ObjectWrapperTests.cs :  » Inversion-of-Control-Dependency-Injection » Spring.net » Spring » Objects » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Spring.net » Spring » Objects » ObjectWrapperTests.cs
#region License

 * Copyright 2002-2004 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#region Imports

using System;
using System.Collections;
#if NET_2_0
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

using Common.Logging;
using Common.Logging.Simple;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Spring.Collections;
using Spring.Core;
using Spring.Core.TypeConversion;
using Spring.Objects.Factory;
using Spring.Util;


namespace Spring.Objects{
  /// <summary>
  /// Unit tests for the ObjectWrapper class.
  /// </summary>
  /// <author>Rod Johnson</author>
  /// <author>Mark Pollack (.NET)</author>
  /// <author>Rick Evans (.NET)</author>
  public sealed class ObjectWrapperTests
    /// <summary>
    /// The setup logic executed before the execution of this test fixture.
    /// </summary>
    public void FixtureSetUp()
      // enable logging (to nowhere), just to exercisee the logging code...
            LogManager.Adapter = new NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter();

    #region Classes Used During Tests
        public class Person
            private IList favoriteNames = new ArrayList();
            private IDictionary properties = new Hashtable();
            private string sillyString;
            public Person()
            public Person(IList favNums)
                favoriteNames = favNums;

            public string SillyString
                get { return sillyString;  }
            public IList FavoriteNames
                get { return favoriteNames; }
            public IDictionary Properties
                get { return properties;  }
            public string this[int index]
                get { return (string)favoriteNames[index]; }
                set { favoriteNames[index] = value; }
            public string this[string keyName]
                get { return (string) properties[keyName]; }
                set { properties.Add(keyName,value); }
            public string this[int index, string keyname]
                get { return sillyString;  }
                set { sillyString = index + "-" + keyname + ",val=" + value;}


#if NET_2_0      
      public class GenericPerson
            private List<string> favoriteNames = new List<string>();
            private IDictionary<string, string> properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            public GenericPerson()
            public GenericPerson(List<string> favNums)
                favoriteNames = favNums;

            public string this[int index]
                get { return (string)favoriteNames[index]; }
                set { favoriteNames[index] = value; }
            public string this[string keyName]
                get { return properties[keyName]; }
                set { properties.Add(keyName, value); }

        public class AltPerson
            private IList favoriteNames = new ArrayList();
            public AltPerson()
            public AltPerson(IList favNums)
                favoriteNames = favNums;

            public string this[int index]
                get { return (string)favoriteNames[index]; }
                set { favoriteNames[index] = value; }

    public class NoNullsList : ArrayList
      public override int Add(object value)
        if (value == null)
          throw new NullReferenceException("Adding nulls is not supported in this implementation.");
        return base.Add(value);

    private class Honey
      public Honey(IList akas)
        _akas = new Aliases(akas);

      protected Aliases _akas;

      public Aliases AlsoKnownAs
        get { return _akas; }

      public string this[int index]
        get { return AlsoKnownAs[index]; }

    private class NonReadableHoney : Honey
      public NonReadableHoney(IList akas) : base(akas)

      new public Aliases AlsoKnownAs
        set { _akas = value; }

    private class Milk
      public Milk(Honey[] honeys)

      public Honey[] Honeys

    private sealed class Aliases
      private IList _names;

      public Aliases() : this(new ArrayList())

      public Aliases(IList names)
        _names = names;

      public string this[int index]
        get { return (string) _names[index]; }
        set { _names[index] = value; }

    private sealed class RealNestedTestObject
      public TestObject Datum
        get { return _datum; }
        set { _datum = value; }

      private TestObject _datum;

    private sealed class WanPropsClass
      public bool IsWan
        get { return true; }

    private sealed class StringAppenderConverter : TypeConverter
      public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
        if (sourceType == typeof (string))
          return true;
        return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);

      public override object ConvertFrom(
        ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object val)
        if (val is string)
          return "OctopusOil : " + val;
        return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, val);

