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RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » PagingLandscape » Page » PageManager.cs
#region LGPL License


Axiom Game Engine Library

Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 

contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 

Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at  

Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


#endregion LGPL License

#region Using Directives

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Diagnostics;

using Axiom.Core;

using Axiom.MathLib;

using Axiom.Collections;

using Axiom.Media;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Collections;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Tile;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Data2D;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Renderable;

#endregion Using Directives

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Page{

  public enum CameraPageState


    Inside   = 1,

    Outside  = 2,

    Change   = 4


  /// <summary>

  /// Summary description for PageManager.

  /// </summary>

  public class PageManager


    #region Fields

    /// Root scene node
    protected SceneNode sceneRoot;

    /** LandScape pages for the terrain.
    protected Pages pages;

    /** Queues to batch the process of loading and unloading Pages.
      This avoid the plugin to load a lot of Pages in a single Frame, droping the FPS.
    protected PageQueue pageLoadQueue;
    protected PageQueue pageUnloadQueue;
    protected PageQueue pagePreloadQueue;
    protected PageQueue pagePostunloadQueue;

    /** LandScapePage index where the camera is.
    protected long currentCameraPageX, currentCameraPageZ;
    protected long currentCameraTileX, currentCameraTileZ;

    /** The last estate for the camera.
    protected CameraPageState lastCameraPageState;

    protected long width ;
    protected long heigth;

    protected int pause;
    protected Vector3 lastCameraPos;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Singleton Implementation


    /// <summary>

    /// Constructor

    /// </summary>

    public PageManager(SceneNode rootNode) 


      if (instance != null) 


        throw new ApplicationException("PageManager.Constructor() called twice!");


      instance = this;

      sceneRoot = rootNode;

      currentCameraPageX = 0;
      currentCameraPageZ = 0;
      currentCameraTileX = 0;
      currentCameraTileZ = 0;

      lastCameraPageState = CameraPageState.Change;

      lastCameraPos = new Vector3(-999999,9999999,-999999);

      pause = 99;

      width = Options.Instance.World_Width;
      heigth = Options.Instance.World_Height;

      pageLoadQueue = new PageQueue();
      pageUnloadQueue = new PageQueue();
      pagePreloadQueue = new PageQueue();
      pagePostunloadQueue = new PageQueue();
      //setup the page array.
      //    mPages.reserve (mWidth);
      //    mPages.resize (mWidth);
      pages = new Pages( width );
      for (long  i = 0; i < width; i++ )
        PageRow pr = new PageRow( heigth );

        //        mPages[ i ].reserve (mHeigth);
        //        mPages[ i ].resize (mHeigth);
        for (long  j = 0; j < heigth; j++ )
          pr.Add( new Page( i, j ) );

        pages.Add( pr );

      for (long  j = 0; j < heigth; j++ )
        for (long  i = 0; i < width; i++ )
          if ( j != heigth - 1)
            pages[ i ][ j     ].SetNeighbor( Neighbor.South, pages[ i ][ j + 1 ] );
            pages[ i ][ j + 1 ].SetNeighbor( Neighbor.North, pages[ i ][ j     ] );

          if ( i != width - 1)
            pages[ i     ][ j ].SetNeighbor( Neighbor.East, pages[ i + 1 ][ j ] );
            pages[ i + 1 ][ j ].SetNeighbor( Neighbor.West, pages[ i     ][ j ] );

    private static PageManager instance = null;

    public static PageManager Instance 




        return instance;



    #endregion Singleton Implementation

    #region IDisposable Implementation

    public void Dispose()


      if (instance == this) 


        instance = null;



    #endregion IDisposable Implementation

    public void Update( Camera cam )
      // Here we have to look if we have to load, unload any of the LandScape Pages
      //Vector3 pos = cam.getPosition();
      // Fix from Praetor, so the camera used gives you "world-relative" coordinates
      Vector3 pos = cam.DerivedPosition;

      //updateStats( pos );

      // Update only if the camera was moved
      // make sure in the bounding box of landscape  
      pos.y = 127.0f;
      if ( Options.Instance.CameraThreshold <= (lastCameraPos - pos).LengthSquared )
        // Check for the camera position in the LandScape Pages list, we check if we are in the inside the security zone
        //  if not, launch the change routine and update the camera position currentCameraX, currentCameraY.
        if ( pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ] != null && 
            pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].IsLoaded == false ||
            pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].IsCameraIn( pos ) != CameraPageState.Inside  
          // JEFF
          // convert camera pos to page index
          long i, j;
          Data2DManager.Instance.GetPageIndices(pos, out i, out j);
          //if (((currentCameraPageX != i) || (currentCameraPageZ != j)) &&
          Debug.Assert( i < width && j < heigth , "Page Indices out of bounds" );
          if ((pages[ i ] [ j ] == null) ||
            (pages[ i ][ j ].IsCameraIn ( pos ) != CameraPageState.Outside) 
            long adjpages = Options.Instance.Max_Adjacent_Pages;
            long prepages = Options.Instance.Max_Preload_Pages;
            long w = width;
            long h = heigth;

