Sender.cs :  » Chat-Servers » Thresher » Sharkbite » Irc » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Thresher » Sharkbite » Irc » Sender.cs
 * Thresher IRC client library
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Aaron Hunter <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * See the gpl.txt file located in the top-level-directory of
 * the archive of this library for complete text of license.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace Sharkbite.Irc{
  /// <summary>
  /// This class is used to send all the IRC commands except for CTCP and DCC
  /// messages. Instances of this class are retrieved as properties of the Connection
  /// object. All methods in this class are thread safe.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// <para>Due to the asynchronous nature of IRC, none of these commands 
  /// have a return value. To get that value (or possibly an error) the client must
  /// handle the corresponding event. For example, to check if a user is online
  /// the client would send <see cref="Sender.Ison"/> then check the value of the 
  /// <see cref="Listener.OnIson"/> event to receive the answer.</para>
  /// <para>When a command can return an error, the possible error replies
  /// are listed. An error message will be sent via the <see cref="Listener.OnError"/> event
  /// with one of the listed error codes as a parameter. When checking for these 
  /// errors use the constants from <see cref="ReplyCode"/>.
  /// </para> 
  /// <para>The maximum length of any command string sent to the 
  /// server is 512 characters.</para>
  /// </remarks>
  /// <example><code>
  /// //Create a Connection object which will automatically create its own Sender
  /// Connection connection = new Connection( args, false, false );  
  /// //Send commands using the Connection object and its Sender instance.
  /// //No need to keep a separate reference to the Sender object
  /// connection.Sender.PublicMessage("#thresher", "hello");
  /// </code></example>
  public class Sender : CommandBuilder
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new Sender for a specific connection.
    /// </summary>
    internal Sender(Connection connection ) : base( connection) {}

    private bool IsEmpty( string aString ) 
      return aString == null || aString.Trim().Length == 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Truncate parameters which cause a command line
    /// to be too long.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter">The command parameter</param>
    /// <param name="commandLength">The length of the command plus whitespace</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private string Truncate( string parameter, int commandLength ) 
      int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - commandLength;
      if (parameter.Length > max ) 
        return parameter.Substring(0, max);
        return parameter;

    private bool TooLong( StringBuilder buffer ) 
      //2 for CR LF
      return (buffer.Length + 2) > MAX_COMMAND_SIZE;

    /// <summary>
    /// The USER command is only used at the beginning of Connection to specify
    /// the username, hostname and realname of a new user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">The user Connection data</param>
    internal void User( ConnectionArgs args ) 
      lock( this )
        Buffer.Append( args.UserName );
        Buffer.Append( args.ModeMask );
        Buffer.Append( args.RealName );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// A client session is terminated with a quit message.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks> 
    /// <para>The server
    /// acknowledges this by sending an ERROR message to the client. 
    /// </para>
    /// <para>Before closing the Connection with the IRC server this method
    /// will call <c>Listener.beforeDisconnect()</c> and after
    /// the Connection is closed it will call <c> Listener.OnDisconnect()</c>
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="reason">Reason for quitting.</param>
    internal void Quit(string reason) 
      lock( this ) 
        if( IsEmpty( reason ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Quite reason cannot be null or empty.");
        if (reason.Length > 502) 
          reason = reason.Substring(0, 504);
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
      /// <summary>
    /// A PONG message is a reply to server PING message. Only called by
    /// the Connection object to keep the Connection alive.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOORIGIN</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="message">The text sent by the IRC server in the PING message.</param>
    internal void Pong(string message) 
      //Not synchronized because it will only be called during on OnPing event by
      //the dispatch thread
      Connection.SendAutomaticReply( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// The PASS command is used to set a 'Connection password'. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The optional password can and MUST be set before any attempt to register
    /// the Connection is made. Currently this requires that user send a
    /// PASS command before sending the NICK/USER combination.
