Method Summary |
public void | clear() Set the stack to the empty state. |
public Object | clone() Duplicates the object with the generic call. |
final public void | ensureCapacity(int min) Ensure that the array has the capacity for at least the specified
number of values. |
public boolean | isEmpty() Check if stack is empty. |
public String | peek(int depth) Copy a value from the stack. |
public String | peek() Copy top value from the stack. |
public String | pop() Pop a value from the stack. |
public String | pop(int count) Pop multiple values from the stack. |
public void | push(String value) Push a value on the stack. |
public int | size() Get the number of values currently present in the stack. |
public String[] | toArray() Constructs and returns a simple array containing the same data as held
in this stack. |