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System.Xml » System » Xml » Schema » XmlSchemaValidator.cs
// XmlSchemaValidator.cs
// Author:
//  Atsushi Enomoto  <atsushi@ximian.com>
// (C)2004 Novell Inc,

// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

//  - There is no assurance that xsi:type precedes to any other attributes,
//    or xsi:type is not handled.
//  - There is no SourceUri provision.

#if NET_2_0

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Mono.Xml.Schema;

using QNameSystem.Xml.XmlQualifiedName;
using FormSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm;
using UseSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse;
using ContentTypeSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType;
using ValiditySystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity;
using ValidationFlagsSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags;
using ContentProcSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing;
using SOMListSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection;
using SOMObjectSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject;
using XsElementSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement;
using XsAttributeSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute;
using AttrGroupSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup;
using AttrGroupRefSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef;
using XsDatatypeSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype;
using SimpleTypeSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType;
using ComplexTypeSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType;
using SimpleModelSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContent;
using SimpleExtSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension;
using SimpleRstSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction;
using ComplexModelSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContent;
using ComplexExtSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension;
using ComplexRstSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction;
using SimpleTypeRestSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction;
using SimpleTypeListSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList;
using SimpleTypeUnionSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion;
using SchemaFacetSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet;
using LengthFacetSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaLengthFacet;
using MinLengthFacetSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet;
using ParticleSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle;
using SequenceSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence;
using ChoiceSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaChoice;
using ValExceptionSystem.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException;

namespace System.Xml.Schema{
  public sealed class XmlSchemaValidator
    enum Transition {

    static readonly XsAttribute [] emptyAttributeArray =
      new XsAttribute [0];

    public XmlSchemaValidator (
      XmlNameTable nameTable,
      XmlSchemaSet schemas,
      IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver,
      ValidationFlags options)
      this.nameTable = nameTable;
      this.schemas = schemas;
      this.nsResolver = nsResolver;
      this.options = options;

    #region Fields

    // XmlReader/XPathNavigator themselves
    object nominalEventSender;
    IXmlLineInfo lineInfo;
    IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver;
    Uri sourceUri;

    // These fields will be from XmlReaderSettings or 
    // XPathNavigator.CheckValidity(). BTW, I think we could
    // implement XPathNavigator.CheckValidity() with
    // XsdValidatingReader.
    XmlNameTable nameTable;
    XmlSchemaSet schemas;
    XmlResolver xmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver ();

    // "partialValidationType". but not sure how it will be used.
    SOMObject startType;

    // It is perhaps from XmlReaderSettings, but XPathNavigator
    // does not have it.
    ValidationFlags options;

    // Validation state
    Transition transition;
    XsdParticleStateManager state;

    ArrayList occuredAtts = new ArrayList ();
    XsAttribute [] defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray;
    ArrayList defaultAttributesCache = new ArrayList ();

#region ID Constraints
    XsdIDManager idManager = new XsdIDManager ();

#region Key Constraints
    ArrayList keyTables = new ArrayList ();
    ArrayList currentKeyFieldConsumers = new ArrayList ();
    ArrayList tmpKeyrefPool;
    ArrayList elementQNameStack = new ArrayList ();

    StringBuilder storedCharacters = new StringBuilder ();
    bool shouldValidateCharacters;

    int depth;
    int xsiNilDepth = -1;
    int skipValidationDepth = -1;

    // LAMESPEC: XmlValueGetter is bogus by design because there
    // is no way to get associated schema type for current value.
    // Here XmlSchemaValidatingReader needs "current type"
    // information to validate attribute values.
    internal XmlSchemaDatatype CurrentAttributeType;


    #region Public properties

    // Settable Properties

    // IMHO It should just be an event that fires another event.
    public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler;

    public object ValidationEventSender {
      get { return nominalEventSender; }
      set { nominalEventSender = value; }

    // (kinda) Construction Properties

    public IXmlLineInfo LineInfoProvider {
      get { return lineInfo; }
      set { lineInfo = value; }

    public XmlResolver XmlResolver {
      set { xmlResolver = value; }

    public Uri SourceUri {
      get { return sourceUri; }
      set { sourceUri = value; }

    #region Private properties

    private string BaseUri {
      get { return sourceUri != null ? sourceUri.AbsoluteUri : String.Empty; }

    private XsdValidationContext Context {
      get { return state.Context; }

    private bool IgnoreWarnings {
      get { return (options & ValidationFlags
        .ReportValidationWarnings) == 0; }

    private bool IgnoreIdentity {
      get { return (options & ValidationFlags
        .ProcessIdentityConstraints) == 0; }


    #region Public methods

    // State Monitor

    public XmlSchemaAttribute [] GetExpectedAttributes ()
      ComplexType cType = Context.ActualType as ComplexType;
      if (cType == null)
        return emptyAttributeArray;
      ArrayList al = new ArrayList ();
      foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in cType.AttributeUses)
        if (!occuredAtts.Contains ((QName) entry.Key))
          al.Add (entry.Value);
      return (XsAttribute [])
        al.ToArray (typeof (XsAttribute));

    private void CollectAtomicParticles (XmlSchemaParticle p,
      ArrayList al)
      if (p is XmlSchemaGroupBase) {
        foreach (XmlSchemaParticle c in 
          ((XmlSchemaGroupBase) p).Items)
          CollectAtomicParticles (c, al);
        al.Add (p);