            // We must load the next visible landscape pages, 
            // and unload the last visibles
            // check the landscape boundaries  

            long iniX = ((int)(i - adjpages) > 0)? i - adjpages: 0;
            long iniZ = ((int)(j - adjpages) > 0)? j - adjpages: 0;
            long finX = (i + adjpages >= w )? w - 1: i + adjpages;
            long finZ = (j + adjpages >= h )? h - 1: j + adjpages;

            long preIniX = ((int)(i - prepages) > 0)? i - prepages: 0;
            long preIniZ = ((int)(j - prepages) > 0)? j - prepages: 0;
            long preFinX = (i + prepages >= w)?  w - 1: i + prepages;
            long preFinZ = (j + prepages >= h )? h - 1: j + prepages;

            // update the camera page position
            currentCameraPageX = i;
            currentCameraPageZ = j;

            // Have the current page be loaded now
            if ( pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].IsPreLoaded == false )
              pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].Preload();
            if ( pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].IsLoaded == false )
              pages[ currentCameraPageX ][ currentCameraPageZ ].Load(ref sceneRoot );
            // Queue the rest

            // Loading and unloading must be done one by one to avoid FPS drop, so they are queued.
            // No need to queue for preload since _ProcessLoading will do it in Load if required.                
            // post unload as required
            for( j  = 0; j < preIniZ; j++)
              for( i = 0 ; i < preIniX; i++)
                pageUnloadQueue.Push( pages[ i ][ j ] );
            for( j  = preFinZ + 1; j < h; j++)
              for( i = preFinX + 1; i < w; i++)
                pageUnloadQueue.Push( pages[ i ][ j ] );

            // Preload as required
            for ( j = preIniZ; j < iniZ; j++ )
              for ( i = preIniX; i < iniX; i++ )
                pagePreloadQueue.Push( pages[ i ][ j ] );
            for ( j = finZ; j <= preFinZ; j++ )
              for ( i = finX; i <= preFinX; i++ )
                pagePreloadQueue.Push( pages[ i ][ j ] );
            // load as required
            for ( j = iniZ; j <= finZ; j++ )
              for ( i = iniX; i <= finX; i++ )
                if ( !pages[ i ][ j ].IsLoaded )
                  pageLoadQueue.Push( pages[ i ][ j ] );
        // Update the last camera position
        lastCameraPos = pos;
        Tile.Tile t = GetTile (pos,(long)currentCameraPageX, (long)currentCameraPageZ);
        if (t != null)
          Tile.TileInfo CurrentTileInfo  = t.Info;
          if (CurrentTileInfo != null)
            currentCameraTileX = CurrentTileInfo.TileX;
            currentCameraTileZ = CurrentTileInfo.TileZ;

      // Check for visibility
      Camera plsmCam = (cam);
      for ( long j = 0; j < heigth; j++ )
        for ( long i = 0; i < width; i++ )
          pages[ i ][ j ].Notify (pos, plsmCam);

      // Preload, load, unload and post unload as required

    public long GetCurrentCameraPageX()    { return this.currentCameraPageX;    }
    public long GetCurrentCameraPageZ()    { return this.currentCameraPageZ;    }
    public long GetCurrentCameraTileX()    { return this.currentCameraTileX;    }
    public long GetCurrentCameraTileZ()    { return this.currentCameraTileZ;    }

    public int GetPagePreloadQueueSize()    { return this.pagePreloadQueue.Size;    }
    public int GetPageLoadQueueSize()       { return this.pageLoadQueue.Size;       }
    public int GetPageUnloadQueueSize()     { return this.pageUnloadQueue.Size;     }
    public int GetPagePostUnloadQueueSize() { return this.pagePostunloadQueue.Size; }

    public Page GetPage  ( long i ,  long j)
      return pages[i][j];

    public Tile.Tile GetTile  ( Vector3 pos)
      int pSize = (int)Options.Instance.PageSize - 1;
      Vector3 scale = Options.Instance.Scale;
      int w = (int) (Options.Instance.World_Width * 0.5f);
      int h = (int) (Options.Instance.World_Height * 0.5f);