    /// </remarks>
    internal void Pass( string password ) 
      lock( this )
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// User registration consists of 3 commands:
    /// 1. PASS
    /// 2. NICK
    /// 3. USER
    /// Pass will rarely fail but the proposed Nick might already be taken in
    /// which case the client will have to register by manually calling Nick
    /// and User.
    /// </summary>
    internal void RegisterConnection( ConnectionArgs args ) 
      Pass( args.ServerPassword );
      Nick( args.Nick );
      User( args );

    /// <summary>
    /// Join the specified channel. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>Once a user has joined a channel, he receives information about
    /// all commands his server receives affecting the channel. This
    /// includes JOIN, MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE.
    /// This allows channel members to keep track of the other channel
    /// members, as well as channel modes.</para>
    /// <para>If a JOIN is successful, the user receives a JOIN message as
    /// confirmation and is then sent the channel's topic ( <see cref="Listener.OnTopicRequest"/> and
    /// the list of users who are on the channel ( <see cref="Listener.OnNames"/> ), which
    /// MUST include the user joining.</para>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///   <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_BADCHANNELKEY</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_CHANNELISFULL</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_BADCHANMASK</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS</description></item>
    ///   <item><description>ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The channel to join. Channel names must begin with '&amp;', '#', '+' or '!'.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Most channels you will see begin with the '#'. The others are reserved
    /// //for special channels and may not even be available on a particular server.
    /// connection.Sender.Join("#thresher");
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid.</exception>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnJoin"/>
    public void Join( string channel ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName( channel ) ) 
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Join a passworded channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="channel">Channel to join</param>
    /// <param name="password">The channel's pasword. Cannot be null or empty.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid or the password is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnJoin"/>
    public void Join(string channel, string password) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty( password) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Password cannot be empty or null.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          //8 is the JOIN + 2 spaces + CR + LF
          password = Truncate( password, 8 );
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Change the user's nickname.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///   <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NICKCOLLISION</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_RESTRICTED</description></item>
    ///   </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="newNick"> The new nickname</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Make sure and verify that the nick is valid and of the right length
    /// string nick = GetUserInput();
    /// if( Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick( connection, nick) ) { 
    /// connection.Sender.Nick( nick );
    /// }
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNick"/>
    public void Nick( string newNick ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(newNick) ) 
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(newNick + " is not a valid nickname.");
    /// <summary> 
    /// Request a list of all nicknames on a given channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channels">One or more channel names.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Make the request for a single channel
    /// connection.Sender.Names( "#test" );
    /// //Make the request for several channels at once
    /// connection.Sender.Names( "#test","#alpha","#bravo" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If any of the channels are not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNames"/>
    public void Names( params string[] channels ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelList( channels ) ) 
          Buffer.Append( String.Join(",", channels) );
          if( TooLong( Buffer ) ) 
            throw new ArgumentException("Channels are too long.");
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException("One of the channel names is not valid.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Request a list of all visible channels along with their users. If the server allows this
    /// kind of request then expect a rather large reply. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///   <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES</description></item>
    ///   </list>
    /// </remarks> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNames"/> 
    public void AllNames() 
      lock( this ) 
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>Request basic information about a channel, i.e. number
    /// of visible users and topic.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///   <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks> 
    /// <param name="channels">One or more channel names.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Make the request for a single channel
    /// connection.Sender.List( "#test" );
    /// //Make the request for several channels at once
    /// connection.Sender.List( "#test","#alpha",#"bravo" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If any of the channels are not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnList"/> 
    public void List(params string[] channels ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelList(channels)) 
          Buffer.Append( String.Join(",", channels) );
          if( TooLong( Buffer ) ) 
            throw new ArgumentException("Channels are too long.");
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException("One of the channel names is not valid.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Request basic information for all the channels on the current
    /// network.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///   <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnList"/>
    public void AllList() 
      lock( this ) 
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>Change the topic of the given channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOCHANMODES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <param name="newTopic">The new topic.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// connection.Sender.ChangeTopic( "#thresher","Beta 27 Released" );
    /// </code></example>  
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid or the topic is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTopicChanged"/> 
    public void ChangeTopic(string channel, string newTopic) 
      lock( this ) 
        if (IsEmpty( newTopic ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Topic cannot be empty or null.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          // 9 is TOPIC + 2 x Spaces + : + CR = LF
          newTopic = Truncate( newTopic, 9 + channel.Length );
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>Clear the channel's topic.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOCHANMODES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTopicChanged"/> 
    public void ClearTopic(string channel) 
      lock( this ) 
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>Request the topic for the given channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// The reply will be sent via the <see cref="Listener.OnTopicRequest"/> event. If there is no topic
    /// then <see cref="Listener.OnError"/> will be called with a code of <see cref="ReplyCode.RPL_NOTOPIC"/>.
