D3DTexture.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » RenderSystems » DirectX9 » C# / CSharp Open Source

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#region LGPL License
Axiom Game Engine Library
Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 
contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 
Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at http://ogre.sourceforge.net.  
Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.Media;
using Microsoft.DirectX;
using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D;
using D3DMicrosoft.DirectX.Direct3D;

namespace Axiom.RenderSystems.DirectX9{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for D3DTexture.
  /// </summary>
  public class D3DTexture : Axiom.Core.Texture {
    #region Fields

    /// <summary>
    ///     Direct3D device reference.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Device device;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Actual texture reference.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.BaseTexture texture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     1D/2D normal texture.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Texture normTexture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Cubic texture reference.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.CubeTexture cubeTexture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Temporary 1D/2D normal texture.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Texture tempNormTexture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Temporary cubic texture reference.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.CubeTexture tempCubeTexture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     3D volume texture.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.VolumeTexture volumeTexture;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Render surface depth/stencil buffer. 
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Surface depthBuffer;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Back buffer pixel format.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Format bbPixelFormat;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Direct3D device creation parameters.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.DeviceCreationParameters devParms;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Direct3D device capability structure.
    /// </summary>
    private D3D.Caps devCaps;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Array to hold texture names used for loading cube textures.
    /// </summary>
    private string[] cubeFaceNames = new string[6];

    #endregion Fields
    public D3DTexture(string name, D3D.Device device, TextureUsage usage, TextureType type)
      : this(name, device, type, 0, 0, 0, PixelFormat.Unknown, usage) {}

    public D3DTexture(string name, D3D.Device device, TextureType type, int width, int height, int numMipMaps, Axiom.Media.PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage) {
      Debug.Assert(device != null, "Cannot create a texture without a valid D3D Device.");

      this.name = name;
      this.usage = usage;
      this.textureType = type;

      // set the name of the cubemap faces
      if(this.TextureType == TextureType.CubeMap) {

      // get device caps
      devCaps = device.DeviceCaps;

      // save off the params used to create the Direct3D device
      this.device = device;
      devParms = device.CreationParameters;

      // get the pixel format of the back buffer
      using(D3D.Surface back = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3D.BackBufferType.Mono)) {
        bbPixelFormat = back.Description.Format;

      SetSrcAttributes(width, height, 1, format);

      // if render target, create the texture up front
      if(usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) {
        isLoaded = true;

    #region Properties

    /// <summary>
    ///    Gets the D3D Texture that is contained withing this Texture.
    /// </summary>
    public D3D.BaseTexture DXTexture {
      get { 
        return texture; 

    public D3D.Texture NormalTexture {
      get {
        return normTexture;

    public D3D.CubeTexture CubeTexture {
      get {
        return cubeTexture;

    public D3D.VolumeTexture VolumeTexture {
      get {
        return volumeTexture;

    public D3D.Surface DepthStencil {
      get {
        return depthBuffer;


    #region Methods

    public override void Load() {
      // unload if loaded already
            if (isLoaded) {

            // log a quick message
            LogManager.Instance.Write("D3DTexture: Loading {0} with {1} mipmaps from an Image.", name, numMipMaps);

            // create a render texture if need be
      if(usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) {
        isLoaded = true;

      // create a regular texture
      switch(this.TextureType) {
        case TextureType.OneD:
        case TextureType.TwoD:

        case TextureType.ThreeD:

        case TextureType.CubeMap:

          throw new Exception("Unsupported texture type!");

      isLoaded = true;

    public override void LoadImage(Image image) {
      // we need src image info
      this.SetSrcAttributes(image.Width, image.Height, 1, image.Format);
      // create a blank texture
      // set gamma prior to blitting
      Image.ApplyGamma(image.Data, this.gamma, image.Size, image.BitsPerPixel);
      isLoaded = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public override void Dispose() {
      base.Dispose ();

      if(texture != null)

