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System.Web » System » Web » HttpApplication.jvm.cs
// System.Web.HttpApplication.cs 
// Author:
//  Miguel de Icaza (
//  Gonzalo Paniagua (
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// The Application Processing Pipeline.
//     The Http application pipeline implemented in this file is a
//     beautiful thing.  The application pipeline invokes a number of
//     hooks at various stages of the processing of a request.  These
//     hooks can be either synchronous or can be asynchronous.
//     The pipeline must ensure that every step is completed before
//     moving to the next step.  A trivial thing for synchronous
//     hooks, but asynchronous hooks introduce an extra layer of
//     complexity: when the hook is invoked, the thread must
//     relinquish its control so that the thread can be reused in
//     another operation while waiting.
//     To implement this functionality we used C# iterators manually;
//     we drive the pipeline by executing the various hooks from the
//     `RunHooks' routine which is an enumerator that will yield the
//     value `false' if execution must proceed or `true' if execution
//     must be stopped.
//     By yielding values we can suspend execution of RunHooks.
//     Special attention must be given to `in_begin' and `must_yield'
//     variables.  These are used in the case that an async hook
//     completes synchronously as its important to not yield in that
//     case or we would hang.
//     Many of Mono modules used to be declared async, but they would
//     actually be completely synchronous, this might resurface in the
//     future with other modules.
// TODO:
//    Events Disposed

using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace System.Web{

  // CAS
  [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
  [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
  // attributes
  public class HttpApplication : IHttpAsyncHandler, IHttpHandler, IComponent, IDisposable {
    HttpContext context;
    HttpSessionState session;
    ISite isite;

    // The source, and the exposed API (cache).
    HttpModuleCollection modcoll;

    string assemblyLocation;

    // The factory for the handler currently running.
    IHttpHandlerFactory factory;
    // Whether the pipeline should be stopped
    bool stop_processing;

    // The Pipeline
    IEnumerator pipeline;

    // To flag when we are done processing a request from BeginProcessRequest.
    ManualResetEvent done;

    // The current IAsyncResult for the running async request handler in the pipeline
    AsyncRequestState begin_iar;

    // Tracks the current AsyncInvocation being dispatched
    AsyncInvoker current_ai;

    // We don't use the EventHandlerList here, but derived classes might do
    EventHandlerList events;

    // Culture and IPrincipal
    CultureInfo app_culture;
    CultureInfo appui_culture;
    CultureInfo prev_app_culture;
    CultureInfo prev_appui_culture;
    IPrincipal prev_user;

    // These are used to detect the case where the EndXXX method is invoked
    // from within the BeginXXXX delegate, so we detect whether we kick the
    // pipeline from here, or from the the RunHook routine
    bool must_yield;
    bool in_begin;

    public HttpApplication ()
      done = new ManualResetEvent (false);

    internal void InitOnce (bool full_init)
      lock (this) {
        if (modcoll != null)

#if NET_2_0
        HttpModulesSection modules;
        modules = (HttpModulesSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/httpModules");
        ModulesConfiguration modules;

        modules = (ModulesConfiguration) HttpContext.GetAppConfig ("system.web/httpModules");

        modcoll = modules.LoadModules (this);

        if (full_init)
          HttpApplicationFactory.AttachEvents (this);

#if NET_2_0
        GlobalizationSection cfg;
        cfg = (GlobalizationSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/globalization");
        app_culture = cfg.GetCulture();
        appui_culture = cfg.GetUICulture();
        GlobalizationConfiguration cfg;
        cfg = GlobalizationConfiguration.GetInstance (null);
        if (cfg != null) {
          app_culture = cfg.Culture;
          appui_culture = cfg.UICulture;

    internal string AssemblyLocation {
      get {
        if (assemblyLocation == null)
          assemblyLocation = GetType ().Assembly.Location;
        return assemblyLocation;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpApplicationState Application {
      get {
        return HttpApplicationFactory.ApplicationState;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpContext Context {
      get {
        return context;
    protected EventHandlerList Events {
      get {
        if (events == null)
          events = new EventHandlerList ();

        return events;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpModuleCollection Modules {
      [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)]
      get {
        if (modcoll == null)
          modcoll = new HttpModuleCollection ();
        return modcoll;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpRequest Request {
      get {
        if (context == null)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No context is available."));

        if (false == HttpApplicationFactory.ContextAvailable)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("Request is not available in this context."));

        return context.Request;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpResponse Response {
      get {
        if (context == null)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No context is available."));

        if (false == HttpApplicationFactory.ContextAvailable)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("Response is not available in this context."));

        return context.Response;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpServerUtility Server {
      get {
        if (context != null)
          return context.Server;

