FileBrowserConnector.cs :  » Content-Management-Systems-CMS » JMDCMS » FredCK » FCKeditorV2 » C# / CSharp Open Source

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JMDCMS » FredCK » FCKeditorV2 » FileBrowserConnector.cs
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
 * File Name: FileBrowserConnector.cs
 *   This is the code behind of the connector.aspx page used by the 
 *   File Browser.
 * File Authors:
 *     Frederico Caldeira Knabben (

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
using System.Web;

namespace FredCK.FCKeditorV2{
  public class FileBrowserConnector : FileWorkerBase
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
      // Get the main request informaiton.
      string sCommand = Request.QueryString["Command"] ;
      if ( sCommand == null ) return ;

      string sResourceType = Request.QueryString["Type"] ;
      if ( sResourceType == null ) return ;

      string sCurrentFolder = Request.QueryString["CurrentFolder"] ;
      if ( sCurrentFolder == null ) return ;

      // Check the current folder syntax (must begin and start with a slash).
      if ( ! sCurrentFolder.EndsWith( "/" ) )
        sCurrentFolder += "/" ;
      if ( ! sCurrentFolder.StartsWith( "/" ) )
        sCurrentFolder = "/" + sCurrentFolder ;

      // File Upload doesn't have to return XML, so it must be intercepted before anything.
      if ( sCommand == "FileUpload" )
        this.FileUpload( sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;
        return ;

      // Cleans the response buffer.
      Response.ClearHeaders() ;
      Response.Clear() ;

      // Prevent the browser from caching the result.
      Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" ;

      // Set the response format.
      Response.ContentEncoding  = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8 ;
      Response.ContentType    = "text/xml" ;

      XmlDocument oXML = new XmlDocument() ;
      XmlNode oConnectorNode = CreateBaseXml( oXML, sCommand, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;

      // Execute the required command.
      switch( sCommand )
        case "GetFolders" :
          this.GetFolders( oConnectorNode, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;
          break ;
        case "GetFoldersAndFiles" :
          this.GetFolders( oConnectorNode, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;
          this.GetFiles( oConnectorNode, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;
          break ;
        case "CreateFolder" :
          this.CreateFolder( oConnectorNode, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ) ;
          break ;

      // Output the resulting XML.
      Response.Write( oXML.OuterXml ) ;

      Response.End() ;

    #region Base XML Creation

    private XmlNode CreateBaseXml( XmlDocument xml, string command, string resourceType, string currentFolder )
      // Create the XML document header.
      xml.AppendChild( xml.CreateXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "utf-8", null ) ) ;

      // Create the main "Connector" node.
      XmlNode oConnectorNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( xml, "Connector" ) ;
      XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oConnectorNode, "command", command ) ;
      XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oConnectorNode, "resourceType", resourceType ) ;

      // Add the current folder node.
      XmlNode oCurrentNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( oConnectorNode, "CurrentFolder" ) ;
      XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oCurrentNode, "path", currentFolder ) ;
      XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oCurrentNode, "url", GetUrlFromPath( resourceType, currentFolder) ) ;

      return oConnectorNode ;


    #region Command Handlers

    private void GetFolders( XmlNode connectorNode, string resourceType, string currentFolder )
      // Map the virtual path to the local server path.
      string sServerDir = this.ServerMapFolder( resourceType, currentFolder ) ;

      // Create the "Folders" node.
      XmlNode oFoldersNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( connectorNode, "Folders" ) ;

      System.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo( sServerDir ) ;
      System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] aSubDirs = oDir.GetDirectories() ;

      for ( int i = 0 ; i < aSubDirs.Length ; i++ )
        // Create the "Folders" node.
        XmlNode oFolderNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( oFoldersNode, "Folder" ) ;
        XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFolderNode, "name", aSubDirs[i].Name ) ;

    private void GetFiles( XmlNode connectorNode, string resourceType, string currentFolder )
      // Map the virtual path to the local server path.
      string sServerDir = this.ServerMapFolder( resourceType, currentFolder ) ;