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void ConstructCubeFaceNames(string name) {
      string baseName, ext;
      string[] postfixes = {"_rt", "_lf", "_up", "_dn", "_fr", "_bk"};

      int pos = name.LastIndexOf(".");

      baseName = name.Substring(0, pos);
      ext = name.Substring(pos);

      for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        cubeFaceNames[i] = baseName + postfixes[i] + ext;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadNormalTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(textureType == TextureType.OneD || textureType == TextureType.TwoD);

      Stream stream = TextureManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);

      // use D3DX to load the image directly from the stream
      normTexture = TextureLoader.FromStream(device, stream);

      // store a ref for the base texture interface
      texture = normTexture;

      // set the image data attributes
      SurfaceDescription desc = normTexture.GetLevelDescription(0);
      SetSrcAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));
      SetFinalAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));

      isLoaded = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadCubeTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(this.TextureType == TextureType.CubeMap, "this.TextureType == TextureType.CubeMap");

      if(name.EndsWith(".dds")) {
        Stream stream = TextureManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);

        // load the cube texture from the image data stream directly
        cubeTexture = TextureLoader.FromCubeStream(device, stream);

        // store off a base reference
        texture = cubeTexture;

        // set src and dest attributes to the same, we can't know
        D3D.SurfaceDescription desc = cubeTexture.GetLevelDescription(0);
        SetSrcAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));
        SetFinalAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));
      else {
        Image[] images = new Image[6];

        images[0] = Image.FromFile(cubeFaceNames[0]);
        SetSrcAttributes(images[0].Width, images[0].Height, 1, images[0].Format);

        // create the memory for the cube texture

        //                for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        //                    if(i > 0) {
        //                        images[i] = Image.FromFile(cubeFaceNames[i]);
        //                    }
        //                    // apply gamma first
        //                    Image.ApplyGamma(images[i].Data, this.Gamma, images[i].Size, images[i].BitsPerPixel);
        //                }

        // load each face texture into the cube face of the cube texture

      isLoaded = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadVolumeTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(this.TextureType == TextureType.ThreeD);

      Stream stream = TextureManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);

      // load the cube texture from the image data stream directly
      volumeTexture = TextureLoader.FromVolumeStream(device, stream);

      // store off a base reference
      texture = volumeTexture;

      // set src and dest attributes to the same, we can't know
      D3D.VolumeDescription desc = volumeTexture.GetLevelDescription(0);
      SetSrcAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Depth, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));
      SetFinalAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Depth, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateCubeTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(srcWidth > 0 && srcHeight > 0);

      // use current back buffer format for render textures, else use the one
      // defined by this texture format
      D3D.Format d3dPixelFormat = 
        (usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) ? bbPixelFormat : ChooseD3DFormat();

      // set the appropriate usage based on the usage of this texture
      D3D.Usage d3dUsage = 
        (usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) ? D3D.Usage.RenderTarget : 0;

      // how many mips to use?  make sure its at least one
      int numMips = (numMipMaps > 0) ? numMipMaps : 1;

      if(devCaps.TextureCaps.SupportsMipCubeMap) {
        if(this.CanAutoGenMipMaps(d3dUsage, ResourceType.CubeTexture, d3dPixelFormat)) {
          d3dUsage |= D3D.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap;
          numMips = 0;
      else {
        // no mip map support for this kind of texture
        numMipMaps = 0;
        numMips = 1;

      // HACK: Why does Managed D3D report R8G8B8 as an invalid format....
      if(d3dPixelFormat == D3D.Format.R8G8B8) {
        d3dPixelFormat = D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8;

      // create the cube texture
      cubeTexture = new D3D.CubeTexture(
        (usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) ? Pool.Default : Pool.Managed);

      // set the final texture attributes
      D3D.SurfaceDescription desc = cubeTexture.GetLevelDescription(0);
      SetFinalAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));

