Font.cs :  » GUI » wx-NET » wx » SampleFont » C# / CSharp Open Source

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wx NET » wx » SampleFont » Font.cs
// wx.NET/Samples - Font.cs
// wx.NET "Font" sample.
// Written by Alexander Olk (
// (C) 2003 Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Font.cs,v 1.7 2007/10/21 15:30:40 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;

namespace wx.SampleFont{
  public class MyCanvas : Window
    private Colour m_colour;
    private wx.Font m_font;
    public MyCanvas( Window parent )
      : base( parent )
      m_colour = Colour.wxRED;
      m_font = wx.Font.wxNORMAL_FONT;
      EVT_PAINT( new EventListener( OnPaint ) );
    public Font TextFont
      get { return m_font; }
      set { m_font = value; }
    public Colour Colour 
      get { return m_colour; }
      set { m_colour = value; }
    public void OnPaint( object sender, Event e )
      PaintDC dc = new PaintDC( this );
      PrepareDC( dc );
      dc.Background = new Brush( "white",FillStyle.wxSOLID );
      int hLine = dc.CharHeight;
      int x = 5;
      int y = 5;
      string fontinfo = "Font size is " + m_font.PointSize + " points, family: " +
        m_font.FamilyString + ", encoding: " + FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription( m_font.Encoding );
      dc.DrawText( fontinfo, x, y );
      y += hLine;
      fontinfo = "Style: " + m_font.StyleString + ", weight: " + m_font.WeightString +
        ", fixed width: " + (m_font.IsFixedWidth ? "yes" : "no");
      dc.DrawText( fontinfo, x, y );
      y += hLine;
      if ( m_font.Ok )
        IntPtr info = m_font.NativeFontInfo;
        if ( info != IntPtr.Zero )
          string fontDesc = m_font.NativeFontInfoUserDesc;
          fontinfo = "Native font info: " + fontDesc;
          dc.DrawText( fontinfo, x, y );
          y += hLine;
      y += hLine;
      dc.Font = m_font;
      dc.TextForeground = m_colour;
      int maxCharWidth;
      int maxCharHeight;
      dc.GetTextExtent( "W", out maxCharWidth, out maxCharHeight );
      int w = maxCharWidth + 5;
      int h = maxCharHeight + 4;
      for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        for ( int j = 0; j < 32; j++ )
          char c = Convert.ToChar( 32 * ( i + 1 ) + j );
          int charWidth;
          int charHeight;
          dc.GetTextExtent( c.ToString(), out charWidth, out charHeight );
            x + w * j + ( maxCharWidth - charWidth ) / 2 + 1, 
            y + h * i + ( maxCharHeight - charHeight ) / 2 
      dc.Pen = new Pen( new Colour( "blue" ), 1, FillStyle.wxSOLID );
      int l;
      for ( l = 0; l < 8; l++ )
        int yl = y + h * l - 2;
        dc.DrawLine( x - 2, yl, x + 32 * w - 1, yl );
      for ( l = 0; l < 33; l++ )
        int xl = x + w * l - 2;
        dc.DrawLine( xl, y - 2, xl, y + 7 * h - 1 );
      dc.Dispose(); //needed
  public class FontFrame : Frame
    enum Cmd { Font_Quit, Font_About, Font_ViewMsg, Font_IncSize, Font_DecSize, Font_Bold,
      Font_Italic, Font_Underlined, Font_wxNORMAL_FONT, Font_wxSMALL_FONT, Font_wxITALIC_FONT,
      Font_wxSWISS_FONT, Font_Choose, Font_EnumFamiliesForEncoding, Font_EnumFamilies,
      Font_EnumFixedFamilies, Font_EnumEncodings, Font_CheckNativeToFromString, Font_Max }
    protected int m_fontSize;
    protected TextCtrl m_textctrl;
    protected MyCanvas m_canvas;
    public static string s_dir;
    public static string s_file;
    public FontFrame( string title, Point pos, Size size )
      : base( title, pos, size )
      Icon = new wx.Icon( "../Samples/Font/mondrian.png" );
      m_fontSize = 12;
      Menu menuFile = new Menu();
      menuFile.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_ViewMsg, "&View...\tCtrl-V", "View an email message file" );
      menuFile.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_About, "&About...\tCtrl-A", "Show about dialog" );
      menuFile.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program" );
      Menu menuFont = new Menu();
      menuFont.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_IncSize, "&Increase font size by 2 points\tCtrl-I" );
      menuFont.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_DecSize, "&Decrease font size by 2 points\tCtrl-D" );
      menuFont.AppendCheckItem( (int)Cmd.Font_Bold, "&Bold\tCtrl-B", "Toggle bold state" );
      menuFont.AppendCheckItem( (int)Cmd.Font_Italic, "&Oblique\tCtrl-O", "Toggle italic state" );
      menuFont.AppendCheckItem( (int)Cmd.Font_Underlined, "&Underlined\tCtrl-U", "Toggle underlined state" );
      menuFont.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_CheckNativeToFromString, "Check Native Font Info To/From String" );
      Menu menuSelect = new Menu();
      menuSelect.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_Choose, "&Select font...\tCtrl-S", "Select a standard font" );
      Menu menuStdFonts = new Menu();
      menuStdFonts.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_wxNORMAL_FONT, "wxNORMAL_FONT", "Normal font used by wxWidgets" );
      menuStdFonts.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_wxSMALL_FONT,  "wxSMALL_FONT",  "Small font used by wxWidgets" );
      menuStdFonts.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_wxITALIC_FONT, "wxITALIC_FONT", "Italic font used by wxWidgets" );
      menuStdFonts.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_wxSWISS_FONT,  "wxSWISS_FONT",  "Swiss font used by wxWidgets" );
      menuSelect.Append(-2, "Standar&d fonts", menuStdFonts, "" );

