| |
| java.lang.Object com.sun.midp.main.AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader com.sun.midp.main.CldcMIDletSuiteLoader com.sun.midp.main.AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader
AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader | public class AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader extends CldcMIDletSuiteLoader (Code) | | The first class loaded in an application Isolate by the MIDP AMS to
initialize internal security and start a MIDlet suite.
currentIsolate | protected Isolate currentIsolate(Code) | | Cached reference to the current Isolate
inUse | protected static boolean inUse(Code) | | Guards against multiple use in an Isolate.
allocateReservedResources | protected boolean allocateReservedResources()(Code) | | Allocates resources for a suite task according
to global resource policy
createSuiteEnvironment | protected void createSuiteEnvironment()(Code) | | Extends base class implementation with
creation of additional event producers
exitLoader | protected void exitLoader()(Code) | | Exits suite loader Isolate with proper exit code.
init | protected void init()(Code) | | Inits suite loader instance
initSuiteEnvironment | protected void initSuiteEnvironment()(Code) | | Extends base class implementation with MVM specific
initializtion of the AmsUtil class
main | public static void main(String args)(Code) | | Called for isolates other than the initial one.
Initializes internal security, and starts the MIDlet.
Parameters: args - arg[0] the suite ID, arg[1] the class name of the MIDlet,arg[2] the name of the MIDlet to display,arg[3] optional MIDlet arg 0, arg[4] optional MIDlet arg 1,arg[5] optional MIDlet arg 2 |
reportError | protected void reportError(int errorCode, String details)(Code) | | Posts suite task error to event system.
Parameters: errorCode - the error code to report Parameters: details - text with error details |
restrictAPIAccess | protected void restrictAPIAccess()(Code) | | Restricts suite access to internal API