    /// </para>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOCHANMODES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTopicRequest"/> 
    public void RequestTopic(string channel) 
      lock( this ) 
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Leave the given channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="reason">A goodbye message.</param>
    /// <param name="channels">One or more channels to leave.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Leave a single channel
    /// connection.Sender.Part("Goodbye", "#test" );
    /// //Leave several at once
    /// connection.Sender.Part( "Goodbye", "#test","#alpha",#"bravo" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid or the reason is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPart"/> 
    public void Part( string reason, params string[] channels ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty( reason ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Part reason cannot be empty or null.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelList(channels)) 
          string channelList = String.Join(",", channels);
          Buffer.Append( channelList );
          // 9 is PART + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
          reason = Truncate( reason, 9 );
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException("One of the channels names is not valid.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Leave a channel without giving a reason.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="channel">The channel to leave.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPart"/> 
    public void Part( string channel ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName( channel ) ) 
          Buffer.Append( channel );
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException( channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>Send a notice to a channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The difference between a notice and a normal message is that 
    /// automatic replies must never be sent in response to a notice. This rule 
    /// applies to servers too - they must not send any error reply back to the 
    /// client on receipt of a notice. The object of this rule is to avoid loops
    /// between clients automatically sending something in response to
    /// something it received. See <see cref="Sender.PublicMessage"/> for possible errors.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <param name="message">Text message. If the text is too large to be sent in one
    /// piece it will be broken up into smaller strings which will then
    /// be sent individually.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid or the message is empty or null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPublicNotice"/> 
    public void PublicNotice(string channel, string message) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty( message) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Notice message cannot be null or empty.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel) ) 
          // 11 is NOTICE + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
          int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - 11 - channel.Length;
          if (message.Length > max) 
            string[] parts = BreakUpMessage( message, max );
            foreach( string part in parts )
              SendMessage("NOTICE", channel, part);
            SendMessage("NOTICE", channel, message);
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>Send a notice to a user.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The difference between a notice and a normal message is that 
    /// automatic replies must never be sent in response to a notice. This rule 
    /// applies to servers too - they must not send any error reply back to the 
    /// client on receipt of a notice. The object of this rule is to avoid loops
    /// between clients automatically sending something in response to
    /// something it received. See <see cref="Sender.PrivateMessage"/> for possible errors.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">The target nickname.</param>
    /// <param name="message">Text message. If the text is too large to be sent in one
    /// piece it will be broken up into smaller strings which will then
    /// be sent individually.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nick is not valid or the message is empty or null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivateNotice"/> 
    public void PrivateNotice(string nick, string message) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty(message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Notice message cannot be empty or null.");
        if ( Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          // 11 is NOTICE + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
          int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - 11 - nick.Length;
          if (message.Length > max) 
            string[] parts = BreakUpMessage( message, max );
            foreach( string part in parts )
              SendMessage("NOTICE", nick, part);
            SendMessage("NOTICE", nick, message);
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Send a message to all the users in a channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <param name="message">A message. If the message is too long it will be broken
    /// up into smaller piecese which will be sent sequentially.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid or if the message is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPublic"/> 
    public void PublicMessage(string channel, string message) 
      lock( this )
        if ( IsEmpty( message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Public message cannot be null or empty.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          // 11 is PRIVMSG + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
          int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - 11 - channel.Length;
          if (message.Length > max) 
            string[] parts = BreakUpMessage( message, max );
            foreach( string part in parts )
              SendMessage("PRIVMSG", channel, part );
            SendMessage("PRIVMSG", channel, message);
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Send a message to a user.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>If the target user status is away, the <see cref="Listener.OnAway"/> event will be
    /// called along with the away message if any.
