using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Runtime;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Runtime.Proxies;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Util;
using newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace newtelligence.DasBlog.Web{
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// If you want to add entries, please add the properties
// just above the comment tag at the bottom. SiteConfig
// is now exposed through a WebService and not putting
// the properties at the right place will break clients.
public class SiteConfig
string title = "(none)";
string subtitle = "(none)";
string contact = "(none)";
string theme = "default";
string root = "(none)";
string copyright = "(none)";
string description = "";
string frontPageCategory = "";
int frontPageDayCount = 10;
int frontPageEntryCount = 50;
bool categoryAllEntries = true;
int rssDayCount = 10;
int rssMainEntryCount = 50;
int rssEntryCount = 50;
bool enableRssItemFooters = false;
string rssItemFooter;
bool alwaysIncludeContentInRSS = false;
bool entryTitleAsLink = false;
bool notifyWebLogsDotCom = false;
bool notifyBloGs = false;
bool obfuscateEmail = true;
string notificationEmailAddress = null;
bool sendCommentsByEmail = false;
bool sendPingbacksByEmail = false;
bool sendTrackbacksByEmail = false;
bool sendReferralsByEmail = false;
bool sendPostsByEmail = false;
bool enableBloggerApi = true;
bool enableComments = true;
bool enableCommentApi = true;
bool enableConfigEditService = false;
bool showCommentCount = true;
bool enableAutoPingback = true;
bool enableEditService = false;
bool enableTrackbackService = true;
bool enablePingbackService = true;
bool applyContentFiltersToWeb = true;
bool applyContentFiltersToRSS = false;
bool showItemDescriptionInAggregatedViews = false;
bool enableStartPageCaching = false;
bool enableBlogrollDescription = false;
bool enableUrlRewriting = false;
bool enableFtb = true;
bool useUserCulture = true;
int displayTimeZoneIndex = 90; // this is GMT
bool adjustDisplayTimeZone = false;
string editPassword;
string contentDir;
string logDir;
string binariesDir;
string profilesDir;
string smtpServer = null;
bool enablePop3 = false;
string pop3Server = null;
string pop3Username = null;
string pop3Password = null;
string pop3SubjectPrefix = null;
bool pop3InlineAttachedPictures = false;
int pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight = 0;
int pop3Interval = 240;
bool enableXSSUpstream = false;
string xssUpstreamEndpoint = "";
string xssUpstreamUsername = null;
string xssUpstreamPassword = null;
string xssRSSFilename = "rss-dasblog.xml";
int xssUpstreamInterval = 60*60;
bool enableClickThrough = false;
bool enableAggregatorBugging = false;
bool enableCrossposts = true;
bool enableCrossPostFooter = false;
string crossPostFooter = null;
bool enableTitlePermaLink = false;
bool enableTitlePermaLinkUnique = false;
bool enableTitlePermaLinkSpaces = false;
bool enableEntryReferrals = false;
PingServiceCollection pingServices = new PingServiceCollection();
int daysCommentsAllowed = 0;
bool enableCommentDays = false;
string entryEditControl;
bool logBlockedReferrals = false;
bool showCommentsWhenViewingEntry = false;
bool enableAutoSave = false;
private string titlePermalinkSpaceReplacement = TitleMapperModule.DefaultTitlePermalinkSpaceReplacement;
bool enableCoComment = true;
//paulb changed to comments
bool commentsRequireApproval;
bool commentsAllowHtml;
ValidTagCollection allowedTags;
// default tags
private const string defaultAllowedTags = "b,i,u,a@href@title,strong,blockquote@cite,em,strike,sup,sub";
//allow gravatar integration
bool commentsAllowGravatar = false;
string commentsGravatarNoImgPath = null;
string commentsGravatarSize = null;
string commentsGravatarBorder = null;
string commentsGravatarRating = null;
// supress email address display
bool supressEmailAddressDisplay = false;
// Allow user to choose default blogging API
// Can be "Moveable Type", "MetaWeblog" or "Blogger"
string preferredBloggingAPI = "Moveable Type";
ContentFilterCollection contentFilters = new ContentFilterCollection();
