CharScanner.cs :  » Inversion-of-Control-Dependency-Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » C# / CSharp Open Source

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C# / CSharp Open Source » Inversion of Control Dependency Injection » » Spring » Expressions » Parser » antlr » CharScanner.cs
using System;
using Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.collections.impl;
using Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.debug;
using StreamSystem.IO.Stream;
using TextReaderSystem.IO.TextReader;
using StringBuilderSystem.Text.StringBuilder;
using HashtableSystem.Collections.Hashtable;
using AssemblySystem.Reflection.Assembly;
using EventHandlerListSystem.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList;

using BitSetSpring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;

namespace Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr{
  /*ANTLR Translator Generator
  * Project led by Terence Parr at
  * Software rights:
  * $Id:$

  // ANTLR C# Code Generator by Micheal Jordan
  //                            Kunle Odutola       : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com
  //                            Anthony Oguntimehin
  // With many thanks to Eric V. Smith from the ANTLR list.
  public abstract class CharScanner : TokenStream, ICharScannerDebugSubject
    internal const char NO_CHAR = (char) (0);
    public static readonly char EOF_CHAR = Char.MaxValue;

    // Used to store event delegates
    private EventHandlerList events_ = new EventHandlerList();

    protected internal EventHandlerList Events 
      get  { return events_;  }

    // The unique keys for each event that CharScanner [objects] can generate
    internal static readonly object EnterRuleEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object ExitRuleEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object DoneEventKey        = new object();
    internal static readonly object ReportErrorEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object ReportWarningEventKey    = new object();
    internal static readonly object NewLineEventKey        = new object();
    internal static readonly object MatchEventKey        = new object();
    internal static readonly object MatchNotEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object MisMatchEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object MisMatchNotEventKey      = new object();
    internal static readonly object ConsumeEventKey        = new object();
    internal static readonly object LAEventKey          = new object();
    internal static readonly object SemPredEvaluatedEventKey  = new object();
    internal static readonly object SynPredStartedEventKey    = new object();
    internal static readonly object SynPredFailedEventKey    = new object();
    internal static readonly object SynPredSucceededEventKey  = new object();

    protected internal StringBuilder text;        // text of current token
    protected bool saveConsumedInput = true;  // does consume() save characters?

    /// <summary>Used for creating Token instances.</summary>
    protected TokenCreator  tokenCreator;

    /// <summary>Used for caching lookahead characters.</summary>
    protected char      cached_LA1;
    protected char      cached_LA2;

    protected bool caseSensitive = true;
    protected bool caseSensitiveLiterals = true;
    protected Hashtable literals; // set by subclass
    /*Tab chars are handled by tab() according to this value; override
    *  method to do anything weird with tabs.
    protected internal int tabsize = 8;
    protected internal IToken returnToken_ = null; // used to return tokens w/o using return val.
    protected internal LexerSharedInputState inputState;
    /*Used during filter mode to indicate that path is desired.
    *  A subsequent scan error will report an error as usual if
    *  acceptPath=true;
    protected internal bool commitToPath = false;
    /*Used to keep track of indentdepth for traceIn/Out */
    protected internal int traceDepth = 0;
    public CharScanner()
      text = new StringBuilder();
      setTokenCreator(new CommonToken.CommonTokenCreator());
    public CharScanner(InputBuffer cb) : this()
      inputState = new LexerSharedInputState(cb);
      cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
      cached_LA1 = inputState.input.LA(1);
    public CharScanner(LexerSharedInputState sharedState) : this()
      inputState = sharedState;
      if (inputState != null)
        cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
        cached_LA1 = inputState.input.LA(1);

    public event TraceEventHandler EnterRule
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(EnterRuleEventKey, value);  }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(EnterRuleEventKey, value);  }

    public event TraceEventHandler ExitRule
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(ExitRuleEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(ExitRuleEventKey, value);  }

    public event TraceEventHandler Done
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(DoneEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(DoneEventKey, value);  }

