Emitter.cs :  » Network-Clients » RemoteCalendars » Semaview » Shared » ICalParser » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RemoteCalendars » Semaview » Shared » ICalParser » Emitter.cs
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

 * <copyright>
 *   ICalParser is a general purpose .Net parser for iCalendar format files (RFC 2445)
 *   Copyright (C) 2004  J. Tim Spurway
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * </copyright>

namespace Semaview.Shared.ICalParser{
    /// <summary>
    /// Defines all of the basic operations that must be implemented by parser emitters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// </remarks>
    public interface IEmitter
  void doIntro();
  void doOutro();
  void doEnd( Token t);
  void doResourceBegin( Token t );
  void doBegin( Token t );
  void doComponentBegin( Token t );
  void doComponent( );
  void doEndComponent( );
  void doID( Token t );
  void doSymbolic( Token t );
  void doResource( Token t );
  void doURIResource( Token t );
  void doMailto( Token t );
  void doValueProperty( Token t, Token iprop );
  void doIprop( Token t, Token iprop );
  void doRest( Token t, Token id );
  void doAttribute( Token t1, Token t2 );
  Parser VParser{ get; set; }
  void emit( string val );

    /// <summary>
    /// This emits iCalendar/RDF as a string.  This emitter is the one that most people will use for
    /// creating RDF from iCalendar files.  
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This emitter is partially based on and inspired by the the ical2rdf.pl converter developed
    /// by Dan Connolly and Libby Miller and is probably a little out of date with respect to the
    /// current schema.
    /// (see <see cref="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/"/> for more info on the W3C working group 
    /// responsible for the iCalendar RDF schema development)
    /// </remarks>
    public class RDFEmitter : IEmitter
  private static string ical = "http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#";

  StringBuilder accumulator;
  Parser parser;

  public RDFEmitter( )
      accumulator = new StringBuilder();

  public Parser VParser
      get { return parser; }
      set { parser = value; }

  public string Rdf
      get { return accumulator.ToString(); }

  public void doIntro()
      accumulator.Append( @"<rdf:RDF
  xmlns='" + ical + @"'
  xmlns:ical='" + ical + @"'>

  public void doOutro()
      accumulator.Append( "</rdf:RDF>" );

  public void doEnd( Token t)
      accumulator.Append( "</" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doResourceBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );

  public void doBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doComponentBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doComponent( )
      accumulator.Append( "<component>\n" );

  public void doEndComponent( )
      accumulator.Append( "</component>\n" );

  public void doID( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText );

  public void doSymbolic( Token t )
      //TODO: url encoding
      accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='" + ical + Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower() ) + "'/>\n" );

  public void doResource( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doURIResource( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='uri:" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doMailto( Token t )
      accumulator.Append( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n<calAddress rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doValueProperty( Token t, Token iprop )
      accumulator.Append( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );
      if( iprop != null )
    string lprop = Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower());
    string lobj;
    if( lprop == "date" )
        lobj = Token.ParseDate( t.TokenText );
        lobj = Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower());
    accumulator.Append( "<" + lprop + ">" + lobj + "</" + lprop + ">\n" );
    accumulator.Append( "<dateTime>" + Token.ParseDateTime( t.TokenText ) + "</dateTime>\n" );

  public void doIprop( Token t, Token iprop )
      accumulator.Append( " ical:" + iprop.TokenText + "='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doRest( Token t, Token id )
      accumulator.Append( ">" + t.TokenText + "</" + id.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doAttribute( Token key, Token val )
      string actual;
      if( key.TokenText == "until" )
    actual = Token.ParseDateTime( val.TokenText );
    actual = val.TokenText;
      accumulator.Append( "<" + key.TokenText + ">" + actual + "</" + key.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void emit( string val )
      accumulator.Append( val );

    /// <summary>
    /// This emmits RDF to a Stream
    /// </summary>
    public class RDFStreamEmitter : IEmitter
  private static string ical = "http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#";