CrosspostSiteCollection crosspostSites = new CrosspostSiteCollection();
public static void Save(SiteConfig siteConfig)
System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext wi = Impersonation.Impersonate();
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof (SiteConfig));
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(SiteConfig.GetConfigFilePathFromCurrentContext()))
ser.Serialize(writer, siteConfig);
public static SiteConfig GetSiteConfig()
DataCache cache = CacheFactory.GetCache();
SiteConfig config = (SiteConfig) cache["SiteConfig"];
if (config == null)
string path = GetConfigFilePathFromCurrentContext();
config = GetSiteConfig(path);
cache.Insert("SiteConfig", config, new CacheDependency(path));
return config;
public static SiteConfig GetSiteConfig(string configPath)
SiteConfig config;
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof (SiteConfig));
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(configPath))
//SDH: Requires FullTrust
//XmlNamespaceUpgradeReader xnur = new XmlNamespaceUpgradeReader(reader, "", "urn:newtelligence-com:dasblog:config");
//config = ser.Deserialize(xnur) as SiteConfig;
config = ser.Deserialize(reader) as SiteConfig;
return config;
public static string GetConfigFilePathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath("~/SiteConfig/site.config");
public static string GetSecurityFilePathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath("~/SiteConfig/siteSecurity.config");
public static string GetConfigPathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath("~/SiteConfig/");
public static string GetContentPathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath(GetSiteConfig().ContentDir);
public static string GetLogPathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath(GetSiteConfig().LogDir);
public static string GetBinariesPathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath(GetSiteConfig().BinariesDir);
public static string GetProfilesPathFromCurrentContext()
return SiteUtilities.MapPath(GetSiteConfig().ProfilesDir);
private string CheckTrailingSlashAndRooted(string path)
if (path == null)
return path;
if (path[0] != '~' && path[0] != '/')
path = "~/" + path;
if (path[path.Length - 1] != '/')
return path + '/';
return path;
private WindowsTimeZone windowsTimeZone = null;
public WindowsTimeZone GetConfiguredTimeZone()
if (windowsTimeZone == null)
windowsTimeZone = WindowsTimeZone.TimeZones.GetByZoneIndex(displayTimeZoneIndex) as WindowsTimeZone;
return windowsTimeZone;
public string Title
get { return title; }
set { title = value; }
public string Subtitle
get { return subtitle; }
set { subtitle = value; }
public string Theme
get { return theme; }
set { theme = value; }
public string Description
get { return description; }
set { description = value; }
public string Contact
get { return contact; }
set { contact = value; }
public string Root
if (root[root.Length - 1] != '/')
root = root + "/";
return root;
root = value;
if (root[root.Length - 1] != '/')
root = root + "/";
public string Copyright
get { return copyright; }
set { copyright = value; }
public int RssDayCount
get { return rssDayCount; }
set { rssDayCount = value; }
public int RssMainEntryCount
get { return rssMainEntryCount; }
set { rssMainEntryCount = value; }
public int RssEntryCount
get { return rssEntryCount; }
set { rssEntryCount = value; }
public bool EnableRssItemFooters
get { return enableRssItemFooters; }
set { enableRssItemFooters = value; }
public string RssItemFooter
get { return rssItemFooter; }
set { rssItemFooter = value; }
public int FrontPageDayCount
get { return frontPageDayCount; }
set { frontPageDayCount = value; }
public int FrontPageEntryCount
get { return frontPageEntryCount; }
set { frontPageEntryCount = value; }
public bool CategoryAllEntries
get { return categoryAllEntries; }
set { categoryAllEntries = value; }
public string FrontPageCategory
get { return frontPageCategory; }
set { frontPageCategory = value; }
public bool AlwaysIncludeContentInRSS
get { return alwaysIncludeContentInRSS; }
set { alwaysIncludeContentInRSS = value; }
public bool EntryTitleAsLink
get { return entryTitleAsLink; }
set { entryTitleAsLink = value; }
