A generic
com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.HierarchicalStreamWriter for DOM writer
implementations. The implementation manages a list of top level DOM nodes. Every time the
last node is closed on the node stack, the next started node is added to the list. This list
can be retrieved using the
DocumentWriter.getTopLevelNodes method.
author: Laurent Bihanic author: Jörg Schaible since: 1.2.1
Constructs an AbstractDocumentWriter.
Parameters: container - the top level container for the nodes to create (may benull) Parameters: replacer - the object that creates XML-friendly names since: 1.2.1
Create a node. The provided node name is not yet XML friendly. If
AbstractDocumentWriter.getCurrent() returns null the node is a top level node.
Parameters: name - the node name the new node since: 1.2.1