EditServiceImplementation.cs :  » Bloggers » dasBlog » newtelligence » DasBlog » Web » Services » C# / CSharp Open Source

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dasBlog » newtelligence » DasBlog » Web » Services » EditServiceImplementation.cs
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Runtime;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Core;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Services.Rsd;
using System.Security;

namespace newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Services{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for DasBlogEditting.
  /// </summary>
  public class EditServiceImplementation : WebService
    public EditServiceImplementation()

    #region Component Designer generated code

    //Required by the Web Services Designer
    private IContainer components = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
    /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeComponent()

    /// <summary>
    /// Clean up any resources being used.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
      if (disposing && components != null)


    public bool CanEdit(string username, string password)
      if (!SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig().EnableEditService)
        throw new ServiceDisabledException();

        if (Context.Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    return SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor();

                Authenticate(username, password);
                return true; // no exception we're good

      catch (Exception e)
        ErrorTrace.Trace(TraceLevel.Error, e);
        return false;

    public RsdRoot GetRsd()
            // TODO: NLS - Make the default API configurable through SiteConfig
      SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
      RsdApiCollection apiCollection = new RsdApiCollection();

      RsdRoot rsd = new RsdRoot();
      RsdService dasBlogService = new RsdService();
      dasBlogService.HomePageLink = SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig);

      RsdApi metaWeblog    = new RsdApi();
      metaWeblog.Name      = "MetaWeblog";
      metaWeblog.Preferred = ( siteConfig.PreferredBloggingAPI == metaWeblog.Name );
      metaWeblog.ApiLink   = SiteUtilities.GetBloggerUrl(siteConfig);
      metaWeblog.BlogID    = dasBlogService.HomePageLink;

      RsdApi blogger    = new RsdApi();
      blogger.Name      = "Blogger";
      blogger.Preferred = ( siteConfig.PreferredBloggingAPI == blogger.Name );
      blogger.ApiLink   = SiteUtilities.GetBloggerUrl(siteConfig);
      blogger.BlogID    = dasBlogService.HomePageLink;

            RsdApi moveableType    = new RsdApi();
            moveableType.Name      = "Moveable Type";
            moveableType.Preferred = ( siteConfig.PreferredBloggingAPI == moveableType.Name );
            moveableType.ApiLink   = SiteUtilities.GetBloggerUrl( siteConfig );
            moveableType.BlogID    = dasBlogService.HomePageLink;
            apiCollection.Add( moveableType );

      dasBlogService.RsdApiCollection = apiCollection;

      return rsd;

    public void DeleteEntry(string entryId, string username, string password)
      SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
      if (!siteConfig.EnableEditService)
        throw new ServiceDisabledException();

            Authenticate(username, password);

            ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext());
            IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService);

      //dataService.DeleteEntry(entryId, siteConfig.CrosspostSites);
      SiteUtilities.DeleteEntry(entryId, siteConfig, logService, dataService);

    public string UpdateEntry(Entry entry, string username, string password)
      SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
      if (!siteConfig.EnableEditService)
        throw new ServiceDisabledException();

            Authenticate(username, password);

            ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext());
            IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService);

      EntrySaveState val = SiteUtilities.UpdateEntry(entry, null, null, siteConfig, logService, dataService);

            string rtn = string.Empty;
            if (val.Equals(EntrySaveState.Updated))
                rtn = entry.EntryId;
                rtn = val.ToString();

            return rtn;

    public string CreateEntry(Entry entry, string username, string password)
      SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
      if (!siteConfig.EnableEditService)
        throw new ServiceDisabledException();
            Authenticate(username, password);

      // ensure that the entryId was filled in
      if (entry.EntryId == null || entry.EntryId.Length == 0)
        entry.EntryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

      // ensure the dates were filled in, otherwise use NOW
      if (entry.CreatedUtc == DateTime.MinValue)
        entry.CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
      if (entry.ModifiedUtc == DateTime.MinValue)
        entry.ModifiedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext());
            IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService);

      SiteUtilities.SaveEntry(entry, string.Empty, null, siteConfig, logService, dataService);

      return entry.EntryId;
        /// <summary>
        /// 12 Oct 2006 / MOT :
        /// Get entry by date and title.  If there is more than one match, the most recent entry will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryDate">Date the entry was posted.</param>
        /// <param name="entryTitle">Title of the post.</param>
        /// <returns>DasBlog.Runtime.Entry</returns>
        [WebMethod (MessageName="GetEntryByDateAndTitle",Description="Get entry by date and title.  If there is more than one match, the most recent entry will be returned.")]
        public Entry GetEntry(DateTime entryDate, string entryTitle)
            SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
            ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext());
            IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService);

            //Only pass in the date portion of the entry date, do not pass in the time portion.
            DayEntry dayEntry = dataService.GetDayEntry(entryDate.Date);

            //this replacement of characters in the title was lifted directly from
            //  DasBlog.Web.Core::TitleMapperModule.HandleBeginRequest()
            entryTitle = entryTitle.Replace(".aspx", "");
            entryTitle = entryTitle.Replace("+", "");
            entryTitle = entryTitle.Replace(" ", "");
            entryTitle = entryTitle.Replace("%2b", "");
            entryTitle = entryTitle.Replace("%20", "");

            //now that we have a properly formatted title, use it to get a specific
            //  entry from the DayEntry object.  If there is more than one match to the
            //  title, the most recent entry will be matched.
            Entry entry = dayEntry.GetEntryByTitle(entryTitle);

            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// 12 Oct 2006 / MOT :
        /// Get entry by unique guid string.  This will return, at most, one entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryId">guid string</param>
        /// <returns>DasBlog.Runtime.Entry</returns>
        [WebMethod(MessageName = "GetEntryByEntryID", Description="Get entry by guid string.  There will only ever be at most one match.")]
        public Entry GetEntry(string entryId)
            SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig();
            ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext());
            IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService);

            Entry entry = dataService.GetEntry(entryId);
            return entry;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to login the user with the supplied username and password, 
        /// throws when the user cannot be authenticated or is not a valid contributor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown when the user can not be authenticated.</exception>
        private static void Authenticate(string username, string password)
            // parameter validationis handled in the SiteSecurity.Login method.
            UserToken user = SiteSecurity.Login(username, password);
            if (user == null || !SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor())
                throw new SecurityException("Invalid username or password.");
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