| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers.XSDHandler
XSDHandler | public class XSDHandler (Code) | | The purpose of this class is to co-ordinate the construction of a
grammar object corresponding to a schema. To do this, it must be
prepared to parse several schema documents (for instance if the
schema document originally referred to contains or
information items). If any of the schemas imports a
schema, other grammars may be constructed as a side-effect.
author: Neil Graham, IBM author: Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems version: $Id: XSDHandler.java 449487 2006-09-24 21:11:28Z mrglavas $ |
Method Summary | |
protected void | buildGlobalNameRegistries() | void | checkForDuplicateNames(String qName, Hashtable registry, Hashtable registry_sub, Element currComp, XSDocumentInfo currSchema) This method makes sure that
if this component is being redefined that it lives in the
right schema. | protected XSDocumentInfo | constructTrees(Element schemaRoot, String locationHint, XSDDescription desc) | public SimpleLocator | element2Locator(Element e) Extract location information from an Element node, and create a
new SimpleLocator object from such information. | public boolean | element2Locator(Element e, SimpleLocator l) Extract location information from an Element node, store such
information in the passed-in SimpleLocator object, then return
true. | void | fillInLocalElemInfo(Element elmDecl, XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc, int allContextFlags, XSObject parent, XSParticleDecl particle) | protected SchemaGrammar | findGrammar(XSDDescription desc) First try to find a grammar in the bucket, if failed, consult the
grammar pool. | protected Object | getGlobalDecl(XSDocumentInfo currSchema, int declType, QName declToTraverse, Element elmNode) | SchemaGrammar | getGrammar(String tns) | Object | getGrpOrAttrGrpRedefinedByRestriction(int type, QName name, XSDocumentInfo currSchema, Element elmNode) | protected Hashtable | getIDRegistry() | protected Hashtable | getIDRegistry_sub() | public SchemaGrammar | parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc, Hashtable locationPairs) This method initiates the parse of a schema. | void | prepareForParse() | void | prepareForTraverse() | void | reportSchemaError(String key, Object[] args, Element ele) | void | reportSchemaWarning(String key, Object[] args, Element ele) | public void | reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) | protected void | resolveKeyRefs() | public void | setDeclPool(XSDeclarationPool declPool) | public void | setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(boolean state) | protected void | storeKeyRef(Element keyrefToStore, XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc, XSElementDecl currElemDecl) | void | traverseLocalElements() Traverse all the deferred local elements. | protected void | traverseSchemas(ArrayList annotationInfo) |
ALLOW_JAVA_ENCODINGS | final protected static String ALLOW_JAVA_ENCODINGS(Code) | | Feature identifier: allow java encodings
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE | final static int ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(Code) | | |
CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR | final protected static String CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR(Code) | | Feature identifier: continue after fatal error
DEBUG_NODE_POOL | final protected static boolean DEBUG_NODE_POOL(Code) | | |
DISALLOW_DOCTYPE | final protected static String DISALLOW_DOCTYPE(Code) | | Feature: disallow doctype
ELEMENT_TYPE | final static int ELEMENT_TYPE(Code) | | |
ENTITY_MANAGER | final protected static String ENTITY_MANAGER(Code) | | Property identifier: entity manager.
ENTITY_RESOLVER | final public static String ENTITY_RESOLVER(Code) | | Property identifier: entity resolver.
ERROR_HANDLER | final protected static String ERROR_HANDLER(Code) | | Property identifier: error handler.
ERROR_REPORTER | final public static String ERROR_REPORTER(Code) | | Property identifier: error reporter.
GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS | final protected static String GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS(Code) | | Feature: generate synthetic annotations
GROUP_TYPE | final static int GROUP_TYPE(Code) | | |
HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMALOCATIONS | final protected static String HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMALOCATIONS(Code) | | Feature identifier: honour all schemaLocations
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE | final protected static String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE(Code) | | Property identifier: JAXP schema source.
NOTATION_TYPE | final static int NOTATION_TYPE(Code) | | |
REDEF_IDENTIFIER | final public static String REDEF_IDENTIFIER(Code) | | |
SECURITY_MANAGER | final protected static String SECURITY_MANAGER(Code) | | Property identifier: security manager.
STANDARD_URI_CONFORMANT_FEATURE | final protected static String STANDARD_URI_CONFORMANT_FEATURE(Code) | | Feature identifier: allow java encodings
STRING_INTERNING | final protected static String STRING_INTERNING(Code) | | Feature identifier: string interning.
SYMBOL_TABLE | final public static String SYMBOL_TABLE(Code) | | Property identifier: symbol table.
TYPEDECL_TYPE | final static int TYPEDECL_TYPE(Code) | | |
VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS | final protected static String VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS(Code) | | Feature identifier: validate annotations.
VALIDATION | final protected static String VALIDATION(Code) | | Feature identifier: validation.
XMLGRAMMAR_POOL | final public static String XMLGRAMMAR_POOL(Code) | | Property identifier: grammar pool.
XMLSCHEMA_VALIDATION | final protected static String XMLSCHEMA_VALIDATION(Code) | | feature identifier: XML Schema validation
fGrammarBucketAdapter | XSAnnotationGrammarPool fGrammarBucketAdapter(Code) | | |
XSDHandler | public XSDHandler()(Code) | | |
buildGlobalNameRegistries | protected void buildGlobalNameRegistries()(Code) | | |
checkForDuplicateNames | void checkForDuplicateNames(String qName, Hashtable registry, Hashtable registry_sub, Element currComp, XSDocumentInfo currSchema)(Code) | | This method makes sure that
if this component is being redefined that it lives in the
right schema. It then renames the component correctly. If it
detects a collision--a duplicate definition--then it complains.
Note that redefines must be handled carefully: if there
is a collision, it may be because we're redefining something we know about
or because we've found the thing we're redefining.
element2Locator | public SimpleLocator element2Locator(Element e)(Code) | | Extract location information from an Element node, and create a
new SimpleLocator object from such information. Returning null means
no information can be retrieved from the element.
element2Locator | public boolean element2Locator(Element e, SimpleLocator l)(Code) | | Extract location information from an Element node, store such
information in the passed-in SimpleLocator object, then return
true. Returning false means can't extract or store such information.
findGrammar | protected SchemaGrammar findGrammar(XSDDescription desc)(Code) | | First try to find a grammar in the bucket, if failed, consult the
grammar pool. If a grammar is found in the pool, then add it (and all
imported ones) into the bucket.
parseSchema | public SchemaGrammar parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc, Hashtable locationPairs) throws IOException(Code) | | This method initiates the parse of a schema. It will likely be
called from the Validator and it will make the
resulting grammar available; it returns a reference to this object just
in case. A reset(XMLComponentManager) must be called before this methods is called.
Parameters: is - Parameters: desc - Parameters: locationPairs - the SchemaGrammar throws: IOException - |
prepareForParse | void prepareForParse()(Code) | | |
prepareForTraverse | void prepareForTraverse()(Code) | | |
resolveKeyRefs | protected void resolveKeyRefs()(Code) | | |
setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations | public void setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(boolean state)(Code) | | Parameters: state - |
traverseLocalElements | void traverseLocalElements()(Code) | | Traverse all the deferred local elements. This method should be called
by traverseSchemas after we've done with all the global declarations.
traverseSchemas | protected void traverseSchemas(ArrayList annotationInfo)(Code) | | |