    [MonoTODO] // Need some tests.
    // Its behavior is not obvious. For example, it does not
    // contain groups (xs:sequence/xs:choice/xs:all). Since it
    // might contain xs:any, it could not be of type element[].
    public XmlSchemaParticle [] GetExpectedParticles ()
      ArrayList al = new ArrayList ();
      Context.State.GetExpectedParticles (al);
      ArrayList ret = new ArrayList ();

      foreach (XmlSchemaParticle p in al)
        CollectAtomicParticles (p, ret);

      return (XmlSchemaParticle []) ret.ToArray (
        typeof (XmlSchemaParticle));

    public void GetUnspecifiedDefaultAttributes (ArrayList defaultAttributeList)
      if (defaultAttributeList == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("defaultAttributeList");

      if (transition != Transition.StartTag)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Method 'GetUnsoecifiedDefaultAttributes' works only when the validator state is inside a start tag.");
      foreach (XmlSchemaAttribute attr
        in GetExpectedAttributes ())
        if (attr.ValidatedDefaultValue != null || attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null)
          defaultAttributeList.Add (attr);

      defaultAttributeList.AddRange (defaultAttributes);

    // State Controller

    public void AddSchema (XmlSchema schema)
      if (schema == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("schema");
      schemas.Add (schema);
      schemas.Compile ();

    public void Initialize ()
      transition = Transition.Content;
      state = new XsdParticleStateManager ();
      if (!schemas.IsCompiled)
        schemas.Compile ();

    public void Initialize (SOMObject partialValidationType)
      if (partialValidationType == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("partialValidationType");
      this.startType = partialValidationType;
      Initialize ();

    // It must be called at the end of the validation (to check
    // identity constraints etc.).
    public void EndValidation ()
      CheckState (Transition.Content);
      transition = Transition.Finished;

      if (schemas.Count == 0)

      if (depth > 0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("There are {0} open element(s). ValidateEndElement() must be called for each open element.", depth));

      // 3.3.4 ElementLocallyValidElement 7 = Root Valid.
      if (!IgnoreIdentity &&
        idManager.HasMissingIDReferences ())
        HandleError ("There are missing ID references: " + idManager.GetMissingIDString ());

    // I guess it is for validation error recovery
    [MonoTODO] // FIXME: Find out how XmlSchemaInfo is used.
    public void SkipToEndElement (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      CheckState (Transition.Content);
      if (schemas.Count == 0)
      state.PopContext ();

    public object ValidateAttribute (
      string localName,
      string ns,
      string attributeValue,
      XmlSchemaInfo info)
      if (attributeValue == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeValue");
      return ValidateAttribute (localName, ns, delegate () { return attributeValue; }, info);

    // I guess this weird XmlValueGetter is for such case that
    // value might not be required (and thus it improves 
    // performance in some cases. Doh).

    // The return value is typed primitive, if possible.
    // AttDeriv
    public object ValidateAttribute (
      string localName,
      string ns,
      XmlValueGetter attributeValue,
      XmlSchemaInfo info)
      if (localName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName");
      if (ns == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("ns");
      if (attributeValue == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeValue");

      CheckState (Transition.StartTag);

      QName qname = new QName (localName, ns);
      if (occuredAtts.Contains (qname))
        throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("Attribute '{0}' has already been validated in the same element.", qname));
      occuredAtts.Add (qname);

      if (ns == XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXmlns)
        return null;

      if (schemas.Count == 0)
        return null;

      if (Context.Element != null && Context.XsiType == null) {

        // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Type) - attribute
        if (Context.ActualType is ComplexType)
          return AssessAttributeElementLocallyValidType (localName, ns, attributeValue, info);
          HandleError ("Current simple type cannot accept attributes other than schema instance namespace.");
      return null;

    // StartTagOpenDeriv
    public void ValidateElement (
      string localName,
      string ns,
      XmlSchemaInfo info)
      ValidateElement (localName, ns, info, null, null, null, null);

    public void ValidateElement (
      string localName,
      string ns,
      XmlSchemaInfo info,
      string xsiType,
      string xsiNil,
      string schemaLocation,
      string noNsSchemaLocation)
      if (localName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName");
      if (ns == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("ns");

      CheckState (Transition.Content);
      transition = Transition.StartTag;

      if (schemaLocation != null)
        HandleSchemaLocation (schemaLocation);
      if (noNsSchemaLocation != null)
        HandleNoNSSchemaLocation (noNsSchemaLocation);

      elementQNameStack.Add (new XmlQualifiedName (localName, ns));

      if (schemas.Count == 0)

#region ID Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity)
        idManager.OnStartElement ();
      defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray;

      // If there is no schema information, then no validation is performed.
      if (skipValidationDepth < 0 || depth <= skipValidationDepth) {
        if (shouldValidateCharacters)
          ValidateEndSimpleContent (null);

        AssessOpenStartElementSchemaValidity (localName, ns);

      if (xsiNil != null)
        HandleXsiNil (xsiNil, info);
      if (xsiType != null)
        HandleXsiType (xsiType);

      if (xsiNilDepth < depth)
        shouldValidateCharacters = true;

      if (info != null) {
        info.IsNil = xsiNilDepth >= 0;
        info.SchemaElement = Context.Element;
        info.SchemaType = Context.ActualSchemaType;
        info.SchemaAttribute = null;
        info.IsDefault = false;
        info.MemberType = null;
        // FIXME: supply Validity (really useful?)

    public object ValidateEndElement (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      return ValidateEndElement (info, null);

