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#region LGPL License


Axiom Game Engine Library

Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 

contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 

Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at http://ogre.sourceforge.net.  

Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


#endregion LGPL License

#region Using Directives

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Diagnostics;

using Axiom.Core;

using Axiom.MathLib;

using Axiom.Collections;

using Axiom.Media;

using Axiom.Graphics;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Tile;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Page;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Collections;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Data2D;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Renderable;

using Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Texture;

#endregion Using Directives

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.PagingLandscape.Tile{

  /// <summary>

  /// Summary description for Tile.

  /// </summary>

  public class Tile : SceneObject


    #region Fields

    protected static string type = "PagingLandscapeTile";

    //movable object variables
    protected AxisAlignedBox bounds;
    protected AxisAlignedBox boundsExt;
    // if the tile is initialized
    protected bool init;
    // if the renderable is loaded
    protected bool loaded;  

    protected Renderable.Renderable renderable;

    protected SceneNode tileSceneNode;

    protected Tile[] neighbors;

    protected TileInfo info;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructor

    public Tile()
      info = new TileInfo();
      tileSceneNode = null;
      renderable = null;
      init = false;
      loaded = false;

      bounds = new AxisAlignedBox();
      boundsExt = new AxisAlignedBox();
      //worldBounds = new AxisAlignedBox();
      neighbors = new Tile[4];

    #endregion Constructor

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()




    public TileInfo Info 
        return info;

    /** Sets the appropriate neighbor for this TerrainRenderable.  Neighbors are necessary
    to know when to bridge between LODs.
    public void SetNeighbor( Neighbor n, Tile t )
      neighbors[(int) n ] = t;

    /** Returns the neighbor TerrainRenderable.
    public Tile GetNeighbor( Neighbor n )
      return neighbors[ (int)n ];

    /// <summary>

    /// Intersects Mainly with Landscape

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="start">begining of the segment</param>

    /// <param name="dir">direction of the secment</param>

    /// <param name="result">where the segment intersects with the terrain</param>

    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool IntersectSegment( Vector3 start, Vector3 dir, Vector3 result )
      Vector3 ray = start; 
      Vector3[] corners = worldAABB.Corners;

      // Addd the direction to the segment
      ray += dir;
      Data2D.Data2D data = Data2DManager.Instance.GetData2D(info.PageX, info.PageZ);
      if (data == null)
        // just go until next tile.
        while ( ! ( ( ray.x < corners[ 0 ].x ) ||
          ( ray.x > corners[ 4 ].x ) ||
          ( ray.z < corners[ 0 ].z ) ||
          ( ray.z > corners[ 4 ].z ) ) )
          ray += dir;
        float pageMax = 0f;
        if (renderable != null)
          if (renderable.IsLoaded )
            pageMax = renderable.MaxHeight ;
          pageMax = data.MaxHeight;

        while ( ! ( ( ray.x < corners[ 0 ].x ) ||
          ( ray.x > corners[ 4 ].x ) ||
          ( ray.z < corners[ 0 ].z ) ||
          ( ray.z > corners[ 4 ].z ) ) )
          if ( ray.y <= pageMax &&  // until under the max possible for this page/tile
            ray.y <= data.GetHeightAbsolute( ray.x, ray.z, info )// until under the max 

            // Found intersection range 
            // zone (ray -  dir < intersection < ray.y +  dir )
            // now do a precise check using a normalised Direction
            // vector. (that is < 0.1f)
            //                ray -= dir;
            //                Vector3 s = PagingLandScapeOptions::getSingleton().scale;                
            //                Vector3 PrecisionDir (dir.x / s.x,
            //                                        dir.y / s.y,
            //                                        dir.z / s.z);
            //                while( ray.y >= pageMax &&
            //                        ray.y >= tileMax)
            //                {
            //                    ray += PrecisionDir;
            //                }
            //                // until under the interpolated upon current LOD max 
            //                while( ray.y > PagingLandScapeData2DManager::getSingleton().getRealWorldHeight( ray.x, ray.z ))
            //                {
            //                    ray += PrecisionDir;
            //                }
            result = ray;
            return true;
          ray += dir;

