Generator is a class that is used for reading linearized graph notations
examples of linearized graph notations are smiles (http://www.daylight.com)
although Tripos has one as well (http://www.tripos.com)
A linearized notation consists of these parts:
1 atoms
2 bonds
3 branches - specified by ( and ) in smiles
4 closures - specifed by numbers or %12 in smiles
A generator conforms to the following interface
class Generator:
def __init__(self):
def addEvent(self, event, data):
'''(event, data) -> add event with event data 'data' to
the generator.
the event and forms of the data are given from the
description of the parsing routine'''
def mol(self):
'''-> return the generated molecule'''
from frowns.Atom import Atom
from frowns.Bond import Bond
from frowns.Molecule import Molecule
from frowns.Objects.ObjectGenerator import parse_atom,parse_bond
def clearDict(dict):
for k,v in dict.items():
if v == None:
del dict[k]
return dict
# this simply allows a dictionary to be
# hased
class IndexGenerator:
def __init__(self, start=0):
self.index = start -1
def next(self):
self.index += 1
return self.index
class DictWrapper:
def __init__(self, data, idGenerator=IndexGenerator()):
global INDEX
self.data = data
self.index = idGenerator.next()
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.data, other.data)
def __str__(self):
return "%s.%s"%(self.index, str(self.data))
def __repr__(self):
return "%s.%s"%(self.index, str(self.data))
def __hash__(self):
return self.index
# The generator has callbacks for the following events
# 'atom' -> adds an atom
# 'bonds' -> adds a bond
# 'branch_out' -> pushes a branch
# 'branch_in' -> ends the last branch
# 'closure' -> adds a closure or completes a closure
# 'dot' -> a special case of a blank (empty) bond
# Implementation Notes
# lastAtom = None
# lastBond = None
# closures = {}
# when an atom is added
# if there is no lastAtom then do nothing.
# else create a blank lastBond if none exists
# use lastBond to connect atom to lastAtom
# update lastAtom to be the new atom
# clear lastBond because it has been used
# when a bond is added
# make sure that lastBond is None otherwise
# there are two bonds in a row
# branch_out
# there is a branch stack which stores the current
# lastAtom state
# branch_in
# go back to the last branch stack state thus
# closing the branch
# closure
# a closure maps an atom to a closure index
# when the closure index is seen again the current
# atom is bonded to the closure atom.
# Daylight adds the bond to the molecule when the
# closure index first appears.
# This code adds the bond when the closure is completed.
# So bonds will not be in the same order as daylight.
class Generator:
def __init__(self, Atom=Atom, Bond=Bond, Molecule=Molecule):
# This dispatches the parser events
self.dispatch = {'atom': self.addAtom,
'bond': self.addBond,
'branch_out': self.pushBranch,
'branch_in': self.popBranch,
'closure': self.addClosure,
'dot': self.clearLastBond
self.atoms = []
self.bonds = []
self.bondedAtoms = {}
self.branches = []
self.closures = {}
self.lastBond = None
self.lastAtom = None
self.Atom = Atom
self.Bond = Bond
self.Molecule = Molecule
def addState(self, state, data):
def addAtom(self, atom):
"""(atom)->add atom to the atom stack
combine with lastBond if one exists and set lastBond
to None since it has been used"""
atom = parse_atom(atom, self.Atom)
#print "adding atom", atom
if self.lastAtom and not self.lastBond:
if self.lastBond:
self.bondedAtoms[self.lastBond] = (self.lastAtom, atom, 0)
#print '\t', self.lastBond, "->", (self.lastAtom, atom)
self.lastBond = None
self.lastAtom = atom
def addBond(self, bond):
bond = DictWrapper(bond)
#print "adding bond", bond
self.lastBond = bond
def addClosure(self, closure):
"""(closure) -> add a closure"""
closureIndex = closure['closure']
closures = self.closures
# if we don't have the closure index
# then create one
if not closures.has_key(closureIndex):
# need to create an unspecified bond if
# it doesn't exist
if self.lastBond is None:
self.lastBond = DictWrapper({'bond':''})
closures[closureIndex] = self.lastAtom, self.lastBond
closureAtom, closureBond = closures[closureIndex]
# consume the closure (we may see the same used
# in different closures more than once)
del closures[closureIndex]
# we need to determine which of the closure bonds
# specify the bond type
if self.lastBond is None: # lastBond is not specified
bondToUse = closureBond
elif not closureBond.data['bond']: # closureBond is not specified
bondToUse = self.lastBond
elif not self.lastBond.data['bond']: # lastBond is not specified
bondToUse = closureBond
# we need to make sure that both bonds are the same
bondToUse = closureBond
if closureBond != self.lastBond:
raise "Closure specified with two different bond types %s!=%s"%(closureBond, self.lastBond)
self.bondedAtoms[bondToUse] = (self.lastAtom, closureAtom, 1)
self.lastBond = None
def clearLastBond(self, data):
if self.lastBond is not None:
raise "Syntax Error . follows bond"
self.lastAtom = None
def pushBranch(self, data):
def popBranch(self, data):
if not self.branches:
raise "Unbalanced branch"
if self.lastBond:
raise "Illegal bond before branch end"
self.lastAtom = self.branches.pop()
def mol(self):
if self.closures:
raise "Closure not completed %s"%(self.closures.keys()[0])
mol = self.Molecule()
index = 0
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.symorder = index
index += 1
bondedAtoms = self.bondedAtoms
Bond = self.Bond
for bond_data in self.bonds:
bond = parse_bond(bond_data.data, Bond)
a1, a2, closure = bondedAtoms[bond_data]
if closure:
bond._closure = 1
assert a1.parent and a2.parent
mol.add_bond(bond, a1, a2)
return mol