// Paint.NET //
// Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, Tom Jackson, and contributors. //
// Portions Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //
// See src/Resources/Files/License.txt for full licensing and attribution //
// details. //
// . //
using PaintDotNet.SystemLayer;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Threading;
namespace PaintDotNet{
/// <summary>
/// Defines a surface that is irregularly shaped, defined by a Region.
/// Works by encapsulating a Surface that that is the size of the region's
/// bounding box, and then storing the region to mask drawing operations.
/// Similar to IrregularImage, makes working with transformations much
/// easier.
/// Instances of this class are immutable once created.
/// This class is not thread-safe, and its properties and fields must only
/// be executing in one thread at a time. However, it may be serialized
/// by one thread while being accessed in the aforementioned manner by
/// another thread. It may not be serialized by more than one thread at once.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MaskedSurface
: ICloneable,
private bool disposed = false;
private Surface surface;
// Use one of these
private PdnRegion region;
// Whenever you set this field, you must Clone() it and store that into shadowPath --
// in other words, use SetPathField() and never set this field directly
// And, never call methods or properties of the path field's object, always use shadowPath.
// (it is fine to do a null check on path)
private PdnGraphicsPath path;
private void SetPathField(PdnGraphicsPath newPath)
this.path = newPath;
this.shadowPath = newPath.Clone();
// We create one copy of the path so that when we go to Draw(), we can Clone() it without
// running into a race condition. PdnGraphicsPath is not thread safe, and the MoveTool
// is going the performant route of serializing data in the background while continuing
// on with its work. This work includes calling our Draw() method which then Clone()s the
// path while the path is still being serialized. Since GDI+ is fussy about cross-thread
// use of its objects, it throws an exception.
// This does not introduce thread safety into PdnGraphicsPath, but it does relieve a certain
// amount of transitive responsibility from users of this class.
private PdnGraphicsPath shadowPath;
private static PaintDotNet.Threading.ThreadPool threadPool = new PaintDotNet.Threading.ThreadPool();
/// <summary>
/// Do not modify the surface. Treat it as immutable.
/// </summary>
public Surface SurfaceReadOnly
return this.surface;
public bool IsDisposed
return this.disposed;
private PdnRegion GetRegion()
if (this.region == null)
this.region = new PdnRegion(this.shadowPath);
return this.region;
public PdnRegion CreateRegion()
if (this.disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MaskedSurface");
return GetRegion().Clone();
private PdnGraphicsPath GetPath()
if (this.path == null)
// TODO: FromRegion() is a VERY expensive call!
PdnGraphicsPath newPath = PdnGraphicsPath.FromRegion(this.region);
return this.shadowPath;
public PdnGraphicsPath CreatePath()
if (this.disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MaskedSurface");
return GetPath().Clone();
private MaskedSurface()
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a MaskSurface by copying the given region-of-interest from an Image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The Surface to copy pixels from.</param>
/// <param name="roi">Defines the Region from which to copy pixels from the Image.</param>
public MaskedSurface(Surface source, PdnRegion roi)
PdnRegion roiClipped = (PdnRegion)roi.Clone();
Rectangle boundsClipped = roiClipped.GetBoundsInt();
this.surface = new Surface(boundsClipped.Size);
Rectangle rect = boundsClipped;
Point dstOffset = new Point(rect.X - boundsClipped.X, rect.Y - boundsClipped.Y);
this.surface.CopySurface(source, dstOffset, rect);
this.region = roiClipped;
// TODO: FromRegion() is a VERY expensive call for what we are doing!