      // store base reference to the texture
      texture = cubeTexture;

      if(usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) {

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateDepthStencil() {
      // Get the format of the depth stencil surface of our main render target.
      D3D.Surface surface = device.DepthStencilSurface;
      D3D.SurfaceDescription desc = surface.Description;

      // Create a depth buffer for our render target, it must be of
      // the same format as other targets !!!
      depthBuffer = device.CreateDepthStencilSurface(
        // TODO: Verify this goes through, this is ridiculous

    private void CreateNormalTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(srcWidth > 0 && srcHeight > 0);

      // use current back buffer format for render textures, else use the one
      // defined by this texture format
      D3D.Format d3dPixelFormat = 
        (usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) ? bbPixelFormat : ChooseD3DFormat();

      // set the appropriate usage based on the usage of this texture
      D3D.Usage d3dUsage = 
        (usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) ? D3D.Usage.RenderTarget : 0;

      // how many mips to use?  make sure its at least one
      int numMips = (numMipMaps > 0) ? numMipMaps : 1;

      D3D.TextureRequirements texRequire = new D3D.TextureRequirements();
      texRequire.Width = srcWidth;
      texRequire.Height = srcHeight;

      if(devCaps.TextureCaps.SupportsMipMap && numMipMaps > 0) {
        if(this.CanAutoGenMipMaps(d3dUsage, ResourceType.Textures, d3dPixelFormat)) {
          d3dUsage |= D3D.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap;
          numMips = 0;
        else {
          if(usage != TextureUsage.RenderTarget) {
            // check texture requirements
            texRequire.NumberMipLevels = numMips;
            texRequire.Format = d3dPixelFormat;
            TextureLoader.CheckTextureRequirements(device, d3dUsage, Pool.SystemMemory, out texRequire);
            numMips = texRequire.NumberMipLevels;
            d3dPixelFormat = texRequire.Format;

            // we must create a temp. texture in SYSTEM MEMORY if no auto gen. mip map is present
            tempNormTexture = new D3D.Texture(
      else {
        // no mip map support for this kind of texture
        numMipMaps = 0;
        numMips = 1;

      // check texture requirements
      texRequire.NumberMipLevels = numMips;
      texRequire.Format = d3dPixelFormat;
      TextureLoader.CheckTextureRequirements(device, d3dUsage, Pool.Default, out texRequire);
      numMips = texRequire.NumberMipLevels;
      d3dPixelFormat = texRequire.Format;

      // create the texture
      normTexture = new D3D.Texture(

      // set the final texture attributes
      D3D.SurfaceDescription desc = normTexture.GetLevelDescription(0);
      SetFinalAttributes(desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, ConvertFormat(desc.Format));

      // store base reference to the texture
      texture = normTexture;

      if(usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget) {

    private void BlitImageToNormalTexture(Image image) {
      D3D.Format srcFormat = ConvertFormat(image.Format);
      D3D.Format dstFormat = ChooseD3DFormat();

      // this surface will hold our temp conversion image
      // We need this in all cases because we can't lock 
      // the main texture surfaces in all cards
      // Also , this cannot be the temp texture because we'd like D3DX to resize it for us
      // with the D3DxLoadSurfaceFromSurface
      D3D.Surface srcSurface;
      srcSurface = device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(image.Width, image.Height, dstFormat, D3D.Pool.Scratch);

      // copy the buffer to our surface, 
      // copyMemoryToSurface will do color conversion and flipping
      CopyMemoryToSurface(image.Data, srcSurface);

      // Now we need to copy the source surface (where our image is) to the texture
      // This will be a temp texture for s/w filtering and the final one for h/w filtering
      // This will perform any size conversion (inc stretching)
      D3D.Surface dstSurface;

      if (tempNormTexture != null) {
        // s/w mipmaps, use temp texture
        dstSurface = tempNormTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
      else {
        // h/w mipmaps, use the final texture
        dstSurface = normTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);

