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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Core » swing » javax.swing.plaf.basic 
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All known Subclasses:   javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel,  javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel,
abstract public class BasicLookAndFeel extends LookAndFeel implements Serializable(Code)
A base class to use in creating a look and feel for Swing.

Each of the ComponentUI s provided by BasicLookAndFeel derives its behavior from the defaults table. Unless otherwise noted each of the ComponentUI implementations in this package document the set of defaults they use. Unless otherwise noted the defaults are installed at the time installUI is invoked, and follow the recommendations outlined in LookAndFeel for installing defaults.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeansTM has been added to the java.beans package. Please see java.beans.XMLEncoder .
   1.283 05/09/07

Inner Class :class AWTEventHelper implements AWTEventListener,PrivilegedAction

Field Summary
static  booleanneedsEventHelper
     Whether or not the developer has created a JPopupMenu.

Method Summary
protected  ActioncreateAudioAction(Object key)
     Creates and returns an Action used to play a sound.

If key is non-null , an Action is created using the value from the defaults with key key .

protected  ActionMapgetAudioActionMap()
     Returns an ActionMap containing the audio actions for this look and feel.

The returned ActionMap contains Actions that embody the ability to render an auditory cue.

public  UIDefaultsgetDefaults()
     Returns the look and feel defaults.
static  ObjectgetUIOfType(ComponentUI ui, Class klass)
     Returns the ui that is of type klass, or null if one can not be found.
protected  voidinitClassDefaults(UIDefaults table)
     Populates table with mappings from uiClassID to the fully qualified name of the ui class.
protected  voidinitComponentDefaults(UIDefaults table)
     Populates table with the defaults for the basic look and feel.
protected  voidinitSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults table)
     Populates table with system colors.
public  voidinitialize()
static  voidinstallAudioActionMap(ActionMap map)
     Sets the parent of the passed in ActionMap to be the audio action map.
protected  voidloadSystemColors(UIDefaults table, String[] systemColors, boolean useNative)
     Populates table with the name-color pairs in systemColors .
protected  voidplaySound(Action audioAction)
     If necessary, invokes actionPerformed on audioAction to play a sound.
static  voidplaySound(JComponent c, Object actionKey)
     Helper method to play a named sound.
public  voiduninitialize()

Field Detail
AWTEventHelper invocator(Code)

static boolean needsEventHelper(Code)
Whether or not the developer has created a JPopupMenu.

Method Detail
protected Action createAudioAction(Object key)(Code)
Creates and returns an Action used to play a sound.

If key is non-null , an Action is created using the value from the defaults with key key . The value identifies the sound resource to load when actionPerformed is invoked on the Action . The sound resource is loaded into a byte[] by way of getClass().getResourceAsStream() .
  key - the key identifying the audio action an Action used to play the source, or null if key is null
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(Action)

protected ActionMap getAudioActionMap()(Code)
Returns an ActionMap containing the audio actions for this look and feel.

The returned ActionMap contains Actions that embody the ability to render an auditory cue. These auditory cues map onto user and system activities that may be useful for an end user to know about (such as a dialog box appearing).

At the appropriate time, the ComponentUI is responsible for obtaining an Action out of the ActionMap and passing it to playSound.

This method first looks up the ActionMap from the defaults using the key "AuditoryCues.actionMap" .

If the value is non-null , it is returned. If the value of the default "AuditoryCues.actionMap" is null and the value of the default "AuditoryCues.cueList" is non-null , an ActionMapUIResource is created and populated. Population is done by iterating over each of the elements of the "AuditoryCues.cueList" array, and invoking createAudioAction() to create an Action for each element. The resulting Action is placed in the ActionMapUIResource , using the array element as the key. For example, if the "AuditoryCues.cueList" array contains a single-element, "audioKey" , the ActionMapUIResource is created, then populated by way of actionMap.put(cueList[0], createAudioAction(cueList[0])) .

If the value of the default "AuditoryCues.actionMap" is null and the value of the default "AuditoryCues.cueList" is null , an empty ActionMapUIResource is created. an ActionMap containing Actions responsible for playing auditory cues
  ClassCastException - if the value of thedefault "AuditoryCues.actionMap" is not an ActionMap , or the value of the default "AuditoryCues.cueList" is not an Object[]
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.createAudioAction
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.playSound(Action)

public UIDefaults getDefaults()(Code)
Returns the look and feel defaults. The returned UIDefaults is populated by invoking, in order, initClassDefaults , initSystemColorDefaults and initComponentDefaults .

