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class TableView extends BoxView implements ViewFactory(Code)
HTML table view.
   Timothy Prinzing
   1.47 05/05/07
See Also:   View

Inner Class :class ColumnIterator implements CSS.LayoutIterator
Inner Class :class RowIterator implements CSS.LayoutIterator
Inner Class :public class RowView extends BoxView
Inner Class :class CellView extends BlockView

Field Summary
     SizeRequirements for all the columns.

Constructor Summary
public  TableView(Element elem)
     Constructs a TableView for the given element.

Method Summary
 voidaddFill(int row, int col)
     Mark a grid location as filled in for a cells overflow.
 voidcalculateColumnRequirements(int axis)
     Calculate the requirements for each column.
protected  SizeRequirementscalculateMajorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)
     Calculate the requirements for the major axis.
protected  SizeRequirementscalculateMinorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)
     Calculate the requirements for the minor axis.
public  voidchangedUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)
     Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed in a location that this view is responsible for. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods.
 voidcheckMultiColumnCell(int axis, int col, int ncols, View v)
     check the requirements of a table cell that spans multiple columns.
 voidcheckSingleColumnCell(int axis, int col, View v)
     check the requirements of a table cell that spans a single column.
public  Viewcreate(Element elem)
     The table itself acts as a factory for the various views that actually represent pieces of the table.
protected  RowViewcreateTableRow(Element elem)
     Creates a new table row.
protected  voidforwardUpdate(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)
public  AttributeSetgetAttributes()
     Fetches the attributes to use when rendering.
public  intgetColumnCount()
     The number of columns in the table.
public  intgetColumnSpan(int col)
     Fetches the span (width) of the given column.
protected  intgetColumnsOccupied(View v)
     Determines the number of columns occupied by the table cell represented by given element.
public  intgetMultiRowSpan(int row0, int row1)
     Fetch the span of multiple rows.
 RowViewgetRow(int row)
public  intgetRowCount()
     The number of rows in the table.
public  intgetRowSpan(int row)
     Fetches the span (height) of the given row.
protected  intgetRowsOccupied(View v)
     Determines the number of rows occupied by the table cell represented by given element.
protected  StyleSheetgetStyleSheet()
protected  ViewgetViewAtPoint(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)
protected  ViewgetViewAtPosition(int pos, Rectangle a)
     Fetches the child view that represents the given position in the model.
public  ViewFactorygetViewFactory()
     Fetches the ViewFactory implementation that is feeding the view hierarchy.
public  voidinsertUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)
     Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
protected  voidinvalidateGrid()
protected  voidlayoutColumns(int targetSpan, int[] offsets, int[] spans, SizeRequirements[] reqs)
     Layout the columns to fit within the given target span.
  targetSpan - the given span for total of all the tablecolumns
  reqs - the requirements desired for each column.
protected  voidlayoutMajorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)
     Perform layout for the major axis of the box (i.e.
protected  voidlayoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)
     Perform layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e.
public  voidpaint(Graphics g, Shape allocation)
     Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface.
public  voidremoveUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)
     Gives notification that something was removed from the document in a location that this view is responsible for. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods.
public  voidreplace(int offset, int length, View[] views)
     Change the child views.
public  voidsetParent(View parent)
     Establishes the parent view for this view.
protected  voidsetPropertiesFromAttributes()
     Update any cached values that come from attributes.
     Fill in the grid locations that are placeholders for multi-column, multi-row, and missing grid locations.
     Update the insets, which contain the caption if there is a caption.

Field Detail
ColumnIterator colIterator(Code)

int[] columnOffsets(Code)

SizeRequirements[] columnRequirements(Code)

int[] columnSpans(Code)

boolean gridValid(Code)

RowIterator rowIterator(Code)

Vector rows(Code)

boolean skipComments(Code)

SizeRequirements totalColumnRequirements(Code)
SizeRequirements for all the columns.

Constructor Detail
public TableView(Element elem)(Code)
Constructs a TableView for the given element.
  elem - the element that this view is responsible for

Method Detail
void addFill(int row, int col)(Code)
Mark a grid location as filled in for a cells overflow.

void calculateColumnRequirements(int axis)(Code)
Calculate the requirements for each column. The calculation is done as two passes over the table. The table cells that occupy a single column are scanned first to determine the maximum of minimum, preferred, and maximum spans along the give axis. Table cells that span multiple columns are excluded from the first pass. A second pass is made to determine if the cells that span multiple columns are satisfied. If the column requirements are not satisified, the needs of the multi-column cell is mixed into the existing column requirements. The calculation of the multi-column distribution is based upon the proportions of the existing column requirements and taking into consideration any constraining maximums.

protected SizeRequirements calculateMajorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)(Code)
Calculate the requirements for the major axis. This is called by the superclass whenever the requirements need to be updated (i.e. a preferenceChanged was messaged through this view).

