Vault317.cs :  » Build-Systems » CruiseControl.NET » ThoughtWorks » CruiseControl » Core » Sourcecontrol » C# / CSharp Open Source

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Util;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Remote;

namespace ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Sourcecontrol{
  /// <summary>
  /// Integrates with Vault 3.1.7 or later.
  /// </summary>
  public class Vault317 : Vault3
    private long _folderVersion;
    private long _lastTxID;
    private CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
        private readonly IFileDirectoryDeleter fileDirectoryDeleter = new IoService();

    public Vault317(VaultVersionChecker versionCheckerShim) : base(versionCheckerShim)
      _folderVersion = 0;
      _lastTxID = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called only by the unit tests, sets up as appropriate.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="versionCheckerShim"></param>
    /// <param name="historyParser"></param>
    /// <param name="executor"></param>
    public Vault317(VaultVersionChecker versionCheckerShim, IHistoryParser historyParser, ProcessExecutor executor) : base(versionCheckerShim, historyParser, executor)

    public override Modification[] GetModifications(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to)
      if (LookForChangesUsingVersionHistory(from, to))
        return GetModificationsFromItemHistory(from, to);
        // This has to be an empty array, not null, when there are no changes.
        Modification[] mods = {};
        return mods;

    private Modification[] GetModificationsFromItemHistory(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to)
      Log.Info(string.Format("Retrieving detailed change list for {0} in Vault Repository \"{1}\" between {2} and {3}", _shim.Folder, _shim.Repository, from.StartTime, to.StartTime));
      ProcessResult result = ExecuteWithRetries(ForHistoryProcessInfo(from, to));
      Modification[] itemModifications = ParseModifications(result, from.StartTime, to.StartTime);
      if (itemModifications == null || itemModifications.Length == 0)
        Log.Warning("Item history returned no changes.  Version history is supposed to determine if changes exist.  This is usually caused by clock skew between the CC.NET server and the Vault server.");

      // Unfortunately we have to go through these one more time to ensure there's nothing beyond the version we're going to retrieve.
      // We've made two history queries, and if changes were committed after our first check it's possible that they would be erroneously
      // included in the list of mods without this extra check.
            var modList = new List<Modification>(itemModifications.Length);
      foreach (Modification mod in itemModifications)
        if (int.Parse(mod.ChangeNumber) <= _lastTxID)

            Modification[] modifications = modList.ToArray();
            return modifications;

    private bool LookForChangesUsingVersionHistory(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to)
      Log.Info(string.Format("Checking for modifications to {0} in Vault Repository \"{1}\" between {2} and {3}", _shim.Folder, _shim.Repository, from.StartTime, to.StartTime));

      bool bFoundChanges = GetFolderVersion(from, to);

      Log.Debug("The folder has" + (bFoundChanges ? " " : " not ") + "changed.");

      return bFoundChanges;

    public override void GetSource(IIntegrationResult result)
            result.BuildProgressInformation.SignalStartRunTask("Getting source from Vault");

      if (!_shim.AutoGetSource) return;
            if (_folderVersion <= 0)
                throw new CruiseControlException("_folderVersion <= 0 when attempting to get source.  This shouldn't happen.");

      if (_shim.CleanCopy)
        string cleanCopyWorkingFolder = null;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_shim.WorkingDirectory))
          cleanCopyWorkingFolder = GetVaultWorkingFolder(result);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanCopyWorkingFolder))
            throw new VaultException(
              string.Format("Vault user {0} has no working folder set for {1} in repository {2} and no working directory has been specified.",
                            _shim.Username, _shim.Folder, _shim.Repository));
          cleanCopyWorkingFolder = result.BaseFromWorkingDirectory(_shim.WorkingDirectory);

        Log.Debug("Cleaning out source folder: " + cleanCopyWorkingFolder);

      Log.Info("Getting source from Vault");

    public override void LabelSourceControl(IIntegrationResult result)
      // only apply label if it's turned on and the integration was a success
      if (!_shim.ApplyLabel || result.Status != IntegrationStatus.Success) return;

            if (_folderVersion <= 0)
                throw new CruiseControlException("_folderVersion <= 0 when attempting to get source.  This shouldn't happen.");

