| java.lang.Object com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.extended.SubjectConverter
SubjectConverter | public class SubjectConverter extends AbstractCollectionConverter (Code) | | Converts a
Subject instance. Note, that this Converter does only convert the contained Principals as
it is done by JDK serialization, but not any credentials. For other behaviour you can derive your own converter,
overload the appropriate methods and register it in the
com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream .
author: Jörg Schaible since: 1.1.3 |
Method Summary | |
public boolean | canConvert(Class type) | public void | marshal(Object source, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) | protected void | marshalPrincipals(Set principals, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) | protected void | marshalPrivateCredentials(Set privCredentials, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) | protected void | marshalPublicCredentials(Set pubCredentials, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) | protected void | marshalReadOnly(boolean readOnly, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer) | protected Set | populateSet(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) | public Object | unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) | protected Set | unmarshalPrincipals(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) | protected Set | unmarshalPrivateCredentials(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) | protected Set | unmarshalPublicCredentials(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) | protected boolean | unmarshalReadOnly(HierarchicalStreamReader reader) |
SubjectConverter | public SubjectConverter(Mapper mapper)(Code) | | |