// Paint.NET //
// Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, Tom Jackson, and contributors. //
// Portions Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //
// See src/Resources/Files/License.txt for full licensing and attribution //
// details. //
// . //
using PaintDotNet.SystemLayer;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PaintDotNet{
public sealed class SnapManager
private Dictionary<SnapObstacle, SnapDescription> obstacles =
new Dictionary<SnapObstacle, SnapDescription>();
private const string isSnappedValueName = "IsSnapped";
private const string leftValueName = "Left";
private const string topValueName = "Top";
private const string widthValueName = "Width";
private const string heightValueName = "Height";
private const string nullName = "";
private const string snappedToValueName = "SnappedTo";
private const string horizontalEdgeValueName = "HorizontalEdge";
private const string verticalEdgeValueName = "VerticalEdge";
private const string xOffsetValueName = "XOffset";
private const string yOffsetValueName = "YOffset";
private void SaveSnapObstacleData(ISimpleCollection<string, string> saveTo, SnapObstacle so)
string prefix = so.Name + ".";
SnapDescription sd = this.obstacles[so];
bool isSnappedValue = (sd != null);
saveTo.Set(prefix + isSnappedValueName, isSnappedValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (isSnappedValue)
saveTo.Set(prefix + snappedToValueName, sd.SnappedTo.Name);
saveTo.Set(prefix + horizontalEdgeValueName, sd.HorizontalEdge.ToString());
saveTo.Set(prefix + verticalEdgeValueName, sd.VerticalEdge.ToString());
saveTo.Set(prefix + xOffsetValueName, sd.XOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
saveTo.Set(prefix + yOffsetValueName, sd.YOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
saveTo.Set(prefix + leftValueName, so.Bounds.Left.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
saveTo.Set(prefix + topValueName, so.Bounds.Top.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
saveTo.Set(prefix + widthValueName, so.Bounds.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
saveTo.Set(prefix + heightValueName, so.Bounds.Height.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
private void LoadSnapObstacleData(ISimpleCollection<string, string> loadFrom, SnapObstacle so)
string prefix = so.Name + ".";
SnapDescription sd;
string isSnappedString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + isSnappedValueName);
bool isSnapped = bool.Parse(isSnappedString);
if (isSnapped)
string snappedToString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + snappedToValueName);
SnapObstacle snappedTo = FindObstacle(snappedToString);
string horizontalEdgeString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + horizontalEdgeValueName);
HorizontalSnapEdge horizontalEdge = (HorizontalSnapEdge)Enum.Parse(typeof(HorizontalSnapEdge), horizontalEdgeString, true);
string verticalEdgeString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + verticalEdgeValueName);
VerticalSnapEdge verticalEdge = (VerticalSnapEdge)Enum.Parse(typeof(VerticalSnapEdge), verticalEdgeString, true);
string xOffsetString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + xOffsetValueName);
int xOffset = int.Parse(xOffsetString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string yOffsetString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + yOffsetValueName);
int yOffset = int.Parse(yOffsetString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
sd = new SnapDescription(snappedTo, horizontalEdge, verticalEdge, xOffset, yOffset);
sd = null;
this.obstacles[so] = sd;
string leftString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + leftValueName);
int left = int.Parse(leftString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string topString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + topValueName);
int top = int.Parse(topString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string widthString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + widthValueName);
int width = int.Parse(widthString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string heightString = loadFrom.Get(prefix + heightValueName);
int height = int.Parse(heightString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);
if (sd != null)
ParkObstacle(so, sd);
// Requires that all SnapObstacles are already placed in this.obstacles
public void Save(ISimpleCollection<string, string> saveTo)
foreach (SnapObstacle obstacle in this.obstacles.Keys)
// TODO: how do we 'erase' something that has this property set to false, for full generality?