      // Create the "Files" node.
      XmlNode oFilesNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( connectorNode, "Files" ) ;

      System.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo( sServerDir ) ;
      System.IO.FileInfo[] aFiles = oDir.GetFiles() ;

      for ( int i = 0 ; i < aFiles.Length ; i++ )
        Decimal iFileSize = Math.Round( (Decimal)aFiles[i].Length / 1024 ) ;
        if ( iFileSize < 1 && aFiles[i].Length != 0 ) iFileSize = 1 ;

        // Create the "File" node.
        XmlNode oFileNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( oFilesNode, "File" ) ;
        XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "name", aFiles[i].Name ) ;
        XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "size", iFileSize.ToString( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) ) ;

    private void CreateFolder( XmlNode connectorNode, string resourceType, string currentFolder )
      string sErrorNumber = "0" ;

      string sNewFolderName = Request.QueryString["NewFolderName"] ;

      if ( sNewFolderName == null || sNewFolderName.Length == 0 )
        sErrorNumber = "102" ;
        // Map the virtual path to the local server path of the current folder.
        string sServerDir = this.ServerMapFolder( resourceType, currentFolder ) ;

          Util.CreateDirectory( System.IO.Path.Combine( sServerDir, sNewFolderName )) ;
        catch ( ArgumentException )
          sErrorNumber = "102" ;
        catch ( System.IO.PathTooLongException )
          sErrorNumber = "102" ;
        catch ( System.IO.IOException )
          sErrorNumber = "101" ;
        catch ( System.Security.SecurityException )
          sErrorNumber = "103" ;
        catch ( Exception )
          sErrorNumber = "110" ;

      // Create the "Error" node.
      XmlNode oErrorNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( connectorNode, "Error" ) ;
      XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oErrorNode, "number", sErrorNumber ) ;

    private void FileUpload( string resourceType, string currentFolder )
      HttpPostedFile oFile = Request.Files["NewFile"] ;

      string sErrorNumber = "0" ;
      string sFileName = "" ;

      if ( oFile != null )
        // Map the virtual path to the local server path.
        string sServerDir = this.ServerMapFolder( resourceType, currentFolder ) ;

        // Get the uploaded file name.
        sFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName( oFile.FileName ) ;

        int iCounter = 0 ;

        while ( true )
          string sFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( sServerDir, sFileName ) ;

          if ( System.IO.File.Exists( sFilePath ) )
            iCounter++ ;
            sFileName = 
              System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( oFile.FileName ) +
              "(" + iCounter + ")" +
              System.IO.Path.GetExtension( oFile.FileName ) ;

            sErrorNumber = "201" ;
            oFile.SaveAs( sFilePath ) ;
            break ;
        sErrorNumber = "202" ;

      Response.Clear() ;

      Response.Write( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" ) ;
      Response.Write( "window.parent.frames['frmUpload'].OnUploadCompleted(" + sErrorNumber + ",'" + sFileName.Replace( "'", "\\'" ) + "') ;" ) ;
      Response.Write( "</script>" ) ;

      Response.End() ;


    #region Directory Mapping

    private string ServerMapFolder( string resourceType, string folderPath )
      // Get the resource type directory.
      string sResourceTypePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( this.UserFilesDirectory, resourceType ) ;

      // Ensure that the directory exists.
      Util.CreateDirectory( sResourceTypePath ) ;

      // Return the resource type directory combined with the required path.
      return System.IO.Path.Combine( sResourceTypePath, folderPath.TrimStart('/') ) ;

    private string GetUrlFromPath( string resourceType, string folderPath )
      if ( resourceType == null || resourceType.Length == 0 )
        return this.UserFilesPath.TrimEnd('/') + folderPath ;
        return this.UserFilesPath + resourceType + folderPath ;

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