HttpRequest.cs :  » » System.Web » System » Web » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Web » System » Web » HttpRequest.cs
// System.Web.HttpRequest.cs 
// Author:
//  Miguel de Icaza (
//  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (
//      Marek Habersack <>

// Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Novell, Inc (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Management;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Globalization;

#if NET_4_0
using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace System.Web{  
  // CAS - no InheritanceDemand here as the class is sealed
  [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
  public sealed partial class HttpRequest
    HttpWorkerRequest worker_request;
    HttpContext context;
    WebROCollection query_string_nvc;

    //string filename;
    string orig_url = null;
    UriBuilder url_components;

    string client_target;

    // On-demand computed values
    HttpBrowserCapabilities browser_capabilities;
    string file_path, base_virtual_dir, root_virtual_dir, client_file_path;
    string content_type;
    int content_length = -1;
    Encoding encoding;
    string current_exe_path;
    string physical_path;
    string unescaped_path;
    string original_path;
    string path_info;
    string raw_url;
    WebROCollection all_params;
    WebROCollection headers;
    Stream input_stream;
    InputFilterStream input_filter;
    Stream filter;
    HttpCookieCollection cookies;
    string http_method;

    WebROCollection form;
    HttpFileCollection files;
    ServerVariablesCollection server_variables;
    HttpClientCertificate client_cert;
    string request_type;
    string [] accept_types;
    string [] user_languages;
    Uri cached_url;
    TempFileStream request_file;

    readonly static System.Net.IPAddress [] host_addresses;
    // Validations
    bool validate_cookies, validate_query_string, validate_form;
    bool checked_cookies, checked_query_string, checked_form;
    static readonly UrlMappingCollection urlMappings;
    readonly static char [] queryTrimChars = {'?'};
#if NET_4_0
    RequestContext requestContext;
    static bool validateRequestNewMode;
    internal static bool ValidateRequestNewMode {
      get { return validateRequestNewMode; }

    internal static char[] RequestPathInvalidCharacters {
      get; private set;

    static HttpRequest ()
      try {
        UrlMappingsSection ums = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/urlMappings") as UrlMappingsSection;
        if (ums != null && ums.IsEnabled) {
          urlMappings = ums.UrlMappings;
          if (urlMappings.Count == 0)
            urlMappings = null;

#if NET_4_0
        HttpRuntimeSection runtimeConfig = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/httpRuntime") as HttpRuntimeSection;
        Version validationMode = runtimeConfig.RequestValidationMode;

        if (validationMode >= new Version (4, 0)) {
          validateRequestNewMode = true;
          string invalidChars = runtimeConfig.RequestPathInvalidCharacters;
          if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (invalidChars))
            RequestPathInvalidCharacters = invalidChars.ToCharArray ();
      } catch {
        // unlikely to happen
      host_addresses = GetLocalHostAddresses ();
    public HttpRequest (string filename, string url, string queryString)
      // warning 169: what are we supposed to do with filename?
      //this.filename = filename;

      orig_url = url;
      url_components = new UriBuilder (url);
      url_components.Query = queryString;
      query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection ();
      if (queryString != null)
        HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (queryString, Encoding.Default, query_string_nvc);
      query_string_nvc.Protect ();

    internal HttpRequest (HttpWorkerRequest worker_request, HttpContext context)
      this.worker_request = worker_request;
      this.context = context;
    internal UriBuilder UrlComponents {
      get {
        if (url_components == null) {
          string query;
          byte[] queryStringRaw = worker_request.GetQueryStringRawBytes();
          if(queryStringRaw != null)
            query = ContentEncoding.GetString(queryStringRaw);
            query = worker_request.GetQueryString();
          BuildUrlComponents (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetUriPath ()), query);
        return url_components;

    void BuildUrlComponents (string path, string query)
      if (url_components != null)
      url_components = new UriBuilder ();
      url_components.Scheme = worker_request.GetProtocol ();
      url_components.Host = worker_request.GetServerName ();
      url_components.Port = worker_request.GetLocalPort ();
      url_components.Path = path;
      if (query != null && query.Length > 0)
        url_components.Query = query.TrimStart (queryTrimChars);

    internal string ApplyUrlMapping (string url)
      if (urlMappings == null)
        return url;

      string relUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (url);
      UrlMapping um = null;
      foreach (UrlMapping u in urlMappings) {
        if (u == null)
        if (String.Compare (relUrl, u.Url, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) {
          um = u;

      if (um == null)
        return url;

      string rawUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (um.MappedUrl.Trim ());
      Uri newUrl = new Uri ("" + rawUrl);

      if (url_components != null) {
        url_components.Path = newUrl.AbsolutePath;
        url_components.Query = newUrl.Query.TrimStart (queryTrimChars);
        query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection ();
        HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (newUrl.Query, Encoding.Default, query_string_nvc);
        query_string_nvc.Protect ();
      } else
        BuildUrlComponents (newUrl.AbsolutePath, newUrl.Query);

      return url_components.Path;