    // The return value is typed primitive, if supplied.
    // Parameter 'var' seems to be converted into the type
    // represented by current simple content type. (try passing
    // some kind of object to this method to check the behavior.)
    // EndTagDeriv
    [MonoTODO] // FIXME: Handle 'var' parameter.
    public object ValidateEndElement (XmlSchemaInfo info,
      object var)
      // If it is going to validate an empty element, then
      // first validate end of attributes.
      if (transition == Transition.StartTag)
        ValidateEndOfAttributes (info);

      CheckState (Transition.Content);

      elementQNameStack.RemoveAt (elementQNameStack.Count - 1);

      if (schemas.Count == 0)
        return null;
      if (depth == 0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("There was no corresponding call to 'ValidateElement' method.");


      object ret = null;
      if (depth == skipValidationDepth)
        skipValidationDepth = -1;
      else if (skipValidationDepth < 0 || depth <= skipValidationDepth)
        ret = AssessEndElementSchemaValidity (info);
      return ret;

    // StartTagCloseDeriv
    // FIXME: fill validity inside this invocation.
    public void ValidateEndOfAttributes (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      try {
        CheckState (Transition.StartTag);
        transition = Transition.Content;
        if (schemas.Count == 0)

        if (skipValidationDepth < 0 || depth <= skipValidationDepth)
          AssessCloseStartElementSchemaValidity (info);
      } finally {
        occuredAtts.Clear ();

    // LAMESPEC: It should also receive XmlSchemaInfo so that
    // a validator application can receive simple type or
    // or content type validation errors.
    public void ValidateText (string value)
      if (value == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
      ValidateText (delegate () { return value; });

    // TextDeriv ... without text. Maybe typed check is done by
    // ValidateAtomicValue().
    public void ValidateText (XmlValueGetter getter)
      if (getter == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("getter");

      CheckState (Transition.Content);
      if (schemas.Count == 0)

      if (skipValidationDepth >= 0 && depth > skipValidationDepth)

      ComplexType ct = Context.ActualType as ComplexType;
      if (ct != null) {
        switch (ct.ContentType) {
        case XmlSchemaContentType.Empty:
          HandleError ("Not allowed character content was found.");
        case XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly:
          string s = storedCharacters.ToString ();
          if (s.Length > 0 && !XmlChar.IsWhitespace (s))
            HandleError ("Not allowed character content was found.");

      ValidateCharacters (getter);

    public void ValidateWhitespace (string value)
      if (value == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
      ValidateWhitespace (delegate () { return value; });

    // TextDeriv. It should do the same as ValidateText() in our actual implementation (whitespaces are conditioned).
    public void ValidateWhitespace (XmlValueGetter getter)
      ValidateText (getter);


    #region Error handling

    private void HandleError (string message)
      HandleError (message, null, false);

    private void HandleError (
      string message, Exception innerException)
      HandleError (message, innerException, false);

    private void HandleError (string message,
      Exception innerException, bool isWarning)
      if (isWarning && IgnoreWarnings)

      ValException vex = new ValException (
        message, nominalEventSender, BaseUri,
        null, innerException);
      HandleError (vex, isWarning);

    private void HandleError (ValException exception)
      HandleError (exception, false);

    private void HandleError (ValException exception, bool isWarning)
      if (isWarning && IgnoreWarnings)

      if (ValidationEventHandler == null)
        throw exception;

      ValidationEventArgs e = new ValidationEventArgs (
        isWarning ? XmlSeverityType.Warning :
      ValidationEventHandler (nominalEventSender, e);


    private void CheckState (Transition expected)
      if (transition != expected) {
        if (transition == Transition.None)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Initialize() must be called before processing validation.");
          throw new InvalidOperationException (
            String.Format ("Unexpected attempt to validate state transition from {0} to {1}.",

    private XsElement FindElement (string name, string ns)
      return (XsElement) schemas.GlobalElements [new XmlQualifiedName (name, ns)];

    private XmlSchemaType FindType (XmlQualifiedName qname)
      return (XmlSchemaType) schemas.GlobalTypes [qname];

    #region Type Validation

    private void ValidateStartElementParticle (
      string localName, string ns)
      if (Context.State == null)
      Context.XsiType = null;
      state.CurrentElement = null;
      Context.EvaluateStartElement (localName,
      if (Context.IsInvalid)
        HandleError ("Invalid start element: " + ns + ":" + localName);

      Context.PushCurrentElement (state.CurrentElement);

    private void AssessOpenStartElementSchemaValidity (
      string localName, string ns)
      // If the reader is inside xsi:nil (and failed
      // on validation), then simply skip its content.
      if (xsiNilDepth >= 0 && xsiNilDepth < depth)
        HandleError ("Element item appeared, while current element context is nil.");

      ValidateStartElementParticle (localName, ns);

      // Create Validation Root, if not exist.
      // [Schema Validity Assessment (Element) 1.1]
      if (Context.Element == null) {
        state.CurrentElement = FindElement (localName, ns);
        Context.PushCurrentElement (state.CurrentElement);

