2. 6. Integer |
| 2. 6. 1. | Java int:int is 32 bit signed type ranges from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. | | |
| 2. 6. 2. | Integer: MAX, MIN VALUE | | |
| 2. 6. 3. | The number of bits used to represent an int value in two's complement binary form. | | |
| 2. 6. 4. | Bit manipulation methods in Integer: bitCount | | |
| 2. 6. 5. | Highest one bit: 128 | | |
| 2. 6. 6. | Create an Integer object | | |
| 2. 6. 7. | Integer.lowestOneBit(n), Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n), Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(n) | | |
| 2. 6. 8. | Integer: rotate Left | | |
| 2. 6. 9. | Integer signum() returns | | |
| 2. 6. 10. | Integer.reverseBytes( ) reverses the order of the bytes in num and returns the result | | |
| 2. 6. 11. | Read Integers from console and calculate | | |
| 2. 6. 12. | Compare integers using if statements, relational operators and equality operators | | |
| 2. 6. 13. | Shifted and scaled random integers | | |
| 2. 6. 14. | Equals Method | | |
| 2. 6. 15. | Equivalence | | |
| 2. 6. 16. | Convert an int value to String: Integer.toString(i) | | |
| 2. 6. 17. | Convert an int value to String: new Integer(i).toString() | | |
| 2. 6. 18. | Convert a String to int | | |
| 2. 6. 19. | Convert an int value to String: concatenate string to an int value | | |
| 2. 6. 20. | Convert hexadecimal number to decimal number | | |
| 2. 6. 21. | Convert octal number to decimal number | | |
| 2. 6. 22. | Convert binary number to decimal number | | |
| 2. 6. 23. | Convert decimal integer to octal number | | |
| 2. 6. 24. | Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal number | | |
| 2. 6. 25. | Convert from integer to String | | |
| 2. 6. 26. | Convert from String to integer | | |
| 2. 6. 27. | Convert from decimal to binary | | |
| 2. 6. 28. | Convert from decimal to hexadecimal | | |
| 2. 6. 29. | Convert from decimal to hexadecimal with leading zeroes and uppercase | | |
| 2. 6. 30. | Convert from Byte array to hexadecimal string | | |
| 2. 6. 31. | Convert a byte array to a Hex string | | |
| 2. 6. 32. | Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal | | |
| 2. 6. 33. | Convert Decimal to Octal | | |
| 2. 6. 34. | Convert Decimal to Binary | | |
| 2. 6. 35. | Convert string to an integer or number | | |
| 2. 6. 36. | Parse and format a number to octal | | |
| 2. 6. 37. | Parse and format a number to decimal | | |
| 2. 6. 38. | Parse and format to hexadecimal | | |
| 2. 6. 39. | Parse and format to arbitrary radix <= Character.MAX_RADIX | | |
| 2. 6. 40. | To catch illegal number conversion, try using the try/catch mechanism. | | |
| 2. 6. 41. | Pass an integer by reference | | |
| 2. 6. 42. | Compare Two Java int Arrays | | |
| 2. 6. 43. | Reverse an Integer | | |