        // This is so we can get the Server and call a few methods
        // which are not context sensitive, see HttpServerUtilityTest
        return new HttpServerUtility ((HttpContext) null);

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public HttpSessionState Session {
      get {
        // Only used for Session_End
        if (session != null)
          return session;

        if (context == null)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No context is available."));
        return context.Session;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public virtual ISite Site {
      get {
        return isite;

      set {
        isite = value;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public IPrincipal User {
      get {
        if (context == null)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No context is available."));
        if (context.User == null)
          throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No currently authenticated user."));
        return context.User;
    public virtual event EventHandler Disposed;
    public virtual event EventHandler Error;

    public event EventHandler PreSendRequestHeaders;
    internal void TriggerPreSendRequestHeaders ()
      if (PreSendRequestHeaders != null)
        PreSendRequestHeaders (this, EventArgs.Empty);

    public event EventHandler PreSendRequestContent;
    internal void TriggerPreSendRequestContent ()
      if (PreSendRequestContent != null)
        PreSendRequestContent (this, EventArgs.Empty);
    public event EventHandler AcquireRequestState;
    public void AddOnAcquireRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      AcquireRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler AuthenticateRequest;
    public void AddOnAuthenticateRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler AuthorizeRequest;
    public void AddOnAuthorizeRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler BeginRequest;
    public void AddOnBeginRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      BeginRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler EndRequest;
    public void AddOnEndRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      EndRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    public event EventHandler PostRequestHandlerExecute;
    public void AddOnPostRequestHandlerExecuteAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      PostRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler PreRequestHandlerExecute;
    public void AddOnPreRequestHandlerExecuteAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      PreRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler ReleaseRequestState;
    public void AddOnReleaseRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      ReleaseRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler ResolveRequestCache;
    public void AddOnResolveRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      ResolveRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler UpdateRequestCache;
    public void AddOnUpdateRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh);
      UpdateRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

#if NET_2_0
    public event EventHandler PostAuthenticateRequest;
    public void AddOnPostAuthenticateRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostAuthenticateRequestAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostAuthenticateRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostAuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    public event EventHandler PostAuthorizeRequest;
    public void AddOnPostAuthorizeRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostAuthorizeRequestAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostAuthorizeRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostAuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler PostResolveRequestCache;
    public void AddOnPostResolveRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostResolveRequestCacheAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostResolveRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostResolveRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler PostMapRequestHandler;
    public void AddOnPostMapRequestHandlerAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostMapRequestHandlerAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostMapRequestHandlerAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostMapRequestHandler += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    public event EventHandler PostAcquireRequestState;
    public void AddOnPostAcquireRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostAcquireRequestStateAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostAcquireRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostAcquireRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    public event EventHandler PostReleaseRequestState;
    public void AddOnPostReleaseRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostReleaseRequestStateAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostReleaseRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostReleaseRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public event EventHandler PostUpdateRequestCache;
    public void AddOnPostUpdateRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      AddOnPostUpdateRequestCacheAsync (bh, eh, null);
    public void AddOnPostUpdateRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostUpdateRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    // The new overloads that take a data parameter
    public void AddOnAcquireRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      AcquireRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnAuthenticateRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnAuthorizeRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnBeginRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      BeginRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnEndRequestAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      EndRequest += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    public void AddOnPostRequestHandlerExecuteAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PostRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnPreRequestHandlerExecuteAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      PreRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnReleaseRequestStateAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      ReleaseRequestState += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnResolveRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      ResolveRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);

    public void AddOnUpdateRequestCacheAsync (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object data)
      AsyncInvoker invoker = new AsyncInvoker (bh, eh, data);
      UpdateRequestCache += new EventHandler (invoker.Invoke);
    internal event EventHandler DefaultAuthentication;
    // Bypass all the event on the Http pipeline and go directly to EndRequest
    public void CompleteRequest ()
      stop_processing = true;

    internal bool RequestCompleted {
      set { stop_processing = value; }

    public virtual void Dispose ()
      if (modcoll != null) {
        for (int i = modcoll.Count; i >= 0; i--) {
          modcoll.Get (i).Dispose ();
        modcoll = null;

      if (Disposed != null)
        Disposed (this, EventArgs.Empty);
      done.Close ();
      done = null;

    public virtual string GetVaryByCustomString (HttpContext context, string custom)
      if (custom == null) // Sigh
        throw new NullReferenceException ();

      if (0 == String.Compare (custom, "browser", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
        return context.Request.Browser.Type;

      return null;