This is implemented to provide the superclass behavior adjusted for multi-row table cells.

protected SizeRequirements calculateMinorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)(Code)
Calculate the requirements for the minor axis. This is called by the superclass whenever the requirements need to be updated (i.e. a preferenceChanged was messaged through this view).

This is implemented to calculate the requirements as the sum of the requirements of the columns and then adjust it if the CSS width or height attribute is specified and applicable to the axis.

public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)
Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed in a location that this view is responsible for. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods. If the element given to the factory isn't a table row or cell, the request is delegated to the factory passed as an argument.
  e - the change information from the associated document
  a - the current allocation of the view
  f - the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
See Also:   View.changedUpdate

void checkMultiColumnCell(int axis, int col, int ncols, View v)(Code)
check the requirements of a table cell that spans multiple columns.

void checkSingleColumnCell(int axis, int col, View v)(Code)
check the requirements of a table cell that spans a single column.

public View create(Element elem)(Code)
The table itself acts as a factory for the various views that actually represent pieces of the table. All other factory activity is delegated to the factory returned by the parent of the table.

protected RowView createTableRow(Element elem)(Code)
Creates a new table row.
  elem - an element the row

protected void forwardUpdate(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)

public AttributeSet getAttributes()(Code)
Fetches the attributes to use when rendering. This is implemented to multiplex the attributes specified in the model with a StyleSheet.

public int getColumnCount()(Code)
The number of columns in the table.

public int getColumnSpan(int col)(Code)
Fetches the span (width) of the given column. This is used by the nested cells to query the sizes of grid locations outside of themselves.

protected int getColumnsOccupied(View v)(Code)
Determines the number of columns occupied by the table cell represented by given element.

public int getMultiRowSpan(int row0, int row1)(Code)
Fetch the span of multiple rows. This includes the border area.

RowView getRow(int row)(Code)

public int getRowCount()(Code)
The number of rows in the table.

public int getRowSpan(int row)(Code)
Fetches the span (height) of the given row.

protected int getRowsOccupied(View v)(Code)
Determines the number of rows occupied by the table cell represented by given element.

protected StyleSheet getStyleSheet()(Code)

protected View getViewAtPoint(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)(Code)

protected View getViewAtPosition(int pos, Rectangle a)(Code)
Fetches the child view that represents the given position in the model. This is implemented to walk through the children looking for a range that contains the given position. In this view the children do not necessarily have a one to one mapping with the child elements.
  pos - the search position >= 0
  a - the allocation to the table on entry, and theallocation of the view containing the position on exit the view representing the given position, or null if there isn't one

public ViewFactory getViewFactory()(Code)
Fetches the ViewFactory implementation that is feeding the view hierarchy. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods. If the element given to the factory isn't a table row or cell, the request is delegated to the factory produced by the superclass behavior. the factory, null if none

public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods. If the element given to the factory isn't a table row or cell, the request is delegated to the factory passed as an argument.
  e - the change information from the associated document
  a - the current allocation of the view
  f - the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
See Also:   View.insertUpdate

protected void invalidateGrid()(Code)

protected void layoutColumns(int targetSpan, int[] offsets, int[] spans, SizeRequirements[] reqs)(Code)
Layout the columns to fit within the given target span.
  targetSpan - the given span for total of all the tablecolumns
  reqs - the requirements desired for each column. Thisis the column maximum of the cells minimum, preferred, andmaximum requested span
  spans - the return value of how much to allocated toeach column
  offsets - the return value of the offset from theorigin for each column the offset from the origin and the span for each column in the offsets and spans parameters

protected void layoutMajorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)(Code)
Perform layout for the major axis of the box (i.e. the axis that it represents). The results of the layout should be placed in the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the minor axis. This is called by the superclass whenever the layout needs to be updated along the minor axis.

This method is where the layout of the table rows within the table takes place. This method is implemented to call the use the RowIterator and the CSS collapsing tile to layout with border spacing and border collapsing capabilities.
  targetSpan - the total span given to the view, whichwhould be used to layout the children
  axis - the axis being layed out
  offsets - the offsets from the origin of the view foreach of the child views; this is a return value and isfilled in by the implementation of this method
  spans - the span of each child view; this is a returnvalue and is filled in by the implementation of this method the offset and span for each child view in theoffsets and spans parameters

protected void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)(Code)
Perform layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e. the axis orthoginal to the axis that it represents). The results of the layout should be placed in the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the minor axis. This is called by the superclass whenever the layout needs to be updated along the minor axis.