public bool NotifyWebLogsDotCom
get { return notifyWebLogsDotCom; }
set { notifyWebLogsDotCom = value; }
public bool NotifyBloGs
get { return notifyBloGs; }
set { notifyBloGs = value; }
public bool ObfuscateEmail
get { return obfuscateEmail; }
set { obfuscateEmail = value; }
public string NotificationEMailAddress
get { return notificationEmailAddress; }
set { notificationEmailAddress = value; }
public bool SendCommentsByEmail
get { return sendCommentsByEmail; }
set { sendCommentsByEmail = value; }
public bool SendReferralsByEmail
get { return sendReferralsByEmail; }
set { sendReferralsByEmail = value; }
public bool SendTrackbacksByEmail
get { return sendTrackbacksByEmail; }
set { sendTrackbacksByEmail = value; }
public bool SendPingbacksByEmail
get { return sendPingbacksByEmail; }
set { sendPingbacksByEmail = value; }
public bool SendPostsByEmail
get { return sendPostsByEmail; }
set { sendPostsByEmail = value; }
public bool EnableBloggerApi
get { return enableBloggerApi; }
set { enableBloggerApi = value; }
public bool EnableComments
get { return enableComments; }
set { enableComments = value; }
public bool EnableCommentApi
get { return enableCommentApi; }
set { enableCommentApi = value; }
public bool EnableConfigEditService
get { return enableConfigEditService; }
set { enableConfigEditService = value; }
public bool EnableEditService
get { return enableEditService; }
set { enableEditService = value; }
public bool EnableAutoPingback
get { return enableAutoPingback; }
set { enableAutoPingback = value; }
public bool ShowCommentCount
get { return showCommentCount; }
set { showCommentCount = value; }
public bool EnableTrackbackService
get { return enableTrackbackService; }
set { enableTrackbackService = value; }
public bool EnablePingbackService
get { return enablePingbackService; }
set { enablePingbackService = value; }
public bool EnableStartPageCaching
get { return enableStartPageCaching; }
set { enableStartPageCaching = value; }
public bool EnableBlogrollDescription
get { return enableBlogrollDescription; }
set { enableBlogrollDescription = value; }
public bool EnableUrlRewriting
get { return enableUrlRewriting; }
set { enableUrlRewriting = value; }
[Obsolete("FreeTextBox is always enabled")]
public bool EnableFtb
get { return enableFtb; }
set { enableFtb = value; }
public bool EnableCrossposts
get { return enableCrossposts; }
set { enableCrossposts = value; }
public bool UseUserCulture
get { return useUserCulture; }
set { useUserCulture = value; }
public bool ShowItemDescriptionInAggregatedViews
get { return showItemDescriptionInAggregatedViews; }
set { showItemDescriptionInAggregatedViews = value; }
public bool EnableClickThrough
get { return enableClickThrough; }
set { enableClickThrough = value; }
public bool EnableAggregatorBugging
get { return enableAggregatorBugging; }
set { enableAggregatorBugging = value; }
public int DisplayTimeZoneIndex
get { return displayTimeZoneIndex; }
displayTimeZoneIndex = value;
windowsTimeZone = WindowsTimeZone.TimeZones.GetByZoneIndex(displayTimeZoneIndex) as WindowsTimeZone;
public bool AdjustDisplayTimeZone
get { return adjustDisplayTimeZone; }
set { adjustDisplayTimeZone = value; }
public string EditPassword
get { return editPassword; }
set { editPassword = value; }
public string ContentDir
get { return CheckTrailingSlashAndRooted(contentDir); }
set { contentDir = value; }
public string LogDir
get { return CheckTrailingSlashAndRooted(logDir); }
set { logDir = value; }
public string BinariesDir
get { return CheckTrailingSlashAndRooted(binariesDir); }
set { binariesDir = value; }
public string ProfilesDir
get { return CheckTrailingSlashAndRooted(profilesDir); }
set { profilesDir = value; }
public string BinariesDirRelative
get {
string retVal = BinariesDir;
retVal = retVal.TrimStart('~');
retVal = retVal.TrimStart('/');
return retVal;
public string SmtpServer
get { return smtpServer; }
set { smtpServer = value; }
public bool EnablePop3
get { return enablePop3; }
set { enablePop3 = value; }
public string Pop3Server
get { return pop3Server; }
set { pop3Server = value; }
public string Pop3Username
get { return pop3Username; }