    // If we catch an error, queue this error
    void ProcessError (Exception e)
      bool first = context.Error == null;
      context.AddError (e);
      if (first){
        if (Error != null){
          try {
            Error (this, EventArgs.Empty);
          } catch (ThreadAbortException ee){
            // This happens on Redirect() or End()
            Thread.ResetAbort ();
          } catch (Exception ee){
            context.AddError (ee);
      stop_processing = true;
    // Ticks the clock: next step on the pipeline.
    void Tick ()
      try {
        if (pipeline.MoveNext ()){
          if ((bool)pipeline.Current)
            PipelineDone ();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Tick caught an exception that has not been propagated:\n" + e);

    void Resume ()
      if (in_begin)
        must_yield = false;
        Tick ();
    // Invoked when our async callback called from RunHooks completes,
    // we restart the pipeline here.
    void async_callback_completed_cb (IAsyncResult ar)
      if (current_ai.end != null){
        try {
          current_ai.end (ar);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          ProcessError (e);

      Resume ();

    void async_handler_complete_cb (IAsyncResult ar)
      IHttpAsyncHandler async_handler = ((IHttpAsyncHandler) ar.AsyncState);

      try {
        async_handler.EndProcessRequest (ar);
      } catch (Exception e){
        ProcessError (e);
      Resume ();
    // This enumerator yields whether processing must be stopped:
    //    true:  processing of the pipeline must be stopped
    //    false: processing of the pipeline must not be stopped
#if TARGET_JVM && !NET_2_0
    sealed class RunHooksEnumerator : IEnumerable, IEnumerator
      Delegate [] delegates;
      int currentStep = 0;
      HttpApplication app;

      internal RunHooksEnumerator(HttpApplication app, Delegate list)
      { = app;
        delegates = list.GetInvocationList ();

      public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return this; }
      public object Current { get{ return app.stop_processing; } }
      public void Reset()
        throw new NotImplementedException("HttpApplication.RunHooksEnumerator.Reset called.");
      public bool MoveNext ()
        while (currentStep < delegates.Length) {
          if (ProcessDelegate((EventHandler)delegates[currentStep++]))
            return true;
        return false;

      bool ProcessDelegate(EventHandler d)
        if (d.Target != null && (d.Target is AsyncInvoker)){
          app.current_ai = (AsyncInvoker) d.Target;

          try {
            app.must_yield = true;
            app.in_begin = true;
            app.context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
            app.current_ai.begin (app, EventArgs.Empty, new AsyncCallback(app.async_callback_completed_cb),;
          catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
            object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
            Thread.ResetAbort ();
            app.stop_processing = true;
            if (obj is StepTimeout)
              app.ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
          catch (Exception e){
            app.ProcessError (e);
          finally {
            app.in_begin = false;
            app.context.EndTimeoutPossible ();

          // If things are still moving forward, yield this
          // thread now
          if (app.must_yield)
            return true;
          else if (app.stop_processing)
            return true;
        else {
          try {
            app.context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
            d (app, EventArgs.Empty);
          } catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
            object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
            Thread.ResetAbort ();
            app.stop_processing = true;
            if (obj is StepTimeout)
              app.ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
          catch (Exception e){
            app.ProcessError (e);
          finally {
            app.context.EndTimeoutPossible ();
          if (app.stop_processing)
            return true;
        return false;

    IEnumerable RunHooks (Delegate list)
      return new RunHooksEnumerator(this, list);
    IEnumerable RunHooks (Delegate list)
      Delegate [] delegates = list.GetInvocationList ();

      foreach (EventHandler d in delegates){
        if (d.Target != null && (d.Target is AsyncInvoker)){
          current_ai = (AsyncInvoker) d.Target;

          try {
            must_yield = true;
            in_begin = true;
            context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
            current_ai.begin (this, EventArgs.Empty, async_callback_completed_cb,;
          } catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
            object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
            Thread.ResetAbort ();
            stop_processing = true;
            if (obj is StepTimeout)
              ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
          } catch (Exception e){
            ProcessError (e);
          } finally {
            in_begin = false;
            context.EndTimeoutPossible ();

