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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » XML » xerces 2_9_1 » org.apache.xml.serialize 
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001:        /*
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         * 
009:         *
010:         * 
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
018:        package org.apache.xml.serialize;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import;
023:        import;
025:        import java.util.Properties;
026:        import;
027:        import;
029:        /**
030:         * This class is duplicated for each JAXP subpackage so keep it in sync.
031:         * It is package private and therefore is not exposed as part of the JAXP
032:         * API.
033:         * <p>
034:         * This code is designed to implement the JAXP 1.1 spec pluggability
035:         * feature and is designed to run on JDK version 1.1 and
036:         * later, and to compile on JDK 1.2 and onward.
037:         * The code also runs both as part of an unbundled jar file and
038:         * when bundled as part of the JDK.
039:         * <p>
040:         *
041:         * @version $Id: 558589 2007-07-23 02:41:55Z mrglavas $
042:         */
043:        final class ObjectFactory {
045:            //
046:            // Constants
047:            //
049:            // name of default properties file to look for in JDK's jre/lib directory
050:            private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = "";
052:            /** Set to true for debugging */
053:            private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
055:            /**
056:             * Default columns per line.
057:             */
058:            private static final int DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH = 80;
060:            /** cache the contents of the file.
061:             *  Until an attempt has been made to read this file, this will
062:             * be null; if the file does not exist or we encounter some other error
063:             * during the read, this will be empty.
064:             */
065:            private static Properties fXercesProperties = null;
067:            /***
068:             * Cache the time stamp of the file so
069:             * that we know if it's been modified and can invalidate
070:             * the cache when necessary.
071:             */
072:            private static long fLastModified = -1;
074:            //
075:            // static methods
076:            //
078:            /**
079:             * Finds the implementation Class object in the specified order.  The
080:             * specified order is the following:
081:             * <ol>
082:             *  <li>query the system property using <code>System.getProperty</code>
083:             *  <li>read <code>META-INF/services/<i>factoryId</i></code> file
084:             *  <li>use fallback classname
085:             * </ol>
086:             *
087:             * @return Class object of factory, never null
088:             *
089:             * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
090:             *                              a property name
091:             * @param fallbackClassName     Implementation class name, if nothing else
092:             *                              is found.  Use null to mean no fallback.
093:             *
094:             * @exception ObjectFactory.ConfigurationError
095:             */
096:            static Object createObject(String factoryId,
097:                    String fallbackClassName) throws ConfigurationError {
098:                return createObject(factoryId, null, fallbackClassName);
099:            } // createObject(String,String):Object
101:            /**
102:             * Finds the implementation Class object in the specified order.  The
103:             * specified order is the following:
104:             * <ol>
105:             *  <li>query the system property using <code>System.getProperty</code>
106:             *  <li>read <code>$java.home/lib/<i>propertiesFilename</i></code> file
107:             *  <li>read <code>META-INF/services/<i>factoryId</i></code> file
108:             *  <li>use fallback classname
109:             * </ol>
110:             *
111:             * @return Class object of factory, never null
112:             *
113:             * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
114:             *                              a property name
115:             * @param propertiesFilename The filename in the $java.home/lib directory
116:             *                           of the properties file.  If none specified,
117:             *                           ${java.home}/lib/ will be used.
118:             * @param fallbackClassName     Implementation class name, if nothing else
119:             *                              is found.  Use null to mean no fallback.
120:             *
121:             * @exception ObjectFactory.ConfigurationError
122:             */
123:            static Object createObject(String factoryId,
124:                    String propertiesFilename, String fallbackClassName)
125:                    throws ConfigurationError {
126:                if (DEBUG)
127:                    debugPrintln("debug is on");
129:                ClassLoader cl = findClassLoader();
131:                // Use the system property first
132:                try {
133:                    String systemProp = SecuritySupport
134:                            .getSystemProperty(factoryId);
135:                    if (systemProp != null) {
136:                        if (DEBUG)
137:                            debugPrintln("found system property, value="
138:                                    + systemProp);
139:                        return newInstance(systemProp, cl, true);
140:                    }
141:                } catch (SecurityException se) {
142:                    // Ignore and continue w/ next location
143:                }
145:                // Try to read from propertiesFilename, or $java.home/lib/
146:                String factoryClassName = null;
147:                // no properties file name specified; use $JAVA_HOME/lib/
148:                if (propertiesFilename == null) {
149:                    File propertiesFile = null;
150:                    boolean propertiesFileExists = false;
151:                    try {
152:                        String javah = SecuritySupport
153:                                .getSystemProperty("java.home");
154:                        propertiesFilename = javah + File.separator + "lib"
155:                                + File.separator + DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILENAME;
156:                        propertiesFile = new File(propertiesFilename);
157:                        propertiesFileExists = SecuritySupport
158:                                .getFileExists(propertiesFile);
159:                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
160:                        // try again...