    private sealed class TestStringArrayConverter : TypeConverter
      public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
        if (sourceType == typeof (string[]))
          return true;
        return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);

      public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object val)
        if (val is string[])
          return "-" + StringUtils.CollectionToCommaDelimitedString(val as string[]) + "-";
        return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, val);

    private sealed class TestObjectArrayConverter : TypeConverter
      public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
        if (sourceType == typeof (string))
          return true;
        return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);

      public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object val)

        if (val is string)
          return new TestObject((string) val, 99);
        return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, val);

    private sealed class ObjectWithTypeProperty
      private Type _type;

      public Type Type
        get { return _type; }
        set { _type = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// A class for use in testing the object wrapper with read only properties.
    /// </summary>
    private sealed class NoRead
      public int Age

    private sealed class GetterObject
      public string Name
          if (_name == null)
            throw new ApplicationException("name property must be set");
          return _name;
        set { _name = value; }

      private string _name;

    private sealed class ThrowsException
      public void DoSomething(Exception t)
        throw t;

    internal sealed class PrimitiveArrayObject
      public int[] Array
        get { return array; }
        set { this.array = value; }

      private int[] array;

    private sealed class PropsTest
      public NameValueCollection Properties

      public String Name

      public String[] StringArray
        set { this.stringArray = value; }

      public int[] IntArray
        set { this.intArray = value; }

      public String[] stringArray;
      public int[] intArray;


    #region Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Factory method for getting an ObjectWrapper instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new object wrapper (with no WrappedObject).</returns>
    private ObjectWrapper GetWrapper()
      return new ObjectWrapper();

    /// <summary>
    /// Factory method for getting an ObjectWrapper instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="objectToBeWrapped">
    /// The object that is to be wrapped by the returned object wrapper.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A new object wrapper that wraps the supplied <paramref name="objectToBeWrapped"/>.
    /// </returns>
    private ObjectWrapper GetWrapper(object objectToBeWrapped)
      return new ObjectWrapper(objectToBeWrapped);


    [ExpectedException(typeof (TypeMismatchException))]
    public void SetPropertyUsingValueThatNeedsConversionWithNoCustomConverterRegistered()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject("Rick", 30));
      // needs conversion to NestedTestObject...
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("doctor", "Pollack, Pinch, & Pounce");

    public void GetValueOfCustomIndexerProperty()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      Honey darwin = new Honey(new string[] {"dickens", "of gaunt"});
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = darwin;
      string alias = (string) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("AlsoKnownAs[1]");
      Assert.AreEqual("of gaunt", alias);

            alias = (string) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("[1]");
        Assert.AreEqual("of gaunt", alias, "indexer on object not working.");
        wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Item[1]", "of foobar");
            alias = (string)wrapper.GetPropertyValue("[1]");
            Assert.AreEqual("of foobar", alias, "indexer on object not working.");

        public void GetSetIndexerProperties()
            IList favNames = new ArrayList();
            favNames.Add("Master Shake");
            Person p = new Person(favNames);
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
            wrapper.WrappedInstance = p;

            //This is 'new' Spring.Expressions notation, i.e. not "Item[i]" but plain [i].
            string name = (string)wrapper.GetPropertyValue("[0]");
            Assert.AreEqual("Master Shake", name);
            wrapper.SetPropertyValue("[0]", "Carl");
            name = (string)wrapper.GetPropertyValue("[0]");
            Assert.AreEqual("Carl", name);

            //Try with Custom Indexer Name.
            favNames = new ArrayList();
            favNames.Add("Master Shake");
            AltPerson ap = new AltPerson(favNames);
            wrapper = GetWrapper();
            wrapper.WrappedInstance = ap;

            name = (string)wrapper.GetPropertyValue("FavoriteName[0]");
            Assert.AreEqual("Master Shake", name);


    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetValueOfCustomIndexerPropertyWithMalformedIndexer()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      Honey darwin = new Honey(new string[] {"dickens", "of gaunt"});
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = darwin;

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void GetPropertyTypeWithNullPropertyPath()

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void GetPropertyTypeWithEmptyPropertyPath()