          // If things are still moving forward, yield this
          // thread now
          if (must_yield)
            yield return stop_processing;
          else if (stop_processing)
            yield return true;
        } else {
          try {
            context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
            d (this, EventArgs.Empty);
          } catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
            object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
            Thread.ResetAbort ();
            stop_processing = true;
            if (obj is StepTimeout)
              ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
          } catch (Exception e){
            ProcessError (e);
          } finally {
            context.EndTimeoutPossible ();
          if (stop_processing)
            yield return true;

    static void FinalErrorWrite (HttpResponse response, string error)
      try {
        response.Write (error);
        response.Flush (true);
      } catch {
        response.Close ();

    void OutputPage ()
      if (context.Error == null){
        try {
          context.Response.Flush (true);
        } catch (Exception e){
          context.AddError (e);

      Exception error = context.Error;
      if (error != null){
        HttpResponse response = context.Response;

        if (!response.HeadersSent){
          response.ClearHeaders ();
          response.ClearContent ();

          if (error is HttpException){
            response.StatusCode = ((HttpException)error).GetHttpCode ();
          } else {
            error = new HttpException ("", error);
            response.StatusCode = 500;
          if (!RedirectCustomError ())
            FinalErrorWrite (response, ((HttpException) error).GetHtmlErrorMessage ());
            response.Flush (true);
        } else {
          if (!(error is HttpException))
            error = new HttpException ("", error);
          FinalErrorWrite (response, ((HttpException) error).GetHtmlErrorMessage ());
    // Invoked at the end of the pipeline execution
    void PipelineDone ()
      try {
        if (EndRequest != null)
          EndRequest (this, EventArgs.Empty);
      } catch (Exception e){
        ProcessError (e);

      try {

        OutputPage ();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Internal error: OutputPage threw an exception " + e);
      } finally {
        if (begin_iar != null){
          try {
            begin_iar.Complete ();
          } catch {
            // TODO: if this throws an error, we have no way of reporting it
            // Not really too bad, since the only failure might be
            // `HttpRuntime.request_processed'
        done.Set ();

        if (factory != null && context.Handler != null){
          factory.ReleaseHandler (context.Handler);
          factory = null;
        context.Handler = null;
        // context = null; -> moved to PostDone
        pipeline = null;
        current_ai = null;
      PostDone ();

    // Events fired as described in `Http Runtime Support, HttpModules,
    // Handling Public Events'
#if TARGET_JVM && !NET_2_0
    sealed class PipeLineEnumerator : IEnumerator
      readonly HttpApplication _this;

      object current;
      int currentYield;
      IEnumerator currentEnumerator;

      IHttpHandler handler = null;

      internal PipeLineEnumerator(HttpApplication app) {
        _this = app;

      public object Current { get{ return currentEnumerator != null ? currentEnumerator.Current : current; } }
      public void Reset() {
        currentEnumerator = null;
        currentYield = 0;

      void ResetEnumerator() {
        if (currentEnumerator != null) {
          current = currentEnumerator.Current;
          currentEnumerator = null;

      public bool MoveNext () {
        switch (currentYield) {
          case 0: break;
          case 1: goto yield_1;
          case 2: goto yield_2;
          case 3: goto yield_3;
          case 4: goto yield_4;
#if NET_2_0
          case 5: goto yield_5;
          case 6: goto yield_6;
#if NET_2_0
          case 7: goto yield_7;
          case 8: goto yield_8;
          case 9: goto yield_9;
#if NET_2_0
          case 10: goto yield_10;
          case 11: goto yield_11;
          case 12: goto yield_12;
#if NET_2_0
          case 13: goto yield_13;
          case 14: goto yield_14;
          case 15: goto yield_15;
#if NET_2_0
          case 16: goto yield_16;
          case 17: goto yield_17;
#if NET_2_0
          case 18: goto yield_18;
          default: goto yield_19;

        if (_this.stop_processing) {
          //yield return true;
          current = true;
          currentYield = 1;
          return true;
        if (_this.BeginRequest != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (BeginRequest))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 2;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.BeginRequest).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.AuthenticateRequest != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthenticateRequest))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 3;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.AuthenticateRequest).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.DefaultAuthentication != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (DefaultAuthentication))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 4;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.DefaultAuthentication).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;


