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public class AccessibleRole extends AccessibleBundle (Code)

Class AccessibleRole determines the role of a component. The role of a component describes its generic function. (E.G., "push button," "table," or "list.")

The toDisplayString method allows you to obtain the localized string for a locale independent key from a predefined ResourceBundle for the keys defined in this class.

The constants in this class present a strongly typed enumeration of common object roles. A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class. If the constants in this class are not sufficient to describe the role of an object, a subclass should be generated from this class and it should provide constants in a similar manner.
   1.55 05/05/07
   Willie Walker
   Peter Korn
   Lynn Monsanto

Field Summary
final public static  AccessibleRoleALERT
     Object is used to alert the user about something.
final public static  AccessibleRoleAWT_COMPONENT
     An AWT component, but nothing else is known about it.
final public static  AccessibleRoleCANVAS
     Object that can be drawn into and is used to trap events.
final public static  AccessibleRoleCHECK_BOX
     A choice that can be checked or unchecked and provides a separate indicator for the current state.
final public static  AccessibleRoleCOLOR_CHOOSER
     A specialized pane that lets the user choose a color.
final public static  AccessibleRoleCOLUMN_HEADER
     The header for a column of data.
final public static  AccessibleRoleCOMBO_BOX
     A list of choices the user can select from.
final public static  AccessibleRoleDATE_EDITOR
final public static  AccessibleRoleDESKTOP_ICON
     An iconified internal frame in a DESKTOP_PANE.
final public static  AccessibleRoleDESKTOP_PANE
     A pane that supports internal frames and iconified versions of those internal frames.
final public static  AccessibleRoleDIALOG
     A top level window with title bar and a border.
final public static  AccessibleRoleDIRECTORY_PANE
     A pane that allows the user to navigate through and select the contents of a directory.
final public static  AccessibleRoleEDITBAR
     A role indicating the object acts as a formula for calculating a value.
final public static  AccessibleRoleFILE_CHOOSER
     A specialized dialog that displays the files in the directory and lets the user select a file, browse a different directory, or specify a filename.
final public static  AccessibleRoleFILLER
     An object that fills up space in a user interface.
final public static  AccessibleRoleFONT_CHOOSER
     A FONT_CHOOSER is a component that lets the user pick various attributes for fonts.
final public static  AccessibleRoleFOOTER
final public static  AccessibleRoleFRAME
     A top level window with a title bar, border, menu bar, etc.
final public static  AccessibleRoleGLASS_PANE
     A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top of all panes beneath it.
final public static  AccessibleRoleGROUP_BOX
     A GROUP_BOX is a simple container that contains a border around it and contains components inside it.
final public static  AccessibleRoleHEADER
final public static  AccessibleRoleHTML_CONTAINER
     An object containing a collection of Accessibles that together represents HTML content.
final public static  AccessibleRoleHYPERLINK
final public static  AccessibleRoleICON
     A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
final public static  AccessibleRoleINTERNAL_FRAME
     A frame-like object that is clipped by a desktop pane.
final public static  AccessibleRoleLABEL
     An object used to present an icon or short string in an interface.
final public static  AccessibleRoleLAYERED_PANE
     A specialized pane that allows its children to be drawn in layers, providing a form of stacking order.
final public static  AccessibleRoleLIST
     An object that presents a list of objects to the user and allows the user to select one or more of them.
final public static  AccessibleRoleLIST_ITEM
     An object that presents an element in a list.
final public static  AccessibleRoleMENU
     An object usually found inside a menu bar that contains a list of actions the user can choose from.
final public static  AccessibleRoleMENU_BAR
     An object usually drawn at the top of the primary dialog box of an application that contains a list of menus the user can choose from.
final public static  AccessibleRoleMENU_ITEM
     An object usually contained in a menu that presents an action the user can choose.
final public static  AccessibleRoleOPTION_PANE
final public static  AccessibleRolePAGE_TAB
     An object that is a child of a page tab list.
final public static  AccessibleRolePAGE_TAB_LIST
     An object that presents a series of panels (or page tabs), one at a time, through some mechanism provided by the object.
final public static  AccessibleRolePANEL
     A generic container that is often used to group objects.
final public static  AccessibleRolePARAGRAPH
final public static  AccessibleRolePASSWORD_TEXT
final public static  AccessibleRolePOPUP_MENU
     A temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of those choices.
final public static  AccessibleRolePROGRESS_BAR
     An object used to indicate how much of a task has been completed.
final public static  AccessibleRolePROGRESS_MONITOR
     A role indicating the object monitors the progress of some operation.
final public static  AccessibleRolePUSH_BUTTON
     An object the user can manipulate to tell the application to do something.
final public static  AccessibleRoleRADIO_BUTTON
     A specialized check box that will cause other radio buttons in the same group to become unchecked when this one is checked.
final public static  AccessibleRoleROOT_PANE
     A specialized pane that has a glass pane and a layered pane as its children.
final public static  AccessibleRoleROW_HEADER
     The header for a row of data.
final public static  AccessibleRoleRULER
final public static  AccessibleRoleSCROLL_BAR
     An object usually used to allow a user to incrementally view a large amount of data.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSCROLL_PANE
     An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large amount of information.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSEPARATOR
     An object usually contained in a menu to provide a visual and logical separation of the contents in a menu.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSLIDER
     An object that allows the user to select from a bounded range.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSPIN_BOX
     A SPIN_BOX is a simple spinner component and its main use is for simple numbers.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSPLIT_PANE
     A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the same time.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSTATUS_BAR
     A STATUS_BAR is an simple component that can contain multiple labels of status information to the user.
final public static  AccessibleRoleSWING_COMPONENT
     A Swing component, but nothing else is known about it.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTABLE
     An object used to present information in terms of rows and columns.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTEXT
     An object that presents text to the user.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTOGGLE_BUTTON
     A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked, but does not provide a separate indicator for the current state.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTOOL_BAR
     A bar or palette usually composed of push buttons or toggle buttons.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTOOL_TIP
     An object that provides information about another object.
final public static  AccessibleRoleTREE
     An object used to present hierarchical information to the user.
final public static  AccessibleRoleUNKNOWN
     The object contains some Accessible information, but its role is not known.
final public static  AccessibleRoleVIEWPORT
     An object usually used in a scroll pane.
final public static  AccessibleRoleWINDOW
     A top level window with no title or border.

