SimpleTrigger.cs :  » Business-Application » Quartz-Enterprise-Scheduler » Quartz » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Quartz Enterprise Scheduler » Quartz » SimpleTrigger.cs
* Copyright 2004-2009 James House 
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not 
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* Previously Copyright (c) 2001-2004 James House

using System;

using Quartz.Util;

#if NET_20
using NullableDateTimeSystem.NullableSystem.DateTime;
using Nullables;

namespace Quartz{
  /// <summary> 
  /// A concrete <see cref="Trigger" /> that is used to fire a <see cref="JobDetail" />
  /// at a given moment in time, and optionally repeated at a specified interval.
  /// </summary>
  /// <seealso cref="Trigger" />
  /// <seealso cref="CronTrigger" />
  /// <seealso cref="TriggerUtils" />
  /// <author>James House</author>
  /// <author>Contributions by Lieven Govaerts of Ebitec Nv, Belgium.</author>
  /// <author>Marko Lahma (.NET)</author>
  public class SimpleTrigger : Trigger
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to indicate the 'repeat count' of the trigger is indefinite. Or in
        /// other words, the trigger should repeat continually until the trigger's
        /// ending timestamp.
        /// </summary>
        public const int RepeatIndefinitely = -1;
        private const int YearToGiveupSchedulingAt = 2299;

        private NullableDateTime nextFireTimeUtc = null;
    private NullableDateTime previousFireTimeUtc = null;

        private int repeatCount = 0;
        private TimeSpan repeatInterval = TimeSpan.Zero;
        private int timesTriggered = 0;
        private bool complete = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> with no settings.
    /// </summary>
    public SimpleTrigger()

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur immediately, and
        /// not repeat.
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleTrigger(string name) : this(name, null)

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur immediately, and
    /// not repeat.
    /// </summary>
    public SimpleTrigger(string name, string group) : this(name, group, DateTime.UtcNow, null, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur immediately, and
        /// repeat at the the given interval the given number of times.
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleTrigger(string name, int repeatCount, TimeSpan repeatInterval)
            : this(name, null, repeatCount, repeatInterval)

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur immediately, and
    /// repeat at the the given interval the given number of times.
    /// </summary>
    public SimpleTrigger(string name, string group, int repeatCount, TimeSpan repeatInterval)
      : this(name, group, DateTime.UtcNow, null, repeatCount, repeatInterval)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur at the given time,
        /// and not repeat.
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleTrigger(string name, DateTime startTimeUtc)
            : this(name, null, startTimeUtc)

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur at the given time,
    /// and not repeat.
    /// </summary>
    public SimpleTrigger(string name, string group, DateTime startTimeUtc) : this(name, group, startTimeUtc, null, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur at the given time,
        /// and repeat at the the given interval the given number of times, or until
        /// the given end time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">A UTC <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" /> to fire.</param>
        /// <param name="endTimeUtc">A UTC <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" />
        /// to quit repeat firing.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatCount">The number of times for the <see cref="Trigger" /> to repeat
        /// firing, use <see cref="RepeatIndefinitely "/> for unlimited times.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatInterval">The time span to pause between the repeat firing.</param>
        public SimpleTrigger(string name, DateTime startTimeUtc,
            NullableDateTime endTimeUtc, int repeatCount, TimeSpan repeatInterval)
            : this(name, null, startTimeUtc, endTimeUtc, repeatCount, repeatInterval)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur at the given time,
        /// and repeat at the the given interval the given number of times, or until
        /// the given end time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">A UTC <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" /> to fire.</param>
        /// <param name="endTimeUtc">A UTC <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" />
        /// to quit repeat firing.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatCount">The number of times for the <see cref="Trigger" /> to repeat
        /// firing, use <see cref="RepeatIndefinitely "/> for unlimited times.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatInterval">The time span to pause between the repeat firing.</param>
    public SimpleTrigger(string name, string group, DateTime startTimeUtc,
            NullableDateTime endTimeUtc, 
            int repeatCount, TimeSpan repeatInterval) : base(name, group)
      StartTimeUtc = startTimeUtc;
      EndTimeUtc = endTimeUtc;
      RepeatCount = repeatCount;
      RepeatInterval = repeatInterval;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> that will occur at the given time,
        /// fire the identified <see cref="IJob" /> and repeat at the the given
        /// interval the given number of times, or until the given end time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="jobName">Name of the job.</param>
        /// <param name="jobGroup">The job group.</param>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">A <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" />
        /// to fire.</param>
        /// <param name="endTimeUtc">A <see cref="DateTime" /> set to the time for the <see cref="Trigger" />
        /// to quit repeat firing.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatCount">The number of times for the <see cref="Trigger" /> to repeat
        /// firing, use RepeatIndefinitely for unlimited times.</param>
        /// <param name="repeatInterval">The time span to pause between the repeat firing.</param>
    public SimpleTrigger(string name, string group, string jobName, string jobGroup, DateTime startTimeUtc,
                 NullableDateTime endTimeUtc,
                 int repeatCount, TimeSpan repeatInterval)
      : base(name, group, jobName, jobGroup)
      StartTimeUtc = startTimeUtc;
      EndTimeUtc = endTimeUtc;
      RepeatCount = repeatCount;
      RepeatInterval = repeatInterval;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get or set thhe number of times the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> should
        /// repeat, after which it will be automatically deleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="RepeatIndefinitely" />
        public int RepeatCount
            get { return repeatCount; }