#region Key Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity) {
        ValidateKeySelectors ();
        ValidateKeyFields (false, xsiNilDepth == depth,
          Context.ActualType, null, null, null);

    private void AssessCloseStartElementSchemaValidity (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      if (Context.XsiType != null)
        AssessCloseStartElementLocallyValidType (info);
      else if (Context.Element != null) {
        // element locally valid is checked only when
        // xsi:type does not exist.
        AssessElementLocallyValidElement ();
        if (Context.Element.ElementType != null)
          AssessCloseStartElementLocallyValidType (info);

      if (Context.Element == null) {
        switch (state.ProcessContents) {
        case ContentProc.Skip:
        case ContentProc.Lax:
          QName current = (QName) elementQNameStack [elementQNameStack.Count - 1];
          if (Context.XsiType == null &&
            (schemas.Contains (current.Namespace) ||
            !schemas.MissedSubComponents (current.Namespace)))
            HandleError ("Element declaration for " + current + " is missing.");

      // Proceed to the next depth.

      state.PushContext ();

      XsdValidationState next = null;
      if (state.ProcessContents == ContentProc.Skip)
        skipValidationDepth = depth;
      else {
        // create child particle state.
        ComplexType xsComplexType = Context.ActualType as ComplexType;
        if (xsComplexType != null)
          next = state.Create (xsComplexType.ValidatableParticle);
        else if (state.ProcessContents == ContentProc.Lax)
          next = state.Create (XmlSchemaAny.AnyTypeContent);
          next = state.Create (XmlSchemaParticle.Empty);
      Context.State = next;

    // It must be invoked after xsi:nil turned out not to be in
    // this element.
    private void AssessElementLocallyValidElement ()
      XsElement element = Context.Element;
      XmlQualifiedName qname = (XmlQualifiedName) elementQNameStack [elementQNameStack.Count - 1];
      // 1.
      if (element == null)
        HandleError ("Element declaration is required for " + qname);
      // 2.
      if (element.ActualIsAbstract)
        HandleError ("Abstract element declaration was specified for " + qname);
      // 3. is checked inside ValidateAttribute().

    // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Type)
    private void AssessCloseStartElementLocallyValidType (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      object schemaType = Context.ActualType;
      if (schemaType == null) {  // 1.
        HandleError ("Schema type does not exist.");
      ComplexType cType = schemaType as ComplexType;
      SimpleType sType = schemaType as SimpleType;
      if (sType != null) {
        // 3.1.1.
        // Attributes are checked in ValidateAttribute().
      } else if (cType != null) {
        // 3.2. Also, 2. is checked there.
        AssessCloseStartElementLocallyValidComplexType (cType, info);

    // 3.4.4 Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
    // FIXME: use SchemaInfo for somewhere (? it is passed to ValidateEndOfAttributes() for some reason)
    private void AssessCloseStartElementLocallyValidComplexType (ComplexType cType, XmlSchemaInfo info)
      // 1.
      if (cType.IsAbstract) {
        HandleError ("Target complex type is abstract.");

      // 2 (xsi:nil and content prohibition)
      // See AssessStartElementSchemaValidity() and ValidateCharacters()
      // 3. attribute uses and  5. wild IDs are handled at
      // ValidateAttribute(), except for default/fixed values.

      // Collect default attributes.
      // 4.
      foreach (XsAttribute attr in GetExpectedAttributes ()) {
        if (attr.ValidatedUse == XmlSchemaUse.Required && 
          attr.ValidatedFixedValue == null)
          HandleError ("Required attribute " + attr.QualifiedName + " was not found.");
        else if (attr.ValidatedDefaultValue != null || attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null)
          defaultAttributesCache.Add (attr);
      if (defaultAttributesCache.Count == 0)
        defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray;
        defaultAttributes = (XsAttribute []) 
          defaultAttributesCache.ToArray (
            typeof (XsAttribute));
      defaultAttributesCache.Clear ();
      // 5. wild IDs was already checked at ValidateAttribute().

      // 3. - handle default attributes
#region ID Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity) {
        foreach (XsAttribute a in defaultAttributes) {
          var atype = a.AttributeType as XmlSchemaDatatype ?? a.AttributeSchemaType.Datatype;
          object avalue = a.ValidatedFixedValue ?? a.ValidatedDefaultValue;
          string error = idManager.AssessEachAttributeIdentityConstraint (atype, avalue, ((QName) elementQNameStack [elementQNameStack.Count - 1]).Name);
          if (error != null)
            HandleError (error);

#region Key Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity)
        foreach (XsAttribute a in defaultAttributes)
          ValidateKeyFieldsAttribute (a, a.ValidatedFixedValue ?? a.ValidatedDefaultValue);

    private object AssessAttributeElementLocallyValidType (string localName, string ns, XmlValueGetter getter, XmlSchemaInfo info)
      ComplexType cType = Context.ActualType as ComplexType;
      XmlQualifiedName qname = new XmlQualifiedName (localName, ns);
      // including 3.10.4 Item Valid (Wildcard)
      XmlSchemaObject attMatch = XmlSchemaUtil.FindAttributeDeclaration (ns, schemas, cType, qname);
      if (attMatch == null)
        HandleError ("Attribute declaration was not found for " + qname);
      XsAttribute attdecl = attMatch as XsAttribute;
      if (attdecl != null) {
        AssessAttributeLocallyValidUse (attdecl);
        return AssessAttributeLocallyValid (attdecl, info, getter);
      } // otherwise anyAttribute or null.
      return null;

    // 3.2.4 Attribute Locally Valid and 3.4.4
    private object AssessAttributeLocallyValid (XsAttribute attr, XmlSchemaInfo info, XmlValueGetter getter)
      // 2. - 4.
      if (attr.AttributeType == null)
        HandleError ("Attribute type is missing for " + attr.QualifiedName);
      XsDatatype dt = attr.AttributeType as XsDatatype;
      if (dt == null)
        dt = ((SimpleType) attr.AttributeType).Datatype;

      object parsedValue = null;

