| This class defines the basic properties of characters in XML 1.1. The data
in this class can be used to verify that a character is a valid
XML 1.1 character or if the character is a space, name start, or name
A series of convenience methods are supplied to ease the burden
of the developer. Using the character as an index into the XML11CHARS
array and applying the appropriate mask flag (e.g.
MASK_VALID ), yields the same results as calling the
convenience methods. There is one exception: check the comments
for the isValid method for details.
author: Glenn Marcy, IBM author: Andy Clark, IBM author: Arnaud Le Hors, IBM author: Neil Graham, IBM author: Michael Glavassevich, IBM version: $Id: XML11Char.java 447241 2006-09-18 05:12:57Z mrglavas $ |