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void GetPropertyTypeWithWhitespacedPropertyPath()
      GetWrapper().GetPropertyType("      ");

    public void GetPropertyType()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject());
      Type propertyType = wrapper.GetPropertyType("name");
      Assert.AreEqual(typeof (string), propertyType);

    public void GetPropertyTypeFromField_SPRNET502()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject());
      Type propertyType = wrapper.GetPropertyType("FileModeEnum");
      Assert.AreEqual(typeof (FileMode), propertyType);

    public void GetPropertyTypeWithNestedLookup()
      TestObject target = new TestObject();
      target.Spouse = new TestObject("Fiona", 28);
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(target);
      Type propertyType = wrapper.GetPropertyType("spouse.age");
      Assert.AreEqual(typeof (int), propertyType);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (NotWritablePropertyException))]
    public void SetValueOfCustomIndexerPropertyWithNonReadablePropertyInIndexedPath()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      Honey[] honeys = new NonReadableHoney[] {new NonReadableHoney(new string[] {"hsu", "feng"})};
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = new Milk(honeys);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Honeys[0][0]", "mei");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (TypeMismatchException))]
    public void SetPropertyThatRequiresTypeConversionWithNonConvertibleType()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = to;
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("RealLawyer", "Noob");

    /// <summary>
    /// This test blows up because index is out of range.
    /// </summary>
    public void SetIndexedPropertyOnListThatsOutOfRange()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Friends = new NoNullsList();
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Friends[5]", "Inheritance Tax");

    /// <summary>
    /// Tests that a property lookup such as <c>foo[0][1]['ben'][12]</c> is ok
    /// Well, rather it tests that its valid... 'cos man, that shoh ain't ok :D
    /// </summary>
    public void GetChainedIndexers()
      Honey to = new Honey(new string[] {"wee", "jakey", "ned"});
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      Assert.AreEqual('j', wrapper.GetPropertyValue("AlsoKnownAs[1][0]"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that passing a null value of the object to manipulate with the ObjectWrapper
    /// will throw a FatalPropertyException with the correct exception message.
    /// </summary>
    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void NullObject()
      new ObjectWrapper((object) null);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void InstantiateWithInterfaceType()
      new ObjectWrapper(typeof (IList));

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void InstantiateWithAbstractType()
      new ObjectWrapper(typeof (AbstractObjectFactoryTests));

    public void InstantiateWithOkType()
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(typeof (TestObject));

    public void NestedProperties()
      string doctorCompany = "";
      string lawyerCompany = "Dr. Sueem";
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Doctor.Company", doctorCompany);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Lawyer.Company", lawyerCompany);
      Assert.AreEqual(doctorCompany, to.Doctor.Company);
      Assert.AreEqual(lawyerCompany, to.Lawyer.Company);

    public void GetterThrowsException()
      GetterObject go = new GetterObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(go);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Name", "tom");
      Assert.IsTrue(go.Name.Equals("tom"), "Expected name to be set to 'tom'");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (NotReadablePropertyException))]
    public void TryToReadTheValueOfAWriteOnlyProperty()
      NoRead nr = new NoRead();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(nr);

    public void TryToReadAnIndexedValueFromANullProperty()
      TestObject o = new TestObject();
      o.Friends = null;
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that applying an empty MutablePropertyValues does not modify the object contents.
    /// </summary>
    public void EmptyPropertyValuesSet()
      TestObject t = new TestObject();
      int age = 50;
      string name = "Tony";
      t.Age = age;
      t.Name = name;
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(t);
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Age.Equals(age), "Age is not set correctly");
      Assert.IsTrue(name.Equals(t.Name), "Name is not set correctly");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValues(new MutablePropertyValues());
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Age.Equals(age), "Age is not set correctly");
      Assert.IsTrue(name.Equals(t.Name), "Name is not set correctly");