if (obstacle.EnableSave)
SaveSnapObstacleData(saveTo, obstacle);
public void Load(ISimpleCollection<string, string> loadFrom)
SnapObstacle[] newObstacles = new SnapObstacle[this.obstacles.Count];
this.obstacles.Keys.CopyTo(newObstacles, 0);
foreach (SnapObstacle obstacle in newObstacles)
if (obstacle.EnableSave)
LoadSnapObstacleData(loadFrom, obstacle);
public void ParkObstacle(ISnapObstacleHost obstacle, ISnapObstacleHost snappedTo, HorizontalSnapEdge hEdge, VerticalSnapEdge vEdge)
ParkObstacle(obstacle.SnapObstacle, snappedTo.SnapObstacle, hEdge, vEdge);
public void ParkObstacle(SnapObstacle obstacle, SnapObstacle snappedTo, HorizontalSnapEdge hEdge, VerticalSnapEdge vEdge)
SnapDescription sd = new SnapDescription(snappedTo, hEdge, vEdge, obstacle.SnapDistance, obstacle.SnapDistance);
this.obstacles[obstacle] = sd;
ParkObstacle(obstacle, sd);
public void ReparkObstacle(ISnapObstacleHost obstacle)
public void ReparkObstacle(SnapObstacle obstacle)
if (this.obstacles.ContainsKey(obstacle))
SnapDescription sd = this.obstacles[obstacle];
if (sd != null)
ParkObstacle(obstacle, sd);
public void AddSnapObstacle(ISnapObstacleHost snapObstacleHost)
public void AddSnapObstacle(SnapObstacle snapObstacle)
if (!this.obstacles.ContainsKey(snapObstacle))
this.obstacles.Add(snapObstacle, null);
if (snapObstacle.StickyEdges)
snapObstacle.BoundsChanging += SnapObstacle_BoundsChanging;
snapObstacle.BoundsChanged += SnapObstacle_BoundsChanged;
private void SnapObstacle_BoundsChanging(object sender, EventArgs<Rectangle> e)
private void SnapObstacle_BoundsChanged(object sender, EventArgs<Rectangle> e)
SnapObstacle senderSO = (SnapObstacle)sender;
Rectangle fromRect = e.Data;
Rectangle toRect = senderSO.Bounds;
UpdateDependentObstacles(senderSO, fromRect, toRect);
private void UpdateDependentObstacles(SnapObstacle senderSO, Rectangle fromRect, Rectangle toRect)
int leftDelta = toRect.Left - fromRect.Left;
int topDelta = toRect.Top - fromRect.Top;
int rightDelta = toRect.Right - fromRect.Right;
int bottomDelta = toRect.Bottom - fromRect.Bottom;
foreach (SnapObstacle obstacle in this.obstacles.Keys)
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(senderSO, obstacle))
SnapDescription sd = this.obstacles[obstacle];
if (sd != null && object.ReferenceEquals(sd.SnappedTo, senderSO))
int deltaX;
if (sd.VerticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Right)
deltaX = rightDelta;
deltaX = leftDelta;
int deltaY;
if (sd.HorizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom)
deltaY = bottomDelta;
deltaY = topDelta;
Rectangle oldBounds = obstacle.Bounds;
Point newLocation1 = new Point(oldBounds.Left + deltaX, oldBounds.Top + deltaY);
Point newLocation2 = AdjustNewLocation(obstacle, newLocation1, sd);
Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(newLocation2, oldBounds.Size);
// Recursively update anything snapped to this obstacle
UpdateDependentObstacles(obstacle, oldBounds, newBounds);
public void RemoveSnapObstacle(ISnapObstacleHost snapObstacleHost)
public void RemoveSnapObstacle(SnapObstacle snapObstacle)
if (this.obstacles.ContainsKey(snapObstacle))
if (snapObstacle.StickyEdges)
snapObstacle.BoundsChanging -= SnapObstacle_BoundsChanging;
snapObstacle.BoundsChanged -= SnapObstacle_BoundsChanged;
public bool ContainsSnapObstacle(ISnapObstacleHost snapObstacleHost)
return ContainsSnapObstacle(snapObstacleHost.SnapObstacle);
public bool ContainsSnapObstacle(SnapObstacle snapObstacle)
return this.obstacles.ContainsKey(snapObstacle);
private static bool AreEdgesClose(int l1, int r1, int l2, int r2)
if (r1 < l2)
return false;
else if (r2 < l1)
return false;
else if (l1 <= l2 && l2 <= r1 && r1 <= r2)
return true;
else if (l2 <= l1 && l1 <= r2 && r2 <= r1)
return true;
else if (l1 <= l2 && r2 <= r1)
return true;
else if (l2 <= l1 && l1 <= r2)
return true;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private SnapDescription DetermineNewSnapDescription(
SnapObstacle avoider,
Point newLocation,
SnapObstacle avoidee,
SnapDescription currentSnapDescription)
int ourSnapProximity;
if (currentSnapDescription != null &&
(currentSnapDescription.HorizontalEdge != HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither ||
currentSnapDescription.VerticalEdge != VerticalSnapEdge.Neither))
// the avoider is already snapped to the avoidee -- make it more difficult to un-snap
ourSnapProximity = avoidee.SnapProximity * 2;
ourSnapProximity = avoidee.SnapProximity;
Rectangle avoiderRect = avoider.Bounds;
avoiderRect.Location = newLocation;
Rectangle avoideeRect = avoidee.Bounds;
// Are the vertical edges close enough for snapping?