      if ( ray.x < corners[ 0 ].x && neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.West ] != null )
        return neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.West ].IntersectSegment( ray, dir, result );
      else if ( ray.z < corners[ 0 ].z && neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.North ] != null )
        return neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.North ].IntersectSegment( ray, dir, result );
      else if ( ray.x > corners[ 4 ].x && neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.East ] != null )
        return neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.East ].IntersectSegment( ray, dir, result );
      else if ( ray.z > corners[ 4 ].z && neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.South ] != null )
        return neighbors[ (int)Neighbor.South ].IntersectSegment( ray, dir, result );
        if ( result != Vector3.Zero )
          result = new Vector3( -1, -1, -1 );

        return false;

    /// <summary>

    /// Make the Tile reload its vertices and normals (upon a modification of the height data)

    /// </summary>
    public void UpdateTerrain ()
      Debug.Assert (renderable != null);

    public Renderable.Renderable Renderable
        return renderable;    

    public void LinkRenderableNeighbor()
      // South
      if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South] != null)
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South].IsLoaded)
          Renderable.Renderable n = neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South].Renderable;
          Debug.Assert(n != null);
          renderable.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.South, n);
          n.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.North, renderable);

      if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North] != null)
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North].IsLoaded)
          Renderable.Renderable n = neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North].Renderable;
          Debug.Assert(n != null);
          renderable.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.North, n);
          n.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.South, renderable);

      if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East] != null)
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East].IsLoaded)
          Renderable.Renderable n = neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East].Renderable;
          Debug.Assert(n != null);
          renderable.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.East, n);
          n.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.West, renderable);

      if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West] != null)
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West].IsLoaded)
          Renderable.Renderable n = neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West].Renderable;
          Debug.Assert(n != null);
          renderable.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.West, n);
          n.SetNeighbor (Neighbor.East, renderable);


    public void Init( ref SceneNode ParentSceneNode, int tableX, int tableZ, int tileX, int tileZ )
      init = true;

      Vector3 ParentPos = ParentSceneNode.WorldPosition;

      info.PageX = tableX;
      info.PageZ = tableZ;
      info.TileX = tileX;
      info.TileZ = tileZ;
      // Calculate the offset from the parent for this tile

      Vector3 scale = Options.Instance.Scale;
      float endx = Options.Instance.TileSize * scale.x;
      float endz = Options.Instance.TileSize * scale.z;
      info.PosX = info.TileX * endx;
      info.PosZ = info.TileZ * endz;

      name = String.Format("tile[{0},{1}][{2},{3}]",info.PageX, info.PageZ, info.TileX, info.TileZ);
      tileSceneNode = (SceneNode)ParentSceneNode.CreateChild( name );

      // figure out scene node position within parent
      tileSceneNode.Position = new Vector3( info.PosX, 0, info.PosZ );

      tileSceneNode.AttachObject( this );

      float MaxHeight = Data2DManager.Instance.GetMaxHeight(info.PageX, info.PageZ);

      bounds.SetExtents( new Vector3(0,0,0) , new Vector3((float)( endx ), MaxHeight, (float)( endz )) );
      //Change Zone of this page
      boundsExt.SetExtents( new Vector3( - endx * 0.5f, - MaxHeight * 0.5f, - endz * 0.5f) , new Vector3(endx * 1.5f, MaxHeight * 1.5f , endz * 1.5f));

