| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.TypeValidator org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.AbstractDateTimeDV org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.DurationDV
All known Subclasses: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.YearMonthDurationDV, org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.DayTimeDurationDV,
DurationDV | public class DurationDV extends AbstractDateTimeDV (Code) | | Validator for <duration> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
author: Elena Litani author: Gopal Sharma, SUN Microsystem Inc. version: $Id: DurationDV.java 517284 2007-03-12 17:03:54Z mrglavas $ |
DAYTIMEDURATION_TYPE | final public static int DAYTIMEDURATION_TYPE(Code) | | |
DURATION_TYPE | final public static int DURATION_TYPE(Code) | | |
compareDates | protected short compareDates(DateTimeData date1, DateTimeData date2, boolean strict)(Code) | | Compares 2 given durations. (refer to W3C Schema Datatypes "3.2.6 duration")
Parameters: date1 - Unnormalized duration Parameters: date2 - Unnormalized duration Parameters: strict - (min/max)Exclusive strict == true ( LESS_THAN ) or ( GREATER_THAN )(min/max)Inclusive strict == false (LESS_EQUAL) or (GREATER_EQUAL) INDETERMINATE if the order relationship between date1 and date2 is indeterminate.EQUAL if the order relation between date1 and date2 is EQUAL.If the strict parameter is true, return LESS_THAN if date1 is less than date2 andreturn GREATER_THAN if date1 is greater than date2.If the strict parameter is false, return LESS_THAN if date1 is less than OR equal to date2 andreturn GREATER_THAN if date1 is greater than OR equal to date2 |
dateToString | protected String dateToString(DateTimeData date)(Code) | | |
parse | protected DateTimeData parse(String str, int durationType) throws SchemaDateTimeException(Code) | | Parses, validates and computes normalized version of duration object
Parameters: str - The lexical representation of duration object PnYn MnDTnH nMnS Parameters: durationType - normalized date representation exception: SchemaDateTimeException - Invalid lexical representation |
Methods inherited from org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.AbstractDateTimeDV | final protected void append(StringBuffer message, int value, int nch)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void append(StringBuffer message, double value)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void append2(StringBuffer message, double value)(Code)(Java Doc) public int compare(Object value1, Object value2)(Code)(Java Doc) protected short compareDates(DateTimeData date1, DateTimeData date2, boolean strict)(Code)(Java Doc) protected short compareOrder(DateTimeData date1, DateTimeData date2)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String dateToString(DateTimeData date)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int fQuotient(int a, int b)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int fQuotient(int temp, int low, int high)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int findUTCSign(String buffer, int start, int end)(Code)(Java Doc) public short getAllowedFacets()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getDate(String buffer, int start, int end, DateTimeData date) throws RuntimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Duration getDuration(DateTimeData data)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void getTime(String buffer, int start, int end, DateTimeData data) throws RuntimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void getTimeZone(String buffer, DateTimeData data, int sign, int end) throws RuntimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected XMLGregorianCalendar getXMLGregorianCalendar(DateTimeData data)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getYearMonth(String buffer, int start, int end, DateTimeData date) throws RuntimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int indexOf(String buffer, int start, int end, char ch)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isIdentical(Object value1, Object value2)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected boolean isNextCharUTCSign(String buffer, int start, int end)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int maxDayInMonthFor(int year, int month)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int mod(int a, int b, int quotient)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int modulo(int temp, int low, int high)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void normalize(DateTimeData date)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int parseInt(String buffer, int start, int end) throws NumberFormatException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int parseIntYear(String buffer, int end)(Code)(Java Doc) protected double parseSecond(String buffer, int start, int end) throws NumberFormatException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void parseTimeZone(String buffer, int start, int end, DateTimeData date) throws RuntimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void resetDateObj(DateTimeData data)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void saveUnnormalized(DateTimeData date)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void validateDateTime(DateTimeData data)(Code)(Java Doc)