Constructor Summary
protected  AccessibleRole(String key)
     Creates a new AccessibleRole using the given locale independent key. This should not be a public method.

Field Detail
final public static AccessibleRole ALERT(Code)
Object is used to alert the user about something.

final public static AccessibleRole AWT_COMPONENT(Code)
An AWT component, but nothing else is known about it.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SWING_COMPONENT
See Also:   AccessibleRole.UNKNOWN

final public static AccessibleRole CANVAS(Code)
Object that can be drawn into and is used to trap events.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.FRAME
See Also:   AccessibleRole.GLASS_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LAYERED_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole CHECK_BOX(Code)
A choice that can be checked or unchecked and provides a separate indicator for the current state.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.TOGGLE_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON

final public static AccessibleRole COLOR_CHOOSER(Code)
A specialized pane that lets the user choose a color.

final public static AccessibleRole COLUMN_HEADER(Code)
The header for a column of data.

final public static AccessibleRole COMBO_BOX(Code)
A list of choices the user can select from. Also optionally allows the user to enter a choice of their own.

final public static AccessibleRole DATE_EDITOR(Code)
A DATE_EDITOR is a component that allows users to edit java.util.Date and java.util.Time objects

final public static AccessibleRole DESKTOP_ICON(Code)
An iconified internal frame in a DESKTOP_PANE.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DESKTOP_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.INTERNAL_FRAME

final public static AccessibleRole DESKTOP_PANE(Code)
A pane that supports internal frames and iconified versions of those internal frames.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DESKTOP_ICON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.INTERNAL_FRAME

final public static AccessibleRole DIALOG(Code)
A top level window with title bar and a border. A dialog is similar to a frame, but it has fewer properties and is often used as a secondary window for an application.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.FRAME
See Also:   AccessibleRole.WINDOW

final public static AccessibleRole DIRECTORY_PANE(Code)
A pane that allows the user to navigate through and select the contents of a directory. May be used by a file chooser.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.FILE_CHOOSER

final public static AccessibleRole EDITBAR(Code)
A role indicating the object acts as a formula for calculating a value. An example is a formula in a spreadsheet cell.

final public static AccessibleRole FILE_CHOOSER(Code)
A specialized dialog that displays the files in the directory and lets the user select a file, browse a different directory, or specify a filename. May use the directory pane to show the contents of a directory.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DIRECTORY_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole FILLER(Code)
An object that fills up space in a user interface. It is often used in interfaces to tweak the spacing between components, but serves no other purpose.