PdnGraphicsPath newPath = PdnGraphicsPath.FromRegion(this.region);
public MaskedSurface(Surface source, PdnGraphicsPath path)
RectangleF boundsF = path.GetBounds();
Rectangle bounds = Utility.RoundRectangle(boundsF);
Rectangle boundsClipped = Rectangle.Intersect(bounds, source.Bounds);
Rectangle boundsRead;
if (bounds != boundsClipped)
PdnRegion region = new PdnRegion(path);
this.region = region;
boundsRead = region.GetBoundsInt();
this.region = new PdnRegion(this.path);
boundsRead = boundsClipped;
if (boundsRead.Width > 0 && boundsRead.Height > 0)
this.surface = new Surface(boundsRead.Size);
this.surface.CopySurface(source, boundsRead);
this.surface = null;
public void OnDeserialization(object sender)
threadPool = new PaintDotNet.Threading.ThreadPool();
if (this.path != null)
this.shadowPath = this.path.Clone();
public MaskedSurface Clone()
if (this.disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MaskedSurface");
MaskedSurface ms = new MaskedSurface();
if (this.region != null)
ms.region = this.region.Clone();
if (this.path != null)
if (this.surface != null)
ms.surface = this.surface.Clone();
return ms;
object ICloneable.Clone()
return Clone();
// Constants that define fixed-point precision and arithmetic
private const int fp_ShiftFactor = 14;
private const float fp_MultFactor = (float)(1 << fp_ShiftFactor);
private const float fp_MaxValue = (float)((1 << (31 - fp_ShiftFactor)) - 1);
private const int fp_RoundFactor = ((1 << fp_ShiftFactor) >> 1) - 1;
private class DrawContext
public Surface src;
public Surface dst;
public float dsxddx;
public float dsyddx;
public float dsxddy;
public float dsyddy;
public int fp_dsxddx;
public int fp_dsyddx;
public int fp_dsxddy;
public int fp_dsyddy;
public Rectangle[] dstScans;
public Matrix[] inverses;
public int boundsX;
public int boundsY;
private static int Clamp(int x, int min, int max)
if (x < min)
return min;
else if (x > max)
return max;
return x;
public unsafe void DrawScansNearestNeighbor(object cpuNumberObj)
int cpuNumber = (int)cpuNumberObj;
int inc = Processor.LogicalCpuCount;
void* scan0 = src.Scan0.VoidStar;
int stride = src.Stride;
PointF[] pts = new PointF[1];
for (int i = cpuNumber; i < this.dstScans.Length; i += inc)
Rectangle dstRect = this.dstScans[i];
if (dstRect.Width == 0 || dstRect.Height == 0)
pts[0] = new PointF(dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top);
pts[0].X -= this.boundsX;
pts[0].Y -= this.boundsY;
int fp_srcPtRowX = (int)(pts[0].X * fp_MultFactor);
int fp_srcPtRowY = (int)(pts[0].Y * fp_MultFactor);
for (int dstY = dstRect.Top; dstY < dstRect.Bottom; ++dstY)
int fp_srcPtColX = fp_srcPtRowX;
int fp_srcPtColY = fp_srcPtRowY;
fp_srcPtRowX += this.fp_dsxddy;
fp_srcPtRowY += this.fp_dsyddy;
if (dstY >= 0)
// We render the left side, then the right side, then the in-between pixels.
// The reason for this is that the left and right sides have the chance that,
// due to lack of enough precision, we will dive off the end of the surface
// and into memory that we can't actually read from. To solve this, the left
// and right sides will clamp the pixel coordinates that they read from,
// and then keep track of when they were able to stomp clamping these values.
// Then, rendering the middle part of the scanline is able to be completed
// without the expensive clamping operation.
int dstX = dstRect.Left;
ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddress(dstX, dstY);
ColorBgra* dstPtrEnd = dstPtr + dstRect.Width;
int fp_srcPtColLastX = fp_srcPtColX + (this.fp_dsxddx * (dstRect.Width - 1));
int fp_srcPtColLastY = fp_srcPtColY + (this.fp_dsyddx * (dstRect.Width - 1));
// Left side
while (dstPtr < dstPtrEnd)
int srcPtColX = (fp_srcPtColX + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
int srcPtColY = (fp_srcPtColY + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
int srcX = Clamp(srcPtColX, 0, src.Width - 1);
int srcY = Clamp(srcPtColY, 0, src.Height - 1);
*dstPtr = this.src.GetPointUnchecked(srcX, srcY);
fp_srcPtColX += this.fp_dsxddx;
fp_srcPtColY += this.fp_dsyddx;
if (srcX == srcPtColX && srcY == srcPtColY)
ColorBgra* startFastPtr = dstPtr;
dstPtr = dstPtrEnd - 1;
// Right side
while (dstPtr >= startFastPtr)
int srcPtColX = (fp_srcPtColLastX + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
int srcPtColY = (fp_srcPtColLastY + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
int srcX = Clamp(srcPtColX, 0, src.Width - 1);
int srcY = Clamp(srcPtColY, 0, src.Height - 1);
*dstPtr = this.src.GetPointUnchecked(srcX, srcY);
if (srcX == srcPtColX && srcY == srcPtColY)
fp_srcPtColLastX -= this.fp_dsxddx;
fp_srcPtColLastY -= this.fp_dsyddx;
ColorBgra* endFastPtr = dstPtr;
// Middle
while (startFastPtr < endFastPtr)
int srcPtColX = (fp_srcPtColX + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
int srcPtColY = (fp_srcPtColY + fp_RoundFactor) >> fp_ShiftFactor;
// This is GetPointUnchecked inlined -- avoid the overhead, especially, of the call to MemoryBlock.VoidStar
// which has the potential to throw an exception which is then NOT inlined.
startFastPtr->Bgra = (unchecked(srcPtColX + (ColorBgra *)(((byte *)scan0) + (srcPtColY * stride))))->Bgra;
fp_srcPtColX += this.fp_dsxddx;
fp_srcPtColY += this.fp_dsyddx;
public unsafe void DrawScansBilinear(object cpuNumberObj)
int cpuNumber = (int)cpuNumberObj;
int inc = Processor.LogicalCpuCount;
PointF[] pts2 = new PointF[1];
for (int i = cpuNumber; i < this.dstScans.Length; i += inc)
Rectangle dstRect = this.dstScans[i];
pts2[0] = new PointF(dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top);
pts2[0].X -= this.boundsX;
pts2[0].Y -= this.boundsY;
// Sometimes pts2 ends up being infintessimally small (1 x 10^-5 or -6) but negative
// This throws off GetBilinearSample and it returns transparent colors, which looks horribly wrong.
