OutlookHelper.cs :  » RSS-RDF » RSS-Feeder » RSSCommon » Helper » C# / CSharp Open Source

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// Copyright  2005 by Omar Al Zabir. All rights are reserved.
// If you like this code then feel free to go ahead and use it.
// The only thing I ask is that you don't remove or alter my copyright notice.
// Your use of this software is entirely at your own risk. I make no claims or
// warrantees about the reliability or fitness of this code for any particular purpose.
// If you make changes or additions to this code please mark your code as being yours.
// website http://www.oazabir.com, email OmarAlZabir@gmail.com, msn oazabir@hotmail.com

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Xml;

namespace RSSCommon.Helper{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for OutlookHelper.
  /// </summary>
  public class OutlookHelper
    public static object GetObject( string typeName )
      Type objectType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(typeName);
      return Activator.CreateInstance( objectType );      

    public static object GetProperty( object obj, string propertyName )
      return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( propertyName,
        BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, obj, null );

    public static object GetProperty( object obj, string propertyName, object defaultValue )
        return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( propertyName,
          BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, obj, null );
        return defaultValue;

    public static object GetItem( object obj, int index )
      object [] parameters = new Object[1];
      parameters[0] = index;
      return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( "Item",
        BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, obj, parameters );
    public static object GetItem( object obj, string name )
      object [] parameters = new Object[1];
      parameters[0] = name;
      return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( "Item",
        BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, obj, parameters );
    public static object SetProperty( object obj, string propertyName, object value )
      object [] parameters = new Object[1];
      parameters[0] = value;
      return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( propertyName, BindingFlags.SetProperty,
        null, obj, parameters );

    public static object CallMethod( object obj, string methodName, params object [] parameters )
      return obj.GetType().InvokeMember( methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, obj,
        parameters );

    public static void StartOutlook( ref object app, ref object name )
        // Try to get existing outlook instance
        app = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application");
        name = GetProperty( app, "Session" );
        // Create new instance of outlook
        app = GetObject("Outlook.Application");
        name = GetProperty( app, "Session" );

    public static bool EnsureExplorer( object app, object name )
      // Outlook normally remains invisible when new instance created, let's show it minimized
      bool isOutlookInvisible = false;

      object explorer = CallMethod( app, "ActiveExplorer" );
      object explorers = GetProperty( app, "Explorers" );
      if( null == explorer )
        isOutlookInvisible = true;

        // Outlook was not open, we are not loading the first outlook. So,
        // let's take some precaution

        object inbox = CallMethod( name, "GetDefaultFolder", 6 ); //OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox = 6

        explorer = CallMethod( explorers, "Add", inbox, 1 ); //Outlook.OlWindowState.olMinimized = 1

        Marshal.ReleaseComObject( inbox );
        inbox = null;

      // Force outlook to show its face
      CallMethod( explorer, "Display" );
      SetProperty( explorer, "WindowState", 1 );
      //CallMethod( explorer, "Activate" );
      Marshal.ReleaseComObject( explorer );
      explorer = null;

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject( explorers );
      explorers = null;

      return isOutlookInvisible;

    public static void CloseOutlook( object app )
      // Get explorers and close each of them
      object explorer = null;
      while( (explorer = CallMethod( app, "ActiveExplorer" )) != null )
        CallMethod( explorer, "Close" );

        Marshal.ReleaseComObject( explorer );
      // shut down outlook
      CallMethod( app, "Quit" );

    public static string SelectFolderPath()
      // Show outlook folder picker
      object app = null, name = null;

      StartOutlook( ref app, ref name );

      // Ensure at least one explorer is visible otherwise we cannot show the folder
      // picker
      bool isOutlookInvisible = EnsureExplorer( app, name );
      object folder = CallMethod( name, "PickFolder" );

      string path = null;
      // Get the selected folder name
      if( null != folder )
        path = GetProperty( folder, "FolderPath" ) as string;
      if( null != folder )
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject( folder );
      folder = null;

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject( name );
      name = null;

      if( isOutlookInvisible )

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject( app );      
      app = null;      

      // Outlook still hangs around in the task manager until we call this

      return path;

    public static MAPIFolder GetFolderFromPath( string path )
      Outlook.Application app = new Outlook.ApplicationClass();
      Outlook.NameSpace name = app.Session;

      path = path.TrimStart('\\');
      string [] folders = path.Split('\\');

      Outlook.MAPIFolder mapiFolder = name.Folders[ folders[0] ];
      // See if the folder has been renamed
      if( null == mapiFolder )
        return null;
      for( int i = 1; i < folders.Length; i ++ )
        string folderName = folders[i];

          mapiFolder = mapiFolder.Folders[ folderName ];
        catch( System.Exception x )
          mapiFolder = null;

        // The folder may have been renamed
        if( null == mapiFolder )
          return null;

      return mapiFolder;

    public static object EnsureFolderPath( object name, string path )
      path = path.TrimStart('\\');
      string [] folders = path.Split('\\');

      // See if the first folder in the path exists
      object rootFolders = GetProperty( name, "Folders" );
      object mapiFolder = null;
         mapiFolder = GetItem( rootFolders, folders[0] );
      catch( Exception x )
        throw new ApplicationException("Base folder not defined properly. Go to 'Options' and select Outlook Base Folder", x );
      Marshal.ReleaseComObject( rootFolders );

      // The first folder does not exist, may be the personal folder was closed or deleted,
      // We can abort safely.
      if( null == mapiFolder )
        return null;

      for( int i = 1; i < folders.Length; i ++ )
        string folderName = folders[i];

        object mapiFolders = GetProperty( mapiFolder, "Folders" );

        // See if the child folder exists
        object childFolder = null;
          childFolder = GetItem( mapiFolders, folderName );
        catch {}

        // The folder may have been renamed or deleted
        if( null == childFolder )
          // Create a new folder using the name
          childFolder = CallMethod( mapiFolders, "Add", folderName, Missing.Value );                  

        mapiFolder = childFolder;

        // Release the child folders collection
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject( mapiFolders );
        mapiFolders = null;

      // Return the last created folder
      return mapiFolder;

    /// <summary>
    /// Ensures whether we have the proper view for the specified folder
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="folder"></param>
    public static void EnsureView( object folder, string viewXmlPath )
      if( !System.IO.File.Exists( viewXmlPath ) ) return;
      // 1. Load the view xml file to find out the view name. We must not create duplicate view with 
      // same name
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      doc.Load( viewXmlPath );

      XmlElement viewNameElement = (XmlElement)doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("viewname");
      string viewName = viewNameElement.InnerText.Trim();

      // 2. Check if this view has already been created
      object views = GetProperty( folder, "Views" );

      object existingView = GetItem( views, viewName );

      // 3. If the view already exist, apply it, otherwise create it
      if( null != existingView )
        // Apply the existing view
        CallMethod( existingView, "Apply" );

        // It has already been created, so let's skip
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject( existingView );
        // Create the new view
        object newView = CallMethod( views, "Add", viewName, 0, 2 );            
        // Outlook.OlViewType.olTableView = 0
        // Outlook.OlViewSaveOption.olViewSaveOptionAllFoldersOfType = 2

        SetProperty( newView, "XML", doc.OuterXml );
        CallMethod( newView, "Save" );
        CallMethod( newView, "Apply" );

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