                if (value < 0 && value != RepeatIndefinitely)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Repeat count must be >= 0, use the constant RepeatIndefinitely for infinite.");

                repeatCount = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get or set the the time interval at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> should repeat.
        /// </summary>
        public TimeSpan RepeatInterval
            get { return repeatInterval; }

                if (value < TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Repeat interval must be >= 0");

                repeatInterval = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get or set the number of times the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> has already
        /// fired.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int TimesTriggered
            get { return timesTriggered; }
            set { timesTriggered = value; }

        /// <summary> 
        /// Returns the final UTC time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> will
        /// fire, if repeatCount is RepeatIndefinitely, null will be returned.
        /// <p>
        /// Note that the return time may be in the past.
        /// </p>
        /// </summary>
        public override NullableDateTime FinalFireTimeUtc
                if (repeatCount == 0)
                    return StartTimeUtc;

                if (repeatCount == RepeatIndefinitely && !EndTimeUtc.HasValue)
                    return null;

                if (repeatCount == RepeatIndefinitely && !EndTimeUtc.HasValue)
                    return null;
                else if (repeatCount == RepeatIndefinitely)
                    return GetFireTimeBefore(EndTimeUtc);

                DateTime lastTrigger = StartTimeUtc.AddMilliseconds(repeatCount * repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds);

                if (!EndTimeUtc.HasValue || lastTrigger < EndTimeUtc.Value)
                    return lastTrigger;
                    return GetFireTimeBefore(EndTimeUtc);

        /// <summary>
        /// Tells whether this Trigger instance can handle events
        /// in millisecond precision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value></value>
        public override bool HasMillisecondPrecision
            get { return true; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the misfire instruction.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="misfireInstruction">The misfire instruction.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected override bool ValidateMisfireInstruction(int misfireInstruction)
            return (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.FireNow) 
                || (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNextWithExistingCount) 
                || (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNextWithRemainingCount)
                || (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithExistingRepeatCount)
                || (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount)
                || (misfireInstruction == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SmartPolicy);

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" />'s state based on the
        /// MisfireInstruction value that was selected when the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" />
    /// was created.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If MisfireSmartPolicyEnabled is set to true,
    /// then the following scheme will be used: <br />
    /// <ul>
    /// <li>If the Repeat Count is 0, then the instruction will
        /// be interpreted as <see cref="MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.FireNow" />.</li>
    /// <li>If the Repeat Count is <see cref="RepeatIndefinitely" />, then
        /// the instruction will be interpreted as <see cref="MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount" />.
        /// <b>WARNING:</b> using MisfirePolicy.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount 
    /// with a trigger that has a non-null end-time may cause the trigger to 
    /// never fire again if the end-time arrived during the misfire time span. 
    /// </li>
    /// <li>If the Repeat Count is > 0, then the instruction
        /// will be interpreted as <see cref="MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithExistingRepeatCount" />.
    /// </li>
    /// </ul>
    /// </remarks>
    public override void UpdateAfterMisfire(ICalendar cal)
      int instr = MisfireInstruction;
      if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SmartPolicy)
        if (RepeatCount == 0)
                    instr = Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.FireNow;
        else if (RepeatCount == RepeatIndefinitely)
                    instr = Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNextWithRemainingCount;
                    instr = Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithExistingRepeatCount;
            else if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.FireNow && RepeatCount != 0)
                instr = Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount;

            if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.FireNow)
      else if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNextWithExistingCount)
                NullableDateTime newFireTime = GetFireTimeAfter(DateTime.UtcNow);

                while (newFireTime.HasValue && cal != null && !cal.IsTimeIncluded(newFireTime.Value))
          newFireTime = GetFireTimeAfter(newFireTime);

                    if (!newFireTime.HasValue)
                    //avoid infinite loop
                    if (newFireTime.Value.Year > YearToGiveupSchedulingAt)
                        newFireTime = null;
      else if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNextWithRemainingCount)
                NullableDateTime newFireTime = GetFireTimeAfter(DateTime.UtcNow);

        while (newFireTime.HasValue && cal != null && !cal.IsTimeIncluded(newFireTime.Value))
          newFireTime = GetFireTimeAfter(newFireTime);

                    if (!newFireTime.HasValue)