    /// </para>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NORECIPIENT</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">The target user.</param>
    /// <param name="message">A message. If the message is too long it will be broken
    /// up into smaller piecese which will be sent sequentially.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname is not valid or if the message is null or empty.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivate"/> 
    public void PrivateMessage(string nick, string message) 
      lock( this )
        if ( IsEmpty( message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Private message cannot be null or empty.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          // 11 is PRIVMSG + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
          int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - 11 - nick.Length;
          if (message.Length > max) 
            string[] parts = BreakUpMessage( message, max );
            foreach( string part in parts )
              SendMessage("PRIVMSG", nick, part );
            SendMessage("PRIVMSG", nick, message);
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Invite a user to a channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The parameter nickname is the nickname of the person to be invited to
    /// the target channel channel. There is no requirement that the
    /// channel the target user is being invited to must exist or be a valid
    /// channel. However, if the channel exists, only members of the channel
    /// are allowed to invite other users. When the channel has invite-only
    /// flag set, only channel operators may an invite.</para>
    /// <para>Only the user inviting and the user being invited will receive
    /// notification of the invitation. Other channel members are not
    /// notified. (This is unlike the mode changes, and is occasionally the
    /// source of trouble for users.)</para>
    /// <para>After the invite is sent the IRC server will signal that it 
    /// was correctly received by calling <see cref="Listener.OnInviteSent"/>.
    /// </para>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_USERONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="who">The nick of the person to invite</param>
    /// <param name="channel">The channel they are invited to join.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname or channel is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInviteSent"/> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInvite"/> 
    public void Invite(string who, string channel) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(who)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(who + " is not a valid nickname.");
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel.");
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>Kick a user off a channel.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Replies
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_BADCHANMASK</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///     <item><description>ERR_NOTONCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///   </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nicks">One or more users to kick.</param>
    /// <param name="channel">Which channel to kick the user from.</param>
    /// <param name="reason">Why.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Kick a single user
    /// connection.Sender.Kick("#thresher","No Perl please","lwall" );
    /// //Kicks several users at once
    /// connection.Sender.Kick( "#thresher", "Bye", "John","Dick","Harry" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname or channel is not valid or the reason is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnKick"/> 
    public void Kick(string channel, string reason, params string[] nicks) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNicklList( nicks)) 
          throw new ArgumentException("One of the nicknames is invalid.");
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel.");
        if ( IsEmpty( reason ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("The reason for kicking cannot be null.");
        string nickList = String.Join(",", nicks);
        // 10 is KICK + 3 x Spaces + : + CR + LF
        reason = Truncate( reason, 10 + channel.Length + nickList.Length );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request to know if a user is currenlty on IRC.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">Target user.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Query for a nick
    /// connection.Sender.Ison( "joe" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname is not valid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnIson"/> 
    public void Ison( string nick ) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          throw new ArgumentException( nick + " is not a valid nick.");
        Buffer.Append(nick );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request a list of users who match a given query.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item><description>ERR_TOOMANYLINES</description></item>
    /// </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="mask">The mask passed to Who is matched against a users' host, 
    /// real name or nickname. It uses the wildcard system of matching
    /// where the '*' can stand for any number of characters and '?' stands for any single
    /// character. The query will only match against one component so it is not possible
    /// to match against both nick and host for example.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="operatorsOnly"> True if the query should only try to match the mask
    /// to users designated operators.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Find all users from Russia, i.e. who have .ru in their hostnames
    /// connection.Sender.Who("*.ru", false );
    /// //Find all users from clan [DX], i.e. have '[DX]' in their nick
    /// connection.Sender.Who("[DX]*", false );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the mask is null,empty, or too long.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWho"/> 
    public void Who( string mask, bool operatorsOnly ) 
      lock( this )
        //7 is WHO + Space +O + CR + LF
        int max = MAX_COMMAND_SIZE - 7;
        if( IsEmpty( mask) ||
          mask.Length > max ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Who mask is invalid.");
        if( operatorsOnly ) 
          Buffer.Append( SPACE ) ;
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request a list all visible users (whose mode is not +i) and those 