    /// <summary>
    /// Test basic ObjectWrapper functionality by setting properties using MutablePropertyValues.
    /// </summary>
    public void AllValid()
      TestObject t = new TestObject();
      string newName = "tony";
      int newAge = 65;
      string newTouchy = "valid";
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(t);
      MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
      pvs.Add(new PropertyValue("Age", newAge));
      pvs.Add(new PropertyValue("Name", newName));
      pvs.Add(new PropertyValue("Touchy", newTouchy));
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Name.Equals(newName), "Validly set property must stick");
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Touchy.Equals(newTouchy), "Validly set property must stick");
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Age == newAge, "Validly set property must stick");

    public void IndividualAllValid()
      TestObject t = new TestObject();
      String newName = "tony";
      int newAge = 65;
      string newTouchy = "valid";
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(t);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", newAge);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("Name", newName));
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("Touchy", newTouchy));
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Name.Equals(newName), "Validly set property must stick");
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Touchy.Equals(newTouchy), "Validly set property must stick");
      Assert.IsTrue(t.Age == newAge, "Validly set property must stick");

    public void SettingAnInvalidValue()
      TestObject t = new TestObject();
      string newName = "tony";
        IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(t);
        MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
        pvs.Add(new PropertyValue("Age", "foobar"));
        pvs.Add(new PropertyValue("Name", newName));
        Assert.Fail("Should throw exception when setting an invalid value");
      catch (PropertyAccessExceptionsException ex)
        Assert.IsTrue(ex.ExceptionCount == 1, "Must contain 2 exceptions");
        // Test validly set property matches
        Assert.IsTrue(t.Name.Equals(newName), "Validly set property must stick");
        Assert.IsTrue(t.Age == 0, "Invalidly set property must retain old value");
      catch (Exception ex)
          "Shouldn't throw exception other than PropertyAccessExceptions.  Exception Message = " + ex.Message);

    public void ArrayToStringConversion()
      TestObject t = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(t);
      TypeConverterRegistry.RegisterConverter(typeof(string), new TestStringArrayConverter());
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Name", new string[] {"a", "b"});
      Assert.AreEqual("-a,b-", t.Name);

    public void ArrayToArrayConversion()
      IndexedTestObject to = new IndexedTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
            TypeConverterRegistry.RegisterConverter(typeof(TestObject), new TestObjectArrayConverter());
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Array", new string[] {"a", "b"});
      Assert.AreEqual("a", to.Array[0].Name);
      Assert.AreEqual("b", to.Array[1].Name);

    public void PrimitiveArray()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Array", new String[] {"1", "2"});
      Assert.AreEqual(2, to.Array.Length);
      Assert.AreEqual(1, to.Array[0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(2, to.Array[1]);

    public void PrimitiveArrayFromCommaDelimitedString()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Array", "1,2");
      Assert.AreEqual(2, to.Array.Length);
      Assert.AreEqual(1, to.Array[0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(2, to.Array[1]);

    public void ObjectWrapperUpdates()
      TestObject to = new TestObject("Rick", 2);
      int newAge = 33;
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Age = newAge;
      object owAge = wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Age");
      Assert.IsTrue(owAge is Int32, "Age is an integer");
      int owi = (int) owAge;
      Assert.IsTrue(owi == newAge, "Object wrapper must pick up changes");

    public void SetWrappedInstanceOfSameClass()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Age = 11;

      TestObject to2 = new TestObject();
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = to2;

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", 14);
      Assert.IsTrue(to2.Age == 14, "2nd changed");
      Assert.IsTrue(to.Age == 11, "1st didn't change");

    public void SetWrappedInstanceOfDifferentClass()
      ThrowsException tex = new ThrowsException();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(tex);
      TestObject to2 = new TestObject();
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = to2;