      menuSelect.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFamilies, "Enumerate font &families\tCtrl-F" );
      menuSelect.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFixedFamilies, "Enumerate fi&xed font families\tCtrl-X" );
      menuSelect.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumEncodings, "Enumerate &encodings\tCtrl-E" );
      menuSelect.Append( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFamiliesForEncoding, "Find font for en&coding...\tCtrl-C", "Find font families for given encoding" );
      wx.MenuBar menuBar = new wx.MenuBar();
      menuBar.Append( menuFile, "&File" );
      menuBar.Append( menuFont, "F&ont" );
      menuBar.Append( menuSelect, "&Select" );
      MenuBar = menuBar;
      SplitterWindow splitter = new SplitterWindow( this );
      m_textctrl = new TextCtrl( splitter, -1, 
        "Paste text here to see how it looks\nlike in the given font",
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
        TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE );
      m_canvas = new MyCanvas( splitter );
      splitter.SplitHorizontally( m_textctrl, m_canvas, 100 );
      StatusText = "Welcome to wxWidgets font demo!";  
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_Quit,  new EventListener( OnQuit ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_ViewMsg, new EventListener( OnViewMsg ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_About, new EventListener( OnAbout ) );

      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_IncSize, new EventListener( OnIncFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_DecSize, new EventListener( OnDecFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_Bold, new EventListener( OnBold ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_Italic, new EventListener( OnItalic ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_Underlined, new EventListener( OnUnderline ) );

      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_wxNORMAL_FONT, new EventListener( OnwxPointerFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_wxSMALL_FONT, new EventListener( OnwxPointerFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_wxITALIC_FONT, new EventListener( OnwxPointerFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_wxSWISS_FONT, new EventListener( OnwxPointerFont ) );

      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_CheckNativeToFromString, new EventListener( OnCheckNativeToFromString ) );

      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_Choose, new EventListener( OnSelectFont ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFamiliesForEncoding, new EventListener( OnEnumerateFamiliesForEncoding ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFamilies, new EventListener( OnEnumerateFamilies ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumFixedFamilies, new EventListener( OnEnumerateFixedFamilies ) );
      EVT_MENU( (int)Cmd.Font_EnumEncodings, new EventListener( OnEnumerateEncodings ) );
    public void OnQuit( object sender, Event e )
    public void OnViewMsg( object sender, Event e )
      FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( this, "Open an email message file", s_dir, s_file, "*" );
      if ( dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return;
      s_dir = dialog.Directory;
      s_file = dialog.Filename;
      string filename = dialog.Path;
      FileStream fs;
        fs = new FileStream( filename, FileMode.Open );
      catch (Exception ex)
      StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fs );
      //sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 