final public static AccessibleRole FONT_CHOOSER(Code)
A FONT_CHOOSER is a component that lets the user pick various attributes for fonts.

final public static AccessibleRole FOOTER(Code)
A text footer

final public static AccessibleRole FRAME(Code)
A top level window with a title bar, border, menu bar, etc. It is often used as the primary window for an application.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DIALOG
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CANVAS
See Also:   AccessibleRole.WINDOW

final public static AccessibleRole GLASS_PANE(Code)
A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top of all panes beneath it.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.ROOT_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CANVAS

final public static AccessibleRole GROUP_BOX(Code)
A GROUP_BOX is a simple container that contains a border around it and contains components inside it.

final public static AccessibleRole HEADER(Code)
A text header

final public static AccessibleRole HTML_CONTAINER(Code)
An object containing a collection of Accessibles that together represents HTML content. The child Accessibles would include objects implementing AccessibleText, AccessibleHypertext, AccessibleIcon, and other interfaces.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.HYPERLINK
See Also:   AccessibleText
See Also:   AccessibleHypertext
See Also:   AccessibleHyperlink
See Also:   AccessibleIcon

final public static AccessibleRole HYPERLINK(Code)
A hypertext anchor

final public static AccessibleRole ICON(Code)
A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.

final public static AccessibleRole INTERNAL_FRAME(Code)
A frame-like object that is clipped by a desktop pane. The desktop pane, internal frame, and desktop icon objects are often used to create multiple document interfaces within an application.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DESKTOP_ICON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DESKTOP_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.FRAME

final public static AccessibleRole LABEL(Code)
An object used to present an icon or short string in an interface.

final public static AccessibleRole LAYERED_PANE(Code)
A specialized pane that allows its children to be drawn in layers, providing a form of stacking order. This is usually the pane that holds the menu bar as well as the pane that contains most of the visual components in a window.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.GLASS_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.ROOT_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole LIST(Code)
An object that presents a list of objects to the user and allows the user to select one or more of them. A list is usually contained within a scroll pane.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SCROLL_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LIST_ITEM

final public static AccessibleRole LIST_ITEM(Code)
An object that presents an element in a list. A list is usually contained within a scroll pane.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SCROLL_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LIST

final public static AccessibleRole MENU(Code)
An object usually found inside a menu bar that contains a list of actions the user can choose from. A menu can have any object as its children, but most often they are menu items, other menus, or rudimentary objects such as radio buttons, check boxes, or separators. For example, an application may have an "Edit" menu that contains menu items for "Cut" and "Paste."
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU_BAR
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SEPARATOR
See Also:   AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX
See Also:   AccessibleRole.POPUP_MENU

final public static AccessibleRole MENU_BAR(Code)
An object usually drawn at the top of the primary dialog box of an application that contains a list of menus the user can choose from. For example, a menu bar might contain menus for "File," "Edit," and "Help."
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU
See Also:   AccessibleRole.POPUP_MENU
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LAYERED_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole MENU_ITEM(Code)
An object usually contained in a menu that presents an action the user can choose. For example, the "Cut" menu item in an "Edit" menu would be an action the user can select to cut the selected area of text in a document.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU_BAR
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SEPARATOR
See Also:   AccessibleRole.POPUP_MENU

final public static AccessibleRole OPTION_PANE(Code)
A specialized pane whose primary use is inside a DIALOG
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DIALOG

final public static AccessibleRole PAGE_TAB(Code)
An object that is a child of a page tab list. Its sole child is the panel that is to be presented to the user when the user selects the page tab from the list of tabs in the page tab list.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB_LIST

final public static AccessibleRole PAGE_TAB_LIST(Code)
An object that presents a series of panels (or page tabs), one at a time, through some mechanism provided by the object. The most common mechanism is a list of tabs at the top of the panel. The children of a page tab list are all page tabs.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB

final public static AccessibleRole PANEL(Code)
A generic container that is often used to group objects.

final public static AccessibleRole PARAGRAPH(Code)
A text paragraph

final public static AccessibleRole PASSWORD_TEXT(Code)
A text object used for passwords, or other places where the text contents is not shown visibly to the user

final public static AccessibleRole POPUP_MENU(Code)
A temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of those choices.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM

final public static AccessibleRole PROGRESS_BAR(Code)
An object used to indicate how much of a task has been completed.