161:                        fLastModified = -1;
162:                        fXercesProperties = null;
163:                    }
165:                    synchronized (ObjectFactory.class) {
166:                        boolean loadProperties = false;
167:                        FileInputStream fis = null;
168:                        try {
169:                            // file existed last time
170:                            if (fLastModified >= 0) {
171:                                if (propertiesFileExists
172:                                        && (fLastModified < (fLastModified = SecuritySupport
173:                                                .getLastModified(propertiesFile)))) {
174:                                    loadProperties = true;
175:                                } else {
176:                                    // file has stopped existing...
177:                                    if (!propertiesFileExists) {
178:                                        fLastModified = -1;
179:                                        fXercesProperties = null;
180:                                    } // else, file wasn't modified!
181:                                }
182:                            } else {
183:                                // file has started to exist:
184:                                if (propertiesFileExists) {
185:                                    loadProperties = true;
186:                                    fLastModified = SecuritySupport
187:                                            .getLastModified(propertiesFile);
188:                                } // else, nothing's changed
189:                            }
190:                            if (loadProperties) {
191:                                // must never have attempted to read before (or it's outdeated)
192:                                fXercesProperties = new Properties();
193:                                fis = SecuritySupport
194:                                        .getFileInputStream(propertiesFile);
195:                                fXercesProperties.load(fis);
196:                            }
197:                        } catch (Exception x) {
198:                            fXercesProperties = null;
199:                            fLastModified = -1;
200:                            // assert(x instanceof FileNotFoundException
201:                            //        || x instanceof SecurityException)
202:                            // In both cases, ignore and continue w/ next location
203:                        } finally {
204:                            // try to close the input stream if one was opened.
205:                            if (fis != null) {
206:                                try {
207:                                    fis.close();
208:                                }
209:                                // Ignore the exception.
210:                                catch (IOException exc) {
211:                                }
212:                            }
213:                        }
214:                    }
215:                    if (fXercesProperties != null) {
216:                        factoryClassName = fXercesProperties
217:                                .getProperty(factoryId);
218:                    }
219:                } else {
220:                    FileInputStream fis = null;
221:                    try {
222:                        fis = SecuritySupport.getFileInputStream(new File(
223:                                propertiesFilename));
224:                        Properties props = new Properties();
225:                        props.load(fis);
226:                        factoryClassName = props.getProperty(factoryId);
227:                    } catch (Exception x) {
228:                        // assert(x instanceof FileNotFoundException
229:                        //        || x instanceof SecurityException)
230:                        // In both cases, ignore and continue w/ next location
231:                    } finally {
232:                        // try to close the input stream if one was opened.
233:                        if (fis != null) {
234:                            try {
235:                                fis.close();
236:                            }
237:                            // Ignore the exception.
238:                            catch (IOException exc) {
239:                            }
240:                        }
241:                    }
242:                }
243:                if (factoryClassName != null) {
244:                    if (DEBUG)
245:                        debugPrintln("found in " + propertiesFilename
246:                                + ", value=" + factoryClassName);
247:                    return newInstance(factoryClassName, cl, true);
248:                }
250:                // Try Jar Service Provider Mechanism
251:                Object provider = findJarServiceProvider(factoryId);
252:                if (provider != null) {
253:                    return provider;
254:                }
256:                if (fallbackClassName == null) {
257:                    throw new ConfigurationError("Provider for " + factoryId
258:                            + " cannot be found", null);
259:                }
261:                if (DEBUG)
262:                    debugPrintln("using fallback, value=" + fallbackClassName);
263:                return newInstance(fallbackClassName, cl, true);
264:            } // createObject(String,String,String):Object
266:            //
267:            // Private static methods
268:            //
270:            /** Prints a message to standard error if debugging is enabled. */
271:            private static void debugPrintln(String msg) {
272:                if (DEBUG) {
273:                    System.err.println("JAXP: " + msg);
274:                }
275:            } // debugPrintln(String)
277:            /**
278:             * Figure out which ClassLoader to use.  For JDK 1.2 and later use
279:             * the context ClassLoader.