      Log.Info(string.Format("Applying label \"{0}\" to version {1} of {2} in repository {3}.",
                             result.Label, _folderVersion, _shim.Folder, _shim.Repository));

    private ProcessInfo LabelProcessInfo(IIntegrationResult result)
      var builder = new PrivateArguments();
      builder.Add("label ", _shim.Folder);
            return ProcessInfoFor(builder, result);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the most recent folder version via Vault's versionhistory command.
    /// If we don't yet have a folder version, we need to get one so getSource and LabelSource have a version to work with,
    /// whether there's been changes or not.  (On a forced build or a multi-source control setup, we might get and/or label
    /// when there's been no change.)
    /// So if we have no folder version, we get the latest version of the folder via Vault's versionhistory command and see
    /// if the timestamp on that folder is more recent than the last build.  If we already have a folder version, we simply
    /// ask Vault to give us the most recent folder version after then one we already know about.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="from"></param>
    /// <param name="to"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool GetFolderVersion(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to)
      bool bFoundChanges = false;

      // If we don't yet have a folder version, we need to just get the latest, rather than checking for a change.
      bool bForceGetLatestVersion = (_folderVersion == 0);

      // get version history
      ProcessResult result = ExecuteWithRetries(VersionHistoryProcessInfo(from, to, bForceGetLatestVersion));

      // parse out changes
      string versionHistory = Vault3.ExtractXmlFromOutput(result.StandardOutput);
      XmlDocument versionHistoryXml = new XmlDocument();
      XmlNodeList versionNodeList = versionHistoryXml.SelectNodes("/vault/history/item");
      XmlNode folderVersionNode = null;
      if (bForceGetLatestVersion)
                if (versionNodeList.Count != 1)
                    throw new CruiseControlException("Attempted to retrieve folder's current version and got no results.");
                folderVersionNode = versionNodeList.Item(0);
                if (versionNodeList.Count != 0 && versionNodeList.Count != 1)
                    throw new CruiseControlException("Vault versionhistory -rowlimit 1 returned more than 1 row.");
                if (versionNodeList.Count == 1)
          folderVersionNode = versionNodeList.Item(0);
          // We asked vault for only new folder versions, so if we got one, the folder has changed.
          bFoundChanges = true;

      if (folderVersionNode != null)
        if (bForceGetLatestVersion)
          // We asked Vault for the most recent folder version.  We have to check its date to
          // see if this represents a change since the last integration.
          XmlAttribute dateAttr = (XmlAttribute) folderVersionNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("date");
                    if (dateAttr == null)
                        throw new CruiseControlException("date attribute not found in version history");
                    DateTime dtLastChange = DateTime.Parse(dateAttr.Value, culture);
          if (dtLastChange > from.StartTime)
            bFoundChanges = true;
        // get the new most recent folder version
        XmlAttribute versionAttr = (XmlAttribute) folderVersionNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("version");
                if (versionAttr == null)
                    throw new CruiseControlException("version attribute not found in version history");
                _folderVersion = long.Parse(versionAttr.Value);
        Log.Debug("Most recent folder version: " + _folderVersion);

        // get the new most recent TxId
        XmlAttribute txIdAttr = (XmlAttribute) folderVersionNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("txid");
                if (txIdAttr == null)
                    throw new CruiseControlException("txid attribute not found in version history");
                _lastTxID = long.Parse(txIdAttr.Value);
        Log.Debug("Most recent TxID: " + _lastTxID);

      return bFoundChanges;

    private ProcessInfo VersionHistoryProcessInfo(IIntegrationResult from, IIntegrationResult to, bool bForceGetLatestVersion)
            var builder = new PrivateArguments();
      builder.Add("versionhistory ", _shim.Folder);

      // Look only for changes, unless caller asked us to get the latest folder 
      // version regardless of whether there's been a change.
      if (!bForceGetLatestVersion)
        // use folderVersion when possible because it's faster and more accurate
        if (_folderVersion != 0)
          builder.Add("-beginversion ", (_folderVersion + 1).ToString());
          builder.Add("-begindate ", from.StartTime.ToString("s"));
          builder.Add("-enddate ", to.StartTime.ToString("s"));

      // we only ever need the most recent change
      builder.Add("-rowlimit ", "1");

            return ProcessInfoFor(builder, from);

    private ProcessInfo GetSourceProcessInfo(IIntegrationResult result)
            var builder = new PrivateArguments();

      builder.Add("getversion ", _folderVersion.ToString());
      builder.Add(null, _shim.Folder, true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_shim.WorkingDirectory))
        builder.Add(null, result.BaseFromWorkingDirectory(_shim.WorkingDirectory), true);
                if (_shim.UseVaultWorkingDirectory)

      builder.Add("-merge ", "overwrite");
      builder.Add("-backup ", "no");
      builder.Add("-setfiletime ", _shim.setFileTime);
      return ProcessInfoFor(builder, result);

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