| |
22.22.11.Display text such as Today is Friday, September 14, 2007. |
Input the formula: =TEXT(TODAY(),"dddd, mmmm d, yyyy")
22.22.TEXT | | 22.22.1. | TEXT(value,format_text) formats a number and converts it to text | | | | 22.22.2. | =TEXT(1234.56,"#.#") (1) | |  | | 22.22.3. | =TEXT(1234.56,"$#") (3) | |  | | 22.22.4. | =TEXT(0.4,"#%") | |  | | 22.22.5. | =TEXT("3/15/2005","mm/dd/yy") | |  | | 22.22.6. | =TEXT("3/15/2005","mm/dd/yyyy") | |  | | 22.22.7. | =TEXT("3/15/2005","mmm-dd") | |  | | 22.22.8. | TEXT(A1,"$#,##0.00") | |  | | 22.22.9. | TEXT(AVERAGE(A:A),"$#,##0.00") | |  | | 22.22.10. | Uses the NOW and TEXT function to format the date and time. | |  | | 22.22.11. | Display text such as Today is Friday, September 14, 2007. | |  |