    /// who don't have a common channel with the requesting 
    /// client are listed. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWho"/> 
    public void AllWho() 
      lock( this )
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request detailed information about a given user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">The nick of the query subject.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nick is invalid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWhois"/> 
    /// <seealso cref="WhoisInfo"/> 
    public void Whois( string nick )
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the user status to away and set an automatic reply 
    /// to any private message.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This functions as a kind of IRC answering machine. It is normally used
    /// to indicate that the user is away from IRC.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="message">The message that will be sent back to others when you
    /// are away. Overly long message will be truncated.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the message is null or empty.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAway"/> 
    public void Away( string message) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty( message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Away message cannot be empty or null.");
        // 8 is AWAY + Space + : + CR + LF
        message = Truncate( message, 8);
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Turns off the away status and the accompanying message.
    /// </summary>
    public void UnAway() 
      lock( this ) 
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about a user who is no longer on IRC.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">Target nick</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nick is invalid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWhowas"/> 
    public void Whowas( string nick )
      lock( this ) 
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( nick );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about a user who is no longer on IRC
    /// but with a maximum number of responses.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="count">The maximum number of replies the IRC server
    /// should send back.</param>
    /// <param name="nick">Target nick</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nick is invalid or if count is less 
    /// than or equal to zero.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWhowas"/> 
    public void Whowas( string nick, int count )
      lock( this ) 
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
        if( count < 1 ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Count must be more than zero.");
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( nick );
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( count );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the modes set for this user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnUserModeRequest"/>
    /// <seealso cref="UserMode"/>
    public void RequestUserModes() 
      lock( this ) 
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( Connection.ConnectionData.Nick );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>Changes this client's mode. To change another nick's mode
    /// use <see cref="ChangeChannelMode"/>.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Away cannot be set here but should be set using <see cref="Sender.Away"/> 
    /// or removed using <see cref="Sender.UnAway"/>.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="action">Add or remove a mode.</param>
    /// <param name="mode">The mode to be changed.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Turn off invisibility
    /// connection.Sender.ChangeUserMode( ModeAction.Remove, UserMode.Invisible );
    /// //Turn on wallops (and get a lot of IRC garbage)
    /// connection.Sender.ChangeUserMode( ModeAction.Add, UserMode.Wallops );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the UserMode parameter is Away.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnUserModeChange"/>
    public void ChangeUserMode( ModeAction action, UserMode mode ) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( mode == UserMode.Away ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Away mode can only be changed with the Away and Unaway commands.");
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( Connection.ConnectionData.Nick );
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.ModeActionToChar( action ) );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.UserModeToChar( mode ) );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Change a channel's mode.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_KEYSET</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOCHANMODES</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_UNKNOWNMODE</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <param name="action">Add or remove.</param>
    /// <param name="mode">The target mode.</param>
    /// <param name="param">An optional parameter for certain modes. If the mode 
    /// does not require one this should be null.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Give 'nick' the ability to talk on a moderated channel, i.e. add Voice
    /// connection.Sender.ChangeChannelMode("#thresher", ModeAction.Add, ChannelMode.Voice,"nick" );
    /// //Make a channel private
    /// connection.Sender.ChangeChannelMode( "#thresher", ModeAction.Add, ChannelMode.Private, null );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is invalid.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelModeChange"/>
    public void ChangeChannelMode( string channel, ModeAction action, ChannelMode mode, string param ) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel.");
        Buffer.Append( channel );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.ModeActionToChar( action ) );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.ChannelModeToChar( mode ) );
        if( !IsEmpty( param ) ) 
          Buffer.Append( param );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the list of users that a channel keeps for the given mode.. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Each channel maintains a list of those banned, those excepted from a ban,
    /// those on automatic invite, and the channel creator. Use this method to retreieve one
    /// of those lists.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The taregt channel.</param>
    /// <param name="mode">Must be one of:
    /// Ban, Exception, Invitation, or ChannelCreator.