    string [] SplitHeader (int header_index)
      string [] result = null;
      string header = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (header_index);
      if (header != null && header != "" && header.Trim () != "") {
        result = header.Split (',');
        for (int i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
          result [i] = result [i].Trim ();
      return result;

    public string [] AcceptTypes {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        if (accept_types == null)
          accept_types = SplitHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept);

        return accept_types;

    public WindowsIdentity LogonUserIdentity {
      get { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
    string anonymous_id;
    public string AnonymousID {
      get {
        return anonymous_id;
      internal set {
        anonymous_id = value;

    public string ApplicationPath {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;
        return worker_request.GetAppPath ();

    public HttpBrowserCapabilities Browser {
      get {
        if (browser_capabilities == null)
          browser_capabilities = (HttpBrowserCapabilities)
            HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetConfigCapabilities (null, this);

        return browser_capabilities;

      set {
        browser_capabilities = value;

    internal bool BrowserMightHaveSpecialWriter {
      get {
        return (browser_capabilities != null 
          || HttpApplicationFactory.AppBrowsersFiles.Length > 0);

    internal bool BrowserMightHaveAdapters {
      get {
        return (browser_capabilities != null 
          || HttpApplicationFactory.AppBrowsersFiles.Length > 0);

    public HttpClientCertificate ClientCertificate {
      get {
        if (client_cert == null)
          client_cert = new HttpClientCertificate (worker_request);
        return client_cert;

    static internal string GetParameter (string header, string attr)
      int ap = header.IndexOf (attr);
      if (ap == -1)
        return null;

      ap += attr.Length;
      if (ap >= header.Length)
        return null;
      char ending = header [ap];
      if (ending != '"')
        ending = ' ';
      int end = header.IndexOf (ending, ap+1);
      if (end == -1)
        return (ending == '"') ? null : header.Substring (ap);

      return header.Substring (ap+1, end-ap-1);

    public Encoding ContentEncoding {
      get {
        if (encoding == null){
          if (worker_request == null)
            throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("No HttpWorkerRequest", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort);
          string content_type = ContentType;
          string parameter = GetParameter (content_type, "; charset=");
          if (parameter == null) {
            encoding = WebEncoding.RequestEncoding;
          } else {
            try {
              // Do what the #1 web server does
              encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (parameter);
            } catch {
              encoding = WebEncoding.RequestEncoding;
        return encoding;

      set {
        encoding = value;

    public int ContentLength {
      get {
        if (content_length == -1){
          if (worker_request == null)
            return 0;

          string cl = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength);

          if (cl != null) {
            try {
              content_length = Int32.Parse (cl);
            } catch { }

        // content_length will still be < 0, but we know we gotta read from the client
        if (content_length < 0)
          return 0;

        return content_length;

    public string ContentType {
      get {
        if (content_type == null){
          if (worker_request != null)
            content_type = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType);

          if (content_type == null)
            content_type = String.Empty;
        return content_type;

      set {
        content_type = value;

    public HttpCookieCollection Cookies {
      get {
        if (cookies == null) {
          if (worker_request == null) {
            cookies = new HttpCookieCollection ();
          } else {
            string cookie_hv = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie);
            cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (cookie_hv);

        // For J2EE portal support we emulate cookies using the session.
        GetSessionCookiesForPortal (cookies);
        bool needValidation = validate_cookies;
#if NET_4_0
        needValidation |= validateRequestNewMode;
        if (needValidation && !checked_cookies) {
          // Setting this before calling the validator prevents
          // possible endless recursion
          checked_cookies = true;
          ValidateCookieCollection (cookies);

        return cookies;


    public string CurrentExecutionFilePath {
      get {
        if (current_exe_path != null)
          return current_exe_path;

        return FilePath;
#if NET_4_0
    public string CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension {
      get { return global::System.IO.Path.GetExtension (CurrentExecutionFilePath); }
    public string AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath {
      get {
        return VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (CurrentExecutionFilePath);

    public string FilePath {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return "/"; // required for 2.0

        if (file_path == null)
          file_path = UrlUtils.Canonic (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetFilePath ()));

        return file_path;

    internal string ClientFilePath {
      get {
        if (client_file_path == null) {
          if (worker_request == null)
            return "/";
          return UrlUtils.Canonic (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetFilePath ()));
        return client_file_path;

      set {
        if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
          client_file_path = null;
          client_file_path = value;
    internal string BaseVirtualDir {
      get {
        if (base_virtual_dir == null){
          base_virtual_dir = FilePath;
          if (UrlUtils.HasSessionId (base_virtual_dir))
            base_virtual_dir = UrlUtils.RemoveSessionId (VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (base_virtual_dir), base_virtual_dir);
          int p = base_virtual_dir.LastIndexOf ('/');
          if (p != -1) {
            if (p == 0)
              p = 1;
            base_virtual_dir = base_virtual_dir.Substring (0, p);
          } else
            base_virtual_dir = "/";
        return base_virtual_dir;
    public HttpFileCollection Files {
      get {
        if (files == null) {
          files = new HttpFileCollection ();
          if ((worker_request != null) && IsContentType ("multipart/form-data", true)) {
            form = new WebROCollection ();
            LoadMultiPart ();
            form.Protect ();
        return files;

    public Stream Filter {
      get {
        if (filter != null)
          return filter;

        if (input_filter == null)
          input_filter = new InputFilterStream ();

        return input_filter;

      set {
        // This checks that get_ was called before.
        if (input_filter == null)
          throw new HttpException ("Invalid filter");

        filter = value;