#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostAuthenticateRequest != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthenticateRequest))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 5;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostAuthenticateRequest).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.AuthorizeRequest != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthorizeRequest))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 6;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.AuthorizeRequest).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostAuthorizeRequest != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostAuthorizeRequest))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 7;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostAuthorizeRequest).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.ResolveRequestCache != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (ResolveRequestCache))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 8;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.ResolveRequestCache).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;


        // Obtain the handler for the request.
        //IHttpHandler handler = null;
        try {
          handler = _this.GetHandler (_this.context);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){
          if (_this.context.Request.IsLocal)
            _this.ProcessError (new HttpException (404, String.Format ("File not found {0}", fnf.FileName), fnf));
            _this.ProcessError (new HttpException (404, "File not found", fnf));
        } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dnf){
          _this.ProcessError (new HttpException (404, "Directory not found", dnf));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          _this.ProcessError (e);

        if (_this.stop_processing) {
          //yield return true;
          current = true;
          currentYield = 9;
          return true;
#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostResolveRequestCache != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostResolveRequestCache))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 10;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostResolveRequestCache).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.PostMapRequestHandler != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostMapRequestHandler))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 11;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostMapRequestHandler).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        if (_this.AcquireRequestState != null){
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AcquireRequestState))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 12;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.AcquireRequestState).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;


#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostAcquireRequestState != null){
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostAcquireRequestState))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 13;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostAcquireRequestState).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        // From this point on, we need to ensure that we call
        // ReleaseRequestState, so the code below jumps to
        // `release:' to guarantee it rather than yielding.
        if (_this.PreRequestHandlerExecute != null)
          foreach (bool stop in _this.RunHooks (_this.PreRequestHandlerExecute))
            if (stop)
              goto release;
        try {
          _this.context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
          if (handler != null){
            IHttpAsyncHandler async_handler = handler as IHttpAsyncHandler;
            if (async_handler != null){
              _this.must_yield = true;
              _this.in_begin = true;
              async_handler.BeginProcessRequest (_this.context, new AsyncCallback(_this.async_handler_complete_cb), handler);
            } else {
              _this.must_yield = false;
              handler.ProcessRequest (_this.context);
        } catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
          object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
          Thread.ResetAbort ();
          _this.stop_processing = true;
          if (obj is StepTimeout)
            _this.ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
        } catch (Exception e){
          _this.ProcessError (e);
        } finally {
          _this.in_begin = false;
          _this.context.EndTimeoutPossible ();
        if (_this.must_yield) {
          //yield return stop_processing;
          current = _this.stop_processing;
          currentYield = 14;
          return true;
        else if (_this.stop_processing)
          goto release;
        // These are executed after the application has returned
        if (_this.PostRequestHandlerExecute != null)
          foreach (bool stop in _this.RunHooks (_this.PostRequestHandlerExecute))
            if (stop)
              goto release;
          if (_this.ReleaseRequestState != null){
            foreach (bool stop in _this.RunHooks (_this.ReleaseRequestState)){
              // Ignore the stop signal while release the state
        if (_this.stop_processing) {
          //yield return true;
          current = true;
          currentYield = 15;
          return true;
#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostReleaseRequestState != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostReleaseRequestState))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 16;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostReleaseRequestState).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;


        if (_this.context.Error == null)
          _this.context.Response.DoFilter (true);
        if (_this.UpdateRequestCache != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (UpdateRequestCache))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 17;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.UpdateRequestCache).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;


#if NET_2_0
        if (_this.PostUpdateRequestCache != null) {
          //foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostUpdateRequestCache))
          //  yield return stop;
          if (currentEnumerator == null) {
            currentYield = 18;
            currentEnumerator = _this.RunHooks(_this.PostUpdateRequestCache).GetEnumerator();
          while (currentEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;

        _this.PipelineDone ();
        currentYield = 19;
        return false;