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", 14);
      Assert.IsTrue(to2.Age == 14);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (TypeMismatchException))]
    public void TypeMismatch()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", "foobar");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (TypeMismatchException))]
    public void EmptyValueForPrimitiveProperty()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", "");

    public void GetProtectedPropertyValue()
      TestObject foo = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(foo);
      string happyPlace = (string) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("HappyPlace");
      Assert.AreEqual(TestObject.DefaultHappyPlace, happyPlace,
                      "Failed to read the value of a property with 'protected' access.");

    public void SetProtectedPropertyValue()
      TestObject foo = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(foo);
      const string expectedHappyPlace = "The Rockies! Brrr...";
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("HappyPlace", expectedHappyPlace));
      string happyPlace = (string) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("HappyPlace");
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedHappyPlace, happyPlace,
                      "Failed to read / write the value of a property with 'protected' access.");

    public void GetPrivatePropertyValue()
      TestObject foo = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(foo);
      string[] contents = (string[]) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("SamsoniteSuitcase");
      Assert.IsTrue(ArrayUtils.AreEqual(TestObject.DefaultContentsOfTheSuitcase, contents),
                    "Failed to read the value of a property with 'private' access.");

    public void SetPrivatePropertyValue()
      TestObject foo = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(foo);
      string[] expectedContents = new string[] {"Lloyd's Soul", "Harry's John Denver Records"};
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("SamsoniteSuitcase", expectedContents));
      string[] contents = (string[]) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("SamsoniteSuitcase");
      Assert.IsTrue(ArrayUtils.AreEqual(expectedContents, contents),
                    "Failed to read / write the value of a property with 'private' access.");

    public void GetNestedProperty()
      ITestObject rod = new TestObject("rod", 31);
      ITestObject kerry = new TestObject("kerry", 35);
      rod.Spouse = kerry;
      kerry.Spouse = rod;
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(rod);
      int KA = (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Spouse.Age");
      Assert.IsTrue(KA == 35, "Expected kerry's age to be 35");

      int RA = (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Spouse.Spouse.Age");
      Assert.IsTrue(RA == 31, "Expected rod's age to be 31");

      ITestObject spousesSpouse = (ITestObject) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Spouse.Spouse");
      Assert.IsTrue(rod == spousesSpouse, "spousesSpouse == initial point");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (NullValueInNestedPathException))]
    public void GetNestedPropertyValueNullValue()
      TestObject rod = new TestObject("rod", 31);
      rod.Doctor = new NestedTestObject(null);

    public void SetNestedProperty()
      ITestObject rod = new TestObject("rod", 31);
      ITestObject kerry = new TestObject("kerry", 0);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(rod);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Spouse", kerry);

      Assert.AreEqual(rod.Spouse, kerry, "nested set did not work");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Spouse.Spouse", rod);
      Assert.AreEqual(rod, rod.Spouse.Spouse, "Nested set did not work.");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Spouse.Age", 100);
      Assert.AreEqual(100, kerry.Age, "Nested setting of primitive property did not work.");

    public void SetPropertyValue()
      ITestObject bigby = new TestObject("Bigby", 4500);
      ITestObject snow = new TestObject("Snow", 2500);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(bigby);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Spouse", snow);
      Assert.AreEqual(snow, bigby.Spouse);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (NullValueInNestedPathException))]
    public void SetIndexedPropertyValueOnUninitializedPath()
      TestObject obj = new TestObject("Bill", 4500);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(obj);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("hats [0]", "Hicks & Co");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void SetIndexedPropertyValueOnNonIndexableType()
      TestObject obj = new TestObject("Bill", 4500);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(obj);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("doctor [0]", "Hicks & Co");

    [ExpectedException(typeof (TypeMismatchException))]
    public void SetPrimitivePropertyToNullReference()
      TestObject obj = new TestObject("Bill", 4500);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(obj);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Age", null);

    public void SetPropertyValueIgnoresCase()
      ITestObject bigby = new TestObject("Bigby", 4500);
      ITestObject snow = new TestObject("Snow", 2500);
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(bigby);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("spouse", snow);
      Assert.AreEqual(snow, bigby.Spouse,
                      "Property setting is not case insensitive with regard to the property name (and for CLS compliance it should be).");