    /// </param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request the channel's banned list
    /// connection.Sender.RequestChannelList("#thresher", ChannelMode.Ban );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel is invalid or the ChannelMode is
    /// not one of the 4 allowed types.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelList"/>
    public void RequestChannelList( string channel, ChannelMode mode ) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel.");
        if( mode != ChannelMode.Ban &&
          mode != ChannelMode.Exception &&
          mode != ChannelMode.Invitation &&
          mode != ChannelMode.ChannelCreator ) 
          throw new ArgumentException( Enum.GetName( typeof(ChannelMode), mode ) + " is not a valid channel mode for this request.");
        Buffer.Append( channel );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.ChannelModeToChar( mode ) );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the modes of a channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel is invalid, null, or empty.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelModeRequest"/>
    public void RequestChannelModes( string channel ) 
      lock( this )
        if (!Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel.");
        Buffer.Append( channel );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Send an action message to a channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This is actually a CTCP command but it is so widely used
    /// that it is included here. These are the '\me Laughs' type messages. 
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
    /// <param name="description">A description of the action. If this is too long it will
    /// be truncated.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Express an emotion...
    /// connection.Sender.Action("#thresher", "Kicks down the door" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the channel name is not valid. Will
    /// also be thrown if the description is null or empty.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAction"/>
    public void Action(string channel, string description ) 
      lock( this )
        if (IsEmpty( description ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Action description cannot be null or empty.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidChannelName(channel)) 
          // 19 is PRIVMSG + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF + 2xCtcpQuote + ACTION
          description = Truncate( description, 19 + channel.Length) ;
          SendMessage("PRIVMSG", channel, CtcpQuote + "ACTION " + description + CtcpQuote );
          throw new ArgumentException(channel + " is not a valid channel name.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Send an action message to a user instead of a channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nick">The target user.</param>
    /// <param name="description">A description of the action. If this is too long it will
    /// be truncated.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nickname is not valid. Will
    /// also be thrown if the description is null or empty.</exception>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivateAction"/>
    public void PrivateAction(string nick, string description ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( IsEmpty( description) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Action description cannot be null or empty.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          // 19 is PRIVMSG + 2 x Spaces + : + CR + LF + 2xCtcpQuote + ACTION
          description = Truncate( description, 19 + nick.Length );
          SendMessage("PRIVMSG", nick, CtcpQuote + "ACTION " + description + CtcpQuote );
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nickname.");
    /// <summary>Register this connection with the IRC server.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method should be called when the initial attempt
    /// to register with the IRC server fails because the nick is already
    /// taken. To be informed when this fails you must be subscribed
    /// to <see cref="Listener.OnNickError"/>. If <see cref="Connection.HandleNickTaken"/>
    /// is set to true (which is its default value) then Thresher will automatically
    /// create an alternate nick and use that. The new nick can be retrieved
    /// by calling <see cref="Connection.ConnectionData.Nick"/>.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="newNick">The changed nick name.</param>
    /// <seealso cref="NameGenerator"/>
    public void Register( string newNick ) 
      Connection.connectionArgs.Nick = newNick;
      Nick( Connection.connectionArgs.Nick );
      User( Connection.connectionArgs );
    /// <summary>
    /// Send an arbitrary text message to the IRC server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Messages that are too long will be truncated. There is no corresponding 
    /// events so it will be necessary to check for standard reply codes and possibly
    /// errors.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="message">A text message.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the message is null or empty.</exception> 
    public void Raw( string message ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( IsEmpty( message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Message cannot be null or empty.");
        if (message.Length > MAX_COMMAND_SIZE ) 
          message = message.Substring( 0, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE );
        Buffer.Append( message );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the version of the IRC server program.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnVersion"/>
    public void Version() 
      Version( null );
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to query the version of the IRC server program.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="targetServer">The FQDN of the IRC server to query. Wildcards are allowed.
