11. 5. 12. Stored Procedure Permissions |
Specific to procedures, the MySQL permissions scheme has the CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, and EXECUTE privilege. |
The permissions required for working with stored procedures are as follows: |
Viewing permissions |
To view stored procedures with SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS, you must have SELECT access to the mysql.proc table. |
Or you must have the ALTER ROUTINE privilege for that particular procedure. |
Calling permissions |
To call a stored procedure |
You need the ability to connect to the server and have the EXECUTE permission for the procedure. |
EXECUTE permissions can be granted globally in the mysql.user table. |
EXECUTE permissions can be granted at the database level in the mysql.db table |
EXECUTE permissions can be granted for a specific routine in the mysql.procs_priv table. |
Creating and altering permissions |
To govern creating and altering a stored procedure, MySQL uses the CREATE ROUTINE and ALTER ROUTINE privilege. |
Permissions for creating or changing procedures can be granted globally in the mysql.user table. |
Permissions for creating or changing procedures can be granted at the database level in the mysql.db table. |
Permissions for creating or changing procedures can be granted for a specific routine in the mysql.procs_priv table. |
Dropping permissions |
To drop a procedure, you must have the ALTER ROUTINE privilege. |
Permissions for dropping procedures can be granted globally in the mysql.user table. |
Permissions for dropping procedures can be granted at the database level in the mysql.db table. |
Permissions for dropping procedures can be granted for a specific routine in the mysql.procs_priv table. |