This is implemented to call the layoutColumns method, and then forward to the superclass to actually carry out the layout of the tables rows.
  targetSpan - the total span given to the view, whichwhould be used to layout the children
  axis - the axis being layed out
  offsets - the offsets from the origin of the view foreach of the child views. This is a return value and isfilled in by the implementation of this method
  spans - the span of each child view; this is a returnvalue and is filled in by the implementation of this method the offset and span for each child view in theoffsets and spans parameters

public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation)(Code)
Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface. This is implemented to delegate to the css box painter to paint the border and background prior to the interior. The superclass culls rendering the children that don't directly intersect the clip and the row may have cells hanging from a row above in it. The table does not use the superclass rendering behavior and instead paints all of the rows and lets the rows cull those cells not intersecting the clip region.
  g - the rendering surface to use
  allocation - the allocated region to render into
See Also:   View.paint

public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)
Gives notification that something was removed from the document in a location that this view is responsible for. This replaces the ViewFactory with an implementation that calls through to the createTableRow and createTableCell methods. If the element given to the factory isn't a table row or cell, the request is delegated to the factory passed as an argument.
  e - the change information from the associated document
  a - the current allocation of the view
  f - the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
See Also:   View.removeUpdate

public void replace(int offset, int length, View[] views)(Code)
Change the child views. This is implemented to provide the superclass behavior and invalidate the grid so that rows and columns will be recalculated.

public void setParent(View parent)(Code)
Establishes the parent view for this view. This is guaranteed to be called before any other methods if the parent view is functioning properly.

This is implemented to forward to the superclass as well as call the setPropertiesFromAttributes method to set the paragraph properties from the css attributes. The call is made at this time to ensure the ability to resolve upward through the parents view attributes.
  parent - the new parent, or null if the view isbeing removed from a parent it was previously addedto

protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes()(Code)
Update any cached values that come from attributes.

void updateGrid()(Code)
Fill in the grid locations that are placeholders for multi-column, multi-row, and missing grid locations.

void updateInsets()(Code)
Update the insets, which contain the caption if there is a caption.

Methods inherited from javax.swing.text.BoxView
protected void baselineLayout(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected SizeRequirements baselineRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected SizeRequirements calculateMajorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected SizeRequirements calculateMinorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void childAllocation(int index, Rectangle alloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean flipEastAndWestAtEnds(int position, Position.Bias bias)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void forwardUpdate(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getAlignment(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getAxis()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape getChildAllocation(int index, Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getMaximumSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getMinimumSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getOffset(int axis, int childIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getPreferredSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getResizeWeight(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getSpan(int axis, int childIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected View getViewAtPoint(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isAfter(int x, int y, Rectangle innerAlloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isAllocationValid()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isBefore(int x, int y, Rectangle innerAlloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isLayoutValid(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void layout(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void layoutChanged(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void layoutMajorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void paintChild(Graphics g, Rectangle alloc, int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void preferenceChanged(View child, boolean width, boolean height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void replace(int index, int length, View[] elems)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAxis(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSize(float width, float height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.text.CompositeView
abstract protected void childAllocation(int index, Rectangle a)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean flipEastAndWestAtEnds(int position, Position.Bias bias)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected short getBottomInset()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape getChildAllocation(int index, Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Rectangle getInsideAllocation(Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected short getLeftInset()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getNextEastWestVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getNextNorthSouthVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected short getRightInset()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected short getTopInset()(Code)(Java Doc)
public View getView(int n)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected View getViewAtPoint(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected View getViewAtPosition(int pos, Rectangle a)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getViewCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getViewIndex(int pos, Position.Bias b)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getViewIndexAtPosition(int pos)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected boolean isAfter(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected boolean isBefore(int x, int y, Rectangle alloc)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void loadChildren(ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape modelToView(int p0, Position.Bias b0, int p1, Position.Bias b1, Shape a) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void replace(int offset, int length, View[] views)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setInsets(short top, short left, short bottom, short right)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setParagraphInsets(AttributeSet attr)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParent(View parent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from javax.swing.text.View
final public static int BadBreakWeight(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int ExcellentBreakWeight(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int ForcedBreakWeight(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int GoodBreakWeight(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int X_AXIS(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int Y_AXIS(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.text.View
public void append(View v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public View breakView(int axis, int offset, float pos, float len)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public View createFragment(int p0, int p1)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void forwardUpdate(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void forwardUpdateToView(View v, DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getAlignment(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public AttributeSet getAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getBreakWeight(int axis, float pos, float len)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape getChildAllocation(int index, Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container getContainer()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Document getDocument()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Element getElement()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getEndOffset()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Graphics getGraphics()(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getMaximumSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getMinimumSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public View getParent()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public float getPreferredSpan(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getResizeWeight(int axis)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getStartOffset()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getToolTipText(float x, float y, Shape allocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public View getView(int n)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getViewCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ViewFactory getViewFactory()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getViewIndex(int pos, Position.Bias b)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getViewIndex(float x, float y, Shape allocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void insert(int offs, View v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isVisible()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape modelToView(int p0, Position.Bias b0, int p1, Position.Bias b1, Shape a) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void preferenceChanged(View child, boolean width, boolean height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void remove(int i)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e, Shape a, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void replace(int offset, int length, View[] views)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParent(View parent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSize(float width, float height)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean updateChildren(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, ViewFactory f)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void updateLayout(DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec, DocumentEvent e, Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] biasReturn)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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