    /// Must be a server part of the same IRC network this connection is connected to.</param>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnVersion"/>
    public void Version( string targetServer ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(targetServer) ) 
          //10 is VERSION + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF 
          targetServer = Truncate( targetServer, 10);
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( targetServer );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the "Message Of The Day" from the current server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOMOTD</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnMotd"/>
    public void Motd() 
      Motd( null );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the "Message Of The Day" from the given server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOMOTD</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="targetServer">The FQDN of the IRC server to query. Wildcards are allowed.
    /// Must be a server part of the same IRC network this connection is connected to.</param>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnMotd"/>
    public void Motd( string targetServer ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(targetServer) ) 
          //7 is MOTD + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF 
          targetServer = Truncate( targetServer, 7);
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( targetServer );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the local time from the current server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTime"/>
    public void Time() 
      Time( null );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request the local time from the given server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="targetServer">The FQDN of the IRC server to query. Wildcards are allowed.
    /// Must be a server part of the same IRC network this connection is connected to.</param>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTime"/>
    public void Time( string targetServer ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(targetServer) ) 
          //8 is TIME + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF 
          targetServer = Truncate( targetServer, 8);
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( targetServer );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Send a message to all users who have the 'w' user mode set.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This will likely be forbidden to all but IRC
    /// OPS.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="message">Any text message.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the message is empty or null.</exception>
    public void Wallops( string message ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( IsEmpty( message ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Wallops message cannot be null or empty.");
        // 11 is WALLOPS + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF
        message = Truncate( message, 10 );
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( message );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about the software
    /// of the current IRC server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This returns information describing the
    /// server: its version, when it was compiled, the patchlevel, when it
    /// was started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be
    ///   considered relevant.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInfo"/>
    public void Info() 
      Info( null );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about the software
    /// of the target IRC server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>This returns information describing the
    /// server: its version, when it was compiled, the patchlevel, when it
    /// was started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be
    ///   considered relevant.</para>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="target">Either a user nickname or a specific IRC server connected
    /// to the current network. If it is a nickname then return the information about
    /// the server to which 'nick' is connected. Can include wildcards.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Query a specific server
    /// connection.Sender.Info( "" );
    /// //Query the server Bob is connected to
    /// connection.Sender.Info("Bob");
    /// </code></example>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInfo"/>
    public void Info( string target ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(target) ) 
          //7 is INFO + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF 
          target = Truncate( target, 7);
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( target );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about the administrator
    /// of the current IRC server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This returns information such as the administrator's
    /// email address, geographical location and whatever else
    /// the IRC is configured to send as a response.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAdmin"/>
    public void Admin() 
      Admin( null );
    /// <summary>
    /// Request information about the administrator
    /// of the target IRC server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para> This returns information such as the administrator's
    /// email address, geographical location and whatever else
    /// the IRC is configured to send as a response.