      // It is a bit heavy process, so let's omit as long as possible ;-)
      if (dt != SimpleType.AnySimpleType || attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null) {
        try {
          CurrentAttributeType = dt;
          parsedValue = getter ();
        } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
          HandleError (String.Format ("Attribute value is invalid against its data type {0}", dt != null ? dt.TokenizedType : default (XmlTokenizedType)), ex);

        // check part of 3.14.4 StringValid
        SimpleType st = attr.AttributeType as SimpleType;
        if (st != null)
          ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (st, ref dt, new XmlAtomicValue (parsedValue, attr.AttributeSchemaType).Value);

        if (attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null) {
          if (!XmlSchemaUtil.AreSchemaDatatypeEqual (attr.AttributeSchemaType, attr.ValidatedFixedTypedValue, attr.AttributeSchemaType, parsedValue))
            HandleError (String.Format ("The value of the attribute {0} does not match with its fixed value '{1}' in the space of type {2}", attr.QualifiedName, attr.ValidatedFixedValue, dt));
          parsedValue = attr.ValidatedFixedTypedValue;

#region ID Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity) {
        string error = idManager.AssessEachAttributeIdentityConstraint (dt, parsedValue, ((QName) elementQNameStack [elementQNameStack.Count - 1]).Name);
        if (error != null)
          HandleError (error);

#region Key Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity)
        ValidateKeyFieldsAttribute (attr, parsedValue);

      return parsedValue;

    private void AssessAttributeLocallyValidUse (XsAttribute attr)
      // This is extra check than spec 3.5.4
      if (attr.ValidatedUse == XmlSchemaUse.Prohibited)
        HandleError ("Attribute " + attr.QualifiedName + " is prohibited in this context.");

    private object AssessEndElementSchemaValidity (
      XmlSchemaInfo info)
      object ret = ValidateEndSimpleContent (info);

      ValidateEndElementParticle ();  // validate against childrens' state.

      // 3.3.4 Assess ElementLocallyValidElement 5: value constraints.
      // 3.3.4 Assess ElementLocallyValidType 3.1.3. = StringValid(3.14.4)
      // => ValidateEndSimpleContent ().

#region Key Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity)
        ValidateEndElementKeyConstraints ();

      // Reset xsi:nil, if required.
      if (xsiNilDepth == depth)
        xsiNilDepth = -1;
      return ret;

    private void ValidateEndElementParticle ()
      if (Context.State != null) {
        if (!Context.EvaluateEndElement ()) {
          HandleError ("Invalid end element. There are still required content items.");
      Context.PopCurrentElement ();
      state.PopContext ();
      Context.XsiType = null; // FIXME: this is hack. should be stacked as well as element.

    // Utility for missing validation completion related to child items.
    private void ValidateCharacters (XmlValueGetter getter)
      if (xsiNilDepth >= 0 && xsiNilDepth < depth)
        HandleError ("Element item appeared, while current element context is nil.");

      if (shouldValidateCharacters) {
        CurrentAttributeType = null;
        storedCharacters.Append (getter ());

    // Utility for missing validation completion related to child items.
    private object ValidateEndSimpleContent (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      object ret = null;
      if (shouldValidateCharacters)
        ret = ValidateEndSimpleContentCore (info);
      shouldValidateCharacters = false;
      storedCharacters.Length = 0;
      return ret;

    private object ValidateEndSimpleContentCore (XmlSchemaInfo info)
      if (Context.ActualType == null)
        return null;

      string value = storedCharacters.ToString ();
      object ret = null;

      if (value.Length == 0) {
        // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Element) 5.1.2
        if (Context.Element != null) {
          if (Context.Element.ValidatedDefaultValue != null)
            value = Context.Element.ValidatedDefaultValue;

      XsDatatype dt = Context.ActualType as XsDatatype;
      SimpleType st = Context.ActualType as SimpleType;
      if (dt == null) {
        if (st != null) {
          dt = st.Datatype;
        } else {
          ComplexType ct = Context.ActualType as ComplexType;
          dt = ct.Datatype;
          switch (ct.ContentType) {
          case XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly:
            if (value.Length > 0 && !XmlChar.IsWhitespace (value))
              HandleError ("Character content not allowed in an elementOnly model.");
          case XmlSchemaContentType.Empty:
            if (value.Length > 0)
              HandleError ("Character content not allowed in an empty model.");
      if (dt != null) {
        // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Element) :: Fixed value constraints
        if (Context.Element != null && Context.Element.ValidatedFixedValue != null)
          if (value != Context.Element.ValidatedFixedValue)
            HandleError ("Fixed value constraint was not satisfied.");
        ret = AssessStringValid (st, dt, value);

#region Key Constraints
      if (!IgnoreIdentity)
        ValidateSimpleContentIdentity (dt, value);

      shouldValidateCharacters = false;

      if (info != null) {
        info.IsNil = xsiNilDepth >= 0;
        info.SchemaElement = null;
        info.SchemaType = Context.ActualType as XmlSchemaType;
        if (info.SchemaType == null)
          info.SchemaType = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (dt.TypeCode);
        info.SchemaAttribute = null;
        info.IsDefault = false; // FIXME: might be true
        info.MemberType = null; // FIXME: check
        // FIXME: supply Validity (really useful?)

      return ret;