                    //avoid infinite loop
                    if (newFireTime.Value.Year > YearToGiveupSchedulingAt)
                        newFireTime = null;

        if (newFireTime.HasValue)
          int timesMissed = ComputeNumTimesFiredBetween(nextFireTimeUtc, newFireTime);
          TimesTriggered = TimesTriggered + timesMissed;

      else if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithExistingRepeatCount)
        DateTime newFireTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        if (repeatCount != 0 && repeatCount != RepeatIndefinitely)
          RepeatCount = RepeatCount - TimesTriggered;
          TimesTriggered = 0;

        if (EndTimeUtc.HasValue && EndTimeUtc.Value < newFireTime) 
          SetNextFireTime(null); // We are past the end time
          StartTimeUtc = newFireTime;
      else if (instr == Quartz.MisfireInstruction.SimpleTrigger.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount)
        DateTime newFireTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        int timesMissed = ComputeNumTimesFiredBetween(nextFireTimeUtc, newFireTime);

        if (repeatCount != 0 && repeatCount != RepeatIndefinitely)
          int remainingCount = RepeatCount - (TimesTriggered + timesMissed);
          if (remainingCount <= 0)
            remainingCount = 0;
          RepeatCount = remainingCount;
          TimesTriggered = 0;

        if (EndTimeUtc.HasValue && EndTimeUtc.Value < newFireTime) 
          SetNextFireTime(null); // We are past the end time
          StartTimeUtc = newFireTime;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when the <see cref="IScheduler" /> has decided to 'fire'
    /// the trigger (Execute the associated <see cref="IJob" />), in order to
    /// give the <see cref="Trigger" /> a chance to update itself for its next
    /// triggering (if any).
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="JobExecutionException" />
    public override void Triggered(ICalendar cal)
      previousFireTimeUtc = nextFireTimeUtc;
      nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(nextFireTimeUtc);

      while (nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue && cal != null && !cal.IsTimeIncluded(nextFireTimeUtc.Value))
        nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(nextFireTimeUtc);

                if (!nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue)

                //avoid infinite loop
                if (nextFireTimeUtc.Value.Year > YearToGiveupSchedulingAt)
                    nextFireTimeUtc = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the instance with new calendar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calendar">The calendar.</param>
        /// <param name="misfireThreshold">The misfire threshold.</param>
    public override void UpdateWithNewCalendar(ICalendar calendar, TimeSpan misfireThreshold)
      nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(previousFireTimeUtc);

            if (nextFireTimeUtc == null || calendar == null)

            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            while (nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue && !calendar.IsTimeIncluded(nextFireTimeUtc.Value))
                nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(nextFireTimeUtc);

                if (!nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue)

                //avoid infinite loop
                if (nextFireTimeUtc.Value.Year > YearToGiveupSchedulingAt)
                    nextFireTimeUtc = null;

                if (nextFireTimeUtc != null && nextFireTimeUtc.Value < now)
                    TimeSpan diff = now - nextFireTimeUtc.Value;
                    if (diff >= misfireThreshold)
                        nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(nextFireTimeUtc);

    /// <summary>
    /// Called by the scheduler at the time a <see cref="Trigger" /> is first
    /// added to the scheduler, in order to have the <see cref="Trigger" />
    /// compute its first fire time, based on any associated calendar.
    /// <p>
    /// After this method has been called, <see cref="GetNextFireTimeUtc" />
    /// should return a valid answer.
    /// </p>
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns> 
    /// The first time at which the <see cref="Trigger" /> will be fired
    /// by the scheduler, which is also the same value <see cref="GetNextFireTimeUtc" />
    /// will return (until after the first firing of the <see cref="Trigger" />).
    /// </returns>
        public override NullableDateTime ComputeFirstFireTimeUtc(ICalendar cal)
      nextFireTimeUtc = StartTimeUtc;

      while (nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue && cal != null && !cal.IsTimeIncluded(nextFireTimeUtc.Value))
        nextFireTimeUtc = GetFireTimeAfter(nextFireTimeUtc);

                if (!nextFireTimeUtc.HasValue)

