature) Create invoke static method instruction from signature and append to
method. |
public void | appendCallVirtual(String method, String signature) Create invoke virtual method instruction from signature and append to
method. |
public void | appendCreateArray(String type) Append instruction to create instance of array. |
public void | appendCreateCast(String from, String to) Append check cast instruction (if needed). |
public void | appendCreateCast(String to) Append check cast instruction from object (if needed). |
public void | appendCreateNew(String name) Append instruction to create instance of class. |
public void | appendDCMPG() Append an DCMPG to the instruction list. |
public void | appendDUP() Append a DUP to the instruction list. |
public void | appendDUP2() Append a DUP2 to the instruction list. |
public void | appendDUP_X1() Append a DUP_X1 to the instruction list. |
public void | appendFCMPG() Append an FCMPG to the instruction list. |
public void | appendGet(ClassItem item) Create get instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendGetField(ClassItem item) Create getfield instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendGetStatic(ClassItem item) Create getstatic instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendIASTORE() Append an IASTORE to the instruction list. |
public void | appendICONST_0() Append an ICONST_0 to the instruction list. |
public void | appendICONST_1() Append an ICONST_1 to the instruction list. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFEQ(Object src) Append IFEQ branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFGE(Object src) Append IFGE branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFLT(Object src) Append IFLT branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFNE(Object src) Append IFNE branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFNONNULL(Object src) Append IFNONNULL branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIFNULL(Object src) Append IFNULL branch instruction to method. |
public BranchWrapper | appendIF_ICMPNE(Object src) Append IF_ICMPNE branch instruction to method. |
public void | appendISUB() Append an ISUB to the instruction list. |
public void | appendIXOR() Append an IXOR to the instruction list. |
public void | appendIncrementLocal(int inc, int slot) Append instruction to increment local integer variable. |
public void | appendInstanceOf(String to) Append instanceof check instruction. |
public void | appendLCMP() Append an LCMP to the instruction list. |
public void | appendLoadConstant(int value) Create load constant instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendLoadConstant(String value) Create load constant instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendLoadConstant(Object value) Create load constant instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendLoadLocal(int slot) Append instruction to load local variable. |
public void | appendPOP() Append a POP to the instruction list. |
public void | appendPOP2() Append a POP2 to the instruction list. |
public void | appendPut(ClassItem item) Create put instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendPutField(ClassItem item) Create putfield instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendPutStatic(ClassItem item) Create putstatic instruction and append to method. |
public void | appendReturn() Append simple return. |
public void | appendReturn(Type type) Append typed return. |
public void | appendReturn(String type) Append typed return. |
public void | appendSWAP() Append a SWAP to the instruction list. |
public void | appendSWAP1For2() Append instructions to exchange a single-word value on the top of the
stack with the double-word value below it on the stack. |
public void | appendStoreLocal(int slot) Append instruction to store local variable. |
public BranchTarget | appendTargetACONST_NULL() Append an ACONST_NULL to the instruction list as a branch target. |
public BranchTarget | appendTargetCreateNew(String name) Append instruction to create instance of class as a branch target. |
public BranchTarget | appendTargetLoadConstant(int value) Append a load constant instruction as a branch target. |
public BranchTarget | appendTargetLoadConstant(String value) Append a load constant instruction as a branch target. |
public BranchTarget | appendTargetNOP() Append a NOP to the instruction list as a branch target. |
public void | appendThrow() Append exception throw. |
public BranchWrapper | appendUnconditionalBranch(Object src) Append unconditional branch instruction to method. |
public void | codeComplete(boolean suffix) Complete method construction. |
protected LocalVariableGen | createLocal(String name, Type type) Add local variable to method. |
public int | getAccessFlags() Get access flags. |
protected InstructionHandle | getFirstInstruction() Get first instruction in method. |
public ClassItem | getItem() Get the method item. |
public Object | getKeyValue(Object key) Get local variable for object. |
protected InstructionHandle | getLastInstruction() Get last instruction in method. |
public Method | getMethod() Get the actual method. |
public String | getName() Get name of method being constructed. |
public String | getSignature() Get signature. |
abstract protected void | handleExceptions() Process accumulated exceptions. |
public int | hashCode() Get hash code. |
public void | initStackState(BranchWrapper branch) Initialize stack state to match branch source. |
public void | initStackState(BranchWrapper branch, int pop) Initialize stack state to partially match branch source. |
protected void | initStackState(String[] types) Initialize stack state to array of value types. |
protected InstructionHandle | internalAppendCreateNew(String name) Internal append instruction to create instance of class. |
public boolean | isStackTopLong() Check if top item on stack is a long value. |
public void | setAccessFlags(int flags) Set access flags. |
public Object | setKeyValue(Object key, Object value) Add keyed value to method definition. |
final protected void | setTarget(InstructionHandle inst) Target branches if pending. |
public void | targetNext(BranchWrapper branch) Set branch target as next instruction added to method. |
public void | targetNext(BranchWrapper[] branches) Set branch targets as next instruction added to method. |