Method Summary |
public static boolean | isXML11Content(int c) Returns true if the specified character can be considered
content in an external parsed entity. |
public static boolean | isXML11InternalEntityContent(int c) Returns true if the specified character can be considered
content in an internal parsed entity. |
public static boolean | isXML11Invalid(int c) Returns true if the specified character is invalid. |
public static boolean | isXML11NCName(int c) Returns true if the specified character is a valid NCName
character as defined by production [5] in Namespaces in XML
1.1 recommendation. |
public static boolean | isXML11NCNameStart(int c) Returns true if the specified character is a valid NCName start
character as defined by production [4] in Namespaces in XML
1.1 recommendation. |
public static boolean | isXML11Name(int c) Returns true if the specified character is a valid name
character as defined by production [4a] in the XML 1.1
specification. |
public static boolean | isXML11NameHighSurrogate(int c) Returns whether the given character is a valid
high surrogate for a name character. |
public static boolean | isXML11NameStart(int c) Returns true if the specified character is a valid name start
character as defined by production [4] in the XML 1.1
specification. |
public static boolean | isXML11Space(int c) Returns true if the specified character is a space character
as amdended in the XML 1.1 specification. |
public static boolean | isXML11Valid(int c) Returns true if the specified character is valid. |
public static boolean | isXML11ValidLiteral(int c) Returns true if the specified character is valid and permitted outside
of a character reference. |
public static boolean | isXML11ValidNCName(String ncName) |
public static boolean | isXML11ValidName(String name) |
public static boolean | isXML11ValidNmtoken(String nmtoken) |
public static boolean | isXML11ValidQName(String str) Simple check to determine if qname is legal. |