280:             */
281:            static ClassLoader findClassLoader() throws ConfigurationError {
282:                // Figure out which ClassLoader to use for loading the provider
283:                // class.  If there is a Context ClassLoader then use it.
284:                ClassLoader context = SecuritySupport.getContextClassLoader();
285:                ClassLoader system = SecuritySupport.getSystemClassLoader();
287:                ClassLoader chain = system;
288:                while (true) {
289:                    if (context == chain) {
290:                        // Assert: we are on JDK 1.1 or we have no Context ClassLoader
291:                        // or any Context ClassLoader in chain of system classloader
292:                        // (including extension ClassLoader) so extend to widest
293:                        // ClassLoader (always look in system ClassLoader if Xerces
294:                        // is in boot/extension/system classpath and in current
295:                        // ClassLoader otherwise); normal classloaders delegate
296:                        // back to system ClassLoader first so this widening doesn't
297:                        // change the fact that context ClassLoader will be consulted
298:                        ClassLoader current = ObjectFactory.class
299:                                .getClassLoader();
301:                        chain = system;
302:                        while (true) {
303:                            if (current == chain) {
304:                                // Assert: Current ClassLoader in chain of
305:                                // boot/extension/system ClassLoaders
306:                                return system;
307:                            }
308:                            if (chain == null) {
309:                                break;
310:                            }
311:                            chain = SecuritySupport.getParentClassLoader(chain);
312:                        }
314:                        // Assert: Current ClassLoader not in chain of
315:                        // boot/extension/system ClassLoaders
316:                        return current;
317:                    }
319:                    if (chain == null) {
320:                        // boot ClassLoader reached
321:                        break;
322:                    }
324:                    // Check for any extension ClassLoaders in chain up to
325:                    // boot ClassLoader
326:                    chain = SecuritySupport.getParentClassLoader(chain);
327:                }
328:                ;
330:                // Assert: Context ClassLoader not in chain of
331:                // boot/extension/system ClassLoaders
332:                return context;
333:            } // findClassLoader():ClassLoader
335:            /**
336:             * Create an instance of a class using the specified ClassLoader
337:             */
338:            static Object newInstance(String className, ClassLoader cl,
339:                    boolean doFallback) throws ConfigurationError {
340:                // assert(className != null);
341:                try {
342:                    Class providerClass = findProviderClass(className, cl,
343:                            doFallback);
344:                    Object instance = providerClass.newInstance();
345:                    if (DEBUG)
346:                        debugPrintln("created new instance of " + providerClass
347:                                + " using ClassLoader: " + cl);
348:                    return instance;
349:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
350:                    throw new ConfigurationError("Provider " + className
351:                            + " not found", x);
352:                } catch (Exception x) {
353:                    throw new ConfigurationError("Provider " + className
354:                            + " could not be instantiated: " + x, x);
355:                }
356:            }
358:            /**
359:             * Find a Class using the specified ClassLoader
360:             */
361:            static Class findProviderClass(String className, ClassLoader cl,
362:                    boolean doFallback) throws ClassNotFoundException,
363:                    ConfigurationError {
364:                //throw security exception if the calling thread is not allowed to access the package
365:                //restrict the access to package as speicified in policy
366:                SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
367:                if (security != null) {
368:                    final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf(".");
369:                    String packageName = className;
370:                    if (lastDot != -1)
371:                        packageName = className.substring(0, lastDot);
372:                    security.checkPackageAccess(packageName);
373:                }
374:                Class providerClass;
375:                if (cl == null) {
376:                    // XXX Use the bootstrap ClassLoader.  There is no way to
377:                    // load a class using the bootstrap ClassLoader that works
378:                    // in both JDK 1.1 and Java 2.  However, this should still
379:                    // work b/c the following should be true:
380:                    //
381:                    // (cl == null) iff current ClassLoader == null
382:                    //
383:                    // Thus Class.forName(String) will use the current
384:                    // ClassLoader which will be the bootstrap ClassLoader.
