| |
22.21.9.Use the SUBSTITUTE function to remove all spaces from a string |
Input the formula: =SUBSTITUTE("a b c"," ","")
22.21.SUBSTITUTE | | 22.21.1. | SUBSTITUTE(text,old_text,new_text,instance_num) substitutes new text for old text in a text string | |  | | 22.21.2. | =SUBSTITUTE(A3, "1", "2", 1) | |  | | 22.21.3. | =SUBSTITUTE("a b c f", " ",","): all spaces are replaced with commas. | |  | | 22.21.4. | =SUBSTITUTE("a b c d", " ",",",1): the first space is replaced with a comma | |  | | 22.21.5. | =SUBSTITUTE("a b c d", " ",",",3): the third space is replaced with a comma | |  | | 22.21.6. | =SUBSTITUTE("two two.","two", "three"): both occurrences of two are replaced with three. | |  | | 22.21.7. | =SUBSTITUTE("two two .","two", "three",2): only the second occurrence of two is replaced with three. | |  | | 22.21.8. | =IF(LEFT(A1,1)=" ",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","",1), A1): If a space is found in the first position, substitute it with an empty string; otherwise, just return the original string. | |  | | 22.21.9. | Use the SUBSTITUTE function to remove all spaces from a string | |  | | 22.21.10. | Strips space, hyphen, colon, asterisk, underscore, left parenthesis, and right parenthesis | |  | | 22.21.11. | Returns the number of words | |  |