set { pop3Username = value; }
public string Pop3Password
get { return pop3Password; }
set { pop3Password = value; }
public string Pop3SubjectPrefix
get { return pop3SubjectPrefix; }
set { pop3SubjectPrefix = value; }
public int Pop3Interval
get { return pop3Interval; }
set { pop3Interval = value; }
public bool Pop3InlineAttachedPictures
get { return pop3InlineAttachedPictures; }
set { pop3InlineAttachedPictures = value; }
public int Pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight
get { return pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight; }
set { pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight = value; }
public bool ApplyContentFiltersToWeb
get { return applyContentFiltersToWeb; }
set { applyContentFiltersToWeb = value; }
public bool ApplyContentFiltersToRSS
get { return applyContentFiltersToRSS; }
set { applyContentFiltersToRSS = value; }
public bool EnableXSSUpstream
get { return enableXSSUpstream; }
set { enableXSSUpstream = value; }
public string XSSUpstreamEndpoint
get { return xssUpstreamEndpoint; }
set { xssUpstreamEndpoint = value; }
public string XSSUpstreamUsername
get { return xssUpstreamUsername; }
set { xssUpstreamUsername = value; }
public string XSSUpstreamPassword
get { return xssUpstreamPassword; }
set { xssUpstreamPassword = value; }
public string XSSRSSFilename
get { return xssRSSFilename; }
set { xssRSSFilename = value; }
public int XSSUpstreamInterval
get { return xssUpstreamInterval; }
set { xssUpstreamInterval = value; }
public ContentFilterCollection ContentFilters
get { return contentFilters; }
public ContentFilter[] ContentFilterArray
get { return new ArrayList(contentFilters).ToArray(typeof (ContentFilter)) as ContentFilter[]; }
if (value == null)
contentFilters = new ContentFilterCollection();
contentFilters = new ContentFilterCollection(value);
public CrosspostSiteCollection CrosspostSites
get { return crosspostSites; }
public CrosspostSite[] CrosspostSiteArray
get { return new List<CrosspostSite>(CrosspostSites).ToArray(); }
if (value == null)
crosspostSites = new CrosspostSiteCollection();
crosspostSites = new CrosspostSiteCollection(value);
bool pop3DeleteAllMessages = false;
public bool Pop3DeleteAllMessages
get { return pop3DeleteAllMessages; }
set { pop3DeleteAllMessages = value; }
bool pop3LogIgnoredEmails = true;
public bool Pop3LogIgnoredEmails
get { return pop3LogIgnoredEmails; }
set { pop3LogIgnoredEmails = value; }
bool enableReferralUrlBlackList = false;
public bool EnableReferralUrlBlackList
get { return enableReferralUrlBlackList; }
set { enableReferralUrlBlackList = value; }
private string referralUrlBlackList = String.Empty;
public string ReferralUrlBlackList { get { return referralUrlBlackList; } set{ referralUrlBlackList = value; }}
public string[] ReferralUrlBlackListArray { get { return referralUrlBlackList.Split(new char[]{(';')}); }}
bool enableCaptcha = true;
public bool EnableCaptcha { get { return enableCaptcha; } set { enableCaptcha = value; }}
bool enableReferralUrlBlackList404s = true;
public bool EnableReferralUrlBlackList404s { get { return enableReferralUrlBlackList404s; } set { enableReferralUrlBlackList404s = value; }}
bool enableMovableTypeBlackList = false;
public bool EnableMovableTypeBlackList
get { return enableMovableTypeBlackList; }
set { enableMovableTypeBlackList = value; }
private string channelImageUrl;
public string ChannelImageUrl { get { return channelImageUrl; } set{ channelImageUrl = value; }}
public bool EnableCrossPostFooter
get { return enableCrossPostFooter; }
set { enableCrossPostFooter = value; }
public string CrossPostFooter
get { return crossPostFooter; }
set { crossPostFooter = value; }
public bool EnableTitlePermaLink
get { return enableTitlePermaLink; }
set { enableTitlePermaLink = value; }
public bool EnableTitlePermaLinkUnique
get { return enableTitlePermaLinkUnique; }
set { enableTitlePermaLinkUnique = value; }
public bool EnableTitlePermaLinkSpaces
get { return enableTitlePermaLinkSpaces; }
set { enableTitlePermaLinkSpaces = value; }
bool encryptLoginPassword = false;
public bool EncryptLoginPassword
get { return encryptLoginPassword; }