    public event MessageEventHandler ErrorReported
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(ReportErrorEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(ReportErrorEventKey, value);  }

    public event MessageEventHandler WarningReported
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(ReportWarningEventKey, value);  }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(ReportWarningEventKey, value);  }

    public event NewLineEventHandler HitNewLine
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(NewLineEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(NewLineEventKey, value);  }

    public event MatchEventHandler MatchedChar
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(MatchEventKey, value);  }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(MatchEventKey, value);  }

    public event MatchEventHandler MatchedNotChar
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(MatchNotEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(MatchNotEventKey, value);  }

    public event MatchEventHandler MisMatchedChar
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(MisMatchEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(MisMatchEventKey, value);  }

    public event MatchEventHandler MisMatchedNotChar
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(MisMatchNotEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(MisMatchNotEventKey, value);  }

    public event TokenEventHandler ConsumedChar
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(ConsumeEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(ConsumeEventKey, value);  }

    public event TokenEventHandler CharLA
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(LAEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(LAEventKey, value);  }

    public event SemanticPredicateEventHandler SemPredEvaluated
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(SemPredEvaluatedEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(SemPredEvaluatedEventKey, value);  }

    public event SyntacticPredicateEventHandler SynPredStarted
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(SynPredStartedEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(SynPredStartedEventKey, value);  }

    public event SyntacticPredicateEventHandler SynPredFailed
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(SynPredFailedEventKey, value);  }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(SynPredFailedEventKey, value);  }

    public event SyntacticPredicateEventHandler SynPredSucceeded
      add    {  Events.AddHandler(SynPredSucceededEventKey, value);    }
      remove  {  Events.RemoveHandler(SynPredSucceededEventKey, value);  }

    // From interface TokenStream
    public virtual IToken nextToken() { return null; }

    public virtual void  append(char c)
      if (saveConsumedInput)
    public virtual void  append(string s)
      if (saveConsumedInput)
    public virtual void  commit()
    public virtual void recover(RecognitionException ex, BitSet tokenSet)
    public virtual void  consume()
      if (inputState.guessing == 0)
        if (caseSensitive)
          // use input.LA(), not LA(), to get original case
          // CharScanner.LA() would toLower it.
        if (cached_LA1 == '\t')
      if (caseSensitive)
        cached_LA1 = inputState.input.consume();
        cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
        cached_LA1 = toLower(inputState.input.consume());
        cached_LA2 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(2));
    /*Consume chars until one matches the given char */
    public virtual void  consumeUntil(int c)
      while ((EOF_CHAR != cached_LA1) && (c != cached_LA1))
    /*Consume chars until one matches the given set */
    public virtual void  consumeUntil(BitSet bset)
      while (cached_LA1 != EOF_CHAR && !bset.member(cached_LA1))
    public virtual bool getCaseSensitive()
      return caseSensitive;
    public bool getCaseSensitiveLiterals()
      return caseSensitiveLiterals;
    public virtual int getColumn()
      return inputState.column;
    public virtual void  setColumn(int c)
      inputState.column = c;
    public virtual bool getCommitToPath()
      return commitToPath;
    public virtual string getFilename()
      return inputState.filename;
    public virtual InputBuffer getInputBuffer()
      return inputState.input;
    public virtual LexerSharedInputState getInputState()
      return inputState;
    public virtual void  setInputState(LexerSharedInputState state)
      inputState = state;
    public virtual int getLine()
      return inputState.line;
    /*return a copy of the current text buffer */
    public virtual string getText()
      return text.ToString();
    public virtual IToken getTokenObject()
      return returnToken_;
    public virtual char LA(int i)
      if (i == 1)
        return cached_LA1;
      if (i == 2)
        return cached_LA2;
      if (caseSensitive)
        return inputState.input.LA(i);
        return toLower(inputState.input.LA(i));
    protected internal virtual IToken makeToken(int t)
      IToken  newToken  = null;
      bool  typeCreated;