    public void IntArrayProperty()
      PropsTest pt = new PropsTest();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(pt);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("IntArray", new int[] {4, 5, 2, 3});
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray.Length == 4, "intArray length = 4");
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray[0] == 4 && pt.intArray[1] == 5 && pt.intArray[2] == 2 && pt.intArray[3] == 3,
                    "correct values");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("IntArray", new String[] {"4", "5", "2", "3"});
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray.Length == 4, "intArray length = 4");
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray[0] == 4 && pt.intArray[1] == 5 && pt.intArray[2] == 2 && pt.intArray[3] == 3,
                    "correct values");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("IntArray", 1);
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray.Length == 1, "intArray length = 1");
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray[0] == 1, "correct values");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("IntArray", new String[] {"1"});
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray.Length == 1, "intArray length = 1");
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.intArray[0] == 1, "correct values");

    public void NewWrappedInstancePropertyValuesGet()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      TestObject t = new TestObject("Tony", 50);
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = t;
      Assert.AreEqual(t.Age, wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Age"), "Object wrapper returns wrong property value");

      TestObject u = new TestObject("Udo", 30);
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = u;
      Assert.AreEqual(u.Age, wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Age"), "Object wrapper returns cached property value");

    public void NewWrappedInstanceNestedPropertyValuesGet()
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      TestObject t = new TestObject("Tony", 50);
      t.Spouse = new TestObject("Sue", 40);
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = t;
      Assert.AreEqual(t.Spouse.Age, wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Spouse.Age"),
                      "Object wrapper returns wrong nested property value");

      TestObject u = new TestObject("Udo", 30);
      u.Spouse = new TestObject("Vera", 20);
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = u;
      Assert.AreEqual(u.Spouse.Age, wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Spouse.Age"),
                      "Object wrapper returns cached nested property value");

    public void StringArrayProperty()
      PropsTest pt = new PropsTest();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(pt);

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("StringArray", "foo,fi,fi,fum");
      Assert.IsTrue(pt.stringArray.Length == 4, "StringArray length = 4");
        pt.stringArray[0].Equals("foo") && pt.stringArray[1].Equals("fi") && pt.stringArray[2].Equals("fi") &&
          pt.stringArray[3].Equals("fum"), "in correct values of string array");

    #region Test for DateTime Properties

    internal class DateTimeTestObject
      private DateTime _dt;

      public DateTime TriggerDateTime
        get { return _dt; }
        set { _dt = value; }

    public void SetDateTimeProperty()
      DateTimeTestObject o = new DateTimeTestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("TriggerDateTime", "1991-10-10");

      Assert.AreEqual(1991, ((DateTime) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("TriggerDateTime")).Year);


    #region Test for CultureInfo Properties

    internal class CultureTestObject
      private CultureInfo _ci;

      public CultureInfo Cult
        get { return _ci; }
        set { _ci = value; }

    public void SetCultureInfoProperty()
      CultureTestObject o = new CultureTestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Cult", "es-ES");

                      ((CultureInfo) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Cult")).Name);


    #region Tests for URI Properties

    internal class URITestObject
      private Uri _uri;

      public Uri ResourceIdentifier
        get { return _uri; }
        set { _uri = value; }

    public void SetURIProperty()
      URITestObject o = new URITestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);

      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("ResourceIdentifier", "http://www.springframework.net");
                      ((Uri) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("ResourceIdentifier")).Host);


    #region Tests for Indexed Array Properties

    public void GetIndexedFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Array[0]"));

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexOutofRangeFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    public void SetIndexedFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Array[2]", 6);
      Assert.AreEqual(6, to.Array[2]);

    public void SetIndexOutOfRangeFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Array[5]", 6);

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that we bail when attempting to get an indexed property with some guff for the index
    /// </summary>
    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithGuffIndexFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Array[HungerHurtsButStarvingWorks]"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that we bail when attempting to get an indexed property with some guff for the index
    /// </summary>
    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithMissingIndexFromArrayProperty()
      PrimitiveArrayObject to = new PrimitiveArrayObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Array[]"));


