| java.lang.Object org.apache.xml.utils.StringToStringTableVector
StringToStringTableVector | public class StringToStringTableVector (Code) | | A very simple table that stores a list of StringToStringTables, optimized
for small lists.
StringToStringTableVector | public StringToStringTableVector()(Code) | | Default constructor. Note that the default
block size is very small, for small lists.
StringToStringTableVector | public StringToStringTableVector(int blocksize)(Code) | | Construct a StringToStringTableVector, using the given block size.
Parameters: blocksize - Size of blocks to allocate |
addElement | final public void addElement(StringToStringTable value)(Code) | | Append a StringToStringTable object onto the vector.
Parameters: value - StringToStringTable object to add |
contains | final public boolean contains(StringToStringTable s)(Code) | | Tell if the table contains the given StringToStringTable.
Parameters: s - The StringToStringTable to find True if the StringToStringTable is found |
containsKey | final public boolean containsKey(String key)(Code) | | Given a string, find out if there is a value in this table
that matches the key.
Parameters: key - String to look for True if the string was found in table, null if not |
elementAt | final public StringToStringTable elementAt(int i)(Code) | | Get the nth element.
Parameters: i - Index of element to find The StringToStringTable object at the given index |
get | final public String get(String key)(Code) | | Given a string, find the last added occurance value
that matches the key.
Parameters: key - String to look up the last added occurance value that matches the keyor null if not found. |
getLength | final public int getLength()(Code) | | Get the length of the list.
Number of StringToStringTable objects in the list |
removeLastElem | final public void removeLastElem()(Code) | | Remove the last element.
size | final public int size()(Code) | | Get the length of the list.
Number of StringToStringTable objects in the list |