    // GetSubStream returns a 'copy' of the InputStream with Position set to 0.
    static Stream GetSubStream (Stream stream)
      if (stream is IntPtrStream)
        return new IntPtrStream (stream);

      if (stream is MemoryStream) {
        MemoryStream other = (MemoryStream) stream;
        return new MemoryStream (other.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) other.Length, false, true);

      if (stream is TempFileStream) {
        ((TempFileStream) stream).SavePosition ();
        return stream;

      throw new NotSupportedException ("The stream is " + stream.GetType ());

    static void EndSubStream (Stream stream)
      if (stream is TempFileStream) {
        ((TempFileStream) stream).RestorePosition ();

    // Loads the data on the form for multipart/form-data
    void LoadMultiPart ()
      string boundary = GetParameter (ContentType, "; boundary=");
      if (boundary == null)

      Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream);
      HttpMultipart multi_part = new HttpMultipart (input, boundary, ContentEncoding);

      HttpMultipart.Element e;
      while ((e = multi_part.ReadNextElement ()) != null) {
        if (e.Filename == null){
          byte [] copy = new byte [e.Length];
          input.Position = e.Start;
          input.Read (copy, 0, (int) e.Length);

          form.Add (e.Name, ContentEncoding.GetString (copy));
        } else {
          // We use a substream, as in 2.x we will support large uploads streamed to disk,
          HttpPostedFile sub = new HttpPostedFile (e.Filename, e.ContentType, input, e.Start, e.Length);
          files.AddFile (e.Name, sub);
      EndSubStream (input);

    // Adds the key/value to the form, and sets the argumets to empty
    void AddRawKeyValue (StringBuilder key, StringBuilder value)
      string decodedKey = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (key.ToString (), ContentEncoding);
      form.Add (decodedKey,
          HttpUtility.UrlDecode (value.ToString (), ContentEncoding));

      key.Length = 0;
      value.Length = 0;

    // Loads the form data from on a application/x-www-form-urlencoded post
    void RawLoadWwwForm ()
    void LoadWwwForm ()
      using (Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream)) {
        using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader (input, ContentEncoding)) {
          StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder ();
          StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder ();
          int c;

          while ((c = s.Read ()) != -1){
            if (c == '='){
              value.Length = 0;
              while ((c = s.Read ()) != -1){
                if (c == '&'){
                  AddRawKeyValue (key, value);
                } else
                  value.Append ((char) c);
              if (c == -1){
                AddRawKeyValue (key, value);
            } else if (c == '&')
              AddRawKeyValue (key, value);
              key.Append ((char) c);
          if (c == -1)
            AddRawKeyValue (key, value);

          EndSubStream (input);

    bool IsContentType (string ct, bool starts_with)
      if (starts_with)
        return StrUtils.StartsWith (ContentType, ct, true);

      return String.Compare (ContentType, ct, true, Helpers.InvariantCulture) == 0;
    public NameValueCollection Form {
      get {
        if (form == null){
          form = new WebROCollection ();
          files = new HttpFileCollection ();

          if (IsContentType ("multipart/form-data", true))
            LoadMultiPart ();
          else if (
            IsContentType ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", true))
            LoadWwwForm ();

          form.Protect ();

#if NET_4_0
        if (validateRequestNewMode && !checked_form) {
          // Setting this before calling the validator prevents
          // possible endless recursion
          checked_form = true;
          ValidateNameValueCollection ("Form", query_string_nvc, RequestValidationSource.Form);
        } else
          if (validate_form && !checked_form){
            checked_form = true;
            ValidateNameValueCollection ("Form", form);
        return form;

    public NameValueCollection Headers {
      get {
        if (headers == null) {
          headers = new HeadersCollection (this);
#if NET_4_0
          if (validateRequestNewMode) {
            RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
            int validationFailureIndex;

            foreach (string hkey in headers.AllKeys) {
              string value = headers [hkey];
              if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, value, RequestValidationSource.Headers, hkey, out validationFailureIndex))
                ThrowValidationException ("Headers", hkey, value);
        return headers;

    public string HttpMethod {
      get {
        if (http_method == null){
          if (worker_request != null)
            http_method = worker_request.GetHttpVerbName ();
            http_method = "GET";
        return http_method;

    void DoFilter (byte [] buffer)
      if (input_filter == null || filter == null)

      if (buffer.Length < 1024)
        buffer = new byte [1024];

      // Replace the input with the filtered input
      input_filter.BaseStream = input_stream;
      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
      while (true) {
        int n = filter.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        if (n <= 0)
        ms.Write (buffer, 0, n);
      // From now on input_stream has the filtered input
      input_stream = new MemoryStream (ms.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) ms.Length, false, true);

    const int INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32*1024;