      // copy surfaces
      SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(dstSurface, srcSurface, D3D.Filter.Triangle | D3D.Filter.Dither, 0);

      if (tempNormTexture != null) {
        // Software filtering
        // Now update the texture & filter the results
        // we will use D3DX to create the mip map levels
        TextureLoader.FilterTexture(tempNormTexture, 0, D3D.Filter.Box);
        device.UpdateTexture(tempNormTexture, normTexture);
      else {
        // Hardware mipmapping
        // use best filtering method supported by hardware
        texture.AutoGenerateFilterType = GetBestFilterMethod();


    private void CopyMemoryToSurface(byte[] buffer, D3D.Surface surface) {
      // Copy the image from the buffer to the temporary surface.
      // We have to do our own colour conversion here since we don't 
      // have a DC to do it for us
      // NOTE - only non-palettised surfaces supported for now
      D3D.SurfaceDescription desc;
      int pBuf8, pitch;
      uint data32, out32;
      int iRow, iCol;

      // NOTE - dimensions of surface may differ from buffer
      // dimensions (e.g. power of 2 or square adjustments)
      // Lock surface
      desc = surface.Description;
      uint aMask, rMask, gMask, bMask, rgbBitCount;

      GetColorMasks(desc.Format, out rMask, out gMask, out bMask, out aMask, out rgbBitCount);

      // lock our surface to acces raw memory
      GraphicsStream stream = surface.LockRectangle(D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock, out pitch);

      // loop through data and do conv.
      pBuf8 = 0;
      for( iRow = 0; iRow < srcHeight; iRow++ ) {
        stream.Position = iRow * pitch;
        for( iCol = 0; iCol < srcWidth; iCol++ ) {
          // Read RGBA values from buffer
          data32 = 0;
          if( srcBpp >= 24 ) {
            // Data in buffer is in RGB(A) format
            // Read into a 32-bit structure
            // Uses bytes for 24-bit compatibility
            // NOTE: buffer is big-endian
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8++] << 24;
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8++] << 16;
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8++] << 8;
          else if( srcBpp == 8 ) { // Greyscale, not palettised (palettised NOT supported)
            // Duplicate same greyscale value across R,G,B
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8] << 24;
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8] << 16;
            data32 |= (uint)buffer[pBuf8++] << 8;
          // check for alpha
          if( hasAlpha ) {
            data32 |= buffer[pBuf8++];
          else {
            data32 |= 0xFF;  // Set opaque

          // Write RGBA values to surface
          // Data in surface can be in varying formats
          // Use bit concersion function
          // NOTE: we use a 32-bit value to manipulate
          // Will be reduced to size later

          // Red
          out32 = ConvertBitPattern( data32, 0xFF000000, rMask );
          // Green
          out32 |= ConvertBitPattern( data32, 0x00FF0000, gMask );
          // Blue
          out32 |= ConvertBitPattern( data32, 0x0000FF00, bMask );

          // Alpha
          if( aMask > 0 ) {
            out32 |= ConvertBitPattern( data32, 0x000000FF, aMask );

          // Assign results to surface pixel
          // Write up to 4 bytes
          // Surfaces are little-endian (low byte first)
          if( rgbBitCount >= 8 ) {
          if( rgbBitCount >= 16 ) {
            stream.WriteByte((byte)(out32 >> 8));
          if( rgbBitCount >= 24 ) {
            stream.WriteByte((byte)(out32 >> 16));
          if( rgbBitCount >= 32 ) {
            stream.WriteByte((byte)(out32 >> 24));
        } // for( iCol...
      } // for( iRow...
      // unlock the surface

    private uint ConvertBitPattern(uint srcValue, uint srcBitMask, uint destBitMask) {
      // Mask off irrelevant source value bits (if any)
      srcValue = srcValue & srcBitMask;

      // Shift source down to bottom of DWORD
      int srcBitShift = GetBitShift(srcBitMask);
      srcValue >>= srcBitShift;

      // Get max value possible in source from srcMask
      uint srcMax = srcBitMask >> srcBitShift;

