/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
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#if !CLR2
using BigIntSystem.Numerics.BigInteger;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Math;
namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter{
public abstract class InstructionFactory {
// TODO: weak table for types in a collectible assembly?
private static Dictionary<Type, InstructionFactory> _factories;
internal static InstructionFactory GetFactory(Type type) {
if (_factories == null) {
_factories = new Dictionary<Type, InstructionFactory>() {
{ typeof(object), InstructionFactory<object>.Factory },
{ typeof(bool), InstructionFactory<bool>.Factory },
{ typeof(byte), InstructionFactory<byte>.Factory },
{ typeof(sbyte), InstructionFactory<sbyte>.Factory },
{ typeof(short), InstructionFactory<short>.Factory },
{ typeof(ushort), InstructionFactory<ushort>.Factory },
{ typeof(int), InstructionFactory<int>.Factory },
{ typeof(uint), InstructionFactory<uint>.Factory },
{ typeof(long), InstructionFactory<long>.Factory },
{ typeof(ulong), InstructionFactory<ulong>.Factory },
{ typeof(float), InstructionFactory<float>.Factory },
{ typeof(double), InstructionFactory<double>.Factory },
{ typeof(char), InstructionFactory<char>.Factory },
{ typeof(string), InstructionFactory<string>.Factory },
#if !CLR2
{ typeof(BigInt), InstructionFactory<BigInt>.Factory },
{ typeof(BigInteger), InstructionFactory<BigInteger>.Factory },
{ typeof(SymbolId), InstructionFactory<SymbolId>.Factory },
lock (_factories) {
InstructionFactory factory;
if (!_factories.TryGetValue(type, out factory)) {
factory = (InstructionFactory)typeof(InstructionFactory<>).MakeGenericType(type).GetField("Factory").GetValue(null);
_factories[type] = factory;
return factory;
internal protected abstract Instruction GetArrayItem();
internal protected abstract Instruction SetArrayItem();
internal protected abstract Instruction TypeIs();
internal protected abstract Instruction TypeAs();
internal protected abstract Instruction DefaultValue();
internal protected abstract Instruction NewArray();
internal protected abstract Instruction NewArrayInit(int elementCount);
public sealed class InstructionFactory<T> : InstructionFactory {
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2104:DoNotDeclareReadOnlyMutableReferenceTypes")]
public static readonly InstructionFactory Factory = new InstructionFactory<T>();
private Instruction _getArrayItem;
private Instruction _setArrayItem;
private Instruction _typeIs;
private Instruction _defaultValue;
private Instruction _newArray;
private Instruction _typeAs;
private InstructionFactory() { }
internal protected override Instruction GetArrayItem() {
return _getArrayItem ?? (_getArrayItem = new GetArrayItemInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction SetArrayItem() {
return _setArrayItem ?? (_setArrayItem = new SetArrayItemInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction TypeIs() {
return _typeIs ?? (_typeIs = new TypeIsInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction TypeAs() {
return _typeAs ?? (_typeAs = new TypeAsInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction DefaultValue() {
return _defaultValue ?? (_defaultValue = new DefaultValueInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction NewArray() {
return _newArray ?? (_newArray = new NewArrayInstruction<T>());
internal protected override Instruction NewArrayInit(int elementCount) {
return new NewArrayInitInstruction<T>(elementCount);