using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenNETCF.IO.Ports;
namespace OpenNETCF.IO.Ports.Streams{
public class WinStream : Stream, ISerialStreamCtrl
internal OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port _port;
public class Consts
public const int Win32Err_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122;
public const uint PortEnum_InitBufSize = 8 * 1024;
public const uint PortEnum_MaxBufSize = 100 * 1024;
#region Construction and Disposing
internal WinStream(
int baudRate,
int dataBits,
bool discardNull,
bool dtrEnable,
Handshake handshake,
Parity parity,
byte parityReplace,
string portName,
int readBufferSize,
int readTimeout,
int receivedBytesThreshold,
bool rtsEnable,
StopBits stopBits,
int writeBufferSize,
int writeTimeout )
_port = new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port( portName, readBufferSize, writeBufferSize );
BaudRate = baudRate;
DataBits = dataBits;
DiscardNull = discardNull;
DtrEnable = dtrEnable;
Handshake = handshake;
Parity = parity;
ParityReplace = parityReplace;
// TODO: ReadTimeout = readTimeout;
ReceivedBytesThreshold = receivedBytesThreshold;
RtsEnable = rtsEnable;
StopBits = stopBits;
// TODO: WriteTimeout = writeTimeout;
_port.DataReceived += new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port.CommEvent(_port_DataReceived);
_port.OnError += new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port.CommErrorEvent(_port_OnError);
_port.RingChange += new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port.CommChangeEvent(_port_RingChange);
_port.RLSDChange += new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Port.CommChangeEvent(_port_RLSDChange);
if( !_port.Open() )
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
protected void AssertOpenPort()
if( !_port.IsOpen )
throw new InvalidOperationException("Serial Port is not open");
protected bool GetCommStatusFlag( OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.CommModemStatusFlags statusFlag )
uint modemStatus = 0;
_port.m_CommAPI.GetCommModemStatus( _port.hPort, ref modemStatus );
return ( (uint)statusFlag & modemStatus ) != 0;
public void Dispose()
#region Stream Implementation
public override bool CanRead { get { return _port.IsOpen; }}
public override bool CanWrite { get { return _port.IsOpen; }}
public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; }}
public override long Length { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }}
public override long Position
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public override void Close()
base.Close ();
public override void Flush()
if( _port.OutBufferCount > 0 )
int oldSThreshold = _port.SThreshold;
_port.SThreshold = -1; // force even empty buffer to be written out
_port.Output = new byte[0];
_port.SThreshold = oldSThreshold;
// Flush OS buffer
if( !_port.m_CommAPI.FlushFileBuffers(_port.hPort) )
throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( "Error flushing buffer: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() ));
public override int Read( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
if( buffer == null )
throw new ArgumentException( "null", "buffer" );
if( offset < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "<0", "offset" );
if( count < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "<0", "count" );
else if( count == 0 )
return 0;
// modified from original Port.Input
// lock the rx FIFO while reading
// how much data are we *actually* going to return from the call?
int dequeueLength = (count < _port.rxFIFO.Count) ? count : _port.rxFIFO.Count;
// dequeue the data
for(int p = offset ; p < offset + dequeueLength ; p++)
buffer[p] = (byte)_port.rxFIFO.Dequeue();
// release the mutex so the Rx thread can continue
return dequeueLength;
public override long Seek( long offset, SeekOrigin origin )
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void SetLength( long value )
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void Write( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
if( buffer == null )
throw new ArgumentException( "null", "buffer" );
if( offset < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "<0", "offset" );
if( count < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "<0", "count" );
else if( count == 0 )
byte[] buf = new byte[ count ];
Buffer.BlockCopy( buffer, offset, buf, 0, count );
_port.Output = buf;
#region ISerialStreamCtrl Members
public int BaudRate
get { return (int) _port.Settings.BaudRate; }
set { _port.Settings.BaudRate = (OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.BaudRates) value; }
public bool BreakState
get { return _port.Break; }
set { _port.Break = value; }
public int BytesToRead
get { return _port.InBufferCount; }
public int BytesToWrite
get { return _port.OutBufferCount; }
public bool CDHolding
get { return GetCommStatusFlag( OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.CommModemStatusFlags.MS_RLSD_ON ); }
public bool CtsHolding
get { return GetCommStatusFlag( OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.CommModemStatusFlags.MS_CTS_ON ); }
public int DataBits
get { return _port.Settings.ByteSize; }
set { _port.Settings.ByteSize = (byte)value; }
public bool DiscardNull
get { return _port.DetailedSettings.DiscardNulls; }
set { _port.DetailedSettings.DiscardNulls = value; }
public bool DsrHolding
get { return GetCommStatusFlag( OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.CommModemStatusFlags.MS_DSR_ON ); }
public bool DtrEnable
get { return _port.DTREnable; }
set { _port.DTREnable = value; }
public static string[] GetPortNames()
string buffer;
uint bufferSize = Consts.PortEnum_InitBufSize;
uint res;
int error;
ArrayList comPorts = new ArrayList();
buffer = new String( '\0', (int) bufferSize );
// TODO: two strange bugs (features?):
// GetLastError() does not reset once err# 122 occurs - fixed with SetLastError
// if initial buffer has enough space, err# 127 occurs.