    TempFileStream GetTempStream ()
      string tempdir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.DynamicBase;
      TempFileStream f = null;
      string path;
      Random rnd = new Random ();
      int num;
      do {
        num = rnd.Next ();
        path = System.IO.Path.Combine (tempdir, "tmp" + num.ToString("x") + ".req");

        try {
          f = new TempFileStream (path);
        } catch (SecurityException) {
          // avoid an endless loop
        } catch { }
      } while (f == null);

      return f;

    void MakeInputStream ()
      if (input_stream != null)

      if (worker_request == null) {
        input_stream = new MemoryStream (new byte [0], 0, 0, false, true);
        DoFilter (new byte [1024]);

      // Use an unmanaged memory block as this might be a large
      // upload
      int content_length = ContentLength;
      int content_length_kb = content_length / 1024;
      HttpRuntimeSection config = (HttpRuntimeSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/httpRuntime");
      if (content_length_kb > config.MaxRequestLength)
        throw HttpException.NewWithCode (400, "Upload size exceeds httpRuntime limit.", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge);

      int total = 0;
      byte [] buffer;
      buffer = worker_request.GetPreloadedEntityBody ();
      // we check the instance field 'content_length' here, not the local var.
      if (this.content_length <= 0 || worker_request.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded ()) {
        if (buffer == null || content_length == 0) {
          input_stream = new MemoryStream (new byte [0], 0, 0, false, true);
        } else {
          input_stream = new MemoryStream (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, false, true);
        DoFilter (new byte [1024]);

      if (buffer != null)
        total = buffer.Length;

      if (content_length > 0 && content_length_kb >= config.RequestLengthDiskThreshold) {
        // Writes the request to disk
        total = Math.Min (content_length, total);
        request_file = GetTempStream ();
        Stream output = request_file;
        if (total > 0)
          output.Write (buffer, 0, total);

        if (total < content_length) {
          buffer = new byte [Math.Min (content_length, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)];
          do {
            int n;
            int min = Math.Min (content_length - total, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
            n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, min);
            if (n <= 0)
            output.Write (buffer, 0, n);
            total += n;
          } while (total < content_length);

        request_file.SetReadOnly ();
        input_stream = request_file;
      } else if (content_length > 0) {
        // Buffers the request in an IntPtrStream
        total = Math.Min (content_length, total);
        IntPtr content = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (content_length);
        if (content == (IntPtr) 0)
          throw HttpException.NewWithCode (
            String.Format ("Not enough memory to allocate {0} bytes.", content_length),

        if (total > 0)
          Marshal.Copy (buffer, 0, content, total);

        if (total < content_length) {
          buffer = new byte [Math.Min (content_length, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)];
          do {
            int n;
            int min = Math.Min (content_length - total, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
            n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, min);
            if (n <= 0)
            Marshal.Copy (buffer, 0, (IntPtr) ((long)content + total), n);
            total += n;
          } while (total < content_length);

        input_stream = new IntPtrStream (content, total);
      } else {
        // Buffers the request in a MemoryStream or writes to disk if threshold exceeded
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
        Stream output = ms;
        if (total > 0)
          ms.Write (buffer, 0, total);

        buffer = new byte [INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
        long maxlength = config.MaxRequestLength * 1024L;
        long disk_th = config.RequestLengthDiskThreshold * 1024L;
        int n;
        while (true) {
          n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
          if (n <= 0)
          total += n;
          if (total < 0 || total > maxlength)
            throw HttpException.NewWithCode (400, "Upload size exceeds httpRuntime limit.", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge);

          if (ms != null && total > disk_th) {
            // Swith to on-disk file.
            request_file = GetTempStream ();
            ms.WriteTo (request_file);
            ms = null;
            output = request_file;
          output.Write (buffer, 0, n);

        if (ms != null) {
          input_stream = new MemoryStream (ms.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) ms.Length, false, true);
        } else {
          request_file.SetReadOnly ();
          input_stream = request_file;
      DoFilter (buffer);

      if (total < content_length)
        throw HttpException.NewWithCode (411, "The request body is incomplete.", WebEventCodes.WebErrorOtherError);

    internal void ReleaseResources ()
      Stream stream;
      if (input_stream != null){
        stream = input_stream;
        input_stream = null;
        try {
          stream.Close ();
        } catch {}

      if (request_file != null) {
        stream = request_file;
        request_file = null;
        try {
          stream.Close ();
        } catch {}
#if NET_4_0
    public RequestContext RequestContext {
      get {
        if (requestContext == null)
          requestContext = new RequestContext (new HttpContextWrapper (this.context ?? HttpContext.Current), new RouteData ());

        return requestContext;
      internal set { requestContext = value; }  

    public ChannelBinding HttpChannelBinding {
      get {
        throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This property is not supported.");
    public Stream InputStream {
      get {
        if (input_stream == null)
          MakeInputStream ();

        return input_stream;