bool vertProximity = AreEdgesClose(avoiderRect.Top, avoiderRect.Bottom, avoideeRect.Top, avoideeRect.Bottom);
// Are the horizontal edges close enough for snapping?
bool horizProximity = AreEdgesClose(avoiderRect.Left, avoiderRect.Right, avoideeRect.Left, avoideeRect.Right);
// Compute distances from pertinent edges
// (e.g. if SnapRegion.Interior, figure out distance from avoider's right edge to avoidee's right edge,
// if SnapRegion.Exterior, figure out distance from avoider's right edge to avoidee's left edge)
int leftDistance;
int rightDistance;
int topDistance;
int bottomDistance;
switch (avoidee.SnapRegion)
case SnapRegion.Interior:
leftDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Left - avoideeRect.Left);
rightDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Right - avoideeRect.Right);
topDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Top - avoideeRect.Top);
bottomDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Bottom - avoideeRect.Bottom);
case SnapRegion.Exterior:
leftDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Left - avoideeRect.Right);
rightDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Right - avoideeRect.Left);
topDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Top - avoideeRect.Bottom);
bottomDistance = Math.Abs(avoiderRect.Bottom - avoideeRect.Top);
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("avoidee.SnapRegion");
bool leftClose = (leftDistance < ourSnapProximity);
bool rightClose = (rightDistance < ourSnapProximity);
bool topClose = (topDistance < ourSnapProximity);
bool bottomClose = (bottomDistance < ourSnapProximity);
VerticalSnapEdge vEdge = VerticalSnapEdge.Neither;
if (vertProximity)
if ((leftClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior) ||
(rightClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
vEdge = VerticalSnapEdge.Right;
else if ((rightClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior) ||
(leftClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
vEdge = VerticalSnapEdge.Left;
HorizontalSnapEdge hEdge = HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither;
if (horizProximity)
if ((topClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior) ||
(bottomClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
hEdge = HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom;
else if ((bottomClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior) ||
(topClose && avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
hEdge = HorizontalSnapEdge.Top;
SnapDescription sd;
if (hEdge != HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither || vEdge != VerticalSnapEdge.Neither)
int xOffset = avoider.SnapDistance;
int yOffset = avoider.SnapDistance;
if (hEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither)
if (avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior)
yOffset = avoiderRect.Top - avoideeRect.Top;
hEdge = HorizontalSnapEdge.Top;
if (vEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Neither)
if (avoidee.SnapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior)
xOffset = avoiderRect.Left - avoideeRect.Left;
vEdge = VerticalSnapEdge.Left;
sd = new SnapDescription(avoidee, hEdge, vEdge, xOffset, yOffset);
sd = null;
return sd;
private static void ParkObstacle(SnapObstacle avoider, SnapDescription snapDescription)
Point newLocation = avoider.Bounds.Location;
Point adjustedLocation = AdjustNewLocation(avoider, newLocation, snapDescription);
Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(adjustedLocation, avoider.Bounds.Size);
private static Point AdjustNewLocation(SnapObstacle obstacle, Point newLocation, SnapDescription snapDescription)
if (snapDescription == null ||
(snapDescription.HorizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither &&
snapDescription.VerticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Neither))
return obstacle.Bounds.Location;
Rectangle obstacleRect = new Rectangle(newLocation, obstacle.Bounds.Size);
Rectangle snappedToRect = snapDescription.SnappedTo.Bounds;
HorizontalSnapEdge hEdge = snapDescription.HorizontalEdge;
VerticalSnapEdge vEdge = snapDescription.VerticalEdge;
SnapRegion region = snapDescription.SnappedTo.SnapRegion;
int deltaY = 0;
if (hEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Top && region == SnapRegion.Exterior)
int newBottomEdge = snappedToRect.Top - snapDescription.YOffset;