final public static AccessibleRole PROGRESS_MONITOR(Code)
A role indicating the object monitors the progress of some operation.

final public static AccessibleRole PUSH_BUTTON(Code)
An object the user can manipulate to tell the application to do something.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX
See Also:   AccessibleRole.TOGGLE_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON

final public static AccessibleRole RADIO_BUTTON(Code)
A specialized check box that will cause other radio buttons in the same group to become unchecked when this one is checked.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.TOGGLE_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX

final public static AccessibleRole ROOT_PANE(Code)
A specialized pane that has a glass pane and a layered pane as its children.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.GLASS_PANE
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LAYERED_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole ROW_HEADER(Code)
The header for a row of data.

final public static AccessibleRole RULER(Code)
A ruler is an object used to measure distance

final public static AccessibleRole SCROLL_BAR(Code)
An object usually used to allow a user to incrementally view a large amount of data. Usually used only by a scroll pane.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SCROLL_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole SCROLL_PANE(Code)
An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large amount of information. Its children can include scroll bars and a viewport.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SCROLL_BAR
See Also:   AccessibleRole.VIEWPORT

final public static AccessibleRole SEPARATOR(Code)
An object usually contained in a menu to provide a visual and logical separation of the contents in a menu. For example, the "File" menu of an application might contain menu items for "Open," "Close," and "Exit," and will place a separator between "Close" and "Exit" menu items.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU
See Also:   AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM

final public static AccessibleRole SLIDER(Code)
An object that allows the user to select from a bounded range. For example, a slider might be used to select a number between 0 and 100.

final public static AccessibleRole SPIN_BOX(Code)
A SPIN_BOX is a simple spinner component and its main use is for simple numbers.

final public static AccessibleRole SPLIT_PANE(Code)
A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the same time. Between the two panels is a divider the user can manipulate to make one panel larger and the other panel smaller.

final public static AccessibleRole STATUS_BAR(Code)
A STATUS_BAR is an simple component that can contain multiple labels of status information to the user.

final public static AccessibleRole SWING_COMPONENT(Code)
A Swing component, but nothing else is known about it.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.AWT_COMPONENT
See Also:   AccessibleRole.UNKNOWN

final public static AccessibleRole TABLE(Code)
An object used to present information in terms of rows and columns. An example might include a spreadsheet application.

final public static AccessibleRole TEXT(Code)
An object that presents text to the user. The text is usually editable by the user as opposed to a label.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.LABEL

final public static AccessibleRole TOGGLE_BUTTON(Code)
A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked, but does not provide a separate indicator for the current state.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON
See Also:   AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX
See Also:   AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON

final public static AccessibleRole TOOL_BAR(Code)
A bar or palette usually composed of push buttons or toggle buttons. It is often used to provide the most frequently used functions for an application.

final public static AccessibleRole TOOL_TIP(Code)
An object that provides information about another object. The accessibleDescription property of the tool tip is often displayed to the user in a small "help bubble" when the user causes the mouse to hover over the object associated with the tool tip.

final public static AccessibleRole TREE(Code)
An object used to present hierarchical information to the user. The individual nodes in the tree can be collapsed and expanded to provide selective disclosure of the tree's contents.

final public static AccessibleRole UNKNOWN(Code)
The object contains some Accessible information, but its role is not known.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.AWT_COMPONENT
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SWING_COMPONENT

final public static AccessibleRole VIEWPORT(Code)
An object usually used in a scroll pane. It represents the portion of the entire data that the user can see. As the user manipulates the scroll bars, the contents of the viewport can change.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.SCROLL_PANE

final public static AccessibleRole WINDOW(Code)
A top level window with no title or border.
See Also:   AccessibleRole.FRAME
See Also:   AccessibleRole.DIALOG

Constructor Detail
protected AccessibleRole(String key)(Code)
Creates a new AccessibleRole using the given locale independent key. This should not be a public method. Instead, it is used to create the constants in this file to make it a strongly typed enumeration. Subclasses of this class should enforce similar policy.

The key String should be a locale independent key for the role. It is not intended to be used as the actual String to display to the user. To get the localized string, use toDisplayString.
  key - the locale independent name of the role.
See Also:   AccessibleBundle.toDisplayString

Fields inherited from javax.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
protected String key(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
protected String toDisplayString(String resourceBundleName, Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toDisplayString(Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toDisplayString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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