    public bool IsAuthenticated {
      get {
        if (context.User == null || context.User.Identity == null)
          return false;
        return context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

    public bool IsSecureConnection {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return false;
        return worker_request.IsSecure ();

    public string this [string key] {
      [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)]
      get {
        // "The QueryString, Form, Cookies, or ServerVariables collection member
        // specified in the key parameter."
        string val = QueryString [key];
        if (val == null)
          val = Form [key];
        if (val == null) {
          HttpCookie cookie = Cookies [key];
          if (cookie != null)
            val = cookie.Value;
        if (val == null)
          val = ServerVariables [key];

        return val;

    public NameValueCollection Params {
      [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)]
      get {
        if (all_params == null)
          all_params = new HttpParamsCollection (QueryString, Form, ServerVariables, Cookies);

        return all_params;

    internal string PathNoValidation {
      get {
        if (original_path == null) {
          if (url_components != null)
            // use only if it's already been instantiated, so that we can't go into endless
            // recursion in some scenarios
            original_path = UrlComponents.Path;
            original_path = ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetUriPath ());

        return original_path;
    public string Path {
      get {
        if (unescaped_path == null) {
          unescaped_path = Uri.UnescapeDataString (PathNoValidation);
#if NET_4_0
          if (validateRequestNewMode) {
            RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
            int validationFailureIndex;
            if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, unescaped_path, RequestValidationSource.Path, null, out validationFailureIndex))
              ThrowValidationException ("Path", "Path", unescaped_path);
        return unescaped_path;

    public string PathInfo {
      get {
        if (path_info == null) {
          if (worker_request == null)
            return String.Empty;
          path_info = worker_request.GetPathInfo () ?? String.Empty;
#if NET_4_0
          if (validateRequestNewMode) {
            RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
            int validationFailureIndex;
            if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, path_info, RequestValidationSource.PathInfo, null, out validationFailureIndex))
              ThrowValidationException ("PathInfo", "PathInfo", path_info);

        return path_info;

    public string PhysicalApplicationPath {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException (); // like 2.0, 1.x throws TypeInitializationException

        string path = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath;
        if (SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled) {
          new FileIOPermission (FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, path).Demand ();
        return path;

    public string PhysicalPath {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return String.Empty; // don't check security with an empty string!

        if (physical_path == null) {
          // Don't call HttpRequest.MapPath here, as that one *trims* the input
          physical_path = worker_request.MapPath (FilePath);

        if (SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled) {
          new FileIOPermission (FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, physical_path).Demand ();
        return physical_path;

    internal string RootVirtualDir {
      get {
        if (root_virtual_dir == null){
          string fp = FilePath;
          int p = fp.LastIndexOf ('/');

          if (p < 1)
            root_virtual_dir = "/";
            root_virtual_dir = fp.Substring (0, p);
        return root_virtual_dir;

    public NameValueCollection QueryString {
      get {
        if (query_string_nvc == null) {
          query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection ();
          string q = UrlComponents.Query;
          if (q != null) {
            if (q.Length != 0)
              q = q.Remove(0, 1);
            HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (q, ContentEncoding, query_string_nvc);
#if NET_4_0
        if (validateRequestNewMode && !checked_query_string) {
          // Setting this before calling the validator prevents
          // possible endless recursion
          checked_query_string = true;
          ValidateNameValueCollection ("QueryString", query_string_nvc, RequestValidationSource.QueryString);
        } else
          if (validate_query_string && !checked_query_string) {
            ValidateNameValueCollection ("QueryString", query_string_nvc);
            checked_query_string = true;
        return query_string_nvc;

    public string RawUrl {
      get {
        if (raw_url == null) {
          if (worker_request != null)
            raw_url = worker_request.GetRawUrl ();
            raw_url = UrlComponents.Path + UrlComponents.Query;
          if (raw_url == null)
            raw_url = String.Empty;
#if NET_4_0
          if (validateRequestNewMode) {
            RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
            int validationFailureIndex;

            if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, raw_url, RequestValidationSource.RawUrl, null, out validationFailureIndex))
              ThrowValidationException ("RawUrl", "RawUrl", raw_url);
        return raw_url;

    // "GET" or "SET"
    public string RequestType {
      get {
        if (request_type == null){
          if (worker_request != null) {
            request_type = worker_request.GetHttpVerbName ();
            http_method = request_type;
          } else {
            request_type = "GET";
        return request_type;

      set {
        request_type = value;

    public NameValueCollection ServerVariables {
      [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)]
      get {
        if (server_variables == null)
          server_variables = new ServerVariablesCollection (this);

        return server_variables;

    public int TotalBytes {
      get {
        Stream ins = InputStream;
        return (int) ins.Length;

    public Uri Url {
      get {
        if (cached_url == null) {
          if (orig_url == null)
            cached_url = UrlComponents.Uri;
            cached_url = new Uri (orig_url);

        return cached_url;      

    public Uri UrlReferrer {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        string hr = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer);
        if (hr == null)
          return null;

