| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.SubstitutionGroupHandler
SubstitutionGroupHandler | public class SubstitutionGroupHandler (Code) | | To store and validate information about substitutionGroup
author: Sandy Gao, IBM version: $Id: SubstitutionGroupHandler.java 520257 2007-03-20 03:37:12Z mrglavas $ |
SubstitutionGroupHandler | public SubstitutionGroupHandler(XSGrammarBucket grammarBucket)(Code) | | Default constructor
addSubstitutionGroup | public void addSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl[] elements)(Code) | | add a list of substitution group information.
getSubstitutionGroup | public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element)(Code) | | get all elements that can substitute the given element,
according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
containt this element.
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | clear the internal registry of substitutionGroup information