set { encryptLoginPassword = value; }
// RyanG: Added support for SMTP authentication properties
bool enableSmtpAuthentication = false;
public bool EnableSmtpAuthentication
get { return enableSmtpAuthentication; }
set { enableSmtpAuthentication = value; }
string smtpUserName = null;
public string SmtpUserName
get { return smtpUserName; }
set { smtpUserName = value; }
string smtpPassword = null;
public string SmtpPassword
get { return smtpPassword; }
set { smtpPassword = value; }
string rssLanguage = null;
public string RssLanguage
get { return rssLanguage; }
set { rssLanguage = value; }
bool enableSearchHighlight = true;
public bool EnableSearchHighlight
get { return enableSearchHighlight; }
set { enableSearchHighlight = value; }
public bool EnableEntryReferrals
get { return enableEntryReferrals; }
set { enableEntryReferrals = value; }
public PingService[] PingServiceArray
get { return new List<PingService>(PingServices).ToArray(); }
if (value == null)
pingServices = new PingServiceCollection();
pingServices = new PingServiceCollection(value);
public PingServiceCollection PingServices
// if the user has upgraded we want to maintain their settings
if (this.pingServices.Count == 0)
if (this.notifyBloGs)
if (this.notifyWebLogsDotCom)
return pingServices;
set { pingServices = value; }
string feedBurnerName = null;
public string FeedBurnerName
get { return feedBurnerName; }
set { feedBurnerName = value; }
public int DaysCommentsAllowed
get { return daysCommentsAllowed; }
set { daysCommentsAllowed = value; }
public bool EnableCommentDays
get { return enableCommentDays; }
set { enableCommentDays = value; }
public bool SupressEmailAddressDisplay
get { return supressEmailAddressDisplay; }
set { supressEmailAddressDisplay = value; }
public string EntryEditControl
get { return entryEditControl; }
set { entryEditControl = value; }
public bool LogBlockedReferrals
get { return logBlockedReferrals; }
set { logBlockedReferrals = value; }
public bool ShowCommentsWhenViewingEntry
get { return showCommentsWhenViewingEntry; }
set { showCommentsWhenViewingEntry = value; }
bool useFeedSchemeForSyndicationLinks;
public bool UseFeedSchemeForSyndication
get { return useFeedSchemeForSyndicationLinks; }
set { useFeedSchemeForSyndicationLinks = value; }
private int _contentLookaheadDays = 0;
public int ContentLookaheadDays
get { return _contentLookaheadDays; }
set { _contentLookaheadDays = value; }
public bool EnableAutoSave
get {return enableAutoSave;}
set {enableAutoSave = value;}
private int _smtpPort = 25;
public int SmtpPort
get { return _smtpPort; }
set { _smtpPort = value; }
public bool CommentsAllowGravatar
get { return commentsAllowGravatar; }
set { commentsAllowGravatar = value; }
public string CommentsGravatarNoImgPath
get { return commentsGravatarNoImgPath; }
set { commentsGravatarNoImgPath = value; }
public string CommentsGravatarSize
get { return commentsGravatarSize; }
set { commentsGravatarSize = value; }
public string CommentsGravatarBorder
get { return commentsGravatarBorder; }
set { commentsGravatarBorder = value; }
public string CommentsGravatarRating
get { return commentsGravatarRating; }
set { commentsGravatarRating = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether comments require approval.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// <see langword="true"/> if approval is required; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
/// </value>
public bool CommentsRequireApproval
get{ return this.commentsRequireApproval; }
set{ this.commentsRequireApproval = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether HTML is allowed in comments.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// <see langword="true"/> if HTML is allowed in comments; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
/// </value>
public bool CommentsAllowHtml{
get{ return this.commentsAllowHtml;}
set{ this.commentsAllowHtml = value;}
/// <summary>
/// Gets the a collection of tags allowed in the comments.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The tags allowed in the comments.</value>
/// <remarks>
/// The array is sorted when set during de-serialization.