        Uri uri = null;
        try {
          uri = new Uri (hr);
        } catch (UriFormatException) {}
        return uri;

    public string UserAgent {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        return worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent);

    public string UserHostAddress {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        return worker_request.GetRemoteAddress ();

    public string UserHostName {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        return worker_request.GetRemoteName ();

    public string [] UserLanguages {
      get {
        if (worker_request == null)
          return null;

        if (user_languages == null)
          user_languages = SplitHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage);

        return user_languages;

    public byte [] BinaryRead (int count)
      if (count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentException ("count is < 0");

      Stream s = InputStream;
      byte [] ret = new byte [count];
      if (s.Read (ret, 0, count) != count)
        throw new ArgumentException (
          String.Format ("count {0} exceeds length of available input {1}",
            count, s.Length - s.Position));
      return ret;

    public int [] MapImageCoordinates (string imageFieldName)
      string method = HttpMethod;
      NameValueCollection coll = null;
      if (method == "HEAD" || method == "GET")
        coll = QueryString;
      else if (method == "POST")
        coll = Form;

      if (coll == null)
        return null;

      string x = coll [imageFieldName + ".x"];
      if (x == null || x == "")
        return null;

      string y = coll [imageFieldName + ".y"];
      if (y == null || y == "")
        return null;

      int [] result = new int [2];
      try {
        result [0] = Int32.Parse (x);
        result [1] = Int32.Parse (y);
      } catch {
        return null;

      return result;

    public string MapPath (string virtualPath)
      if (worker_request == null)
        return null;

      return MapPath (virtualPath, BaseVirtualDir, true);

    public string MapPath (string virtualPath, string baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping)
      if (worker_request == null)
        throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("No HttpWorkerRequest", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort);

      if (virtualPath == null)
        virtualPath = "~";
      else {
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Trim ();
        if (virtualPath.Length == 0)
          virtualPath = "~";

      if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsValidVirtualPath (virtualPath))
        throw HttpException.NewWithCode (String.Format ("'{0}' is not a valid virtual path.", virtualPath), WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort);

      string appVirtualPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath;

      if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsRooted (virtualPath)) {
        if (StrUtils.IsNullOrEmpty (baseVirtualDir))
          baseVirtualDir = appVirtualPath;
        virtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (baseVirtualDir), virtualPath);
      virtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (virtualPath);
      if (!allowCrossAppMapping){
        if (!StrUtils.StartsWith (virtualPath, appVirtualPath, true))
          throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("MapPath: Mapping across applications not allowed", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort);
        if (appVirtualPath.Length > 1 && virtualPath.Length > 1 && virtualPath [0] != '/')
          throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("MapPath: Mapping across applications not allowed", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort);
      return worker_request.MapPath (virtualPath);
      string path = worker_request.MapPath (virtualPath);
      if (virtualPath [virtualPath.Length - 1] != '/' && path [path.Length - 1] == System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
        path = path.TrimEnd (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
      return path;

    public void SaveAs (string filename, bool includeHeaders)
      Stream output = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Create);
      if (includeHeaders) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
        string version = String.Empty;
        string path = "/";
        if (worker_request != null) {
          version = worker_request.GetHttpVersion ();
          path = UrlComponents.Path;
        string qs = UrlComponents.Query;

        sb.AppendFormat ("{0} {1}{2} {3}\r\n", HttpMethod, path, qs, version);
        NameValueCollection coll = Headers;
        foreach (string k in coll.AllKeys) {
          sb.Append (k);
          sb.Append (':');
          sb.Append (coll [k]);
          sb.Append ("\r\n");
        sb.Append ("\r\n");
        // latin1
        byte [] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding (28591).GetBytes (sb.ToString ());
        output.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

      // More than 1 call to SaveAs works fine on MS, so we "copy" the stream
      // to keep InputStream in its state.
      Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream);
      try {
        long len = input.Length;
        int buf_size = (int) Math.Min ((len < 0 ? 0 : len), 8192);
        byte [] data = new byte [buf_size];
        int count = 0;
        while (len > 0 && (count = input.Read (data, 0, buf_size)) > 0) {
          output.Write (data, 0, count);
          len -= count;
      } finally {
        output.Flush ();
        output.Close ();
        EndSubStream (input);

    public void ValidateInput ()
      validate_cookies = true;
      validate_query_string = true;
      validate_form = true;

#region internal routines
    internal string ClientTarget {
      get {
        return client_target;

      set {
        client_target = value;
    public bool IsLocal {
      get {
        string address = worker_request.GetRemoteAddress ();

        if (StrUtils.IsNullOrEmpty (address))
          return false;

        if (address == "")
          return true;

        System.Net.IPAddress remoteAddr = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse (address);
        if (System.Net.IPAddress.IsLoopback (remoteAddr))
          return true;

        for (int i = 0; i < host_addresses.Length; i++)
          if (remoteAddr.Equals (host_addresses [i]))
            return true;

        return false;

    internal void SetFilePath (string path)
      file_path = path;
      physical_path = null;

    internal void SetCurrentExePath (string path)
      cached_url = null;
      current_exe_path = path;
      UrlComponents.Path = path;
      // recreated on demand
      root_virtual_dir = null;
      base_virtual_dir = null;
      physical_path = null;
      unescaped_path = null;

    internal void SetPathInfo (string pi)
      cached_url = null;
      path_info = pi;

