ContentController.cs :  » Content-Management-Systems-CMS » Kooboo » Everest » CmsServices » Controllers » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Kooboo » Everest » CmsServices » Controllers » ContentController.cs
Kooboo is a content management system based on ASP.NET MVC framework. Copyright 2009 Yardi Technology Limited.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Text;

using Everest.CmsServices.Models;
using Everest.CmsServices.Services;

using Everest.Forms;
using Everest.Library;
using Everest.Library.Data.Entity;
using Everest.Library.Extjs;
using Everest.Library.Extjs.Tree;
using Everest.Library.Mvc;
using Everest.Library.Json;
using Everest.Library.ExtensionMethod;
using Everest.Library.Data;
using Everest.Library.Data.Rule;

using Everest.CmsServices.Search;
using Everest.Library.Versioning;
using Everest.CmsServices.Providers;
namespace Everest.CmsServices.Controllers{
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    [PermissionFilter(Permission = FolderType.Content)]
    public class ContentController : CmsExtController
        IEverestCmsDataContext dataContext = EverestCmsEntities.GetDataContext();
        IContentProvider contentProvider;
        TextContentService contentService = UnityManager.Resolve<TextContentService>();

        #region Form

        IGeneratorFactory factory;

        public ContentController(IGeneratorFactory factory, IContentProvider contentProvider)
            this.factory = factory;
            this.contentProvider = contentProvider;
        public string GetForm(string schema, string formType)
            return GetForm(schema, formType, Request.Form);

        private string GetForm(string schema, string formType, NameValueCollection nameValues)
            IFormGenerator generator = factory.GetGenerator(formType);
            return generator.Generate(schema, nameValues);
        public ActionResult Edit(int contentId, string application)
            var content = dataContext.QueryContent(contentId).Select(c => new { c.aspnet_Applications.ApplicationName, FolderUUID = c.Cms_Folder.UUID, SchemaUUID = c.Cms_Schema.UUID }).First();

            NameValueCollection nameValues = new NameValueCollection();
            nameValues.Add("folderUUID", content.FolderUUID.ToString());
            nameValues.Add("application", content.ApplicationName);

            string formScript = GetForm(content.SchemaUUID.ToString(), "form", nameValues);
            ViewData["FormScript"] = formScript;
            ViewData["ContentId"] = contentId;
            return View();

        #region IStandardActions Members

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetList()
            int start, limit;
            EnsurePaging(out start, out limit);
            var folderUUID = Request.Form["folderUUID"].GetNullableGuid();
            string app = Request.Form["application"];
            Guid schemaUUID = new Guid(Request.Form["schemaUUID"]);
            Guid? parentUUID = Request.Form["parentUUID"].GetNullableGuid();

            StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder("1=1");

            string title = Request.Form["Title"];
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(title))
                expression.Append(" AND Title LIKE '%' + {Title} + '%'");
            string userKey = Request.Form["UserKey"];
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(userKey))
                expression.Append(" AND UserKey LIKE '%' + {UserKey} + '%'");
            string orderStatement = GetOrderStatement();
            bool? isProcessed = null;
            if (Request.Form["Processed"] == "0")
                isProcessed = false;
            if (Request.Form["Processed"] == "1")
                isProcessed = true;
            IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> contents;
            int contentCount;
            if (parentUUID != null)
                contents = contentService.QuerySubContents(schemaUUID, parentUUID.Value, expression.ToString(), Request.Form, orderStatement, start, limit, out contentCount);
                contents = contentService.QueryContents(folderUUID.Value, expression.ToString(), Request.Form, orderStatement, User.Identity.Name, isProcessed, start, limit, out contentCount);

            return Json(new ExtJsonReaderObject(contents, contentCount));

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetDetail()
            var contentUUID = new Guid(Request.Form["UUID"]);
            JsonResultData resultData = new JsonResultData();

            IDictionary<string, object> dic = contentService.QueryContent(contentUUID, User.Identity.Name);
            dic["FormTitle"] = dic["Title"];
   = dic;

            return Json(resultData);

        /// <summary>
        /// Submits the specified add.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="add">if set to <c>true</c> [add].</param>
        /// <param name="closeForm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Submit(bool add, bool? closeForm)
            JsonResultData resultData = new JsonResultData();
            Cms_Content content;

                if (add)
                    content = contentService.AddContent(Request.Form, User.Identity.Name, Request.Files);
                    content = contentService.UpdateContent(Request.Form, User.Identity.Name, Request.Files, true);
                if (closeForm.Value == false && resultData.success == true)
                    resultData.closeForm = false;
           = contentService.QueryContent(content.UUID, User.Identity.Name);
            catch (RuleViolationException ruleException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultData.AddError("Title", ex.Message);

            return Json(resultData);

        public ActionResult Delete(Guid[] uuid)
            var resultData = new JsonResultData() { success = true };
            foreach (var guid in uuid)
                contentService.Delete(guid, User.Identity.Name);

            return Json(resultData);

        #region Localize
        /// <summary>
        /// Localizes the specified content id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentId">The content id.</param>
        /// <param name="folderUUID">The folder UUID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Localize(Guid uuid, Guid folderUUID)
            JsonResultData resultData = new JsonResultData();

            TextContentService textContentService = UnityManager.Resolve<TextContentService>();
            var content = textContentService.Localize(uuid, folderUUID, User.Identity.Name);
   = new
            return Json(resultData);