/// </remarks>
[XmlArray("validCommentTags", IsNullable=true)]
public ValidTagCollection XmlAllowedTagsArray{
return this.allowedTags;
this.allowedTags = value;
public ValidTagCollection AllowedTags{
// if someone deleted all allowed tags, or the tags were never there he get's the default
if( this.allowedTags == null || this.allowedTags.Count == 0){
this.allowedTags = new ValidTagCollection(defaultAllowedTags);
return this.allowedTags;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the tags allowed in the
/// comments as a comma separated list..
/// </summary>
/// <value>The tags allowed in the comments.</value>
[Obsolete("Please use the AllowedTags property.")]
public string XmlAllowedTags{
return defaultAllowedTags;
public bool EnableCoComment
return enableCoComment;
enableCoComment = value;
private bool enableSpamBlockingService;
public bool EnableSpamBlockingService
get { return enableSpamBlockingService; }
set { enableSpamBlockingService = value; }
private string spamBlockingServiceApiKey;
public string SpamBlockingServiceApiKey
get { return spamBlockingServiceApiKey; }
set { spamBlockingServiceApiKey = value; }
public ISpamBlockingService SpamBlockingService
//TODO: this may eventually be configurable, if Akismet alternatives show up
if (!enableSpamBlockingService || spamBlockingServiceApiKey.Length == 0)
return null;
return new AkismetSpamBlockingService(this.spamBlockingServiceApiKey, this.root);
private bool enableSpamModeration = true;
public bool EnableSpamModeration
get { return enableSpamModeration; }
set { enableSpamModeration = value; }
private int _entriesPerPage = 5;
public int EntriesPerPage
get { return _entriesPerPage; }
set { _entriesPerPage = value; }
private bool enableDailyEmailReport = false;
public bool EnableDailyReportEmail
get { return enableDailyEmailReport; }
set { enableDailyEmailReport = value; }
bool useSSLForSMTP = false;
public bool UseSSLForSMTP
get { return useSSLForSMTP; }
set { useSSLForSMTP = value; }
public string PreferredBloggingAPI
get { return preferredBloggingAPI; }
set { preferredBloggingAPI = value; }
bool enableGoogleMaps = false;
public bool EnableGoogleMaps
get { return enableGoogleMaps; }
set { enableGoogleMaps = value; }
string googleMapsApiKey = string.Empty;
public string GoogleMapsApiKey
get { return googleMapsApiKey; }
set { googleMapsApiKey = value; }
bool enableGeoRss = false;
public bool EnableGeoRss
get { return enableGeoRss; }
set { enableGeoRss = value; }
double defaultLatitude = 0;
public double DefaultLatitude
get { return defaultLatitude; }
set { defaultLatitude = value; }
double defaultLongitude = 0;
public double DefaultLongitude
get { return defaultLongitude; }
set { defaultLongitude = value; }
bool enableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts = false;
public bool EnableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts
get { return enableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts; }
set { enableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts = value; }
bool htmlTidyContent = true;
public bool HtmlTidyContent
get { return htmlTidyContent; }
set { htmlTidyContent = value; }
bool resolveCommenterIP = true;
public bool ResolveCommenterIP
get { return resolveCommenterIP; }
set { resolveCommenterIP = value; }
bool allowOpenIdComments = false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether commenters can login using openid.
/// </summary>
public bool AllowOpenIdComments{
get { return this.allowOpenIdComments; }
set { this.allowOpenIdComments = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether admins can login using openid.
/// </summary>
bool allowOpenIdAdmin = false;
public bool AllowOpenIdAdmin {
get { return this.allowOpenIdAdmin; }
set { this.allowOpenIdAdmin = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates if commenters authenticated using openid bypass the spam check.
