| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
RangeImpl | public class RangeImpl implements Range(Code) | | The RangeImpl class implements the org.w3c.dom.range.Range interface.
Please see the API documentation for the interface classes
and use the interfaces in your client programs.
version: $Id: RangeImpl.java 515302 2007-03-06 21:07:10Z mrglavas $ |
Method Summary | |
void | checkIndex(Node refNode, int offset) | public DocumentFragment | cloneContents() | public Range | cloneRange() | public void | collapse(boolean toStart) | public short | compareBoundaryPoints(short how, Range sourceRange) | public void | deleteContents() | void | deleteData(CharacterData node, int offset, int count) This function inserts text into a Node and invokes
a method to fix-up all other Ranges. | public void | detach() | public DocumentFragment | extractContents() | public boolean | getCollapsed() | public Node | getCommonAncestorContainer() | public Node | getEndContainer() | public int | getEndOffset() | public Node | getStartContainer() | public int | getStartOffset() | int | indexOf(Node child, Node parent) | void | insertData(CharacterData node, int index, String insert) This function inserts text into a Node and invokes
a method to fix-up all other Ranges. | public void | insertNode(Node newNode) | public void | insertedNodeFromDOM(Node node) This function is called from the DOM. | boolean | isAncestorOf(Node a, Node b) | Node | nextNode(Node node, boolean visitChildren) | void | receiveDeletedText(CharacterDataImpl node, int offset, int count) This function is called from DOM. | void | receiveInsertedText(CharacterDataImpl node, int index, int len) This function is called from DOM. | void | receiveReplacedText(CharacterDataImpl node) This function is called from DOM. | void | receiveSplitData(Node node, Node newNode, int offset) Fix up this Range if another Range has split a Text Node
into 2 Nodes. | Node | removeChild(Node parent, Node child) | void | removeNode(Node node) This function must be called by the DOM _BEFORE_
a node is deleted, because at that time it is
connected in the DOM tree, which we depend on. | public void | selectNode(Node refNode) | public void | selectNodeContents(Node refNode) | public void | setEnd(Node refNode, int offset) | public void | setEndAfter(Node refNode) | public void | setEndBefore(Node refNode) | public void | setStart(Node refNode, int offset) | public void | setStartAfter(Node refNode) | public void | setStartBefore(Node refNode) | void | signalSplitData(Node node, Node newNode, int offset) Signal other Ranges to update their start/end
containers/offsets. | public void | surroundContents(Node newParent) | public String | toString() |
CLONE_CONTENTS | final static int CLONE_CONTENTS(Code) | | |
DELETE_CONTENTS | final static int DELETE_CONTENTS(Code) | | |
EXTRACT_CONTENTS | final static int EXTRACT_CONTENTS(Code) | | |
RangeImpl | public RangeImpl(DocumentImpl document)(Code) | | The constructor. Clients must use DocumentRange.createRange(),
because it registers the Range with the document, so it can
be fixed-up.
collapse | public void collapse(boolean toStart)(Code) | | |
deleteData | void deleteData(CharacterData node, int offset, int count)(Code) | | This function inserts text into a Node and invokes
a method to fix-up all other Ranges.
detach | public void detach()(Code) | | |
getCollapsed | public boolean getCollapsed()(Code) | | |
getCommonAncestorContainer | public Node getCommonAncestorContainer()(Code) | | |
getEndContainer | public Node getEndContainer()(Code) | | |
getEndOffset | public int getEndOffset()(Code) | | |
getStartContainer | public Node getStartContainer()(Code) | | |
getStartOffset | public int getStartOffset()(Code) | | |
indexOf | int indexOf(Node child, Node parent)(Code) | | what is the index of the child in the parent
insertData | void insertData(CharacterData node, int index, String insert)(Code) | | This function inserts text into a Node and invokes
a method to fix-up all other Ranges.
insertedNodeFromDOM | public void insertedNodeFromDOM(Node node)(Code) | | This function is called from the DOM.
This node has already been inserted into the DOM.
Fix-up any offsets.
isAncestorOf | boolean isAncestorOf(Node a, Node b)(Code) | | is a an ancestor of b ?
receiveDeletedText | void receiveDeletedText(CharacterDataImpl node, int offset, int count)(Code) | | This function is called from DOM.
The text has already beeen inserted.
Fix-up any offsets.
receiveInsertedText | void receiveInsertedText(CharacterDataImpl node, int index, int len)(Code) | | This function is called from DOM.
The text has already beeen inserted.
Fix-up any offsets.
receiveReplacedText | void receiveReplacedText(CharacterDataImpl node)(Code) | | This function is called from DOM.
The text has already beeen replaced.
Fix-up any offsets.
receiveSplitData | void receiveSplitData(Node node, Node newNode, int offset)(Code) | | Fix up this Range if another Range has split a Text Node
into 2 Nodes.
removeNode | void removeNode(Node node)(Code) | | This function must be called by the DOM _BEFORE_
a node is deleted, because at that time it is
connected in the DOM tree, which we depend on.
signalSplitData | void signalSplitData(Node node, Node newNode, int offset)(Code) | | Signal other Ranges to update their start/end
containers/offsets. The data has already been split
into the two Nodes.