Field Summary |
public boolean | afterComment True if the last serialized node was a comment node. |
public boolean | afterElement True if the last serialized node was an element node. |
public boolean | doCData True if textual content of current element should be
serialized as CDATA section. |
public boolean | empty True if element is empty. |
public boolean | inCData True while inside CData and printing text as CData. |
public String | localName The element's local tag name. |
public String | namespaceURI The element's namespace URI. |
public Hashtable | prefixes Association between namespace URIs (keys) and prefixes (values). |
public boolean | preserveSpace True if element is space preserving. |
public String | rawName The element's raw tag name (local or prefix:local). |
public boolean | unescaped True if textual content of current element should be
serialized as raw characters (unescaped). |