  TextWriter accumulator;
  Parser parser;

  public RDFStreamEmitter( TextWriter _accumulator )
      accumulator = _accumulator;

  public Parser VParser
      get { return parser; }
      set { parser = value; }

  public void doIntro()
      accumulator.Write( @"<rdf:RDF
  xmlns='" + ical + @"'
  xmlns:ical='" + ical + @"'>

  public void doOutro()
      accumulator.Write( "</rdf:RDF>" );

  public void doEnd( Token t)
      accumulator.Write( "</" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doResourceBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( "<" + t.TokenText + " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );

  public void doBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doComponentBegin( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doComponent( )
      accumulator.Write( "<component>\n" );

  public void doEndComponent( )
      accumulator.Write( "</component>\n" );

  public void doID( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( "<" + t.TokenText );

  public void doSymbolic( Token t )
      //TODO: url encoding
      accumulator.Write( " rdf:resource='" + ical + Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower() ) + "'/>\n" );

  public void doResource( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( " rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doURIResource( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( " rdf:resource='uri:" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doMailto( Token t )
      accumulator.Write( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n<calAddress rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doValueProperty( Token t, Token iprop )
      accumulator.Write( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );
      if( iprop != null )
    string lprop = Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower());
    string lobj;
    if( lprop == "date" )
        lobj = Token.ParseDate( t.TokenText );
        lobj = Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower());
    accumulator.Write( "<" + lprop + ">" + lobj + "</" + lprop + ">\n" );
    accumulator.Write( "<dateTime>" + Token.ParseDateTime( t.TokenText ) + "</dateTime>\n" );

  public void doIprop( Token t, Token iprop )
      accumulator.Write( " ical:" + iprop.TokenText + "='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );

  public void doRest( Token t, Token id )
      accumulator.Write( ">" + t.TokenText + "</" + id.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void doAttribute( Token key, Token val )
      string actual;
      if( key.TokenText == "until" )
    actual = Token.ParseDateTime( val.TokenText );
    actual = val.TokenText;
      accumulator.Write( "<" + key.TokenText + ">" + actual + "</" + key.TokenText + ">\n" );

  public void emit( string val )
      accumulator.Write( val );

    // this is a delegate for periodically saving the triples out to the database (for RQLEmitter)
    public delegate void Persister( string rql );

    /// <summary>
    /// This emmits the RQL insert statements
    /// </summary>
    public class RQLEmitter : IEmitter

  private class StackElem
      public Token id;
      public string guid;
      public bool predFlag;

      public StackElem( Token _id, string _guid, bool _predFlag )
    id = _id;
    guid = _guid;
    predFlag = _predFlag;

  private const string ical = "http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#";
  private const string defaultContext = "http://www.intellidimension.com/rdfserver#null"; 
  private const int maxTriples = 150;
  private const string defaultTable = "icaltest";

  StringBuilder accumulator;
  Parser parser;
  Stack guids;
  private string context = defaultContext;
  private Persister persistCallback = null;
  private int numTriples = 0;
  private string table = defaultTable;

  public RQLEmitter( )
      accumulator = new StringBuilder();
      guids = new Stack();

  public RQLEmitter( string _context ) : this( )
      context = _context;

  public RQLEmitter( string _context, string _table, Persister _persistCallback ) : this( _context )
      persistCallback = _persistCallback;
      table = _table;

  public RQLEmitter( Persister _persistCallback ) : this( )
      persistCallback = _persistCallback;

  private static string NewGuid()
      return "guid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

  public Parser VParser
      get { return parser; }
      set { parser = value; }

  public string Rql
      get { return realIntro() + accumulator.ToString() + realOutro(); }

  private void Inc( )
      // this should be called everytime a triple is added in the emitter
      if( ++numTriples > maxTriples )
    Dump( );

  private void Dump( )
      if( persistCallback != null )
    string theRql = String.Format( Rql, table ); 
    persistCallback( theRql );
    numTriples = 0;
    accumulator = new StringBuilder();

  // convenience methods for the internal stack used for emmiting code
  private StackElem Peek()
      return (StackElem) guids.Peek();

  private StackElem Pop()
      return (StackElem) guids.Pop();

  private void Push( StackElem elem )
      guids.Push( elem );

  private int Count
      get { return guids.Count; }

  private string NS( string tag )
      //TODO: implement a default namespacing scheme - ie. right now, all tags without a namespace are assumed to be 'ical:'
      if( tag.IndexOf( ':' ) == -1 )
    return "ical:" + tag;
    return tag;

  public void doIntro()