      //Change Zone of this page

      this.worldAABB.SetExtents( new Vector3(info.PosX + ParentPos.x ,0, info.PosZ + ParentPos.z), new Vector3((float)( info.PosX + ParentPos.x + endx), MaxHeight, (float)( info.PosZ + ParentPos.z + endz) ));
      //this.worldBounds.SetExtents( new Vector3(info.PosX + ParentPos.x ,0, info.PosZ + ParentPos.z), new Vector3((float)( info.PosX + ParentPos.x + endx), MaxHeight, (float)( info.PosZ + ParentPos.z + endz) ));

      for ( long i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        neighbors[ i ] = null;
      //force update in scene node
      //tileSceneNode.update( true, true );
      loaded = false;

    public void Release()
      if (init)
        init = false;

        if ( loaded && renderable != null )
          renderable = null;
          loaded = false;         
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North] != null)
          neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North].SetNeighbor(Neighbor.South, null);
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South] != null)
          neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South].SetNeighbor(Neighbor.North, null);
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East] != null)
          neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East].SetNeighbor(Neighbor.West, null);
        if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West] != null)
          neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West].SetNeighbor(Neighbor.East, null);
        for ( long i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
          neighbors[ i ] = null;

        if ( tileSceneNode != null )
          //mTileNode->getParent()->removeChild( mTileNode->getName() );
          //delete mTileNode;
          //assert (mTileSceneNode->getParent());

          // jsw - we need to call both of these to delete the scene node.  The first
          //  one removes it from the SceneManager's list of all nodes, and the 2nd one 
          //  removes it from the tree of scene nodes.
          tileSceneNode.Parent.RemoveChild( tileSceneNode );
          tileSceneNode = null;

        TileManager.Instance.FreeTile( this );

    /** Returns the bounding box of this LandScapeRenderable 
    public override AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox
        return bounds;

    /** Updates the level of detail to be used for rendering this PagingLandScapeRenderable based on the passed in Camera 
    public override void NotifyCurrentCamera( Axiom.Core.Camera cam )
        PagingLandscape.Camera plsmcam = (PagingLandscape.Camera) (cam);
      this.isVisible = (init && loaded && plsmcam.GetVisibility(tileSceneNode.WorldAABB));
//      this.isVisible = (init && loaded );

    public virtual void NotifyAttached(Node parent)
      this.parentNode = parent;
      if ( parent != null )
        tileSceneNode = (SceneNode)( parent.CreateChild( name ) );
        //mTileNode.setPosition( (Real)mTableX , 0.0, (Real)mTableZ );
        if ( renderable != null)
          if (renderable.IsLoaded)
          tileSceneNode.AttachObject( (SceneObject) renderable );

    public override void UpdateRenderQueue( RenderQueue queue ){/* not needed */}

    /** Overridden from SceneObject */
    public override float BoundingRadius { get { return 0F; /* not needed */ } }

    public void GetWorldTransforms( Matrix4[] xform ) 

    public Quaternion WorldOrientation
        return parentNode.DerivedOrientation;

    public Vector3 WorldPosition
        return parentNode.WorldPosition;

    public void Notify( Vector3 pos, PagingLandscape.Camera Cam)

      if ((( pos - tileSceneNode.DerivedPosition).LengthSquared <= 
        if ( loaded == false
          //&& Cam.getVisibility (mBoundsExt)) 
//          && Cam.GetVisibility (tileSceneNode.WorldAABB ))
          && Cam.GetVisibility (this.worldAABB ))
            // Request a renderable
            renderable = RenderableManager.Instance.GetRenderable();
            if ( renderable != null )
              //TODO: We may remove the PosX and PosZ since it is not necessary
              renderable.Init( info );
              // Set the material
              renderable.Material = Texture.TextureManager.Instance.GetMaterial( info.PageX, info.PageZ ) ;
              if ( tileSceneNode != null)
              //Queue it for loading
              RenderableManager.Instance.QueueRenderableLoading( renderable, this );
              loaded = true;


        if ( renderable != null )
          loaded = false;
          if ( tileSceneNode != null && renderable.IsLoaded )
            tileSceneNode.DetachObject( renderable );
          renderable = null;

    /// Gets all the patches within an AABB in world coordinates as GeometryData structs
    public virtual void GetRenderOpsInBox( AxisAlignedBox box, ArrayList opList)
      if ( MathUtil.Intersects(box, bounds ) != Intersection.None )
        RenderOperation rend = new RenderOperation();
        renderable.GetRenderOperation( rend );
        opList.Add( rend );

    public SceneNode TileNode 
        return tileSceneNode;

    public bool IsLoaded
        return loaded;



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