    // 3.14.4 String Valid 
    private object AssessStringValid (SimpleType st,
      XsDatatype dt, string value)
      XsDatatype validatedDatatype = dt;
      object ret = null;
      if (st != null) {
        string normalized = validatedDatatype.Normalize (value);
        string [] values;
        XsDatatype itemDatatype;
        SimpleType itemSimpleType;
        switch (st.DerivedBy) {
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.List:
          SimpleTypeList listContent = st.Content as SimpleTypeList;
          values = normalized.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
          // LAMESPEC: Types of each element in
          // the returned list might be 
          // inconsistent, so basically returning 
          // value does not make sense without 
          // explicit runtime type information 
          // for base primitive type.
          object [] retValues = new object [values.Length];
          itemDatatype = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as XsDatatype;
          itemSimpleType = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as SimpleType;
          for (int vi = 0; vi < values.Length; vi++) {
            string each = values [vi];
            if (each == String.Empty)
            // validate against ValidatedItemType
            if (itemDatatype != null) {
              try {
                retValues [vi] = itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
              } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
                HandleError ("List type value contains one or more invalid values.", ex);
              AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
          ret = retValues;
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Union:
          SimpleTypeUnion union = st.Content as SimpleTypeUnion;
            string each = normalized;
            // validate against ValidatedItemType
            bool passed = false;
            foreach (object eachType in union.ValidatedTypes) {
              itemDatatype = eachType as XsDatatype;
              itemSimpleType = eachType as SimpleType;
              if (itemDatatype != null) {
                try {
                  ret = itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
                } catch (Exception) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
              else {
                try {
                  ret = AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
                } catch (ValException) {
              passed = true;
            if (!passed) {
              HandleError ("Union type value contains one or more invalid values.");
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Restriction:
          SimpleTypeRest str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRest;
          // facet validation
          if (str != null) {
            /* Don't forget to validate against inherited type's facets 
             * Could we simplify this by assuming that the basetype will also
             * be restriction?
             * */
             // mmm, will check later.
            SimpleType baseType = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as SimpleType;
            if (baseType != null) {
               ret = AssessStringValid (baseType, dt, value);
            if (!str.ValidateValueWithFacets (value, nameTable, nsResolver)) {
              HandleError ("Specified value was invalid against the facets.");
          validatedDatatype = st.Datatype;
      if (validatedDatatype != null) {
        try {
          ret = validatedDatatype.ParseValue (value, nameTable, nsResolver);
        } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
          HandleError (String.Format ("Invalidly typed data was specified."), ex);
      return ret;

    private void ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (SimpleType st, ref XsDatatype dt, string normalized)
        string [] values;
        XsDatatype itemDatatype;
        SimpleType itemSimpleType;
        switch (st.DerivedBy) {
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.List:
          SimpleTypeList listContent = st.Content as SimpleTypeList;
          values = normalized.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
          itemDatatype = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as XsDatatype;
          itemSimpleType = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as SimpleType;
          for (int vi = 0; vi < values.Length; vi++) {
            string each = values [vi];
            if (each == String.Empty)
            // validate against ValidatedItemType
            if (itemDatatype != null) {
              try {
                itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
              } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-(
                HandleError ("List type value contains one or more invalid values.", ex);
              AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Union:
          SimpleTypeUnion union = st.Content as SimpleTypeUnion;
            string each = normalized;
            // validate against ValidatedItemType
            bool passed = false;
            foreach (object eachType in union.ValidatedTypes) {
              itemDatatype = eachType as XsDatatype;
              itemSimpleType = eachType as SimpleType;
              if (itemDatatype != null) {
                try {
                  itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
                } catch (Exception) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-(
              else {
                try {
                  AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
                } catch (ValException) {
              passed = true;
            if (!passed) {
              HandleError ("Union type value contains one or more invalid values.");
        case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Restriction:
          SimpleTypeRest str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRest;
          // facet validation
          if (str != null) {
            /* Don't forget to validate against inherited type's facets 
             * Could we simplify this by assuming that the basetype will also
             * be restriction?
             * */
             // mmm, will check later.
            SimpleType baseType = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as SimpleType;
            if (baseType != null) {
               AssessStringValid(baseType, dt, normalized);
            if (!str.ValidateValueWithFacets (normalized, nameTable, nsResolver)) {
              HandleError ("Specified value was invalid against the facets.");
          dt = st.Datatype;


    #region Key Constraints Validation
    private XsdKeyTable CreateNewKeyTable (XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint ident)
      XsdKeyTable seq = new XsdKeyTable (ident);
      seq.StartDepth = depth;
      this.keyTables.Add (seq);
      return seq;

    // 3.11.4 Identity Constraint Satisfied
    private void ValidateKeySelectors ()
      if (tmpKeyrefPool != null)
        tmpKeyrefPool.Clear ();
      if (Context.Element != null && Context.Element.Constraints.Count > 0) {
        // (a) Create new key sequences, if required.
        for (int i = 0; i < Context.Element.Constraints.Count; i++) {
          XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint ident = (XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint) Context.Element.Constraints [i];
          XsdKeyTable seq = CreateNewKeyTable (ident);
          if (ident is XmlSchemaKeyref) {
            if (tmpKeyrefPool == null)
              tmpKeyrefPool = new ArrayList ();
            tmpKeyrefPool.Add (seq);