  // indicates EOF - flush remaining triples
  public void doOutro()
      Dump( );

  private string realIntro()
      return ( 
    "Session.namespaces[\"rdf\"] = \"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\";\n" +
    "Session.namespaces[\"ical\"] = \"" + ical + "\";\n" +
    "Session.namespaces[\"x\"] = \"http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/prod_apple#\";\n" +
    "INSERT \n" );

  private string realOutro()
      return( " INTO {0};\n" );

  public void doEnd( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( "</" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );
      StackElem pred = Pop();
      if( pred.predFlag )
    if( Count > 0 )
        accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( pred.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + pred.guid + "]}}\n" );
        Inc( );
        throw new Exception( "Problem parsing: expecting overriding resource for: " + t.TokenText );

  public void doResourceBegin( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );
      Push( new StackElem( t, NewGuid(), true ));

  public void doComponentBegin( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );
      // beginning of a rdfType for this stmt - ie. it's a new resource
      string guid = NewGuid();
      StackElem elem = new StackElem( t, guid , false );

      if( Count > 0 && Peek().predFlag )
    StackElem top = Peek();
    top.guid = guid;
      Push( elem );

      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [rdf:type] [" + guid + "] [" + NS( t.TokenText ) + "]}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doBegin( Token t )
      // this indicates the beginning of a property describing the resource on the top of the stack
      // accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText + ">\n" );
      Push( new StackElem( t, null, true ));

  public void doComponent( )
      doBegin( new Token( "component" ));

  public void doEndComponent( )
      doEnd( new Token( "component" ));

  public void doID( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( "<" + t.TokenText );
      StackElem elem = new StackElem( t, null, false );  // the rest of the methods will fill in this properly
      Push( elem );

  public void doSymbolic( Token t )
      //TODO: url encoding
      //accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='" + ical + Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower() ) + "'/>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + NS( Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower() )) + "]}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doResource( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + NS( t.TokenText ) + "]}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doURIResource( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( " rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + NS( t.TokenText ) + "]}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doMailto( Token t )
      //accumulator.Append( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n<calAddress rdf:resource='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      elem.guid = NewGuid();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + elem.guid + "]}}\n" );
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [ical:calAddress] [" + elem.guid + "] [" + NS( t.TokenText ) + "]}}\n" );
      Push( elem );
      Inc( );

  public void doValueProperty( Token t, Token iprop )
      //accumulator.Append( " rdf:parseType='Resource'>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      elem.guid = NewGuid();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + elem.guid + "]}}\n" );

      if( iprop != null )
    //accumulator.Append( "<" + Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower()) + ">" + t.TokenText + "</" + Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower()) + ">\n" );
    string tag = NS( Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower()));
    string lprop = Token.CamelCase( iprop.TokenText.ToLower());
    string lobj;
    if( lprop == "date" )
        lobj = Token.ParseDate( t.TokenText );
        lobj = Token.CamelCase( t.TokenText.ToLower());
    accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + tag + "] [" + elem.guid + "] '" + lobj + "'}}\n" );
    //accumulator.Append( "<dateTime>" + Token.ParseDate( t.TokenText ) + "</dateTime>\n" );
    accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [ical:dateTime] [" + elem.guid + "] '" + Token.ParseDateTime( t.TokenText ) + "'}}\n" );
      Push( elem );
      Inc( );

  public void doIprop( Token t, Token iprop )
      //accumulator.Append( " ical:" + iprop.TokenText + "='" + t.TokenText + "'/>\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] [" + NS( iprop.TokenText ) + "]}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doRest( Token t, Token id )
      //accumulator.Append( ">" + t.TokenText + "</" + id.TokenText + ">\n" );
      StackElem elem = Pop();
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( elem.id.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] '" + t.TokenText + "'}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void doAttribute( Token key, Token val )
      //accumulator.Append( "<" + key.TokenText + ">" + val.TokenText + "</" + key.TokenText + ">\n" );
      // special case - convert 'until' token values from icalendar DateTimes to new DateTimes
      string actual;
      if( key.TokenText == "until" )
    actual = Token.ParseDateTime( val.TokenText );
    actual = val.TokenText;
      accumulator.Append( "{{[" + context + "] [" + NS( key.TokenText ) + "] [" + Peek().guid + "] '" + actual + "'}}\n" );
      Inc( );

  public void emit( string val )
      accumulator.Append( val );
      Inc( );
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