// wx.NET/Samples - Listbook.cs
// wx.NET "Listbook" sample.
// Written by Alexander Olk (xenomorph2@onlinehome.de)
// (C) 2004 Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Listbook.cs,v 1.2 2007/10/21 15:30:41 harald_meyer Exp $
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace wx.SampleListbook{
public class ListbookFrame : Frame
enum Cmd
public TextCtrl textCtrl;
public MyListbook listbook;
public ListbookFrame(string title, Point pos, Size size)
: base(title, pos, size)
// Set the window icon and status bar
Icon = new wx.Icon("../Samples/Listbook/mondrian.png");
StatusText = "Welcome to the Listbook Sample!";
Menu menuFile = new Menu();
menuFile.AppendWL( (int)Cmd.About, "&About", new EventListener( OnAbout ) );
menuFile.AppendWL( (int)Cmd.Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program", new EventListener( OnQuit) );
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
menuBar.Append( menuFile, "&File" );
MenuBar = menuBar;
textCtrl = new TextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE | TextCtrl.wxTE_READONLY | TextCtrl.wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
Log.SetActiveTarget( textCtrl );
listbook = new MyListbook( this, -1 );
BoxSizer bSizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
bSizer.Add( listbook, 1, Stretch.wxGROW );
bSizer.Add( textCtrl, 0, Stretch.wxGROW );
Sizer = bSizer;
public void OnAbout( object sender, Event e )
MessageDialog.MessageBox( "wx.NET Listbook sample\n2004 by Alexander Olk", "About",
Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION);
public void OnQuit( object sender, Event e )
public class MyListbook : Listbook
public ImageList imageList;
public MyListbook( Window parent, int id)
: base( parent, id )
imageList = new ImageList( 32, 32 );
// load bitmaps
for ( int i = 1; i < 16; ++i )
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( String.Format( "../Samples/Listbook/bmp/toblom{0}.png",
i.ToString().PadLeft( 2, '0' ) ) );
imageList.Add( bmp );
AssignImageList( imageList );
for ( int i = 1; i < 16; ++i )
ListbookPanel p = new ListbookPanel( this, -1, i );
AddPage( p , String.Format( "Picture {0} ", i ), false, i - 1 );
EVT_LISTBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED( -1, new EventListener( OnPageChanged ) );
EVT_LISTBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING( -1, new EventListener( OnPageChanging ) );
public void OnPageChanged( object sender, Event e )
ListbookEvent le = (ListbookEvent) e;
Log.LogMessage( "OnPageChanged, old: " + le.OldSelection + ", " +
"new: " + le.Selection + ", Selection: " + this.Selection );
public void OnPageChanging( object sender, Event e )
ListbookEvent le = (ListbookEvent) e;
Log.LogMessage( "OnPageChanging, old: " + le.OldSelection + ", " +
"new: " + le.Selection + ", Selection: " + this.Selection );
public class ListbookPanel : Panel
public HtmlWindow htmlWindow;
public ListbookPanel( Window parent, int id, int number )
: base( parent, id )
htmlWindow = new HtmlWindow( this );
htmlWindow.AppendToPage( "<html><body><center><h1>This is HtmlWindow page " +
number + ".</h1><br><br><br>" +
"<img height=\"32\" width=\"32\" alt=\"\" " +
"src=\"" +
String.Format( "../Samples/Listbook/bmp/toblom{0}.png", number.ToString().PadLeft( 2, '0' ) ) +
"\">" +
"</center></body></html>" );
BoxSizer bSizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
bSizer.Add( htmlWindow, 1, Stretch.wxGROW );
Sizer = bSizer;
public class ListbookApp : wx.App
public override bool OnInit()
ListbookFrame frame = new ListbookFrame("Listbook wxWidgets Sample", new Point(10, 100), new Size(650,340));
return true;
static void Main()
ListbookApp app = new ListbookApp();