    // Headers is ReadOnly, so we need this hack for cookie-less sessions.
    internal void SetHeader (string name, string value)
      WebROCollection h = (WebROCollection) Headers;
      h.Unprotect ();
      h [name] = value;
      h.Protect ();

    // Notice: there is nothing raw about this querystring.
    internal string QueryStringRaw {
      get {
        UriBuilder urlComponents = UrlComponents;

        if (urlComponents == null) {
          string ret = worker_request.GetQueryString ();

          if (ret == null || ret.Length == 0)
            return String.Empty;

          if (ret [0] == '?')
            return ret;

          return "?" + ret;
        return UrlComponents.Query;

      set {
        UrlComponents.Query = value;
        cached_url = null;
        query_string_nvc = null;

    // Internal, dont know what it does, so flagged as public so we can see it.
    internal void SetForm (WebROCollection coll)
      form = coll;

    internal HttpWorkerRequest WorkerRequest {
      get {
        return worker_request;

    internal HttpContext Context {
      get { return context; }
      set { context = value; }

    static void ValidateNameValueCollection (string name, NameValueCollection coll)
      if (coll == null)
      foreach (string key in coll.Keys) {
        string val = coll [key];
        if (val != null && val.Length > 0 && IsInvalidString (val))
          ThrowValidationException (name, key, val);
#if NET_4_0
    static void ValidateNameValueCollection (string name, NameValueCollection coll, RequestValidationSource source)
      if (coll == null)

      RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
      int validationFailureIndex;
      HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

      foreach (string key in coll.Keys) {
        string val = coll [key];
        if (val != null && val.Length > 0 && !validator.IsValidRequestString (context, val, source, key, out validationFailureIndex))
          ThrowValidationException (name, key, val);

    [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)]
    public void InsertEntityBody ()
      throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This method is not supported.");

    [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)]
    public void InsertEntityBody (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
      throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This method is not supported.");
    static void ValidateCookieCollection (HttpCookieCollection cookies)
      if (cookies == null)
      int size = cookies.Count;
      HttpCookie cookie;
#if NET_4_0
      RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current;
      int validationFailureIndex;
      HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
      bool invalid;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
        cookie = cookies[i];
        if (cookie == null)
        string value = cookie.Value;
        string name = cookie.Name;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) {
#if NET_4_0
          if (validateRequestNewMode)
            invalid = !validator.IsValidRequestString (context, value, RequestValidationSource.Cookies, name, out validationFailureIndex);
            invalid = IsInvalidString (value);

          if (invalid)
            ThrowValidationException ("Cookies", name, value);

    static void ThrowValidationException (string name, string key, string value)
      string v = "\"" + value + "\"";
      if (v.Length > 20)
        v = v.Substring (0, 16) + "...\"";
      string msg = String.Format ("A potentially dangerous Request.{0} value was " +
                "detected from the client ({1}={2}).", name, key, v);
      throw new HttpRequestValidationException (msg);

    internal static bool IsInvalidString (string val)
      int validationFailureIndex;

      return IsInvalidString (val, out validationFailureIndex);

    internal static bool IsInvalidString (string val, out int validationFailureIndex)
      validationFailureIndex = 0;

      int len = val.Length;
      if (len < 2)
        return false;

      char current = val [0];
      for (int idx = 1; idx < len; idx++) {
        char next = val [idx];
        // See
        if (current == '<' || current == '\xff1c') {
          if (next == '!' || next < ' '
              || (next >= 'a' && next <= 'z')
              || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z')) {
            validationFailureIndex = idx - 1;
            return true;
        } else if (current == '&' && next == '#') {
          validationFailureIndex = idx - 1;
          return true;

        current = next;

      return false;
    static System.Net.IPAddress [] GetLocalHostAddresses ()
      try {
        string hostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName ();
        System.Net.IPAddress [] ipaddr = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses (hostName);
        return ipaddr;
      } catch {
        return new System.Net.IPAddress[0];

#region Helper classes
  // Stream-based multipart handling.
  // In this incarnation deals with an HttpInputStream as we are now using
  // IntPtr-based streams instead of byte [].   In the future, we will also
  // send uploads above a certain threshold into the disk (to implement
  // limit-less HttpInputFiles). 
  class HttpMultipart {

