// Deep Earth is a community project available under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
// Code is provided as is and with no warrenty Use at your own risk
// View the project and the latest code at http://DeepEarth.codeplex.com/
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using DeepEarth.BingMapsToolkit.Client.Common.Entities;
using DeepEarth.BingMapsToolkit.Client.Controls;
using DeepEarth.BingMapsToolkit.Client.MapGeometry;
using DeepEarth.BingMapsToolkit.Common.Entities;
using PointGisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point;
using GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO;
using GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Geometries;
using DeepEarth.BingMapsToolkit.Client.Common.Converters;
using Microsoft.Maps.MapControl;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
namespace ExampleControlBing.ControlDemos{
public partial class LayerPanelAccordionExample
private Dictionary<string, ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData>> vectorData = new Dictionary<string, ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData>>();
public LayerPanelAccordionExample()
Loaded += LayerPanelExample_Loaded;
private void LayerPanelExample_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var styles = new Dictionary<string, StyleSpecification>();
styles.Add("defaultstyle", new StyleSpecification
ID = "style 1",
LineColour = "FFFFFFFF",
LineWidth = 6,
PolyFillColour = "88677E1E",
PolygonLineColour = "FF440044",
PolygonLineWidth = 3,
ShowFill = true,
ShowLine = true,
IconURL = "http://soulsolutions.com.au/Images/pin.png",
IconScale = 2
styles.Add("style 2", new StyleSpecification
ID = "style 2",
LineColour = "FFFF0000",
LineWidth = 6,
PolyFillColour = "88677E1E",
PolygonLineColour = "FF440044",
PolygonLineWidth = 3,
ShowFill = true,
ShowLine = true,
IconURL = "http://www.iconarchive.com/icons/pixelmixer/basic-2/64/key-icon.png",
IconScale = 2
var layers = new ObservableCollection<LayerDefinition>();
layers.Add(new LayerDefinition
CurrentVersion = DateTime.Now,
IsEditable = false,
LabelOn = false,
LayerAlias = "First Sample Layer",
LayerID = "1",
LayerStyleName = "style 2",
LayerTimeout = -1,
LayerType = 1,
MaxDisplayLevel = 100,
MBR = new byte[0],
MinDisplayLevel = 1,
PermissionToEdit = false,
Selected = true,
Tags = "Test Group",
ZIndex = 30,
Temporal = true,
IconURI = "http://soulsolutions.com.au/Images/pin.png",
Style = styles["style 2"],
ObjectAttributes = new Dictionary<int, LayerObjectAttributeDefinition>()
layers.Add(new LayerDefinition
CurrentVersion = DateTime.Now,
IsEditable = false,
LabelOn = false,
LayerAlias = "Second Sample Layer",
LayerID = "2",
LayerStyleName = "style 1",
LayerTimeout = -1,
LayerType = 1,
MaxDisplayLevel = 100,
MBR = new byte[0],
MinDisplayLevel = 1,
PermissionToEdit = false,
Selected = false,
Tags = "Test Group",
ZIndex = 30,
Temporal = true,
IconURI = "http://soulsolutions.com.au/Images/pin.png",
Style = styles["defaultstyle"],
ObjectAttributes = new Dictionary<int, LayerObjectAttributeDefinition>()
ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData> data1 = new ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData>();
List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate> coord = new List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate>();
for (double x = -50; x <= 0; x += 1)
var point = new Point(x, x);
data1.Add(new VectorLayerData
Geo = point.AsBinary(),
ID = x.ToString(),
Label = x.ToString()
var line = new LineString(coord.ToArray());
data1.Add(new VectorLayerData
Geo = line.AsBinary(),
ID = "Line 1",
Label = "Line 2"
vectorData["1"] = data1;
ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData> data2 = new ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData>();
List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate> coord2 = new List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate>();
for (double x = 0; x <= 50; x += 1)
var point = new Point(x, x);
data2.Add(new VectorLayerData
Geo = point.AsBinary(),
ID = x.ToString(),
Label = x.ToString()
//TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.AddHours(x),
coord2.Add(new Coordinate(50, 10));
var line2 = new LinearRing(coord2.ToArray());
Polygon poly = new Polygon(line2);
data2.Add(new VectorLayerData
Geo = poly.AsBinary(),
ID = "Line 2",
Label = "Line 2"
vectorData["2"] = data2;
layerPanel.Styles = styles;
layerPanel.EnableBalloon = true;
layerPanel.LoadLayerData += layerPanel_LoadLayer;
layerPanel.BalloonLaunch += layerPanel_BalloonLaunch;
layerPanel.Layers = layers;
layerPanel.OnGoToLayer += layerPanel_OnGoToLayer;
layerPanel.OnGoToFeature += new EventHandler<AccordionLayerPanelGotoFeatureEventArgs>(layerPanel_OnGoToFeature);
layerPanel.OnVectorDataRequest += new EventHandler<VectorDataRequestEventArgs>(layerPanel_OnVectorDataRequest);
void layerPanel_OnVectorDataRequest(object sender, VectorDataRequestEventArgs e)
List<GeoVectorData> data = new List<GeoVectorData>();
foreach (var item in vectorData[e.LayerID])
data.Add(new GeoVectorData
Geo = item.Geo,
ID = item.ID,
Additional = item.ID
//TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.AddHours(x),
void layerPanel_OnGoToFeature(object sender, AccordionLayerPanelGotoFeatureEventArgs e)
if (vectorData.ContainsKey(e.LayerID))
var wkbReader = new WKBReader(new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), 4326));
new LocationRect(
.Where(u => u.ID == e.ItemID)
.Select(d => wkbReader.Read(d.Geo))
.SelectMany(u => u.Coordinates.Select(k => CoordinateConvertor.ConvertBack(k))
.Select(s => new Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Location() { Longitude = s.Longitude, Latitude = s.Latitude })).ToList()));
void layerPanel_OnGoToLayer(object sender, AccordionLayerPanelGotoEventArgs e)
if (vectorData.ContainsKey(e.LayerID))
var wkbReader = new WKBReader(new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), 4326));
new LocationRect(
.Select(d => wkbReader.Read(d.Geo))
.SelectMany(u => u.Coordinates.Select(k => CoordinateConvertor.ConvertBack(k))
.Select(s => new Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Location() { Longitude = s.Longitude, Latitude = s.Latitude })).ToList()));
private void layerPanel_BalloonLaunch(object sender, BalloonEventArgs args)
string xamlContent = "<Grid xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\" Width=\"300\" Height=\"200\"><TextBlock xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\" Foreground=\"White\" Text=\"Your Ballon xaml here\" /></Grid>";
UIElement element = (UIElement)XamlReader.Load(xamlContent);
private void layerPanel_LoadLayer(object sender, LoadLayerEventArgs args,
Action<ObservableCollection<VectorLayerData>, LayerDefinition> callback)
callback(vectorData[args.Layer.LayerID], args.Layer);