      Vector3 TileRefPos = new Vector3   (pos.x / scale.x,
                        pos.z / scale.z);

      int pagex = (int) (TileRefPos.x / pSize + w);
      int pagez = (int) (TileRefPos.z / pSize + h );

      // make sure indices are not negative or outside range of number of pages
      if (pagex < 0 || pagex >= w*2 || pagez >= h*2 || pagez < 0)
        return null;
          int tSize = (int)Options.Instance.TileSize;

          int tilex = (int) ((TileRefPos.x - ((pagex - w) * pSize)) / tSize);
          int tilez = (int) ((TileRefPos.z - ((pagez - h) * pSize)) / tSize);

          pSize = (pSize / tSize) - 1;
          if (tilex > pSize || tilex < 0 || 
            tilez > pSize || tilez < 0)
            return null;               

          return pages[pagex][pagez].GetTile ((long)tilex, (long)tilez);

    public Tile.Tile GetTile(Vector3 pos, long pagex, long pagez)
       int pageSize = (int) Options.Instance.PageSize - 1;
      Vector3 scale = Options.Instance.Scale;
      int w = (int)(Options.Instance.World_Width * 0.5F);
      int h = (int)(Options.Instance.World_Height * 0.5F);
      Vector3 TileRefPos = new Vector3 ( pos.x / scale.x , pos.y, pos.z / scale.z );
      int pageX = (int) (TileRefPos.x / pageSize + w );
      int pageZ = (int) (TileRefPos.z / pageSize + h );

      // make sure indices are not negative or outside range of number of pages
      if ( pageX < 0 || pageX >= w * 2 || pageZ >= h * 2 || pageZ < 0 )
        return null;
        int tileSize = (int) Options.Instance.TileSize;
        int tilex = (int) ( ( TileRefPos.x - ( ( pageX  - w ) * pageSize ) ) / tileSize );
        int tilez = (int) ( ( TileRefPos.z - ( ( pageZ - h ) * pageSize ) ) / tileSize );

        pageSize = ( pageSize / tileSize ) -1;
        if ( tilex > pageSize || tilex < 0 || tilez > pageSize || tilez < 0 )
          return null;
        return pages[pageX][pageZ].GetTile(tilex, tilez);

    public Tile.Tile GetTileUnscaled(Vector3 pos)
      long pSize = Options.Instance.PageSize;
      long w = (long) ((float)Options.Instance.World_Width * 0.5f);
      long h = (long) ((float)Options.Instance.World_Height * 0.5f);

      Vector3 TileRefPos = pos;

      long pagex =  (long)(TileRefPos.x / pSize + w);
      long pagez =  (long)(TileRefPos.z / pSize + h);

      // make sure indices are not negative or outside range of number of pages
      if (pagex < 0 || pagex >= w*2 || pagez >= h*2 || pagez < 0)
        return null;
        long tSize = Options.Instance.TileSize;

        long tilex = (long)((TileRefPos.x - ((pagex - w) * pSize)) / tSize);
        long tilez = (long)((TileRefPos.z - ((pagez - h) * pSize)) / tSize);

        pSize = (pSize / tSize) - 1;
        if (tilex > pSize)
          tilex = pSize;
        else if (tilex < 0) 
          tilex = 0;

        if (tilez > pSize)
          tilez = pSize;
        else if (tilez < 0) 
          tilez = 0;  

        return pages[pagex][pagez].GetTile( tilex, tilez );

    protected void processLoading( )
      // Preload, load, unload and post unload as required
      /*    We try to PreLoad
        If no preload is required, then try to Load
        If no load is required, then try to UnLoad
        If no unload is required, then try to PostUnLoad.
      Page e;
      e = pagePreloadQueue.Pop();
      if ( e != null )
        e = pageLoadQueue.Pop();
        if ( e != null )
          e.Load( ref sceneRoot );
          if ( e.IsLoaded == false )
            if ( e.IsPreLoaded == false )
              // If we are not PreLoaded, then we must preload
              pagePreloadQueue.Push( e );
            // If we are not loaded then queue again, since maybe we are not preloaded.
            pageLoadQueue.Push( e );
          e = pageUnloadQueue.Pop();
          if ( e != null )
            e = pagePostunloadQueue.Pop();
            if ( e != null )
              if ( e.IsPreLoaded)
                // If we are not post unloaded the queue again
                pagePostunloadQueue.Push( e );
      // load some renderables

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