      string message = sr.ReadToEnd();
      string charset;
      string prefix = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=";
      int pos = message.IndexOf( prefix );
      if ( pos == -1 )
        Log.LogError( "The file '{0}' doesn't contain charset information.", filename );
      pos += prefix.Length + 1; 
      int pos2 = pos;
      while ( !message[pos2].Equals('"') )
      charset = message.Substring( pos, pos2 - pos + 1 );
      FontEncoding fontenc = FontMapper.Get.CharsetToEncoding( charset );
      if ( fontenc == FontEncoding.wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
        Log.LogError( "Charset '{0}' is unsupported.", charset );
      m_textctrl.LoadFile( filename );
      if ( fontenc == FontEncoding.wxFONTENCODING_UTF8 || 
        !FontMapper.Get.IsEncodingAvailable(fontenc) )
        FontEncoding encAlt;
        if ( FontMapper.Get.GetAltForEncoding( fontenc, out encAlt ) )
          EncodingConverter conv = new EncodingConverter();
          if ( conv.Init( fontenc, encAlt ) )
            fontenc = encAlt;
            m_textctrl.Value = conv.Convert( m_textctrl.Value );
            Log.LogWarning( "Cannot convert from '{0}' to '{1}'.",
              FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription( fontenc ),
              FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription( encAlt ) );
          Log.LogWarning( "No fonts for encoding '{0}' on this system.",
            FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription( fontenc ) );
      if ( !DoEnumerateFamilies( false, fontenc, true ) )
        Font font = new Font( 12, FontFamily.wxDEFAULT, FontStyle.wxNORMAL,
          FontWeight.wxNORMAL, false, "", fontenc );
        if ( font.Ok )
          DoChangeFont( font );
          Log.LogWarning( "No fonts for encoding '{0}' on this system.",
            FontMapper.GetEncodingDescription( fontenc ) );
    public void OnAbout( object sender, Event e )
      wx.MessageDialog.ShowModal( this, "wxWidgets font demo\n(c) 1999 Vadim Zeitlin\nPorted to wx.NET by Alexander Olk",
        "About Font", Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION );
    public void OnIncFont( object sender, Event e )
      DoResizeFont( +2 ); 
    public void OnDecFont( object sender, Event e )
      DoResizeFont( -2 );
    public void OnBold( object sender, Event e )
      CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent) e;
      Font font = m_canvas.TextFont;
      font.Weight = ce.IsChecked ? FontWeight.wxBOLD : FontWeight.wxNORMAL ;
      DoChangeFont( font );
    public void OnItalic( object sender, Event e )
      CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent) e;
      Font font = m_canvas.TextFont;
      font.Style = ce.IsChecked ? FontStyle.wxITALIC : FontStyle.wxNORMAL ;
      DoChangeFont( font );
    public void OnUnderline( object sender, Event e )
      CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent) e;
      Font font = m_canvas.TextFont;
      font.Underlined = ce.IsChecked;
      DoChangeFont( font );
    public void OnwxPointerFont( object sender, Event e )
      Font font;
      switch ( e.ID )
        case (int)Cmd.Font_wxNORMAL_FONT : font = Font.wxNORMAL_FONT; break;
        case (int)Cmd.Font_wxSMALL_FONT : font = Font.wxSMALL_FONT; break;
        case (int)Cmd.Font_wxITALIC_FONT : font = Font.wxITALIC_FONT; break;
        case (int)Cmd.Font_wxSWISS_FONT : font = Font.wxSWISS_FONT; break;
        default : font = Font.wxNORMAL_FONT; break;
      MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Bold, false );
      MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Italic, false );
      MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Underlined, false );
      DoChangeFont( font );
    public void OnCheckNativeToFromString( object sender, Event e )
      string fontinfo = m_canvas.TextFont.NativeFontInfoDesc;
      if ( fontinfo.Length == 0 )
        Log.LogError( "Native font info string is empty!" );
        Font font = Font.New( fontinfo );
        if ( !fontinfo.Equals( font.NativeFontInfoDesc ) )
          Log.LogError( "wxNativeFontInfo ToString()/FromString() broken!" );
          Log.LogMessage( "wxNativeFontInfo works: {0}", fontinfo );
    public void OnSelectFont( object sender, Event e )
      FontData data = new FontData();
      data.InitialFont = m_canvas.TextFont;
      data.Colour = m_canvas.Colour;
      FontDialog dialog = new FontDialog( this, data );
      if ( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
        FontData refData = dialog.FontData;
        Font font = refData.ChosenFont;
        Colour colour = refData.Colour;
        DoChangeFont( font, colour );
        MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Bold, font.Weight == FontWeight.wxBOLD );
        MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Italic, font.Style == FontStyle.wxITALIC );
        MenuBar.Check( (int)Cmd.Font_Underlined, font.Underlined );
    public void OnEnumerateFamiliesForEncoding( object sender, Event e )
       FontEncoding[] encodings = 
       string[] encodingNames =
        "Western European (ISO-8859-1)",
        "Central European (ISO-8859-2)",
        "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)",
        "Greek (ISO-8859-7)",
        "Western European with Euro (ISO-8859-15)",
        "Windows Central European (CP 1250)",
        "Windows Cyrillic (CP 1251)",
        "Windows Western European (CP 1252)",
      string result = new GetSingleChoice( "Choose an encoding", "Font demo", encodingNames );

