Method Summary |
public boolean | canRemoveAttribute(String attrname) Verifies if an attribute by the given name can be removed.
Parameters: attrname - Name of attribute. |
public boolean | canRemoveAttributeNS(String attrname, String namespaceURI) Verifies if an attribute by the given local name and namespace can be
Parameters: attrname - Local name of the attribute to be removed. Parameters: namespaceURI - The namespace URI of the attribute to remove. |
public boolean | canRemoveAttributeNode(Node attrNode) Determines if an attribute node can be removed.
Parameters: attrNode - The Attr node to remove from the attribute list. |
public boolean | canSetAttribute(String attrname, String attrval) Determines if the value for specified attribute can be set.
Parameters: attrname - Name of attribute. Parameters: attrval - Value to be assigned to the attribute. |
public boolean | canSetAttributeNS(String name, String attrval, String namespaceURI) Determines if the attribute with given namespace and qualified name can
be created if not already present in the attribute list of the
element. |
public boolean | canSetAttributeNode(Attr attrNode) Determines if an attribute node can be added with respect to the
validity check level.This is an attribute node, there is no need for
Parameters: attrNode - Node in which the attribute can possibly be set. |
public short | contentType() Determines element content type. |
public NodeList | getAttributeList() Returns an NodeList containing all the possible
Attr s that can appear with this type of element. |
public NodeList | getChildElements() Returns an NodeList containing the possible
Element names that can appear as children of this type
of element. |
public NodeList | getDefinedElementTypes() The list of qualified element names defined in the abstract schema. |
public NodeList | getParentElements() Returns an NodeList containing the possible
Element names that can appear as a parent of this type
of element. |
public boolean | isElementDefined(String elemTypeName) Determines if this element is defined in the currently active AS.
Parameters: elemTypeName - Name of element. |
public boolean | isElementDefinedNS(String elemTypeName, String namespaceURI, String name) Determines if this element in this namespace is defined in the
currently active AS.
Parameters: elemTypeName - Name of element. Parameters: namespaceURI - namespaceURI of namespace. Parameters: name - Qualified name of namespace. |