      // (b) Evaluate current key sequences.
      for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) {
        XsdKeyTable seq  = (XsdKeyTable) keyTables [i];
        if (seq.SelectorMatches (this.elementQNameStack, depth) != null) {
          // creates and registers new entry.
          XsdKeyEntry entry = new XsdKeyEntry (seq, depth, lineInfo);
          seq.Entries.Add (entry);

    private void ValidateKeyFieldsAttribute (XsAttribute attr, object value)
      ValidateKeyFields (true, false, attr.AttributeType, attr.QualifiedName.Name, attr.QualifiedName.Namespace, value);

    private void ValidateKeyFields (bool isAttr, bool isNil, object schemaType, string attrName, string attrNs, object value)
      // (c) Evaluate field paths.
      for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) {
        XsdKeyTable seq  = (XsdKeyTable) keyTables [i];
        // If possible, create new field entry candidates.
        for (int j = 0; j < seq.Entries.Count; j++) {
          CurrentAttributeType = null;
          try {
            seq.Entries [j].ProcessMatch (
              isAttr ? depth + 1 : depth,
          } catch (ValException ex) {
            HandleError (ex);

    private void ValidateEndElementKeyConstraints ()
      // Reset Identity constraints.
      for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) {
        XsdKeyTable seq = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable;
        if (seq.StartDepth == depth) {
          ValidateEndKeyConstraint (seq);
        } else {
          for (int k = 0; k < seq.Entries.Count; k++) {
            XsdKeyEntry entry = seq.Entries [k] as XsdKeyEntry;
            // Remove finished (maybe key not found) entries.
            if (entry.StartDepth == depth) {
              if (entry.KeyFound)
                seq.FinishedEntries.Add (entry);
              else if (seq.SourceSchemaIdentity is XmlSchemaKey)
                HandleError ("Key sequence is missing.");
              seq.Entries.RemoveAt (k);
            // Pop validated key depth to find two or more fields.
            else {
              for (int j = 0; j < entry.KeyFields.Count; j++) {
                XsdKeyEntryField kf = entry.KeyFields [j];
                if (!kf.FieldFound && kf.FieldFoundDepth == depth) {
                  kf.FieldFoundDepth = 0;
                  kf.FieldFoundPath = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) {
        XsdKeyTable seq = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable;
        if (seq.StartDepth == depth) {
          keyTables.RemoveAt (i);

    private void ValidateEndKeyConstraint (XsdKeyTable seq)
      ArrayList errors = new ArrayList ();
      for (int i = 0; i < seq.Entries.Count; i++) {
        XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.Entries [i];
        if (entry.KeyFound)
        if (seq.SourceSchemaIdentity is XmlSchemaKey)
          errors.Add ("line " + entry.SelectorLineNumber + "position " + entry.SelectorLinePosition);
      if (errors.Count > 0)
        HandleError ("Invalid identity constraints were found. Key was not found. "
          + String.Join (", ", errors.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string []));

      errors.Clear ();
      // Find reference target
      XmlSchemaKeyref xsdKeyref = seq.SourceSchemaIdentity as XmlSchemaKeyref;
      if (xsdKeyref != null) {
        for (int i = this.keyTables.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          XsdKeyTable target = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable;
          if (target.SourceSchemaIdentity == xsdKeyref.Target) {
            seq.ReferencedKey = target;
            for (int j = 0; j < seq.FinishedEntries.Count; j++) {
              XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.FinishedEntries [j];
              for (int k = 0; k < target.FinishedEntries.Count; k++) {
                XsdKeyEntry targetEntry = (XsdKeyEntry) target.FinishedEntries [k];
                if (entry.CompareIdentity (targetEntry)) {
                  entry.KeyRefFound = true;
        if (seq.ReferencedKey == null)
          HandleError ("Target key was not found.");
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.FinishedEntries.Count; i++) {
          XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.FinishedEntries [i];
          if (!entry.KeyRefFound)
            errors.Add (" line " + entry.SelectorLineNumber + ", position " + entry.SelectorLinePosition);
        if (errors.Count > 0)
          HandleError ("Invalid identity constraints were found. Referenced key was not found: "
            + String.Join (" / ", errors.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string []));

    private void ValidateSimpleContentIdentity (
      XmlSchemaDatatype dt, string value)
      // Identity field value
      if (currentKeyFieldConsumers != null) {
        while (this.currentKeyFieldConsumers.Count > 0) {
          XsdKeyEntryField field = this.currentKeyFieldConsumers [0] as XsdKeyEntryField;
          if (field.Identity != null)
            HandleError ("Two or more identical field was found. Former value is '" + field.Identity + "' .");
          object identity = null; // This means empty value
          if (dt != null) {
            try {
              identity = dt.ParseValue (value, nameTable, nsResolver);
            } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
              HandleError ("Identity value is invalid against its data type " + dt.TokenizedType, ex);
          if (identity == null)
            identity = value;

          if (!field.SetIdentityField (identity, depth == xsiNilDepth, dt as XsdAnySimpleType, depth, lineInfo))
            HandleError ("Two or more identical key value was found: '" + value + "' .");
          this.currentKeyFieldConsumers.RemoveAt (0);

