| java.lang.Object com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.AbstractXmlWriter com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.StaxWriter
StaxWriter | public class StaxWriter extends AbstractXmlWriter (Code) | | A stream writing that outputs to a StAX stream writer
author: James Strachan version: $Revision: 1388 $ |
StaxWriter | public StaxWriter(QNameMap qnameMap, XMLStreamWriter out, boolean writeEnclosingDocument, boolean namespaceRepairingMode) throws XMLStreamException(Code) | | Allows a StaxWriter to be created for partial XML output
Parameters: qnameMap - is the mapper of Java class names to QNames Parameters: out - the stream to output to Parameters: writeEnclosingDocument - a flag to indicate whether or not the start/end document events should be written throws: XMLStreamException - if the events could not be written to the output |
StaxWriter | public StaxWriter(QNameMap qnameMap, XMLStreamWriter out, boolean writeEnclosingDocument, boolean namespaceRepairingMode, XmlFriendlyReplacer replacer) throws XMLStreamException(Code) | | Allows a StaxWriter to be created for partial XML output
Parameters: qnameMap - is the mapper of Java class names to QNames Parameters: out - the stream to output to Parameters: writeEnclosingDocument - a flag to indicate whether or not the start/end document events should be written Parameters: replacer - the xml-friendly replacer to escape Java names throws: XMLStreamException - if the events could not be written to the output since: 1.2 |
close | public void close()(Code) | | Call this method when you're finished with me
endNode | public void endNode()(Code) | | |
flush | public void flush()(Code) | | |
isNamespaceRepairingMode | public boolean isNamespaceRepairingMode()(Code) | | Is StAX namespace repairing mode on or off?