      // Get max avaiable in dest
      int destBitShift = GetBitShift(destBitMask);
      uint destMax = destBitMask >> destBitShift;

      // Scale source value into destination, and shift back
      uint destValue = (srcValue * destMax) / srcMax;
      return (destValue << destBitShift);

    private int GetBitShift(uint mask) {
      if (mask == 0)
        return 0;

      int result = 0;
      while ((mask & 1) == 0) {
        mask >>= 1;
      return result;

    private void GetColorMasks(D3D.Format format, out uint red, out uint green, out uint blue, out uint alpha, out uint rgbBitCount) {
      // we choose the format of the D3D texture so check only for our pf types...
      switch (format) {
                case D3D.Format.X8R8G8B8:
                    red = 0x00FF0000; green = 0x0000FF00; blue = 0x000000FF; alpha = 0x00000000;
          rgbBitCount = 32;
        case D3D.Format.R8G8B8:
          red = 0x00FF0000; green = 0x0000FF00; blue = 0x000000FF; alpha = 0x00000000;
          rgbBitCount = 24;
        case D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8:
          red = 0x00FF0000; green = 0x0000FF00; blue = 0x000000FF; alpha = 0xFF000000;
          rgbBitCount = 32;
        case D3D.Format.X1R5G5B5:
          red = 0x00007C00; green = 0x000003E0; blue = 0x0000001F; alpha = 0x00000000;
          rgbBitCount = 16;
        case D3D.Format.R5G6B5:
          red = 0x0000F800; green = 0x000007E0; blue = 0x0000001F; alpha = 0x00000000;
          rgbBitCount = 16;
        case D3D.Format.A4R4G4B4:
          red = 0x00000F00; green = 0x000000F0; blue = 0x0000000F; alpha = 0x0000F000;
          rgbBitCount = 16;
          throw new AxiomException("Unknown D3D pixel format, this should not happen !!!");

    private D3D.TextureFilter GetBestFilterMethod() {
      // TODO : do it really :)
      return D3D.TextureFilter.Point;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="images"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private void BlitImagesToCubeTex() {
      for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        // get a reference to the current cube surface for this iteration
        D3D.Surface dstSurface;

        // Now we need to copy the source surface (where our image is) to 
        // either the the temp. texture level 0 surface (for s/w mipmaps)
        // or the final texture (for h/w mipmaps)
        if(tempCubeTexture != null) {
          dstSurface = tempCubeTexture.GetCubeMapSurface((CubeMapFace)i, 0);
        else {
          dstSurface = cubeTexture.GetCubeMapSurface((CubeMapFace)i, 0);

        // copy the image data to a memory stream
        Stream stream = TextureManager.Instance.FindResourceData(cubeFaceNames[i]);

        // load the stream into the cubemap surface
        SurfaceLoader.FromStream(dstSurface, stream, Filter.Point, 0);


      // After doing all the faces, we generate mipmaps
      // For s/w mipmaps this involves an extra copying step
      // TODO: Find best filtering method for this hardware, currently hardcoded to Point
      if(tempCubeTexture != null) {
        TextureLoader.FilterTexture(tempCubeTexture, 0, Filter.Point);
        device.UpdateTexture(tempCubeTexture, cubeTexture);

      else {
        cubeTexture.AutoGenerateFilterType = TextureFilter.Point;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="usage"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    /// <param name="format"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool CanAutoGenMipMaps(D3D.Usage srcUsage, D3D.ResourceType srcType, D3D.Format srcFormat) {
      Debug.Assert(device != null);

      if(device.DeviceCaps.DriverCaps.CanAutoGenerateMipMap) {
        // make sure we can do it!
        return D3D.Manager.CheckDeviceFormat(
          srcUsage | D3D.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap,

      return false;

    public void CopyToTexture(Axiom.Core.Texture target) {
      // TODO: Check usage and format, need Usage property on Texture