        #region MultiSelect
        #region TextContent
        public ActionResult GetReferencingTextContents(Guid[] UUID, Guid schemaUUID, string applicationName, string title)
            StringBuilder queryStatement = new StringBuilder("1=1");
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(title))
                queryStatement.Append(" AND Title LIKE '%' + {Title} + '%'");
            if (UUID != null && UUID.Length > 0)
                foreach (var guid in UUID)
                    queryStatement.AppendFormat(" AND UUID <> '{0}'", guid);

            return Json(QueryReferencingTextContents(schemaUUID, applicationName, queryStatement.ToString()));
        private ExtJsonReaderObject QueryReferencingTextContents(Guid schemaUUID, string application, string queryStatement)
            int start, limit;
            this.EnsurePaging(out start, out limit);
            string orderStatement = GetOrderStatement();
            int count;

            var contents = contentService.QueryContentsBySchema(schemaUUID, application, queryStatement, orderStatement, Request.Form, start, limit, out count, null);
            foreach (var item in contents)
                if (item["FolderUUID"] != DBNull.Value)
                    item.Add("FolderName", CachedData.GetFolder((Guid)item["FolderUUID"]).FolderName);
            return new ExtJsonReaderObject(contents, count);

        public ActionResult GetReferencingTextContentsSelected(Guid[] UUID, Guid schemaUUID, string applicationName)
            StringBuilder queryStatement = new StringBuilder("1 <> 1");

            if (UUID != null && UUID.Length > 0)
                foreach (var guid in UUID)
                    queryStatement.AppendFormat(" OR UUID = '{0}'", guid);
                return Json(QueryReferencingTextContents(schemaUUID, applicationName, queryStatement.ToString()));
            return null;


        #region Select Binary Content
        public ActionResult GetReferencingBinaryContents(Guid[] UUID, Guid schemaUUID, string applicationName, string title)
            Expression<Func<Cms_Content, bool>> expression = c => true;
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(title))
                expression = expression.And(c => c.Title.Contains(title.Trim()));
            if (UUID != null && UUID.Length > 0)
                expression = expression.And((EfUtility.BuildNotInExpression<Cms_Content, Guid>(c => c.UUID, UUID)));

            return Json(GetBinaryContentsBySchema(schemaUUID, applicationName, expression));

        public ActionResult GetReferencingBinaryContentsSelected(Guid[] UUID, Guid schemaUUID, string applicationName)
            if (UUID != null && UUID.Length > 0)
                var expression = (EfUtility.BuildContainsExpression<Cms_Content, Guid>(c => c.UUID, UUID));
                return Json(GetBinaryContentsBySchema(schemaUUID, applicationName, expression));
            return null;
            //return this.GetReferencingTextContentsSelected(keyColumnValues, schemaUUID, applicationName, title);
        private ExtJsonReaderObject GetBinaryContentsBySchema(Guid schemaUUID, string applicationName, Expression<Func<Cms_Content, bool>> expression)
            int start, limit;
            this.EnsurePaging(out start, out limit);

            IQueryable<Cms_Content> queryable = dataContext.QueryContents(applicationName, schemaUUID).Where(expression).OrderByDescending(c => c.ContentId);

            var count = queryable.Count();

            queryable = OrderByRequest(queryable);

            var contents = queryable.Select(c => new
                Application = c.aspnet_Applications.ApplicationName,
            }).ToArray().Select(c => new
                FileUrl = Url.Content(c.FilePath)
            return new ExtJsonReaderObject(contents.Skip(start).Take(limit), count);

        #region Relations
        public ActionResult UsedBy(Guid uuid, string dataUrl)
            IList<Dictionary<string, object>> treeNodes = contentService.UserBy(uuid, dataUrl);
            return Json(treeNodes);

        #region Including
        public ActionResult Include(Guid contentUUID, Guid folderUUID)
            JsonResultData resultData = new JsonResultData();
            contentService.Include(contentUUID, folderUUID);
            return Json(resultData);
        public ActionResult Exclude(Guid contentUUID, Guid folderUUID)
            JsonResultData resultData = new JsonResultData();

            contentService.Exclude(contentUUID, folderUUID);
            return Json(resultData);

        #region Content View
        public ActionResult GetView()
            //int start, limit;
            //EnsurePaging(out start, out limit);
            //string app = Request.Form["application"];
            //Guid schemaUUID = new Guid(Request.Form["schemaUUID"]);

            //string title = Request.Form["Title"];

            //var queryable = dataContext.QueryContents(schemaUUID, app, title).OrderByDescending(c => c.ContentId).Select(c => new
            //    c.ContentId,
            //    c.UUID,
            //    c.Title,
            //    Application = c.aspnet_Applications.ApplicationName,
            //    c.UserName,
            //    c.PostDate,
            //    c.ContentStatus
            //return Json(new ExtJsonReaderObject(queryable.Skip(start).Take(limit).ToArray(), queryable.Count()));

            int start, limit;
            EnsurePaging(out start, out limit);
            string app = Request.Form["application"];
            Guid schemaUUID = new Guid(Request.Form["schemaUUID"]);

            StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder(" 1=1 ");

            string title = Request.Form["Title"];
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(title))
                expression.Append(" AND Title LIKE '%' + {Title} + '%'");
            string userKey = Request.Form["UserKey"];
            if (!StringExtensions.IsNullOrEmptyTrim(userKey))
                expression.Append(" AND UserKey LIKE '%' + {UserKey} + '%'");

            var folderUUID = new Guid(Request.Form["folderUUID"]);
            var folder = CachedData.GetFolder(folderUUID);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder.Condition))
                expression.AppendFormat("AND {0}", folder.Condition);

            string orderStatement = GetOrderStatement();

            IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> contents;
            int contentCount;
            contents = contentService.QuerySubContents(schemaUUID, null, expression.ToString(), Request.Form, orderStatement, start, limit, out contentCount);

            return Json(new ExtJsonReaderObject(contents, contentCount));
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