    IEnumerator Pipeline ()
      return new PipeLineEnumerator(this);
    IEnumerator Pipeline ()
      if (stop_processing)
        yield return true;

      if (BeginRequest != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (BeginRequest))
          yield return stop;

      if (AuthenticateRequest != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthenticateRequest))
          yield return stop;

      if (DefaultAuthentication != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (DefaultAuthentication))
          yield return stop;

#if NET_2_0
      if (PostAuthenticateRequest != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthenticateRequest))
          yield return stop;
      if (AuthorizeRequest != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AuthorizeRequest))
          yield return stop;
#if NET_2_0
      if (PostAuthorizeRequest != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostAuthorizeRequest))
          yield return stop;

      if (ResolveRequestCache != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (ResolveRequestCache))
          yield return stop;

      // Obtain the handler for the request.
      IHttpHandler handler = null;
      try {
        handler = GetHandler (context);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){
        if (context.Request.IsLocal)
          ProcessError (new HttpException (404, String.Format ("File not found {0}", fnf.FileName), fnf));
          ProcessError (new HttpException (404, "File not found", fnf));
      } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dnf){
        ProcessError (new HttpException (404, "Directory not found", dnf));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        ProcessError (e);

      if (stop_processing)
        yield return true;

#if NET_2_0
      if (PostResolveRequestCache != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostResolveRequestCache))
          yield return stop;

      if (PostMapRequestHandler != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostMapRequestHandler))
          yield return stop;
      if (AcquireRequestState != null){
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (AcquireRequestState))
          yield return stop;

#if NET_2_0
      if (PostAcquireRequestState != null){
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostAcquireRequestState))
          yield return stop;
      // From this point on, we need to ensure that we call
      // ReleaseRequestState, so the code below jumps to
      // `release:' to guarantee it rather than yielding.
      if (PreRequestHandlerExecute != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PreRequestHandlerExecute))
          if (stop)
            goto release;
      try {
        context.BeginTimeoutPossible ();
        if (handler != null){
          IHttpAsyncHandler async_handler = handler as IHttpAsyncHandler;
          if (async_handler != null){
            must_yield = true;
            in_begin = true;
            async_handler.BeginProcessRequest (context, async_handler_complete_cb, handler);
          } else {
            must_yield = false;
            handler.ProcessRequest (context);
      } catch (ThreadAbortException taex){
        object obj = taex.ExceptionState;
        Thread.ResetAbort ();
        stop_processing = true;
        if (obj is StepTimeout)
          ProcessError (new HttpException ("The request timed out."));
      } catch (Exception e){
        ProcessError (e);
      } finally {
        in_begin = false;
        context.EndTimeoutPossible ();
      if (must_yield)
        yield return stop_processing;
      else if (stop_processing)
        goto release;
      // These are executed after the application has returned
      if (PostRequestHandlerExecute != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostRequestHandlerExecute))
          if (stop)
            goto release;
      if (ReleaseRequestState != null){
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (ReleaseRequestState)){
          // Ignore the stop signal while release the state
      if (stop_processing)
        yield return true;

#if NET_2_0
      if (PostReleaseRequestState != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostReleaseRequestState))
          yield return stop;

      if (context.Error == null)
        context.Response.DoFilter (true);

      if (UpdateRequestCache != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (UpdateRequestCache))
          yield return stop;

#if NET_2_0
      if (PostUpdateRequestCache != null)
        foreach (bool stop in RunHooks (PostUpdateRequestCache))
          yield return stop;
      PipelineDone ();

    void PreStart ()
      HttpRuntime.TimeoutManager.Add (context);
      Thread th = Thread.CurrentThread;
      if (app_culture != null) {
        prev_app_culture = th.CurrentCulture;
        th.CurrentCulture = app_culture;

      if (appui_culture != null) {
        prev_appui_culture = th.CurrentUICulture;
        th.CurrentUICulture = appui_culture;

      prev_user = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;

    void PostDone ()
      Thread th = Thread.CurrentThread;
      if (Thread.CurrentPrincipal != prev_user)
        Thread.CurrentPrincipal = prev_user;
      if (prev_appui_culture != null && prev_appui_culture != th.CurrentUICulture)
        th.CurrentUICulture = prev_appui_culture;
      if (prev_app_culture != null && prev_app_culture != th.CurrentCulture)
        th.CurrentCulture = prev_app_culture;