                //avoid infinite loop
                if (nextFireTimeUtc.Value.Year > YearToGiveupSchedulingAt)
                    return null;

      return nextFireTimeUtc;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the next time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> will
    /// fire. If the trigger will not fire again, <see langword="null" /> will be
    /// returned. The value returned is not guaranteed to be valid until after
    /// the <see cref="Trigger" /> has been added to the scheduler.
    /// </summary>
        public override NullableDateTime GetNextFireTimeUtc()
      return nextFireTimeUtc;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the previous time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> fired.
    /// If the trigger has not yet fired, <see langword="null" /> will be
    /// returned.
    /// </summary>
        public override NullableDateTime GetPreviousFireTimeUtc()
      return previousFireTimeUtc;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set the next UTC time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> should fire.
    /// <strong>This method should not be invoked by client code.</strong>
    /// </summary>
        public void SetNextFireTime(NullableDateTime fireTimeUtc)
      nextFireTimeUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(fireTimeUtc);

    /// <summary>
    /// Set the previous UTC time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> fired.
    /// <strong>This method should not be invoked by client code.</strong>
    /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetPreviousFireTime(NullableDateTime fireTimeUtc)
      previousFireTimeUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(fireTimeUtc);

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns the next UTC time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> will
    /// fire, after the given UTC time. If the trigger will not fire after the given
    /// time, <see langword="null" /> will be returned.
    /// </summary>
        public override NullableDateTime GetFireTimeAfter(NullableDateTime afterTimeUtc)
            afterTimeUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(afterTimeUtc);

      if (complete)
        return null;

      if ((timesTriggered > repeatCount) && (repeatCount != RepeatIndefinitely))
        return null;

      if (!afterTimeUtc.HasValue)
        afterTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

      if (repeatCount == 0 && afterTimeUtc.Value.CompareTo(StartTimeUtc) >= 0)
        return null;

      DateTime startMillis = StartTimeUtc;
      DateTime afterMillis = afterTimeUtc.Value;
      DateTime endMillis = !EndTimeUtc.HasValue ? DateTime.MaxValue : EndTimeUtc.Value;

      if (endMillis <= afterMillis) 
        return null;

      if (afterMillis < startMillis) 
        return startMillis;

      long numberOfTimesExecuted = (long) (((long) (afterMillis - startMillis).TotalMilliseconds / repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds) + 1);

      if ((numberOfTimesExecuted > repeatCount) && 
        (repeatCount != RepeatIndefinitely)) 
        return null;

      DateTime time = startMillis.AddMilliseconds(numberOfTimesExecuted * repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds);

      if (endMillis <= time) 
        return null;

      return time;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the last UTC time at which the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> will
    /// fire, before the given time. If the trigger will not fire before the
    /// given time, <see langword="null" /> will be returned.
    /// </summary>
        public virtual NullableDateTime GetFireTimeBefore(NullableDateTime endUtc)
            endUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(endUtc);

      if (endUtc.Value < StartTimeUtc)
        return null;

      int numFires = ComputeNumTimesFiredBetween(StartTimeUtc, endUtc);
      return StartTimeUtc.AddMilliseconds(numFires*repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the number of times fired between the two UTC date times.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">The UTC start date and time.</param>
        /// <param name="endTimeUtc">The UTC end date and time.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual int ComputeNumTimesFiredBetween(NullableDateTime startTimeUtc, NullableDateTime endTimeUtc)
            startTimeUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(startTimeUtc);
            endTimeUtc = DateTimeUtil.AssumeUniversalTime(endTimeUtc);

      long time = (long) (endTimeUtc.Value - startTimeUtc.Value).TotalMilliseconds;
      return (int) (time/repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds);

    /// <summary> 
    /// Determines whether or not the <see cref="SimpleTrigger" /> will occur
    /// again.
    /// </summary>
    public override bool GetMayFireAgain()
      return GetNextFireTimeUtc().HasValue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates whether the properties of the <see cref="JobDetail" /> are
    /// valid for submission into a <see cref="IScheduler" />.
    /// </summary>
    public override void Validate()

      if (repeatCount != 0 && repeatInterval.TotalMilliseconds < 1)
        throw new SchedulerException("Repeat Interval cannot be zero.", SchedulerException.ErrorClientError);
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