      D3DTexture texture = (D3DTexture)target;

      if(target.TextureType == TextureType.TwoD) {
        using(D3D.Surface srcSurface = normTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0),
              dstSurface = texture.NormalTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0)) {

          System.Drawing.Rectangle srcRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
          System.Drawing.Rectangle destRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height);
          // copy this texture surface to the target
      else {
        // TODO: Cube render targets

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateTexture() {
      Debug.Assert(srcWidth > 0 && srcHeight > 0);

      switch(this.TextureType) {
        case TextureType.OneD:
        case TextureType.TwoD:

        case TextureType.CubeMap:

          throw new Exception("Unknown texture type!");

    private D3D.Format ChooseD3DFormat() {
      if(finalBpp > 16 && hasAlpha) {
        return D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8;
      else if (finalBpp > 16 && !hasAlpha) {
        return D3D.Format.X8R8G8B8;
      else if(finalBpp == 16 && hasAlpha) {
        return D3D.Format.A4R4G4B4;
      else if(finalBpp == 16 && !hasAlpha) {
        return D3D.Format.R5G6B5;
      else {
        throw new Exception("Unknown pixel format!");

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="format"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public PixelFormat ConvertFormat(D3D.Format format) {
      switch(format) {
        case D3D.Format.A8:
          return PixelFormat.A8;
        case D3D.Format.A4L4:
          return PixelFormat.A4L4;
        case D3D.Format.A4R4G4B4:
          return PixelFormat.A4R4G4B4;
        case D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8:
          return PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8;
        case D3D.Format.A2R10G10B10:
          return PixelFormat.A2R10G10B10;
        case D3D.Format.L8:
          return PixelFormat.L8;
        case D3D.Format.X1R5G5B5:
        case D3D.Format.R5G6B5:
          return PixelFormat.R5G6B5;
        case D3D.Format.X8R8G8B8:
        case D3D.Format.R8G8B8:
          return PixelFormat.R8G8B8;

      return PixelFormat.Unknown;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="format"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public D3D.Format ConvertFormat(PixelFormat format) {
      switch(format) {
        case PixelFormat.L8:
          return D3D.Format.L8;
        case PixelFormat.A8:
          return D3D.Format.A8;
        case PixelFormat.B5G6R5:
        case PixelFormat.R5G6B5:
          return D3D.Format.R5G6B5;
        case PixelFormat.B4G4R4A4:
        case PixelFormat.A4R4G4B4:
          return D3D.Format.A4R4G4B4;
        case PixelFormat.B8G8R8:
        case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
          return D3D.Format.R8G8B8;
        case PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8:
        case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
          return D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8;
        case PixelFormat.L4A4:
        case PixelFormat.A4L4:
          return D3D.Format.A4L4;
        case PixelFormat.B10G10R10A2:
        case PixelFormat.A2R10G10B10:
          return D3D.Format.A2R10G10B10;

      return D3D.Format.Unknown;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="depth"></param>
    /// <param name="format"></param>
    private void SetSrcAttributes(int width, int height, int depth, PixelFormat format) {
      srcWidth = width;
      srcHeight = height;
      srcBpp = Image.GetNumElemBits(format);
      hasAlpha = Image.FormatHasAlpha(format);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="depth"></param>
    /// <param name="format"></param>
    private void SetFinalAttributes(int width, int height, int depth, PixelFormat format) {
      // set target texture attributes
      this.height = height; 
      this.width = width; 
      this.depth = depth;
      this.format = format; 

      // Update size (the final size, not including temp space)
      // this is needed in Resource class
      int bytesPerPixel = finalBpp >> 3;
      if(!hasAlpha && finalBpp == 32) {

      size = width * height * depth * bytesPerPixel * ((textureType == TextureType.CubeMap)? 6 : 1);

    public override void Unload() {

      if(isLoaded) {
        if(texture != null) {
        if(normTexture != null) {
        if(cubeTexture != null) {
        if(volumeTexture != null) {
        if(depthBuffer != null) {

        isLoaded = false;


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