// So we fix that!
if (pts2[0].X < 0)
pts2[0].X = 0;
if (pts2[0].Y < 0)
pts2[0].Y = 0;
PointF srcPtRow = pts2[0];
for (int dstY = dstRect.Top; dstY < dstRect.Bottom; ++dstY)
PointF srcPtCol = srcPtRow;
srcPtRow.X += this.dsxddy;
srcPtRow.Y += this.dsyddy;
if (dstY >= 0)
int dstX = dstRect.Left;
while (dstX < dstRect.Right)
ColorBgra srcPixel = this.src.GetBilinearSample(srcPtCol.X, srcPtCol.Y);
ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(dstX, dstY);
*dstPtr = srcPixel;
srcPtCol.X += this.dsxddx;
srcPtCol.Y += this.dsyddx;
public void Draw(Surface dst)
Draw(dst, 0, 0);
public void Draw(Surface dst, int tX, int tY)
if (this.disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MaskedSurface");
using (Matrix m = new Matrix())
m.Translate(tX, tY, MatrixOrder.Append);
Draw(dst, m, ResamplingAlgorithm.Bilinear);
public unsafe void Draw(Surface dst, Matrix transform, ResamplingAlgorithm sampling)
if (this.disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MaskedSurface");
if (this.surface == null || !transform.IsInvertible)
PdnRegion theRegion;
Rectangle regionBounds;
if (this.path == null)
theRegion = this.region.Clone();
regionBounds = this.region.GetBoundsInt();
using (PdnGraphicsPath mPath = this.shadowPath.Clone())
regionBounds = Rectangle.Truncate(mPath.GetBounds());
theRegion = new PdnRegion(mPath);
DrawContext dc = new DrawContext();
dc.boundsX = regionBounds.X;
dc.boundsY = regionBounds.Y;
Matrix inverse = transform.Clone();
dc.inverses = new Matrix[Processor.LogicalCpuCount];
for (int i = 0; i < dc.inverses.Length; ++i)
dc.inverses[i] = inverse.Clone();
// change in source-[X|Y] w.r.t. destination-[X|Y]
PointF[] pts = new PointF[] {
new PointF(1, 0),
new PointF(0, 1)
inverse = null;
dc.dsxddx = pts[0].X;
if (Math.Abs(dc.dsxddx) > fp_MaxValue)
dc.dsxddx = 0.0f;
dc.dsyddx = pts[0].Y;
if (Math.Abs(dc.dsyddx) > fp_MaxValue)
dc.dsyddx = 0.0f;
dc.dsxddy = pts[1].X;
if (Math.Abs(dc.dsxddy) > fp_MaxValue)
dc.dsxddy = 0.0f;
dc.dsyddy = pts[1].Y;
if (Math.Abs(dc.dsyddy) > fp_MaxValue)
dc.dsyddy = 0.0f;
dc.fp_dsxddx = (int)(dc.dsxddx * fp_MultFactor);
dc.fp_dsyddx = (int)(dc.dsyddx * fp_MultFactor);
dc.fp_dsxddy = (int)(dc.dsxddy * fp_MultFactor);
dc.fp_dsyddy = (int)(dc.dsyddy * fp_MultFactor);
dc.dst = dst;
dc.src = this.surface;
Rectangle[] scans = theRegion.GetRegionScansReadOnlyInt();
if (scans.Length == 1)
dc.dstScans = new Rectangle[Processor.LogicalCpuCount];
Utility.SplitRectangle(scans[0], dc.dstScans);
dc.dstScans = scans;
WaitCallback wc;
switch (sampling)
case ResamplingAlgorithm.NearestNeighbor:
wc = new WaitCallback(dc.DrawScansNearestNeighbor);
case ResamplingAlgorithm.Bilinear:
wc = new WaitCallback(dc.DrawScansBilinear);
throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException();
for (int i = 0; i < Processor.LogicalCpuCount; ++i)
if (i == Processor.LogicalCpuCount - 1)
// Don't queue the last work item into a separate thread
threadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(wc, BoxedConstants.GetInt32(i));
for (int i = 0; i < Processor.LogicalCpuCount; ++i)
dc.inverses[i] = null;
dc.src = null;
theRegion = null;
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (this.surface != null)
this.surface = null;
if (this.region != null)
this.region = null;
if (this.path != null)
this.path = null;
if (this.shadowPath != null)
this.shadowPath = null;
this.disposed = true;