        newToken = tokenCreator.Create();
        if (newToken != null)
          newToken.Type = t;
          // tracking real start line now: newToken.setLine(inputState.line);
        typeCreated  = true;
        typeCreated = false;

      if (!typeCreated)
        panic("Can't create Token object '" + tokenCreator.TokenTypeName + "'");
        newToken = Token.badToken;
      return newToken;
    public virtual int mark()
      return inputState.input.mark();
    public virtual void  match(char c)
      match((int) c);

    public virtual void  match(int c)
      if (cached_LA1 != c)
        throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, Convert.ToChar(c), false, this);
    public virtual void  match(BitSet b)
      if (!b.member(cached_LA1))
        throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, b, false, this);
    public virtual void  match(string s)
      int len = s.Length;
       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if (cached_LA1 != s[i])
          throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, s[i], false, this);
    public virtual void  matchNot(char c)
      matchNot((int) c);
    public virtual void  matchNot(int c)
      if (cached_LA1 == c)
        throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, Convert.ToChar(c), true, this);
    public virtual void  matchRange(int c1, int c2)
      if (cached_LA1 < c1 || cached_LA1 > c2)
        throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, Convert.ToChar(c1), Convert.ToChar(c2), false, this);
    public virtual void  matchRange(char c1, char c2)
      matchRange((int) c1, (int) c2);
    public virtual void  newline()
      inputState.column = 1;
    /*advance the current column number by an appropriate amount
    *  according to tab size. This method is called from consume().
    public virtual void  tab()
      int c = getColumn();
      int nc = (((c - 1) / tabsize) + 1) * tabsize + 1; // calculate tab stop
    public virtual void  setTabSize(int size)
      tabsize = size;
    public virtual int getTabSize()
      return tabsize;
    public virtual void panic()
      //Console.Error.WriteLine("CharScanner: panic");

    /// <summary>
    /// This method is executed by ANTLR internally when it detected an illegal
    /// state that cannot be recovered from.
    /// The previous implementation of this method called <see cref="Environment.Exit"/>
    /// and writes directly to <see cref="Console.Error"/>, which is usually not 
    /// appropriate when a translator is embedded into a larger application.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">Error message.</param>
    public virtual void panic(string s)
      //Console.Error.WriteLine("CharScanner; panic: " + s);
      throw new ANTLRPanicException("CharScanner::panic: " + s);
    /*Parser error-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
    public virtual void  reportError(RecognitionException ex)
    /*Parser error-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
    public virtual void  reportError(string s)
      if (getFilename() == null)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("error: " + s);
        Console.Error.WriteLine(getFilename() + ": error: " + s);
    /*Parser warning-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
    public virtual void  reportWarning(string s)
      if (getFilename() == null)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("warning: " + s);
        Console.Error.WriteLine(getFilename() + ": warning: " + s);
    public virtual void refresh()
      if (caseSensitive)
        cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
        cached_LA1 = inputState.input.LA(1);
        cached_LA2 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(2));
        cached_LA1 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(1));

    public virtual void resetState(InputBuffer ib)
      text.Length = 0;
      traceDepth = 0;

    public void resetState(Stream s)
      resetState(new ByteBuffer(s));

    public void resetState(TextReader tr)
      resetState(new CharBuffer(tr));

    public virtual void  resetText()
      text.Length = 0;
      inputState.tokenStartColumn = inputState.column;
      inputState.tokenStartLine = inputState.line;
    public virtual void  rewind(int pos)
      if (caseSensitive)
        cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
        cached_LA1 = inputState.input.LA(1);
        cached_LA2 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(2));
        cached_LA1 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(1));
    public virtual void  setCaseSensitive(bool t)
      caseSensitive = t;
      if (caseSensitive)
        cached_LA2 = inputState.input.LA(2);
        cached_LA1 = inputState.input.LA(1);
        cached_LA2 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(2));
        cached_LA1 = toLower(inputState.input.LA(1));
    public virtual void  setCommitToPath(bool commit)
      commitToPath = commit;
    public virtual void  setFilename(string f)
      inputState.filename = f;
    public virtual void  setLine(int line)
      inputState.line = line;
    public virtual void  setText(string s)
    public virtual void  setTokenObjectClass(string cl)
      this.tokenCreator = new ReflectionBasedTokenCreator(this, cl);
    public virtual void  setTokenCreator(TokenCreator tokenCreator)
      this.tokenCreator = tokenCreator;
    // Test the token text against the literals table
    // Override this method to perform a different literals test
    public virtual int testLiteralsTable(int ttype)
      string tokenText = text.ToString();