    public class Element {
      public string ContentType;
      public string Name;
      public string Filename;
      public long Start;
      public long Length;
      public override string ToString ()
        return "ContentType " + ContentType + ", Name " + Name + ", Filename " + Filename + ", Start " +
          Start.ToString () + ", Length " + Length.ToString ();
    Stream data;
    string boundary;
    byte [] boundary_bytes;
    byte [] buffer;
    bool at_eof;
    Encoding encoding;
    StringBuilder sb;
    const byte HYPHEN = (byte) '-', LF = (byte) '\n', CR = (byte) '\r';
    // See RFC 2046 
    // In the case of multipart entities, in which one or more different
    // sets of data are combined in a single body, a "multipart" media type
    // field must appear in the entity's header.  The body must then contain
    // one or more body parts, each preceded by a boundary delimiter line,
    // and the last one followed by a closing boundary delimiter line.
    // After its boundary delimiter line, each body part then consists of a
    // header area, a blank line, and a body area.  Thus a body part is
    // similar to an RFC 822 message in syntax, but different in meaning.
    public HttpMultipart (Stream data, string b, Encoding encoding)
    { = data;
      boundary = b;
      boundary_bytes = encoding.GetBytes (b);
      buffer = new byte [boundary_bytes.Length + 2]; // CRLF or '--'
      this.encoding = encoding;
      sb = new StringBuilder ();

    string ReadLine ()
      // CRLF or LF are ok as line endings.
      bool got_cr = false;
      int b = 0;
      sb.Length = 0;
      while (true) {
        b = data.ReadByte ();
        if (b == -1) {
          return null;

        if (b == LF) {
        got_cr = (b == CR);
        sb.Append ((char) b);

      if (got_cr)

      return sb.ToString ();


    static string GetContentDispositionAttribute (string l, string name)
      int idx = l.IndexOf (name + "=\"");
      if (idx < 0)
        return null;
      int begin = idx + name.Length + "=\"".Length;
      int end = l.IndexOf ('"', begin);
      if (end < 0)
        return null;
      if (begin == end)
        return "";
      return l.Substring (begin, end - begin);

    string GetContentDispositionAttributeWithEncoding (string l, string name)
      int idx = l.IndexOf (name + "=\"");
      if (idx < 0)
        return null;
      int begin = idx + name.Length + "=\"".Length;
      int end = l.IndexOf ('"', begin);
      if (end < 0)
        return null;
      if (begin == end)
        return "";

      string temp = l.Substring (begin, end - begin);
      byte [] source = new byte [temp.Length];
      for (int i = temp.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        source [i] = (byte) temp [i];

      return encoding.GetString (source);

    bool ReadBoundary ()
      try {
        string line = ReadLine ();
        while (line == "")
          line = ReadLine ();
        if (line [0] != '-' || line [1] != '-')
          return false;

        if (!StrUtils.EndsWith (line, boundary, false))
          return true;
      } catch {

      return false;

    string ReadHeaders ()
      string s = ReadLine ();
      if (s == "")
        return null;

      return s;

    bool CompareBytes (byte [] orig, byte [] other)
      for (int i = orig.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (orig [i] != other [i])
          return false;

      return true;

    long MoveToNextBoundary ()
      long retval = 0;
      bool got_cr = false;

      int state = 0;
      int c = data.ReadByte ();
      while (true) {
        if (c == -1)
          return -1;

        if (state == 0 && c == LF) {
          retval = data.Position - 1;
          if (got_cr)
          state = 1;
          c = data.ReadByte ();
        } else if (state == 0) {
          got_cr = (c == CR);
          c = data.ReadByte ();
        } else if (state == 1 && c == '-') {
          c = data.ReadByte ();
          if (c == -1)
            return -1;

          if (c != '-') {
            state = 0;
            got_cr = false;
            continue; // no ReadByte() here

          int nread = data.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
          int bl = buffer.Length;
          if (nread != bl)
            return -1;

          if (!CompareBytes (boundary_bytes, buffer)) {
            state = 0;
            data.Position = retval + 2;
            if (got_cr) {
              got_cr = false;
            c = data.ReadByte ();

          if (buffer [bl - 2] == '-' && buffer [bl - 1] == '-') {
            at_eof = true;
          } else if (buffer [bl - 2] != CR || buffer [bl - 1] != LF) {
            state = 0;
            data.Position = retval + 2;
            if (got_cr) {
              got_cr = false;
            c = data.ReadByte ();
          data.Position = retval + 2;
          if (got_cr)
        } else {
          // state == 1
          state = 0; // no ReadByte() here

      return retval;

    public Element ReadNextElement ()
      if (at_eof || ReadBoundary ())
        return null;

      Element elem = new Element ();
      string header;
      while ((header = ReadHeaders ()) != null) {
        if (StrUtils.StartsWith (header, "Content-Disposition:", true)) {
          elem.Name = GetContentDispositionAttribute (header, "name");
          elem.Filename = StripPath (GetContentDispositionAttributeWithEncoding (header, "filename"));
        } else if (StrUtils.StartsWith (header, "Content-Type:", true)) {
          elem.ContentType = header.Substring ("Content-Type:".Length).Trim ();

      long start = data.Position;
      elem.Start = start;
      long pos = MoveToNextBoundary ();
      if (pos == -1)
        return null;

      elem.Length = pos - start;
      return elem;

    static string StripPath (string path)
      if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
        return path;
      if (path.IndexOf (":\\") != 1 && !path.StartsWith ("\\\\"))
        return path;
      return path.Substring (path.LastIndexOf ('\\') + 1);
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