    #region Tests for Indexed List Properties

    internal class ListTestObject
      private IList _list;
      private ArrayList _arrayList;

      public IList List
        get { return _list; }
        set { _list = value; }

      public ArrayList ArrayList
        get { return _arrayList; }
        set { _arrayList = value; }

    public void GetIndexedFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("List[0]"));

    public void GetIndexedFromArrayListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.ArrayList = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("ArrayList[0]"));

    public void GetIndexOutofRangeFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});

    public void SetIndexedFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List[0]", 6);
      Assert.AreEqual(6, to.List[0]);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void SetIndexedFromListPropertyUsingMixOfSingleAndDoubleQuotedDelimeters()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List['0\"]", 6);
      Assert.AreEqual(6, to.List[0]);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void SetIndexedFromListPropertyUsingNonNumericValueForTheIndex()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List[bingo]", 6);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void SetIndexedFromListPropertyUsingEmptyValueForTheIndex()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List[]", 6);

    [Ignore("Addition of elements to the list via index that is out of range is not supported anymore.")]
    public void SetIndexOutOfRangeFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List[6]", 6);
      Assert.AreEqual(6, to.List[6]);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("List[7]", 7);
      Assert.AreEqual(7, to.List[7]);

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that we bail when attempting to get an indexed property with some guff for the index
    /// </summary>
    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithGuffIndexFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("List[HungerHurtsButStarvingWorks]"));

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithMissingIndexFromListProperty()
      ListTestObject to = new ListTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.List = new ArrayList(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("List[]"));


    #region Tests for Indexed Dictionary Properties

    internal class DictionaryTestObject
      private IDictionary _dictionary;

      public IDictionary Dictionary
        get { return _dictionary; }
        set { _dictionary = value; }

    public void GetIndexedFromDictionaryProperty()
      DictionaryTestObject to = new DictionaryTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Dictionary = new Hashtable();
      to.Dictionary.Add("key1", "value1");
      Assert.AreEqual("value1", (string) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Dictionary['key1']"));

    public void GetIndexMissingFromDictionaryProperty()
      DictionaryTestObject to = new DictionaryTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Dictionary = new Hashtable();

    public void SetIndexedFromDictionaryProperty()
      DictionaryTestObject to = new DictionaryTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Dictionary = new Hashtable();
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Dictionary['key1']", "value1");
      Assert.AreEqual("value1", to.Dictionary["key1"]);

    public void SettingADictionaryPropertyJustAddsTheValuesToTheExistingDictionary()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      to.AddPeriodicElement("Hsu", "Feng");
      to.AddPeriodicElement("Piao", "Jin");
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      IDictionary elements = new Hashtable();
      elements.Add("Weekend", "News");
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("PeriodictabLE", elements);
      Assert.AreEqual(3, to.PeriodicTable.Count);


    #region Tests for Indexed Set Properties

    internal class SetTestObject
      private ISet _set;
      private HybridSet _aSet;

      public ISet Set
        get { return _set; }
        set { _set = value; }

      public HybridSet HybridSet
        get { return _aSet; }
        set { _aSet = value; }

    public void SettingASetPropertyJustAddsTheValuesToTheExistingSet()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      to.AddComputerName("Atari 2900");
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Computers", new HybridSet(new string[] {"Trusty SNES"}));
      Assert.AreEqual(3, to.Computers.Count);

        public void GetIndexFromSetProperty()
            SetTestObject to = new SetTestObject();
            IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
            to.Set = new ListSet(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
            Assert.AreEqual(1, (int)wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Set[1]"));
    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexOutofRangeFromSetProperty()
      SetTestObject to = new SetTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Set = new ListSet(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Set[23]"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Test that we bail when attempting to get an indexed property with some guff for the index
    /// </summary>
    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithGuffIndexFromSetProperty()
      SetTestObject to = new SetTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Set = new ListSet(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Set[HungerHurtsButStarvingWorks]"));

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithMissingIndexFromSetProperty()
      SetTestObject to = new SetTestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      to.Set = new ListSet(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
            object o = wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Set[]");
      Assert.AreEqual(1, (int) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("Set[]"));