deltaY = obstacleRect.Bottom - newBottomEdge;
else if (hEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom && region == SnapRegion.Exterior)
int newTopEdge = snappedToRect.Bottom + snapDescription.YOffset;
deltaY = obstacleRect.Top - newTopEdge;
else if (hEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Top && region == SnapRegion.Interior)
int newTopEdge = Math.Min(snappedToRect.Bottom, snappedToRect.Top + snapDescription.YOffset);
deltaY = obstacleRect.Top - newTopEdge;
else if (hEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom && region == SnapRegion.Interior)
int newBottomEdge = Math.Max(snappedToRect.Top, snappedToRect.Bottom - snapDescription.YOffset);
deltaY = obstacleRect.Bottom - newBottomEdge;
int deltaX = 0;
if (vEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Left && region == SnapRegion.Exterior)
int newRightEdge = snappedToRect.Left - snapDescription.XOffset;
deltaX = obstacleRect.Right - newRightEdge;
else if (vEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Right && region == SnapRegion.Exterior)
int newLeftEdge = snappedToRect.Right + snapDescription.XOffset;
deltaX = obstacleRect.Left - newLeftEdge;
else if (vEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Left && region == SnapRegion.Interior)
int newLeftEdge = Math.Min(snappedToRect.Right, snappedToRect.Left + snapDescription.XOffset);
deltaX = obstacleRect.Left - newLeftEdge;
else if (vEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Right && region == SnapRegion.Interior)
int newRightEdge = Math.Max(snappedToRect.Left, snappedToRect.Right - snapDescription.XOffset);
deltaX = obstacleRect.Right - newRightEdge;
Point adjustedLocation = new Point(obstacleRect.Left - deltaX, obstacleRect.Top - deltaY);
return adjustedLocation;
/// <summary>
/// Given an obstacle and its attempted destination, determines the correct landing
/// spot for an obstacle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="movingObstacle">The obstacle that is moving.</param>
/// <param name="newLocation">The upper-left coordinate of the obstacle's original intended destination.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A Point that determines where the obstacle should be placed instead. If there are no adjustments
/// required to the obstacle's desintation, then the return value will be equal to newLocation.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// movingObstacle's SnapDescription will also be updated. The caller of this method is required
/// to update the SnapObstacle with the new, adjusted location.
/// </remarks>
public Point AdjustObstacleDestination(SnapObstacle movingObstacle, Point newLocation)
Point adjusted1 = AdjustObstacleDestination(movingObstacle, newLocation, false);
Point adjusted2 = AdjustObstacleDestination(movingObstacle, adjusted1, true);
return adjusted2;
public Point AdjustObstacleDestination(SnapObstacle movingObstacle, Point newLocation, bool considerStickies)
Point adjustedLocation = newLocation;
SnapDescription sd = this.obstacles[movingObstacle];
SnapDescription newSD = null;
foreach (SnapObstacle avoidee in this.obstacles.Keys)
if (avoidee.StickyEdges != considerStickies)
if (avoidee.Enabled && !object.ReferenceEquals(avoidee, movingObstacle))
SnapDescription newSD2 = DetermineNewSnapDescription(movingObstacle, adjustedLocation, avoidee, newSD);
if (newSD2 != null)
Point adjustedLocation2 = AdjustNewLocation(movingObstacle, adjustedLocation, newSD2);
newSD = newSD2;
adjustedLocation = adjustedLocation2;
Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(adjustedLocation, movingObstacle.Bounds.Size);
if (sd == null || !sd.SnappedTo.StickyEdges || newSD == null || newSD.SnappedTo.StickyEdges)
this.obstacles[movingObstacle] = newSD;
return adjustedLocation;
public SnapObstacle FindObstacle(string name)
foreach (SnapObstacle so in this.obstacles.Keys)
if (string.Compare(so.Name, name, true) == 0)
return so;
return null;
public static SnapManager FindMySnapManager(Control me)
if (!(me is ISnapObstacleHost))
throw new ArgumentException("must be called with a Control that implements ISnapObstacleHost");
ISnapManagerHost ismh;
ismh = me as ISnapManagerHost;
if (ismh == null)
ismh = me.FindForm() as ISnapManagerHost;
SnapManager sm;
if (ismh != null)
sm = ismh.SnapManager;
sm = null;
return sm;
public SnapManager()