16.1.TextBlock |
| 16.1.1. | Simple TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.2. | Simple content | |  |
| 16.1.3. | LineBreak inside a TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.4. | Semi-Transparent TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.5. | TextBlock.Foreground and ImageBrush | |  |
| 16.1.6. | Multi-span for TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.7. | Setting text decorations | |  |
| 16.1.8. | Set pen for TextDecorations | |  |
| 16.1.9. | TextTrimming for TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.10. | Layout TextBlock in UniformGrid | |  |
| 16.1.11. | Text as content | |  |
| 16.1.12. | Text with mixed content | |  |
| 16.1.13. | Whitespace as content and as attribute | |  |
| 16.1.14. | Preserving whitespace in mixed content | |  |
| 16.1.15. | Nested TextBlock | |  |
| 16.1.16. | Enabling hyphenation | |  |
| 16.1.17. | Positioning a hosted Button element with BaselineAlignment along with text | |  |
| 16.1.18. | Using RenderTransform | |  |
| 16.1.19. | This is rotating text | |  |
| 16.1.20. | Handling overflow | |  |
| 16.1.21. | Use Run the mark underlink TextDecorations | |  |
| 16.1.22. | Simple underline decoration | |  |
| 16.1.23. | Effects of the enumerated values of TextWrapping. | |  |
| 16.1.24. | Programmatically change the way in which TextBlock is trimmed when it exceeds the outer boundaries of its containing box. | |  |