While this method is public, it should only be invoked by the UIManager when the look and feel is set as the current look and feel and after initialize has been invoked. the look and feel defaults
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.initClassDefaults
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.initSystemColorDefaults
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.initComponentDefaults

static Object getUIOfType(ComponentUI ui, Class klass)(Code)
Returns the ui that is of type klass, or null if one can not be found.

protected void initClassDefaults(UIDefaults table)(Code)
Populates table with mappings from uiClassID to the fully qualified name of the ui class. The value for a particular uiClassID is "javax.swing.plaf.basic.Basic + uiClassID" . For example, the value for the uiClassID TreeUI is "javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI" .
  table - the UIDefaults instance the entries areadded to
  NullPointerException - if table is null
See Also:   javax.swing.LookAndFeel
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.getDefaults

protected void initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults table)(Code)
Populates table with the defaults for the basic look and feel.
  table - the UIDefaults to add the values to
  NullPointerException - if table is null

protected void initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults table)(Code)
Populates table with system colors. This creates an array of name-color pairs and invokes loadSystemColors .

The name is a String that corresponds to the name of one of the static SystemColor fields in the SystemColor class. A name-color pair is created for every such SystemColor field.

The color corresponds to a hex String as understood by Color.decode . For example, one of the name-color pairs is "desktop"-"#005C5C" . This corresponds to the SystemColor field desktop , with a color value of new Color(0x005C5C) .

The following shows two of the name-color pairs:

 String[] nameColorPairs = new String[] {
 "desktop", "#005C5C",
 "activeCaption", "#000080" };
 loadSystemColors(table, nameColorPairs, isNativeLookAndFeel());
As previously stated, this invokes loadSystemColors with the supplied table and name-color pair array. The last argument to loadSystemColors indicates whether the value of the field in SystemColor should be used. This method passes the value of isNativeLookAndFeel() as the last argument to loadSystemColors .
  table - the UIDefaults object the values are added to
  NullPointerException - if table is null
See Also:   java.awt.SystemColor
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.getDefaults
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.loadSystemColors

public void initialize()(Code)

void installAWTEventListener()(Code)

static void installAudioActionMap(ActionMap map)(Code)
Sets the parent of the passed in ActionMap to be the audio action map.

protected void loadSystemColors(UIDefaults table, String[] systemColors, boolean useNative)(Code)
Populates table with the name-color pairs in systemColors . Refer to BasicLookAndFeel.initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults) for details on the format of systemColors .

An entry is added to table for each of the name-color pairs in systemColors . The entry key is the name of the name-color pair.

The value of the entry corresponds to the color of the name-color pair. The value of the entry is calculated in one of two ways. With either approach the value is always a ColorUIResource .

If useNative is false , the color is created by using Color.decode to convert the String into a Color . If decode can not convert the String into a Color ( NumberFormatException is thrown) then a ColorUIResource of black is used.

If useNative is true , the color is the value of the field in SystemColor with the same name as the name of the name-color pair. If the field is not valid, a ColorUIResource of black is used.
  table - the UIDefaults object the values are added to
  systemColors - array of name-color pairs as describedin BasicLookAndFeel.initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults)
  useNative - whether the color is obtained from SystemColor or Color.decode
  NullPointerException - if systemColors is null ; or systemColors is not empty, and table is null ; or one of thenames of the name-color pairs is null ; or useNative is false and one of the colors of the name-color pairs is null
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if useNative is false and systemColors.length is odd
See Also:   BasicLookAndFeel.initSystemColorDefaults(javax.swing.UIDefaults)
See Also:   java.awt.SystemColor
See Also:   java.awt.Color.decode(String)

protected void playSound(Action audioAction)(Code)
If necessary, invokes actionPerformed on audioAction to play a sound. The actionPerformed method is invoked if the value of the "AuditoryCues.playList" default is a non-null Object[] containing a String entry equal to the name of the audioAction .
  audioAction - an Action that knows how to render the audioassociated with the system or user activitythat is occurring; a value of null , isignored
  ClassCastException - if audioAction is non-null and the value of the default "AuditoryCues.playList" is not an Object[]

static void playSound(JComponent c, Object actionKey)(Code)
Helper method to play a named sound.
  c - JComponent to play the sound for.
  actionKey - Key for the sound.

public void uninitialize()(Code)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.LookAndFeel
public UIDefaults getDefaults()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getDescription()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Object getDesktopPropertyValue(String systemPropertyName, Object fallbackValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Icon getDisabledIcon(JComponent component, Icon icon)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Icon getDisabledSelectedIcon(JComponent component, Icon icon)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getID()(Code)(Java Doc)
public LayoutStyle getLayoutStyle()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getSupportsWindowDecorations()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void initialize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void installBorder(JComponent c, String defaultBorderName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void installColors(JComponent c, String defaultBgName, String defaultFgName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void installColorsAndFont(JComponent c, String defaultBgName, String defaultFgName, String defaultFontName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void installProperty(JComponent c, String propertyName, Object propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void loadKeyBindings(InputMap retMap, Object[] keys)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static ComponentInputMap makeComponentInputMap(JComponent c, Object[] keys)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Object makeIcon(Class baseClass, String gifFile)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static InputMap makeInputMap(Object[] keys)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] makeKeyBindings(Object[] keyBindingList)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void provideErrorFeedback(Component component)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void uninitialize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void uninstallBorder(JComponent c)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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