res = QueryDosDevice( null, buffer, (uint) buffer.Length );
error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if( res == 0 )
// QueryDosDevice failed
if( error == Consts.Win32Err_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
// no clue how much we need, double the buffer size
bufferSize *= 2;
throw new InvalidOperationException("QueryDosDevice error #" + error.ToString());
else if( res > bufferSize )
// TODO: specs are vague for Win2000 & WinNT - needs testing
// QueryDosDevice failed with non-zero res
if( error == Consts.Win32Err_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
// this platform knows what it needs
bufferSize = res;
throw new InvalidOperationException("QueryDosDevice error #" + error.ToString());
else if( error == 0 && res == 0 )
// sanity check
throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
} while( bufferSize <= Consts.PortEnum_MaxBufSize );
if( bufferSize > Consts.PortEnum_MaxBufSize )
throw new InvalidOperationException("Maximum buffer size exceeded");
buffer = buffer.Substring( 0, (int)res );
foreach( string device in buffer.Split( '\0' ))
// Assumptions: serial port must be a string that begins with "COM#",
// where # is a 1 to 3 digit number
if( device.Length >= 4 && device.Length <= 6 &&
device.StartsWith("COM") &&
Char.IsDigit( device, 3 ) &&
(device.Length < 5 || Char.IsDigit( device, 4 )) &&
(device.Length < 6 || Char.IsDigit( device, 5 )) )
comPorts.Add( string.Copy( device )); // avoid locking the original buffer string
return (string[]) comPorts.ToArray( typeof(string) );
public Handshake Handshake
if( _port.DetailedSettings is OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeNone )
return Handshake.None;
else if( _port.DetailedSettings is OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeCtsRts )
return Handshake.RequestToSend;
else if( _port.DetailedSettings is OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeXonXoff )
return Handshake.XOnXOff;
else if( _port.DetailedSettings is OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeDsrDtr )
return Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff;
throw new NotImplementedException();
// Creating a new Handshaking object resets BasicSettings parameters.
OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.BasicPortSettings tempPortSettings = _port.DetailedSettings.BasicSettings;
switch( value )
case OpenNETCF.IO.Ports.Handshake.None:
_port.DetailedSettings = new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeNone();
case OpenNETCF.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSend:
_port.DetailedSettings = new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeCtsRts();
case OpenNETCF.IO.Ports.Handshake.XOnXOff:
_port.DetailedSettings = new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeXonXoff();
case OpenNETCF.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff:
_port.DetailedSettings = new OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.HandshakeDsrDtr();
throw new NotImplementedException();
_port.DetailedSettings.BasicSettings = tempPortSettings;
public bool IsOpen
get { return _port.IsOpen; }
public Parity Parity
get { return (Parity) Convert.ToInt32(_port.Settings.Parity); }
set { _port.Settings.Parity = (OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Parity) Convert.ToInt32(value); }
public byte ParityReplace
return _port.DetailedSettings.ReplaceErrorChar ? (byte)_port.DetailedSettings.ErrorChar : (byte)0;
if( value == 0 )
_port.DetailedSettings.ReplaceErrorChar = false;
_port.DetailedSettings.ErrorChar = (char) value;
_port.DetailedSettings.ReplaceErrorChar = true;
public int ReadBufferSize
get { return _port.rxBufferSize; }
set { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only available during port initialization"); }
public int ReadTimeout
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int ReceivedBytesThreshold
get { return _port.RThreshold; }
set { _port.RThreshold = value; }
public bool RtsEnable
get { return _port.RTSEnable; }
set { _port.RTSEnable = value; }
public StopBits StopBits
switch( _port.Settings.StopBits )
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return StopBits.One;
case OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.StopBits.onePointFive:
return StopBits.OnePointFive;
case OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.StopBits.two:
return StopBits.Two;
switch( value )
case StopBits.One:
_port.Settings.StopBits =;
case StopBits.OnePointFive:
_port.Settings.StopBits = OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.StopBits.onePointFive;
case StopBits.Two:
_port.Settings.StopBits = OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.StopBits.two;
public int WriteBufferSize
get { return _port.txBufferSize; }
set { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only available during port initialization"); }
public int WriteTimeout
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public event SerialErrorEventHandler ErrorEvent;
public event SerialReceivedEventHandler ReceivedEvent;
public event SerialPinChangedEventHandler PinChangedEvent;
public void DiscardInBuffer()
// lock the rx FIFO while reading
// Empty buffer
// release the mutex so the Rx thread can continue
public void DiscardOutBuffer()
_port.ptxBuffer = 0;
#region Internal Events Forwarding
private void _port_DataReceived()
if( ReceivedEvent != null )
ReceivedEvent(this, new SerialReceivedEventArgs(SerialReceived.ReceivedChars));
private void _port_OnError(string Description)
if( ErrorEvent != null )
SerialErrors err = (SerialErrors) 0;
if( Description.IndexOf("Framing") >= 0 )
err |= SerialErrors.Frame;
if( Description.IndexOf("Overrun") >= 0 )
err |= SerialErrors.Overrun;
if( Description.IndexOf("Receive Overflow") >= 0 )
err |= SerialErrors.RxOver;
if( Description.IndexOf("Parity") >= 0 )
err |= SerialErrors.RxParity;
if( Description.IndexOf("Transmit Overflow") >= 0 )
err |= SerialErrors.TxFull;
ErrorEvent( this, new SerialErrorEventArgs(err) );
private void _port_RingChange(bool NewState)
if( PinChangedEvent != null )
PinChangedEvent(this, new SerialPinChangedEventArgs(SerialPinChanges.Ring));
private void _port_RLSDChange(bool NewState)
if( PinChangedEvent != null )
PinChangedEvent(this, new SerialPinChangedEventArgs(SerialPinChanges.CDChanged));
#region Extern code declarations
static extern void SetLastError(uint dwErrCode);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
private extern static uint QueryDosDevice(
string lpDeviceName,
string lpTargetPath,
uint ucchMax);