      int n = -1;
      for ( int i = 0; i < encodingNames.Length; i++ )
        if ( encodingNames[i].Equals( result ) )
            n = i;
      if ( n != -1 )
        DoEnumerateFamilies( false, encodings[n] );
    public void OnEnumerateFamilies( object sender, Event e )
      DoEnumerateFamilies( false );
    public void OnEnumerateFixedFamilies( object sender, Event e )
      DoEnumerateFamilies( true );
    public void OnEnumerateEncodings( object sender, Event e )
      MyEncodingEnumerator fontEnumerator = new MyEncodingEnumerator();
      Log.LogMessage( "Enumerating all available encodings:\n{0}", fontEnumerator.Text );
    protected bool DoEnumerateFamilies( bool fixedWidthOnly )
      return DoEnumerateFamilies( fixedWidthOnly, FontEncoding.wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM, false );
    protected bool DoEnumerateFamilies( bool fixedWidthOnly, FontEncoding encoding )
      return DoEnumerateFamilies( fixedWidthOnly, encoding, false );
    protected bool DoEnumerateFamilies( bool fixedWidthOnly, FontEncoding encoding, bool silent)
      MyFontEnumerator fontEnumerator = new MyFontEnumerator();
      fontEnumerator.EnumerateFacenames( encoding, fixedWidthOnly );
      if ( fontEnumerator.GotAny )
        int nFacenames = fontEnumerator.Facenames.Count;
        if ( !silent )
          Log.LogStatus( "Found {0} {1}fonts", nFacenames, 
            fixedWidthOnly ? "fixed width" : "" );
        string facename;
        if ( silent) 
          facename = (string)fontEnumerator.Facenames[0];
          string[] facenames = new string[nFacenames];
          int n;
          for ( n = 0; n < nFacenames; n++ )
            facenames[n] = (string)fontEnumerator.Facenames[n];
          facename = new GetSingleChoice( "Choose a facename", "Font demo", facenames );
          /*for ( int i = 0; i < facenames.Length; i ++ )
            if ( facenames[i].Equals( result ) )
                n = i;
          if ( n != -1 )
            facename = facename[n];*/
        if ( !( facename.Length == 0 ) )
          Font font = new Font( 12, FontFamily.wxDEFAULT, FontStyle.wxNORMAL, FontWeight.wxNORMAL, false, facename, encoding );
          DoChangeFont( font );
        return true;
      else if ( !silent )
        Log.LogWarning( "No such fonts found." );
      return false;
    protected void DoResizeFont( int diff )
      Font font = m_canvas.TextFont;
      font.PointSize = font.PointSize + diff;
      DoChangeFont( font );
    protected void DoChangeFont( Font font )
      DoChangeFont( font, null );
    protected void DoChangeFont( Font font, Colour col)
      m_canvas.TextFont = font;
      if ( col != null )
        if ( col.Ok() )
          m_canvas.Colour = col;
      m_textctrl.Font = font;
      if ( col != null )
        if ( col.Ok() )
          m_textctrl.ForegroundColour = col;
  public class MyFontEnumerator : FontEnumerator
    private ArrayList m_facenames;
    public MyFontEnumerator()
      : base() 
      m_facenames = new ArrayList();
    public bool GotAny
      get { return ( m_facenames.Count > 0 ); } 
    public new ArrayList Facenames
      get { return m_facenames; }
    public override bool OnFacename( string facename )
      m_facenames.Add( facename );
      return true;
  public class MyEncodingEnumerator : FontEnumerator
    private int m_n;
    private string m_text;
    public MyEncodingEnumerator()
      : base() {}
    public string Text
      get { return m_text; }
    public override bool OnFontEncoding( string facename, 
      string encoding )
      string text = "Encoding " + ++m_n + ": " + encoding + " (available in facename '" + facename + "')\n";
      m_text += text;
      return true;

  public class FONT : wx.App
    public override bool OnInit()
      FontFrame frame = new FontFrame( "Font wxWidgets App", new Point( 50, 50 ), new Size( 600,400 ) );
      frame.Show( true );
      return true;

    static void Main()
      FONT app = new FONT();
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