    #region Test for Enumeration Properties

    internal class EnumTestObject
      private FileMode FileModeEnum;

      public FileMode FileMode
        get { return FileModeEnum; }
        set { FileModeEnum = value; }

    public void SetEnumProperty()
      EnumTestObject o = new EnumTestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("FileMode", FileMode.Create);
      Assert.AreEqual(FileMode.Create, (FileMode) wrapper.GetPropertyValue("FileMode"));


    public void SetTypePropertyWithString()
      ObjectWithTypeProperty to = new ObjectWithTypeProperty();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Type", "System.DateTime");
      Assert.AreEqual(typeof (DateTime), to.Type);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (InvalidPropertyException))]
    public void GetIndexedPropertyValueWithNonIndexedType()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      IObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);

    [ExpectedException(typeof (NullValueInNestedPathException))]
    public void SetPropertyValuesWithUnknownProperty()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      to.Doctor = null;
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Doctor.Company", "Bingo");

        public void SetPropertyValuesFailsWhenSettingNonExistantProperty()
            TestObject to = new TestObject();
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
            MutablePropertyValues values = new MutablePropertyValues();
            values.Add("JeepersCreepersWhereDidYaGetThosePeepers", "OhThisWeirdBatGuySoldEmToMe...");
            values.Add("Age", 19);
            // the unknown and ridiculously named property should fail
            wrapper.SetPropertyValues(values, false);
        public void SetPropertyValuesDoesNotFailWhenSettingNonExistantPropertyWithIgnorUnknownSetToTrue()
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      MutablePropertyValues values = new MutablePropertyValues();
      values.Add("Age", 19);
      values.Add("JeepersCreepersWhereDidYaGetThosePeepers", "OhThisWeirdBatGuySoldEmToMe...");
      // the unknown and ridiculously named property should fail
      wrapper.SetPropertyValues(values, true);
      Assert.AreEqual(19, to.Age, "The single good property in the property values should have been set though...");

        public void SetPropertyValuesFailsWhenSettingReadOnlyProperty()
            TestObject to = new TestObject();
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
            MutablePropertyValues values = new MutablePropertyValues();
            values.Add("ReadOnlyObjectNumber", 123);
            wrapper.SetPropertyValues(values, false);

        public void SetPropertyValuesDoesNotFailWhenSettingReadOnlyPropertyWithIgnorUnknownSetToTrue()
            TestObject to = new TestObject();
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
            MutablePropertyValues values = new MutablePropertyValues();
            values.Add("ObjectNumber", 123);
            values.Add("Age", 19);
            wrapper.SetPropertyValues(values, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(19, to.Age, "The single good property in the property values should have been set though...");

    public void SetArrayPropertyValue()
      string[] expected = new string[] {"Fedora", "Gacy", "Banjo"};
      TestObject to = new TestObject();
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(to);
      wrapper.SetPropertyValue("Hats", expected);
      Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, to.Hats.Length);
      for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; ++i)
        Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], to.Hats[i]);

    public void TestToString()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper();
      Assert.IsTrue(wrapper.ToString().IndexOf("Exception encountered") >= 0);
      wrapper.WrappedInstance = new WanPropsClass();
      string expected = string.Format(
        "{0}: wrapping class [{1}]; IsWan={2}",
        wrapper.GetType().Name, wrapper.WrappedType.FullName, "{True}");
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, wrapper.ToString());

    [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
    public void GetPropertyInfoWithNullArgument()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject());

        [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalReflectionException))]
        public void GetPropertyInfoWithNonPropertyExpression()
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject());
            wrapper.GetPropertyInfo("2 + 2");

        [ExpectedException(typeof (FatalObjectException))]
        public void GetPropertyInfoWithNonParsableExpression()
            ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new TestObject());

    public void GetNestedPropertyInfo()
      RealNestedTestObject o = new RealNestedTestObject();
      o.Datum = new TestObject();
      o.Datum.Doctor = new NestedTestObject("Modlin");
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(o);
      PropertyInfo info = wrapper.GetPropertyInfo("Datum.Doctor.Company");

    public void AmbiguousPropertyLookupIsHandledProperlyByLookingAtDerivedClassOnly()
      ObjectWrapper wrapper = GetWrapper(new DerivedFoo());
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