19.7.1.HYPERLINK(link_location,friendly_name) creates a shortcut that opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet |
=HYPERLINK("[http://yourURL.com/report.xls]Annual!F10", D1) create link for an online workbook |
=HYPERLINK("[http://yourURL.com/report.xls]Annual!F10", D1). |
=HYPERLINK("[http://yourDomain.com/report.xls]Quarter!Total", "Click to see") |
=HYPERLINK("\\FINANCE\Statements\Report.xls", A1) creates link for workbook on the network |
=HYPERLINK("D:\FINANCE\Sales.xls", A1) links a workbook on the D: drive |
Input the formula: =HYPERLINK("http://www.java2java.com", "Click for report"). Press Enter to get the result.