      if ( (tokenText == null) || (tokenText == string.Empty) )
        return ttype;
        object typeAsObject = literals[tokenText];
        return (typeAsObject == null) ? ttype : ((int) typeAsObject);
    /*Test the text passed in against the literals table
    * Override this method to perform a different literals test
    * This is used primarily when you want to test a portion of
    * a token.
    public virtual int testLiteralsTable(string someText, int ttype)
      if ( (someText == null) || (someText == string.Empty) )
        return ttype;
        object typeAsObject = literals[someText];
        return (typeAsObject == null) ? ttype : ((int) typeAsObject);
    // Override this method to get more specific case handling
    public virtual char toLower(int c)
      return Char.ToLower(Convert.ToChar(c), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    public virtual void  traceIndent()
       for (int i = 0; i < traceDepth; i++)
        Console.Out.Write(" ");
    public virtual void  traceIn(string rname)
      traceDepth += 1;
      Console.Out.WriteLine("> lexer " + rname + "; c==" + LA(1));
    public virtual void  traceOut(string rname)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("< lexer " + rname + "; c==" + LA(1));
      traceDepth -= 1;
    /*This method is called by YourLexer.nextToken() when the lexer has
    *  hit EOF condition.  EOF is NOT a character.
    *  This method is not called if EOF is reached during
    *  syntactic predicate evaluation or during evaluation
    *  of normal lexical rules, which presumably would be
    *  an IOException.  This traps the "normal" EOF condition.
    *  uponEOF() is called after the complete evaluation of
    *  the previous token and only if your parser asks
    *  for another token beyond that last non-EOF token.
    *  You might want to throw token or char stream exceptions
    *  like: "Heh, premature eof" or a retry stream exception
    *  ("I found the end of this file, go back to referencing file").
    public virtual void  uponEOF()

    private class ReflectionBasedTokenCreator : TokenCreator
      protected ReflectionBasedTokenCreator() {}

      public ReflectionBasedTokenCreator(CharScanner owner, string tokenTypeName)
        this.owner = owner;

      private CharScanner owner;

      /// <summary>
      /// The fully qualified name of the Token type to create.
      /// </summary>
      private string tokenTypeName;

      /// <summary>
      /// Type object used as a template for creating tokens by reflection.
      /// </summary>
      private Type tokenTypeObject;

      /// <summary>
      /// Returns the fully qualified name of the Token type that this
      /// class creates.
      /// </summary>
      private void SetTokenType(string tokenTypeName)
        this.tokenTypeName = tokenTypeName;
        foreach (Assembly assem in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
            tokenTypeObject = assem.GetType(tokenTypeName);
            if (tokenTypeObject != null)
            throw new TypeLoadException("Unable to load Type for Token class '" + tokenTypeName + "'");
        if (tokenTypeObject==null)
          throw new TypeLoadException("Unable to load Type for Token class '" + tokenTypeName + "'");

      /// <summary>
      /// Returns the fully qualified name of the Token type that this
      /// class creates.
      /// </summary>
      public override string TokenTypeName
          return tokenTypeName; 

      /// <summary>
      /// Constructs a <see cref="Token"/> instance.
      /// </summary>
      public override IToken Create()
        IToken newToken = null;

          newToken = (Token) Activator.CreateInstance(tokenTypeObject);
          // supress exception
        return newToken;
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