385:                    providerClass = Class.forName(className);
386:                } else {
387:                    try {
388:                        providerClass = cl.loadClass(className);
389:                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
390:                        if (doFallback) {
391:                            // Fall back to current classloader
392:                            ClassLoader current = ObjectFactory.class
393:                                    .getClassLoader();
394:                            if (current == null) {
395:                                providerClass = Class.forName(className);
396:                            } else if (cl != current) {
397:                                cl = current;
398:                                providerClass = cl.loadClass(className);
399:                            } else {
400:                                throw x;
401:                            }
402:                        } else {
403:                            throw x;
404:                        }
405:                    }
406:                }
408:                return providerClass;
409:            }
411:            /*
412:             * Try to find provider using Jar Service Provider Mechanism
413:             *
414:             * @return instance of provider class if found or null
415:             */
416:            private static Object findJarServiceProvider(String factoryId)
417:                    throws ConfigurationError {
418:                String serviceId = "META-INF/services/" + factoryId;
419:                InputStream is = null;
421:                // First try the Context ClassLoader
422:                ClassLoader cl = findClassLoader();
424:                is = SecuritySupport.getResourceAsStream(cl, serviceId);
426:                // If no provider found then try the current ClassLoader
427:                if (is == null) {
428:                    ClassLoader current = ObjectFactory.class.getClassLoader();
429:                    if (cl != current) {
430:                        cl = current;
431:                        is = SecuritySupport.getResourceAsStream(cl, serviceId);
432:                    }
433:                }
435:                if (is == null) {
436:                    // No provider found
437:                    return null;
438:                }
440:                if (DEBUG)
441:                    debugPrintln("found jar resource=" + serviceId
442:                            + " using ClassLoader: " + cl);
444:                // Read the service provider name in UTF-8 as specified in
445:                // the jar spec.  Unfortunately this fails in Microsoft
446:                // VJ++, which does not implement the UTF-8
447:                // encoding. Theoretically, we should simply let it fail in
448:                // that case, since the JVM is obviously broken if it
449:                // doesn't support such a basic standard.  But since there
450:                // are still some users attempting to use VJ++ for
451:                // development, we have dropped in a fallback which makes a
452:                // second attempt using the platform's default encoding. In
453:                // VJ++ this is apparently ASCII, which is a subset of
454:                // UTF-8... and since the strings we'll be reading here are
455:                // also primarily limited to the 7-bit ASCII range (at
456:                // least, in English versions), this should work well
457:                // enough to keep us on the air until we're ready to
458:                // officially decommit from VJ++. [Edited comment from
459:                // jkesselm]
460:                BufferedReader rd;
461:                try {
462:                    rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"),
463:                            DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH);
464:                } catch ( e) {
465:                    rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is),
466:                            DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH);
467:                }
469:                String factoryClassName = null;
470:                try {
471:                    // XXX Does not handle all possible input as specified by the
472:                    // Jar Service Provider specification
473:                    factoryClassName = rd.readLine();
474:                } catch (IOException x) {
475:                    // No provider found
476:                    return null;
477:                } finally {
478:                    try {
479:                        // try to close the reader.
480:                        rd.close();
481:                    }
482:                    // Ignore the exception.
483:                    catch (IOException exc) {
484:                    }
485:                }
487:                if (factoryClassName != null && !"".equals(factoryClassName)) {
488:                    if (DEBUG)
489:                        debugPrintln("found in resource, value="
490:                                + factoryClassName);
492:                    // Note: here we do not want to fall back to the current
493:                    // ClassLoader because we want to avoid the case where the
494:                    // resource file was found using one ClassLoader and the
495:                    // provider class was instantiated using a different one.
496:                    return newInstance(factoryClassName, cl, false);
497:                }
499:                // No provider found
500:                return null;
501:            }
503:            //
504:            // Classes
505:            //
507:            /**
508:             * A configuration error.
509:             */
510:            static final class ConfigurationError extends Error {
512:                /** Serialization version. */
513:                static final long serialVersionUID = 937647395548533254L;
515:                //
516:                // Data
517:                //
519:                /** Exception. */
520:                private Exception exception;
522:                //
523:                // Constructors
524:                //
526:                /**
527:                 * Construct a new instance with the specified detail string and
528:                 * exception.
529:                 */
530:                ConfigurationError(String msg, Exception x) {
531:                    super (msg);
532:                    this .exception = x;
533:                } // <init>(String,Exception)
535:                //
536:                // methods
537:                //
539:                /** Returns the exception associated to this error. */
540:                Exception getException() {
541:                    return exception;
542:                } // getException():Exception
544:            } // class ConfigurationError
546:        } // class ObjectFactory | Contact Us
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