      HttpRuntime.TimeoutManager.Remove (context);
      context = null;
      session = null;
      HttpContext.Current = null;

    void Start (object x)
      InitOnce (true);
      PreStart ();
      pipeline = Pipeline ();
      Tick ();
    // Used by HttpServerUtility.Execute
    internal IHttpHandler GetHandler (HttpContext context)
      HttpRequest request = context.Request;
      string verb = request.RequestType;
      string url = request.FilePath;
      IHttpHandler handler = null;
#if NET_2_0
      HttpHandlersSection section = (HttpHandlersSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/httpHandlers");
      object o = section.LocateHandler (verb, url);
      HandlerFactoryConfiguration factory_config = (HandlerFactoryConfiguration) HttpContext.GetAppConfig ("system.web/httpHandlers");
      object o = factory_config.LocateHandler (verb, url);

      factory = o as IHttpHandlerFactory;
      if (factory == null) {
        handler = (IHttpHandler) o;
      } else {
        handler = factory.GetHandler (context, verb, url, request.PhysicalPath);
      context.Handler = handler;

      return handler;
    void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest (HttpContext context)
      begin_iar = null;
      this.context = context;
      done.Reset ();

      Start (null);
      done.WaitOne ();

    // This is used by FireOnAppStart, when we init the application
    // as the context is required to be set at that point (the user
    // might call methods that require it on that hook).
    internal void SetContext (HttpContext context)
      this.context = context;

    internal void SetSession (HttpSessionState session)
      this.session = session;

    IAsyncResult IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest (HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData)
      this.context = context;
      done.Reset ();
      begin_iar = new AsyncRequestState (done, cb, extraData);
      if (true)
      if (Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread)
        Start (null);
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (new WaitCallback (Start), null);
      return begin_iar;

    void IHttpAsyncHandler.EndProcessRequest (IAsyncResult result)
      if (!result.IsCompleted)
        result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
      begin_iar = null;

    public virtual void Init ()

    bool IHttpHandler.IsReusable {
      get {
        return true;
#region internals
    internal void ClearError ()
      context.ClearError ();

    bool RedirectErrorPage (string error_page)
      if (context.Request.QueryString ["aspxerrorpath"] != null)
        return false;

      Response.Redirect (error_page + "?aspxerrorpath=" + Request.Path, false);
      return true;
    bool RedirectCustomError ()
      if (!context.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
        return false;
#if NET_2_0
      CustomErrorsSection config = (CustomErrorsSection)WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/customErrors");
      CustomErrorsConfig config = null;
      try {
        config = (CustomErrorsConfig) context.GetConfig ("system.web/customErrors");
      } catch { }
      if (config == null) {
        if (context.ErrorPage != null)
          return RedirectErrorPage (context.ErrorPage);
        return false;
#if NET_2_0
      CustomError err = config.Errors [context.Response.StatusCode.ToString()];
      string redirect = err == null ? null : err.Redirect;
      string redirect =  config [context.Response.StatusCode];
      if (redirect == null) {
        redirect = context.ErrorPage;
        if (redirect == null)
          redirect = config.DefaultRedirect;
      if (redirect == null)
        return false;
      return RedirectErrorPage (redirect);

  // Based on Fritz' Onion's AsyncRequestState class for asynchronous IHttpAsyncHandlers
  class AsyncRequestState : IAsyncResult {
    AsyncCallback cb;
    object cb_data;
    bool completed;
    ManualResetEvent complete_event = null;
    internal AsyncRequestState (ManualResetEvent complete_event, AsyncCallback cb, object cb_data)
      this.cb = cb;
      this.cb_data = cb_data;
      this.complete_event = complete_event;

    internal void Complete ()
      completed = true;
      if (cb != null)
        cb (this);
      complete_event.Set ();

    public object AsyncState {
      get {
        return cb_data;

    public bool CompletedSynchronously {
      get {
        return false;

    public bool IsCompleted {
      get {
        return completed;

    public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle {
      get {
        return complete_event;

#region Helper classes
  // A wrapper to keep track of begin/end pairs
  class AsyncInvoker {
    public BeginEventHandler begin;
    public EndEventHandler end;
    public object data;
    public AsyncInvoker (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh, object d)
      begin = bh;
      end = eh;
      data = d;

    public AsyncInvoker (BeginEventHandler bh, EndEventHandler eh)
      begin = bh;
      end = eh;
    public void Invoke (object sender, EventArgs e)
      throw new Exception ("This is just a dummy");
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