    /// </para>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="target">Either a user nickname or a specific IRC server connected
    /// to the current network. If it is a nickname then return the information about
    /// the server to which 'nick' is connected. Can include wildcards.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request info about the administrator of the specified server
    /// connection.Sender.Admin( "" );
    /// //Request info about the administrator of the server Bob is connected to
    /// connection.Sender.Admin("Bob");
    /// </code></example>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAdmin"/>
    public void Admin( string target ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(target) ) 
          //8 is INFO + 1 x Spaces + CR + LF 
          target = Truncate( target, 8);
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( target );
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        
    /// <summary>
    /// Request statistics about the size of the IRC network.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLusers"/>
    public void Lusers() 
      Lusers( null, null );

    /// <summary>
    /// Request statistics about the size of the IRC network.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="hostMask">Limits the kinds of servers included in the response by
    /// specifiying a hostname string. Can include wildcards.</param>
    /// <param name="targetServer">Specifies the server that should process the request. Can be null
    /// to indicate that the current server should handle the request. Can include wildcards.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request stats from the current server
    /// connection.Sender.Lusers();
    /// //Request stats about all servers ending in '.net' from the current server
    /// connection.Sender.Lusers("*.net", null );
    /// //Request stats about all servers ending in '.net' from ''
    /// connection.Sender.Lusers("*.net", "");
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the host mask and server names are too long.</exception>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLusers"/>
    public void Lusers( string hostMask, string targetServer ) 
      lock( this )
        if ( !IsEmpty(hostMask) ) 
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( hostMask );
        if( !IsEmpty(targetServer) ) 
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( targetServer );
        if( TooLong( Buffer ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Hostmask and TargetServer are too long.");
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        

    /// <summary>
    /// Request all server names which are known by the current server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLinks"/>
    public void Links() 
      Links( null );

    /// <summary>
    /// Request all server names which are known by the target server
    /// and which match a given host mask.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="masks">Either a single string which acts as a host
    /// mask filter for the query. Or two strings with the first as host mask
    /// and the second a target server. Any other arguments will be ignored.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request names from the current server
    /// connection.Sender.Links();
    /// //Request names of all servers ending in '.net' from the current server
    /// connection.Sender.Links("*.edu" );
    /// //Request names of all servers ending in '.edu' from '*' servers
    /// connection.Sender.Links("*.edu", "*");
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the masks are too long.</exception>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLinks"/>
    public void Links( params string[] masks ) 
      lock( this )
        if( masks != null ) 
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append(  masks[0] );
          if( masks.Length >= 2 ) 
            Buffer.Append( SPACE );
            Buffer.Append(  masks[1] );
        if( TooLong( Buffer ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Masks are too long.");
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        

    /// <summary>
    /// Request certain kinds of statistics about the current server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="query">The type of query to send. See <see cref="StatsQuery"/> for choice.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request server link stats
    /// connection.Sender.Stats( StatsQuery.Connections );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnStats"/>
    public void Stats( StatsQuery query ) 
      Stats( query, null );

    /// <summary>
    /// Request certain kinds of statistics about the current server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="query">The type of query to send. See <see cref="StatsQuery"/> for choice.</param>
    /// <param name="targetServer">Specifies the server that should process the request. Can include wildcards.</param>
    /// <example><code>
    /// //Request list of Operators from the server ''
    /// connection.Sender.Stats( StatsQuery.Operators, "" );
    /// </code></example>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the target server name is too long.</exception>
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnStats"/>
    public void Stats( StatsQuery query, string targetServer ) 
      lock( this )
        Buffer.Append( SPACE );
        Buffer.Append( Rfc2812Util.StatsQueryToChar( query ) );
        if( targetServer != null ) 
          Buffer.Append( SPACE );
          Buffer.Append( targetServer );  
        if( TooLong( Buffer ) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Target server name is too long.");
        Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );        

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcefully disconnect a user form the IRC server. This can only be used
    /// by Operators.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Possible Errors
    ///     <list type="bullet">
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOPRIVILEGES</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_NOSUCHNICK</description></item>
    ///       <item><description>ERR_CANTKILLSERVER</description></item>
    ///     </list>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="nick">User to kill</param>
    /// <param name="reason">The reason for disconnecting the user.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the nick is not valid or the reason is null.</exception> 
    /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnKill"/>
    public void Kill(string nick, string reason) 
      lock( this ) 
        if ( IsEmpty( nick) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Nick cannot be empty or null.");
        if ( IsEmpty( reason) ) 
          throw new ArgumentException("Reason cannot be empty or null.");
        if (Rfc2812Util.IsValidNick(nick)) 
          Buffer.Append( reason );
          Connection.SendCommand( Buffer );
          throw new ArgumentException(nick + " is not a valid nick name.");

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