/// </summary>
bool bypassSpamOpenIdComment = false;
public bool BypassSpamOpenIdComment {
get { return this.bypassSpamOpenIdComment; }
set { this.bypassSpamOpenIdComment = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the title permalink space replacement.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The title permalink space replacement.</value>
public string TitlePermalinkSpaceReplacement
get { return this.titlePermalinkSpaceReplacement; }
set { this.titlePermalinkSpaceReplacement = value; }
/* Add new properties just above this comment*/
[XmlAnyElement] public XmlElement[] anyElements;
[XmlAnyAttribute] public XmlAttribute[] anyAttributes;
public class ContentFilter
string expression = "";
string mapTo;
bool isRegex = false;
public ContentFilter()
public ContentFilter(string expression, string mapTo)
this.expression = expression;
this.mapTo = mapTo;
public string Expression
get { return expression; }
set { expression = value; }
public string MapTo
get { return mapTo; }
set { mapTo = value; }
public bool IsRegEx
get { return isRegex; }
set { isRegex = value; }
[XmlAnyElement] public XmlElement[] anyElements;
[XmlAnyAttribute] public XmlAttribute[] anyAttributes;
/// <summary>
/// A collection of elements of type ContentFilter
/// </summary>
public class ContentFilterCollection : CollectionBase
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new empty instance of the ContentFilterCollection class.
/// </summary>
public ContentFilterCollection()
// empty
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the ContentFilterCollection class, containing elements
/// copied from an array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">
/// The array whose elements are to be added to the new ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public ContentFilterCollection(ContentFilter[] items)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the ContentFilterCollection class, containing elements
/// copied from another instance of ContentFilterCollection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">
/// The ContentFilterCollection whose elements are to be added to the new ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public ContentFilterCollection(ContentFilterCollection items)
/// <summary>
/// Adds the elements of an array to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">
/// The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public virtual void AddRange(ContentFilter[] items)
foreach (ContentFilter item in items)
/// <summary>
/// Adds the elements of another ContentFilterCollection to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">
/// The ContentFilterCollection whose elements are to be added to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public virtual void AddRange(ContentFilterCollection items)
foreach (ContentFilter item in items)
/// <summary>
/// Adds an instance of type ContentFilter to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// The ContentFilter to be added to the end of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public virtual void Add(ContentFilter value)
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a specfic ContentFilter value is in this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// The ContentFilter value to locate in this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// true if value is found in this ContentFilterCollection;
/// false otherwise.
/// </returns>
public virtual bool Contains(ContentFilter value)
return this.List.Contains(value);
/// <summary>
/// Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value
/// in this ContentFilterCollection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// The ContentFilter value to locate in the ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found;
/// -1 otherwise.
/// </returns>
public virtual int IndexOf(ContentFilter value)
return this.List.IndexOf(value);
/// <summary>
/// Inserts an element into the ContentFilterCollection at the specified index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// The index at which the ContentFilter is to be inserted.
/// </param>
/// <param name="value">
/// The ContentFilter to insert.
/// </param>
public virtual void Insert(int index, ContentFilter value)
this.List.Insert(index, value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the ContentFilter at the given index in this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
public virtual ContentFilter this[int index]
get { return (ContentFilter) this.List[index]; }
set { this.List[index] = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Removes the first occurrence of a specific ContentFilter from this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// The ContentFilter value to remove from this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </param>
public virtual void Remove(ContentFilter value)
/// <summary>
/// Type-specific enumeration class, used by ContentFilterCollection.GetEnumerator.
/// </summary>
public class Enumerator : IEnumerator
private IEnumerator wrapped;
public Enumerator(ContentFilterCollection collection)
this.wrapped = ((CollectionBase) collection).GetEnumerator();
public ContentFilter Current
get { return (ContentFilter) (this.wrapped.Current); }
object IEnumerator.Current
get { return (ContentFilter) (this.wrapped.Current); }
public bool MoveNext()
return this.wrapped.MoveNext();
public void Reset()
/// <summary>
/// Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the elements of this ContentFilterCollection.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// An object that implements System.Collections.IEnumerator.
/// </returns>
public new virtual Enumerator GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator(this);
public class ServiceDisabledException : Exception
public ServiceDisabledException() : base("Service disabled")