    #region xsi:type
    private object GetXsiType (string name)
      object xsiType = null;
      XmlQualifiedName typeQName =
        XmlQualifiedName.Parse (name, nsResolver, true);
      if (typeQName == ComplexType.AnyTypeName)
        xsiType = ComplexType.AnyType;
      else if (XmlSchemaUtil.IsBuiltInDatatypeName (typeQName))
        xsiType = XsDatatype.FromName (typeQName);
        xsiType = FindType (typeQName);
      return xsiType;

    private void HandleXsiType (string typename)
      XsElement element = Context.Element;
      object xsiType = GetXsiType (typename);
      if (xsiType == null) {
        HandleError ("The instance type was not found: " + typename);
      XmlSchemaType xsiSchemaType = xsiType as XmlSchemaType;
      if (xsiSchemaType != null && Context.Element != null) {
        XmlSchemaType elemBaseType = element.ElementType as XmlSchemaType;
        if (elemBaseType != null && (xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy & elemBaseType.FinalResolved) != 0)
          HandleError ("The instance type is prohibited by the type of the context element.");
        if (elemBaseType != xsiType && (xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy & element.BlockResolved) != 0)
          HandleError ("The instance type is prohibited by the context element.");
      ComplexType xsiComplexType = xsiType as ComplexType;
      if (xsiComplexType != null && xsiComplexType.IsAbstract)
        HandleError ("The instance type is abstract: " + typename);
      else {
        // If current schema type exists, then this xsi:type must be
        // valid extension of that type. See
        if (element != null) {
          AssessLocalTypeDerivationOK (xsiType, element.ElementType, element.BlockResolved);
        // See also ValidateEndOfAttributes().
        Context.XsiType = xsiType;

    // It is common to ElementLocallyValid::4 and SchemaValidityAssessment::
    private void AssessLocalTypeDerivationOK (object xsiType, object baseType, XmlSchemaDerivationMethod flag)
      XmlSchemaType xsiSchemaType = xsiType as XmlSchemaType;
      ComplexType baseComplexType = baseType as ComplexType;
      ComplexType xsiComplexType = xsiSchemaType as ComplexType;
      if (xsiType != baseType) {
        // Extracted (not extraneous) check for 3.4.6 TypeDerivationOK.
        if (baseComplexType != null)
          flag |= baseComplexType.BlockResolved;
        if (flag == XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.All) {
          HandleError ("Prohibited element type substitution.");
        } else if (xsiSchemaType != null && (flag & xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy) != 0) {
          HandleError ("Prohibited element type substitution.");

      if (xsiComplexType != null)
        try {
          xsiComplexType.ValidateTypeDerivationOK (baseType, null, null);
        } catch (ValException ex) {
          HandleError (ex);
      else {
        SimpleType xsiSimpleType = xsiType as SimpleType;
        if (xsiSimpleType != null) {
          try {
            xsiSimpleType.ValidateTypeDerivationOK (baseType, null, null, true);
          } catch (ValException ex) {
            HandleError (ex);
        else if (xsiType is XsDatatype) {
          // do nothing
          HandleError ("Primitive data type cannot be derived type using xsi:type specification.");

    private void HandleXsiNil (string value, XmlSchemaInfo info)
      XsElement element = Context.Element;
      if (!element.ActualIsNillable) {
        HandleError (String.Format ("Current element '{0}' is not nillable and thus does not allow occurence of 'nil' attribute.", Context.Element.QualifiedName));
      value = value.Trim (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
      // 3.2.
      // Note that 3.2.1 xsi:nil constraints are to be 
      // validated in AssessElementSchemaValidity() and 
      // ValidateCharacters().
      if (value == "true") {
        if (element.ValidatedFixedValue != null)
          HandleError ("Schema instance nil was specified, where the element declaration for " + element.QualifiedName + "has fixed value constraints.");
        xsiNilDepth = depth;
        if (info != null)
          info.IsNil = true;

    #region External schema resolution

    private XmlSchema ReadExternalSchema (string uri)
      Uri absUri = new Uri (SourceUri, uri.Trim (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars));
      XmlTextReader xtr = null;
      try {
        xtr = new XmlTextReader (absUri.ToString (),
          (Stream) xmlResolver.GetEntity (
            absUri, null, typeof (Stream)),
        return XmlSchema.Read (
          xtr, ValidationEventHandler);
      } finally {
        if (xtr != null)
          xtr.Close ();

    private void HandleSchemaLocation (string schemaLocation)
      if (xmlResolver == null)
      XmlSchema schema = null;
      bool schemaAdded = false;
      string [] tmp = null;
      try {
        schemaLocation = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (XmlTypeCode.Token).Datatype.ParseValue (schemaLocation, null, null) as string;
        tmp = schemaLocation.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        HandleError ("Invalid schemaLocation attribute format.", ex, true);
        tmp = new string [0];
      if (tmp.Length % 2 != 0)
        HandleError ("Invalid schemaLocation attribute format.");
      for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i += 2) {
        try {
          schema = ReadExternalSchema (tmp [i + 1]);
        } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
          HandleError ("Could not resolve schema location URI: " + schemaLocation, ex, true);
        if (schema.TargetNamespace == null)
          schema.TargetNamespace = tmp [i];
        else if (schema.TargetNamespace != tmp [i])
          HandleError ("Specified schema has different target namespace.");

        if (schema != null) {
          if (!schemas.Contains (schema.TargetNamespace)) {
            schemaAdded = true;
            schemas.Add (schema);
      if (schemaAdded)
        schemas.Compile ();

    private void HandleNoNSSchemaLocation (string noNsSchemaLocation)
      if (xmlResolver == null)
      XmlSchema schema = null;
      bool schemaAdded = false;

      try {
        schema = ReadExternalSchema (noNsSchemaLocation);
      } catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
        HandleError ("Could not resolve schema location URI: " + noNsSchemaLocation, ex, true);
      if (schema != null && schema.TargetNamespace != null)
        HandleError ("Specified schema has different target namespace.");

      if (schema != null) {
        if (!schemas.Contains (schema.TargetNamespace)) {
          schemaAdded = true;
          schemas.Add (schema);
      if (schemaAdded)
        schemas.Compile ();


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